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Loan Recovery Performance of Group-Based Micro Credit Finance Institutions in Delta State, Nigeria
DOI: 10.21276/sjhss.2017.2.10.6 Abstract: The study was conducted to evaluate loan recovery performance among group-based micro credit institutions in Delta State, Nigeria using a well-structured questionnaire and oral interview. Respondent groups were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Primary data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, table, percentage, mean and trend analysis using bar graph and histogram. Inferential statistics such as multiple regression analysis technique was also used. The result revealed that a total of 163,100 group members have been reached with total savings mobilized at N2,560,126,690 and total loan disbursed at N33,851,127,825. The mean loan repayment rate was 91.29%. The trend analysis indicated a steady rise in the amount of savings mobilized and credit extended to groups. The result of the regression analysis indicated that five of the estimated determinants fund size, membership size, ...
Impact of group lending on borrowers’ welfare: the case of sidama microfinance, hawassa ethiopia
This paper was conducted in order to identify the impacts of group based lending on borrowers’ welfare by employing multiple linear regression using econometric analysis based on randomly drown 150 borrowers in Hawassa surroundings which is found in Sidama Zone SNNP Region, Ethiopia. The study found that among explanatory variables amount of credit, monthly income before credit, and being gender of respondents have positive and significant relationship with the current income level of household. This study revealed that credit provision to Microenterprise has a great role on the reduction of poverty in terms of rising income level of the beneficiaries, increasing self-employment, improving living status, empowering Women and generally inducing the seed for development of rural areas. Therefore strengthening the voluntary saving account is the key missing element of the microenterprises project. Credit is short term measures directed at encouraging enterprises. It may not last forever. So, beneficiaries must be encouraged towards saving their surpluses both individually and through associations. 3981.pdf
International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management
The study examines how the personal and business characteristics of micro, small and medium enterprise (MSMEs) borrowers of microfinance banks influence loan default, using Kano State as a case study. Research Methodology: The study employed a survey research method and the sample was drawn through multistage stratified random sampling and comprised 544 beneficiaries of microfinance banks selected from 10 local governments across the state. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using Logit and Probit models with the aid of STATA 13 software. Results: The findings revealed that family size, gender, and business age are significant determinants of loan default. Borrowers' marital status and age as well as the size and location of business were found to be insignificant in predicting loan default among microfinance MSME borrowers. Limitations: Part of the limitations of this study is the difficulty involved in getting the required information from the sampled microfinance beneficiaries. This research considered only personal and business characteristics of microfinance banks' borrowers as determinants of loan default in some selected areas of Kano State. Findings in other areas may differ. Contributions: This study contributes to the area of microfinance research by adding more value to the knowledge and literature existing in this field. Managers of microfinance banks will also find the outcome of this research useful as it will assist them in understanding the appropriate strategies to adopt in minimizing the default rate of their clients.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate how non-performing loans affect the operating profits, and interest income of microfinance institutions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research concentrated in some selected microfinance institutions within the Kumasi and Accra metropolis where majority is located. The study focused on 6 microfinance institutions in Kumasi and Accra. A total of 140 respondents were administered questionnaires and interviewed out of the total population. These include 20 loan officers, 10 recovery and risk management officers, 10 managers and 100 clients were chosen for the study. The study used purposive sampling and simple random techniques. Primary and secondary data were used for the study. Findings: The study identified the manufacturing sectors have the highest incidence of NPLs. The study discovered a connection between delinquent of recovery and unpaid loans and profitability of the microfinance institutions. A unit change in problem of ...
ABSTRACT Microfinance refers to the provision of financial services like savings, money transfers, payments, remittances, and insurance to the poor based on market-driven and commercial approach. However many microfinance practices today still focus on micro-credit; that is providing the poor with small credit with the hope of improving their labour productivity and thereby lead to increment in household incomes. Microfinance products tend to be for smaller monetary amounts than traditional financial services. The design of products and services offered fit the financial needs of individuals, households and enterprises which can change significantly over time, especially for those who live in poverty. The main objective of the study was to establish why micro finance institutions have a higher default rate as compared to the formal banking sector. This research adopted a case study research design where Jitegemea Credit Scheme was used to establish why micro finance institutions have a higher default rate as compared to the formal banking sector. The study relied on primary data collected from the credit department of the organization with the aim of establishing how the organization selects and appraises potential clients for disbursement of funds and how the various aspects of clients affect their possibility of default.The findings revealed that those clients aged between 30-40 years who have an average of 2 children and have a O’level education take up loans more frequently from MFIs since this niche of clients is active in terms of business and other economic activities therefore in need of financial support. Secondly, the findings indicate that few borrowers had been supervised on loan utilization which is a pointer as to why default rates could be higher in MFIs. The result of this study concluded that inadequate supervision of borrowers on loan utilization and loan repayment lead to default of repayments. Supervision is an important aspect since it compels borrowers to be committed; a fact expressed by borrowers who said they considered supervision important in loan repayment. In order to minimize default in repayments, MFIs should ensure that whoever they are lending to meets a minimum threshold in asset value before loans are accessed. The study recommends that MFIs should educate the borrowers on the need to spend less on household consumption so as to reduce on default as well as borrowers being able to save their money since a good number of the borrowers did not use the loans t for the intended. Such diversions were the reason why they were unable to keep up to date in their repayments. The study further recommends that in order for MFIs to reduce default in loan repayments, they should monitor the borrowers regularly so as to ensure that they use the loans they received for the agreed and intended. This can they can do through getting regular account statements from borrowers as well as physically visiting the borrowers to monitor and evaluate the progress of their loan projects
Assessing the Effectiveness of Credit risk Management Techniques of Microfinance firms in Accra
Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana), 2012
One fundamental problem faced by the Microfinance industry in Ghana during the period 2003-2007 was the technique adopted for credit risk management by the Microfinance firms (MFFs). This problem prompted this deductive study which was to assess the effectiveness of the techniques adopted by the MFFs to manage their credit risks during that period. The research examined the effectiveness of the techniques used by the firms. It was carried out with the support of a 5-member team from the Institute of Professional Studies, Accra, who assisted during the data collection phase of the study. The study was conducted using 20 Micro-firms in Accra which were randomly selected. The study established that the small MFFs were more vulnerable to credit risk than the bigger firms. The study came out with the recommendations that the MFFs should invest in computerised systems that would enable them compute and assess on a continuous basis, their credit risks track records and generate reports on credits granted. The firms should encourage their clients to insure against risk that might affect their businesses, invest in quality manpower so that they could assess their clients efficiently and help in managing their clients risk bearing portfolio. It was also recommended that the continuous use of written policies that guided most of the firms on credit granting should be encouraged by all the firms.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2020
The study was intended to analyze the determinants of group loan repayment performance of MSE's sectors a case of Oromia Credit and Saving Share Company operating in the East Wollega Zone. The survey data was conducted by using the structured questionnaire in order to collect primary data from the purposively selected branches whereas secondary data were collected from published and unpublished documents. Out of 424 total number of groups owned of MSE's sectors 168 sample size were selected and only 162 of the respondents have filled the questionnaire properly by their respective enterprise's group leaders. The collected data were analyzed by employing descriptive statistics and ordered logit model by using STATA soft ware version 12. Result of this study shows that out of the predicting variables used in this study, group leaders education level, group leaders experience in similar business, the enterprise's beginning capital, loan repayment period, loan follow up, Training offered by the loan officers of OCSSCO and access to output market for the enterprises finished products were found to positively influence while the enterprises group size, additional loan they received, problem of information disclosure among members, the problem of financial statement recording experience in the business, loan interest rate, problem of power interruption and shortage of water supply around the enterprise working area have negatively influenced the group loan repayment performance of MSE's sectors in the study area. Based on this result, the author recommended that OCSSCO has to focus on the smaller the group size through which the problem of information disclosure would be resolved ,they has to give frequent training about the financial statement recording experience, they have to deal with the concerned body to solve the problem of power interruption as well as about the shortage of water supply around the enterprise's business area and encouraging them to increase their beginning capital at the enterprise start up that used to build confidence in their loan repayment performance in the study area.
Credit risk has proven to be one of the main forms of risks financial institutions are exposed to due to their very nature of business operations. The study investigated the credit risk management of microfinance institutions in Ghana. The target population for the study constituted all the microfinance institutions in Ghana and specifically the study sample came from five microfinance institutions who operate in the Ashanti region. The study used questionnaires as its main data collection instrument. Findings from the study revealed that the key credit risk sources the surveyed microfinance institutions were exposed to in their operations were corporate, individual and SMEs commercial loans. Also, it was established that most of these microfinance institutions relied mostly on accounting based method and subjective analyses to quantify their organization risk exposures, hence it was recommended that management of these microfinance institutions should make it a point to build the capacities of their credit administration department on a regular basis since any mishap in their duties may lead to series of loan defaults.