Creencias y actitudes de docentes chilenos y españoles al enseñar escritura en la pandemia: un estudio contrastivo (original) (raw)

Chilean and Spanish teachers' beliefs and disposition when teaching writing in the pandemic: a contrastive study* 1

Educaçao e Pesquisa, 2022

National and international researches have shown how students and teachers face the teaching of writing. Nevertheless, the pandemic has created new needs of pedagogical research on topics like the teaching of writing in distance learning processes. The research aims to compare pedagogical experiences and practices a group of Chilean and Spanish teachers had during distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic times. This is a qualitative study that approaches from a digital ethnographic perspective, and it is circumscribed by the socio-critical paradigm. 20 Chilean and 20 Spanish primary school teachers volunteered to participate. They all confronted distance learning after the pandemic started in March 2020. A semi structured interview was conducted to gather data. The obtained information has been processed with the qualitative data analysis software NVivo 12. The answers of the teachers indicate a general change in the pedagogical practices after the pandemic, particularly in the teaching of writing. However, on the one hand, Chilean teachers are especially concerned about the students, on the other hand Spanish teachers are about training. The need of further training in distance teaching of writing can be detected in both contexts.

Teachers' Opinions on Teaching Primary Reading and Writing through Distance Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period

Journal of teacher education and lifelong learning, 2022

This study aimed to examine the positive and negative aspects of primary teaching reading and writing through distance education during the Covid-19 Pandemic period from the eyes of primary school 1st-grade teachers. The case study was determined as the method of the study. The participants were ten primary school teachers who teach 1st grades in a primary school located in one of the central districts of Mersin province. A semi-structured interview form was used to obtain data in line with the purpose of the study. The findings showed more negative aspects in teaching reading and writing with distance education. Among the negativities, the most mentioned issue by the participant teachers was the problematic writing of the students. In addition, they also highlighted the situations such as not being able to contact the students, indifference of the parents, not obeying the classroom rules such as unauthorized speaking and raising their hands. According to the opinions of the participants, it was stated that the use of distance education is not suitable for teaching reading and writing skills in general, and face-to-face education is needed for this. The problems encountered in this process are presented under four main headings. These are: "Problems originating from parents, technical problems, problems related to the learning-teaching process, and problems related to the learning environment". In order to overcome the problems faced by the teachers, Trying to involve parents more in the process has been the most used solution.

English teachers’ experiences about online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic

Epísteme Koinonía, 2022

Este estudio descriptivo cualitativo tuvo como objetivo describir las experiencias de los profesores de inglés en la enseñanza del idioma inglés en línea durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Los datos se recopilaron mediante entrevistas a ocho profesores de EFL de siete instituciones educativas ecuatorianas: cuatro instituciones públicas y tres privadas durante el año escolar 2020-2021. Los principales hallazgos muestran que los docentes utilizaron Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, Google Classroom y Zoom para las clases virtuales. También utilizaron Microsoft PowerPoint y Prezi para crear material didáctico y formularios de Google para la evaluación en línea. Además, se aplicaron diversas estrategias didácticas: canciones, juegos, videos, actividades grafo plásticas y juegos. El estudio también encontró que los maestros enfrentaron algunos desafíos: dificultad para acceder a la tecnología, problemas de conectividad, falta de preparación, pocas horas de enseñanza de inglés, interacción limitada entre maestros y estudiantes y apoyo no parental. Descriptores: Inglés; pandemia; tecnología educacional; estrategias de enseñanza. (Tesauro UNESCO).

Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching Writing Online Amidst the Pandemic: Voices from English Language Teachers in Philippine Universities

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2022

With the sudden transition to online instruction in most educational institutions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be assumed that there is paucity in research as regards the teaching of writing online during this crisis moment. To address this niche, 13 Filipino university English language teachers were asked to participate in both online semi-structured and follow-up email interviews to describe their experiences in teaching writing online during the pandemic, particularly the challenges they faced, their coping strategies to address these challenges, and the opportunities in online teaching they valued. The interview responses revealed three major challenges in teaching writing online: technological concerns and equity issues, vague response of schools to emergency remote teaching, and problems in assessment. Three key strategies to cope with these challenges were found: flexibility in communicating with students and in accommodating their concerns, initiatives for professional development, and gaining support from colleagues and students. Despite the challenges of online instruction, two opportunities for development in online writing instruction were identified: optimizing the use of online-teaching platforms and resources, and enhancing one's reflective practice. Implications for teaching writing online in particular and for online learning and teacher education in general are discussed in the paper.


Cambridge Scholars Publishing - ISBN13: 978-1-5275-1984-8, 2023

This small-scale case study (Creswell 2007, Savin-Baden and Major 2012) attempts to highlight the way in which teachers of a small secondary school (co-located junior and senior high schools)—in Karditsa, Greece—lived the experience of distance learning during the period of the forced suspension of the regular school operation. The specific study was an endeavor to strengthen the teachers’ reflection when the schools returned to their regular operation, regarding the way they experienced and, eventually, valued distance education. Teachers recorded their experience in a free-form text using open-ended questions (Züll 2016). The data were collected in April 2021 and processed with the application of the thematic content analysis method (Bonidis 2004; Braun and Clarke 2006; Elo and Kyngäs 2008; Tsiolis 2017). The responses were coded and the texts were thematically analyzed in categories that were not predetermined but emerged from the data (Miles and Huberman 1994). The trustworthiness of the content analysis was ensured after following the steps suggested in the checklist of Elo et al. (2014). The sample of the research consisted of eight teachers (four men and four women), who agreed to participate in the research

Ensuring Teaching Continuity: Chilean University Students’ Perception on Remote Teaching of English during COVID 19 Pandemic

JELTL (Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics), 2022

The objective of our study is to know the perception of Chilean university students toward the pedagogical methodologies in online English classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. We applied a questionnaire (built by fifteen experts, validated through a pilot test of 34 students, and improved with licensed 21.0 version SPSS in terms of consistency) to 341 students from different university programs. We analyzed the responses quantitatively and qualitatively and found out that 75% of the 341 students surveyed have shown agreement with the pedagogical methodologies applied in online classes and motivation in learning due to the permanent concern and communication of the teacher in charge. Besides, the students have also yielded satisfactory learning outcomes. These results reveal that the online English teaching of Chilean higher education during the pandemic has been good and indirectly show the willingness of Chilean university teachers to receive relevant and continuous training to deliver quality education. In 2022, many countries have returned to face-to-face classes, but we believe that the pedagogical methodologies used in this research could serve as a reference for teachers or researchers worldwide who wish to incorporate into their face-to-face classes a part of online teaching and do research on online English teaching.

The Challenge of Distant Teaching for Primary School Teachers of English during the Covid-19: the Cases of Spain, Italy and Romania


This paper illustrates some teachers' perspectives, beliefs and experiences as to distance learning before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The comparative analysis of the responses to a specifically designed online survey administered to a hundred primary-school EFL teachers in some regions of Italy, Romania, and Spain in May/July 2020, aimed to examine the brunt of the pandemic on teachers in those severely affected areas. Results suggest that educators were somehow prepared to face distance learning in terms of resources and materials. During the lockdown they used synchronic video-conferencing tools and online games more extensively; though they struggled to monitor children's progress and to uphold their motivation throughout the school closures, they seem ready to embed those instruments and strategies in future blended teaching. However, educators admit to lack training in how to implement FL online teaching and are concerned about its efficacy with young learners.

Exploring Teachers and Students' Perceptions towards Emergency Online Learning Intensive English Writing Course during COVID-19 Pandemic

Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 2022

For ages, teaching and learning face-to-face has been very popular and considered the best way to achieve knowledge and accomplish academic activities. However, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, where on the one side, the whole world was searching for a solution to cope with the situation on the other side online learning demonstrated a substantial alternative. The present paper aimed to investigate the teachers and students' perceptions of the emergency online learning process, especially for intensive English writing courses. The study is descriptive using the qualitative research methodology. The two focus groups (teacher and student) are interviewed, consisting of 42 participants, asking open-ended questions mainly about the benefits and challenges of the writing course during the Pandemic. The paper ends with the teachers and students' positive response that indicates the thrilled and jubilant welcome of the synchronized online/virtual learning in the latest situation that emerged due to the Pandemic. Eventually, the study discussed the quality assurance efforts, particularly towards the spontaneous conduction of lectures infused with motivation, responsibility, discipline, and flexibility offered without any interruption. The Internet proved a great learning tool in assuring many resources.

Pandemic Language Teaching: Insights from Brazilian and International Teachers on the Pivot to Emergency Remote Instruction

Finardi & Sevilla-Pavón, 2021

This article reflects on the experiences of language teachers from Brazil, Spain, France, Cyprus, Costa Rica and Taiwan during the pivot to emergency remote/online instruction during the 2020 pandemic. The research question motivating the study was what language teachers' perceptions regarding online teaching during the pandemic were. Data were analyzed qualitatively, contrasting data from a questionnaire shared in an asynchronous online form with data from focus group interviews carried out via videoconferencing. The analysis of the questionnaire data showed that the vast majority of respondents used different digital technologies to teach online, both synchronously and asynchronously, but felt unprepared to work in this modality, mostly because of lack of institutional support and training. The analysis of the focus group interviews suggested that most teachers expressed concerns as to the limitations of online teaching for interaction and exams. In addition, some teachers displayed negative attitudes towards online teaching due to the lack of preparation and institutional support. This was aggravated by political implications of migrating to online education that could result in precariousness of the teacher profession. The positive aspects highlighted were the possibility of developing more self-directed and autonomous learning, as well as experimenting with different technologies and approaches. Overall, the analysis of the data suggests that, after the pandemic and with due preparation and support, some of the digital technologies and approaches experimented with will be incorporated into pedagogical practices in blended approaches, which represent a real trend and possibility for language teaching in the post-pandemic context.

Adaptations to Emergency Remote Teaching on EFL Writing Course During the Covid-19 Pandemic


Covid-19 pandemic forced lecturers and students to stay at home and manage online remote teaching systems. This current study explored the adaptations to emergency online teaching on EFL Academic Writing courses in the aspect of practices and perception from both lecturers and students at university. A mixed-method approach was selected using an exploratory sequential design. The participants were a lecturer and 51 university students who registered for the course at a private university in Jakarta. The instruments were the lecturer’s documents from 14 meetings and an online questionnaire sequentially. The data were then analyzed using descriptive as well as thematic qualitative data analysis. The findings showed that the lecturer’s adaptations consisted of digital learning platforms, material delivery, teaching methods/techniques, and writing activity and assessment. Some students assumed that attending online remote teaching was confusing, while others had no adjustments and call...