Pengaruh Good Government Governance Dan Ukuran Legislatif Terhadap Kinerja Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Pemerintah Provinsi DI Indonesia) (original) (raw)


Jurnal Ekonomi STIEP, 2020

This study aims to determine the effect of Good Government Governance and human resource competencies,on the quality of regional financial reports. The population in this study were all district / city governments inthe provinces of Java and Banten. The sampling technique used is the census method. The data used areprimary data, namely giving questionnaires totaling 3 sets aimed at the Head of Office and the Head ofAccounting in the local governments of Java and Banten Provinces. The Head of Service fills in thequestionnaire about Good Government Governance and the quality of the report, while the Head of Accountingfills in about human resource competencies. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regressionanalysis. The results of this study prove that Good Government Governance has a positive effect on the qualityof regional financial reports in the Provinces of West Java and Banten, while human resource competencedoes not affect the quality of regional financial reports ...

Pengaruh Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah, Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah, Sistem Pengendalian Internal, Dan Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah Terhadap Penerapan Good Governance


The research aims to examine the influence local government officials performance, local financial management, internal control system, and government accounting standard implementation to the good governance implementation. Object of this research is local government unit at medium region Pekanbaru. Every each local government unit, this research only need three respondents. There are one hundred twentynine questionnaires were sent, but only ninety questionnaires are returned. That data are analyzed by multiple regression method. The variables were examined are influence oflocal government officials performance, local financial management, internal control system, and government accounting standard implementation to the good governance implementation. The results of this research showed that local government officials performance has an effect to the good governance implementation with 0,045 significant value, local financial management has an effect to the good governance with 0,0...

Good Governance dalam Pemerintah Daerah

MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 2012

The Governance is the frame to reform the government ideology, paradigm, culture and management. Such as a response action from the government that have made some policies as legal formal action. For reaching the good governance and the government highest performance, so tree of governance principal: accountability, transparency and participation must operate better by the real action that called the revitalization. It is injection the good governance values to public business that has a legal formal policy.

Pengaruh Auditor Internal, Auditor Eksternal Dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Terhadap Good Governance (Survei pada Kabupaten/Kota di Wilayah II Provinsi Jawa Barat)

Akuisisi: Jurnal Akuntansi

This study aims to examine: the effect of Internal Auditors, External Auditors and Regional House of Representatives on Good Governance in Regencies / Cities in Region II of West Java Province. Based on its purpose, this research is a verification study, namely research that seeks to test the answer to a temporary problem (hypothesis) based on a particular theory. The research method used was an explanatory survey, namely research using populations to explain the relationship between variables in the population. This study is intended to look for facts and factual information collected from respondents using a questionnaire given to the Inspectorate as an Internal Auditor, the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) as an External Auditor and Members of the Regional People's Representative Council in Regencies / Cities in Region II of Java Province West. Based on the results of the study it was found that the Internal Auditor, External Auditor and Regional House of Representatives had a posi...

Good Governance Diera Otonomi Daerah


Terjadinya krisis ekonomi di Indonesia antara lain disebabkan oleh tatacara penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang tidak dikelola dan diatur dengan baik. Akibatnya timbul berbagai masalah seperti korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme (KKN) yang sulit diberantas, masalah penegakan hukum yang sulit berjalan, monopoli dalam kegiatan ekonomi, serta kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang memburuk. Perubahan sistem penyelenggaraan pemerintahan menjadi desentralisasi menuntut redefinisi peranpelaku-pelaku penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Pemerintah, yang sebelumnya memegang kuat kendali pemerintahan, cepat atau lambat harus mengalami pergeseran perandari posisi yang sebamengatur dan mendikte keposisi sebagai fasilitator. Pemerintah berkewajiban melakukan investasi untuk mempromosikan tujuan ekonomi jangka panjang seperti pendidikan kesehatan dan infrastuktur. Tetapi untuk mengimbangi negara, suatu masyarakat warga yang kompeten dibutuhkan melalui diterapkannya sistem demokrasi, ruleo flaw, hak asasi ma...

Pengaruh Karakteristik Pemerintah Daerahterhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintahdaerah Seluruh Provinsi DI Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik pemerintah daerah yang diproksikan ukuran daerah, belanja daerah, kemakmuran daerah dan tingkat ketergantungan pada pemerintah pusat terhadap efisiensi pemerintah daerah Provinsi di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampel yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan dari kriteria yang ditentukan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 21 Provinsi di Indonesia periode 2015- 2016. Data sekunder yang digunakan adalah laporan realisasi anggaran dan laporan neraca yang diperoleh dari Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ukuran daerah berpengaruh positif , belanja daerah berpengaruh negatif dan kemakmuran daerah serta tingkat ketergantungan pada pemerintah pusat tidak berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi pemerintah daerah seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Kata kunci: belanja daerah, efisiensi, kemakmuran daerah, kinerja keuangan, tingkat ketergantungan, ukuran daerah THE EFFECT OF REGIO...

Pengaruh Penerapan Akuntansi Pemerintahan dan Pengendalian Internal Terhadap Good Governance (Studi Kasus pada Dinas Kesehatan dan Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Kerinci)

Journal on Education

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of implementing government accounting and internal control on good governance (case studies in the health office and the Kerinci district population and records office). Data were collected from questionnaires given to 22 employees of the Kerinci District Health Office and Population and Civil Registry Service. Data analysis was carried out using multiple regression analysis through the SPSS Version 20 program. The results showed that the Application of Government Accounting and Internal Control had an effect on Good Govarnance (Case Study at the Health Office and the Kerinci Regency Population and Civil Registry Office), this is evidenced by t count > t table (2.975 > 2.08596). Internal control has a significant effect on good governance (case study at the Health Office and the Kerinci Regency Population and Civil Registry Service), as evidenced by t count > t table (3.059 > 2.08596). Simultaneously there is a signif...


Secara umum, Good Governance adalah pemerintahan yang baik. Dalam versi World Bank, Good Governance adalah suatu peyelegaraan manajemen pembangunan yang solid dan bertanggung jawab yang sejalan dengan prinsip demokrasi dan pasar yang efisien, penghindaran salah alokasi dana investasi dan pencegahan korupsi baik secara politik maupun secara administratif menjalankan disiplin anggaran serta penciptaan legal dan politican framework bagi tumbuhnya aktifitas usaha. Hal ini bagi pemerintah maupun swasta di Indonesia ialah merupakan suatu terobosan mutakhir dalam menciptakan kredibilitas publik dan untuk melahirkan bentuk manajerial yang handal.

Studi Pemahaman Good Governance Pada Lingkungan DPRD Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Dalam Rangka Pengawasan Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah

CEMERLANG : Jurnal Manajemen dan Ekonomi Bisnis

This research is to find out how the understanding of good governance in the DPRD of Fifty Cities Regency is in the context of Supervision of the formation of Regional Regulations. This study used a purposive sampling technique where the researcher selected 9 key informants from different fields and then this research was analyzed by quantitative descriptive. The results of the study show that good governance is basically a concept that refers to the process of achieving decisions and their implementation that can be accounted for together. The importance of understanding good governance is something that must be fulfilled by every member of the DPRD so that the optimization of the supervisory function can run effectively and efficiently. Unproductive in formulating regional regulations, it is necessary to have optimal monitoring and in-depth evaluation of the outputs of regional regulations which will be a reflection of the government in being responsible for the results of these r...

Menimbang Pemerintahan Indonesia untuk menuju Good Governance

Pemerintahan yang bersih sangat sulit dicapai kalau para Penyelenggara negara ini bisa saling mengerti dan saling mensupport dari lembaga Politiknya dan jangan saling menyalahkan. harusnya Intropeksi saja masing-masing. agar masyarakat yakin dan percaya bahwa Good Governance bisa di jalankan dengan sebaik apa yang bisa di jalankan politiknya.