Analisis Perbandingan Penurunan Tiang Fondasi pada Lapisan Lensa dan Lapisan Tanah Keras (original) (raw)

Pengecekan Penampang Fondasi Tiang Terhadap Fenomena Likuifaksi Akibat Gempa

JMTS: Jurnal Mitra Teknik Sipil

Liquefaction is a phenomenon that can cause failure of the foundation. One type of foundation used is a pile foundation and it is necessary to check the effect of liquefaction. Checking the cross section of the pile foundation against the influence of liquefaction is done by varying the size and geometry of the cross section. First, check the liquefaction potential of the soil layer. Then, the axial bearing capacity is calculated without and with the influence of liquefaction. After that, the finite difference analysis on the foundation is carried out with the help of the program to obtain the lateral displacements and internal forces of the pile followed by control of the permissible lateral displacement and the capacity of the pile foundation. The results show that the foundation has failed axial bearing capacity and does not meet the requirements for moment capacity. After increasing the number of piles, the lateral displacements and shears for drilled shafts with a diameter of 1...

Pengaruh Waktu Terhadap Daya Dukung Fondasi Tiang Pada Tanah Lunak Dengan Variasi Kekasaran

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil (JRS-Unand)

Kapasitas daya dukung tanah lunak sangat kecil, untuk peningkatan daya dukung digunakan fondasi tiang friksi yang menggunakan kekasaran permukaan tiang dengan waktu pemancangan yang telah ditentukan yaitu 0, 4, 8, 16, 32, dan 64 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menentukan seberapa besar peningkatan kapasitas daya dukung fondasi tiang dengan variasi kekasaran permukaan tiang dan waktu pengujian pembebanan. Pengujian pembebanan menggunkan metode CRP (Constant Rate of Penetration Method) sedangkan untuk interpretasi kapasitas aksial tiang pancang menggunakan metode Terzaghi dan Peck. Semua variasi waktu akan dianalisis dan dibandingkan hasil daya dukung aksial dari fondasi tiang polos, kekasaran spasi dan kekasaran penuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan peningkatan daya dukung selalu meningakat dari umur 0 sampai 64 hari. Kapasitas daya dukung fondasi tiang terbesar terdapat pada tiang kekasaran spasi yaitu 55,9 N. tiang kekasaran penuh sebesar 54,5 N dan tiang polos sebesar 22,8 N. Fakt...

Analisis Penurunan dan Lendutan Sistem Pondasi Tiang Sebagai Perkuatan pada Tanah Gambut

TEKNIK, 2021

Salah satu metode perbaikan tanah gambut adalah metode preloading menggunakan timbunan. Daya dukung tanah gambut yang rendah dapat diantisipasi dengan perkuatan. Model timbunan dibuat dari potongan besi yang diberikan secara bertahap, sedangkan perkuatan dibuat dari grid bambu dengan kombinasi tiang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan penurunan dan lendutan sistem perkuatan pada tanah gambut menggunakan simulasi numeris dan perbandingannya dengan hasil pengamatan. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui model uji di laboratorium menggunakan bak uji berukuran 120 cm x 90 cm x 90 cm. Variasi uji model dibedakan berdasarkan panjang tiang masing-masing 10 cm, 25 cm, dan 35 cm. Beban-beban yang diterapkan terdiri dari 1

Studi Analisis Fondasi Tiang Pada Tanah Ekspansif DI Daerah Cikarang Dan Karawang

JMTS: Jurnal Mitra Teknik Sipil

Expansive soils contain the mineral montmorillonite, which is highly susceptible to changes in moisture content and can easily expand or shrink and subsequently damage the foundation or building above it. Foundation design is important in the construction of a structure and must be properly considered to strengthen the structure. In this study, we want to know the value of changes in the bearing capacity of the pile foundation during soil expansion and shrinkage. And also examine the value of bearing capacity and foundation settlement when there is a change in groundwater level. Because the clay soil shrinks and expands, the negative skin friction and heave analysis of the piles is also carried out. The results of the analysis were obtained using 2D finite element applications. Based on the results of the analysis of the bearing capacity value and soil settlement, the fluctuation of the groundwater table elevation is one of the influential factors, at low elevations the bearing capa...

Korelasi Skid Resistance dengan Kedalaman Tekstur pada Permukaan Perkerasan Lentur


Skid Resistance is the force generated between the pavement surface and vehicle’s tires to resist the vehicle advance motion when braking. In this research the correlation between skid resistance value and texture depth on the pavement surface will be determined. The skid resistance value determined by using the British Pendulum Tester (BPT) and to determine the texture depth used Sand Patch Method. The research is conducted directly on a macro textured surface with two methods. The first method is applied on Ngumban Surbakti Road where the samples tested with the same distance from the edge of the pavement along the road; The second method is applied on Jend. Sudirman Road where the samples tested with specific distances from the edge of the pavement until the median. From the results of the analysis, there are some conclusions: (1) there is a positive correlation between the texture depth and skid resistance with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.028 on Ngumban Surbakti Road...

Pemetaan Penurunan Elastis Fondasi Tiang Berdasarkan Data Sondir Kota Pekanbaru

Indonesian Journal Of Civil Engineering Education, 2021

Pekanbaru City has developed quite rapidly. Therefore, local governments are aware of thehigh demand for multi-story building construction, so that buildings built with more than two floorsare required to conduct a land subsidence test. The load of a structure will be transmitted by thefoundation to the ground, where the soil is expected to be able to support the load. The soil subsidencetest is obtained from the sondir test data or also called the Dutch Cone Penetration Test (DCPT)which is used to determine the profile into the soil continuously with the value of cone tip resistanceand blanket resistance (Wafi et al., 2013).The purpose of this study is to analyze the calculation ofthe settlement of a single pile foundation based on the foundation bearing capacity data from thesondir data obtained from the Riau University Laboratory using the elastic settlement method. Theresearch stages carried out are reviewing theories related to piles, then collecting data includingdata on the c...

Pengaruh Waktu terhadap Daya Dukung Fondasi Tiang Bersirip pada Tanah Lunak


Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengaruh waktu terhadap peningkatan daya dukung fondasi tiang sirip dan polos. Variasi waktu pengujian dalam penelitian ini adalah 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 dan 64 hari, semua variasi waktu akan di analisis dan membandingkan hasil daya dukung aksial dari fondasi tiang sirip dan polos. Hasil penelitian ini menampilkan hasil perbandingan terbesar antara tiang sirip dan tiang polos yaitu sebesar 538,75%. Pengujian tiang sirip berdasarkan fungsi waktu, daya dukung aksial mengalami penurunan pada waktu pengujian 1, 4, 16 hari. Sedangkan daya untuk tiang polos selalu mengalami peningkatan berdasarkan fungsi waktu. Faktor peningkatan daya dukung (∆10) adalah sebesar 0,054 untuk tiang polos dan 0,014 unuk tiang sirip. Faktor peningkatan hasil penelitian ini lebih kecil dari penelitian sebelumnya, hal ini karena tanah yang digunakan tanah lanau organik. Tanah organik memiliki kadar air yang tinggi dan daya dukung yang rendah terhadap beban.

Pengaruh Pemancangan Fondasi Tiang Pada Tanah Lempung Jenuh Terhadap Tekanan Air Pori


Abstract: Installation of driving pile foundation is causing excess pore water pressure on saturated clay. Experimental study of driving pile installation effect on clayey silt is conducted at laboratory scale through pore water pressure value observation. The pore water pressure value was read using pressure transducers and head-meters, which has been installed at different depth of the soil sample. The experiment was carried out on two different soil samples. Sample 1 requires 146 strokes to fully drive, and Sample 2 requires 50 strokes. The pore water pressure value was affected by pile penetration depth. The pore water pressure at the bottom of the sample is higher than pore water pressure at the top of the sample. Excess pore water pressure at the sample with more stroke numbers is greater than the sample with less stroke numbers. Pore water pressure change values at Sample 1 are 0,04 kg/cm2 at the top of the sample and 0,10 kg/cm2 at the bottom, while at Sample 2 are 0,02 kg/c...

Pengaruh Muka Air Tanah Terhadap Penurunan Fondasi Telapak Bujur Sangkar

FROPIL (Forum Profesional Teknik Sipil)

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penurunan fondasi telapak bujur sangkar di beberapa kecamatan di Kota Gorontalo dengan memperhitungkan kondisi muka air tanah. Kota Gorontalo merupakan daerah yang saat ini semakin berkembang di Provinsi Gorontalo. Dampak dari hal tersebut yaitu terjadi penambahan gedung. Lokasi penelitian yaitu di Kecamatan Dungingi, Kecamatan Kota Barat, dan Kecamatan Sipatana Kota Gorontalo. Data yang digunakan yaitu data primer berupa data tinggi muka air tanah dan sebagian data tanah di Kecamatan Kota Barat, Kecamatan Sipatana, dan Kecamatan Dungingi. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer yaitu data tinggi muka air tanah dan data karakteristik tanah. Analisis penurunan perangkat lunak GEO5. Nilai penurunan terendah terletak di Kecamatan Kota Barat nilai penurunan pada perhitungan terendah terletak di Kecamatan Kota Barat pada kondisi asli z>B sebesar 49,60 mm < 65 mm dan kondisi muka air rencana (dw > Df) sebesar 50,60 mm < 65 mm sedangk...