A Semiotic Analysis and Cultural Values of Malaysian Automotive TV Advertisements (original) (raw)
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Essachess : Journal for Communication Studies, 2015
Abstract: Everyday consumers are exposed to a huge and wide variety of advertisements. These advertisements fall into different categories of communication media such as television, print media e.g., magazines and newspapers, cinema or billboards, radio etc. Advertising now reaches far more people than it used to with traditional media since it has major presence in new digital media which has also transformed immensely in recent time. These advertisements deliver and also utilise a wide range of meaning, symbols and messages also called semiotics in their advertisements. Importantly, large part of any individual is surrounded by lot of signs and symbols, however, the way they comprehend these sign, symbols and meaning differ from one to other individual. Since, India is a vast country with vivid and varied culture and demographics, it becomes a challenge for advertisers to target and attract right consumers through their advertisements. In such a situation it is essential for adver...
Semiotic and Cultural Analysis of English and Persian Advertising Slogans
University of Kurdistan, 2019
The scopes of this research were to analyze the semiotic and cultural aspects of 30 English and Persian advertising slogans of various brands and also to reveal the functions of advertising elements used in the advertising teasers. The slogans were sampled for the analysis on the random basis from the internet sources. The writer used descriptive qualitative method to describe and analyze the semiotic elements; objects; verbal and nonverbal dimensions of advertisements. The semiotic model used in this analysis was Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotic framework. The researcher identified the frequency of cultural and advertising elements used in the advertising slogans in order to illustrate the techniques used by the companies. The findings of the present research indicated that among the advertising elements, shots, color, and music were used more in the 15 English advertising teasers, but in 15 Persian advertising teasers, shots and color were used more than the other advertising elements. In addition, the functions of semiotic and cultural elements in advertising are as follows: they convey the messages more vividly and comprehensively, facilitate the communication between the advertisers and audiences, indicate the truths and facts in a different way, evoke the awareness and conscience of people in order to help others, convey a piece of information about the advertisement, make reference to a concrete or imaginary reality associated with the values of the advertised product or service, and build a bridge for social groups and various communities.
This paper uses Roland Barthes semiology to reveal the myth and ideology constructed in television commercial advertisement. The study tries to explain how the product consumed and used, work ideologically, by observing the dynamic relationship between the signifier and the signified in the broadcast commercial product text. The study focuses its area of concern in the motorcycle product advertisement aired on television and completed with direct interview with members of motor community of Makassar Indonesia. The result indicates that commercialtelevisionadvertising mediainIndonesia does notemphasizethemeaning ofdenotation(the benefits of the product), butitemphasizesthe symbolicsignwhich representsasimulacrumreality. The true meaning of the current human life is much determined by the relationship established between the man and the commercial products. Product serves from time to time as a symbol of social identity. Commercial advertisement works as a simulacrum that consists in making product impression and images constructed in human mind become natural and reasonable though around an ambivalent reality.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019
Purpose: The socio-culture of Muslim society in Malaysia ought to be the main aspect of constructing an advertisement message. However, in developing local media, advertisement contents still do not observe locality of culture and religion such that advertising fails to fulfill the social semiotics of Muslim society. This research analyzes the social semiotics element in advertisement text which constructs the socio-cultural discourse of Muslim society. Methodology: This is qualitative research using content analysis. The research sample was selected using purposive sampling. Discourses as material for analysis are TV adverts for health products. The three advert texts selected as initial research sample in analyzing the discourse and social semiotics are Almas Jus Nusantara, Qu Puteh Million Cell and D’Herbs Losyen Putih Susu. Research data was collected using coding form and analysed using Fairclough Discourse Analysis. Main Findings: Research results find that all three ads are s...
Social Science Journal, 2019
The mass media in the form of advertising is extensively employed in the process of nation-building in Malaysia. Advertising has been used as an important tool for educating the public about State issues, ensuring diverse cultures are equally represented and the multicultural values are emphasized to the fullest. The objective of the present study is to investigate how outdoor advertising, particularly billboards, promotes the language, social identity, and multicultural values of Malaysian society for nation-building. In Malaysia, the extensive use of advertisements has been argued as one of the most powerful mechanisms to enhance Malaysian identity, foster interactions and thus contribute to the process of nation-building even though it is portrayed in a banal and routine way. To achieve its objective, this paper utilizes semiotic methodology to examine 11 billboards to understand the relationships between texts and visuals that communicate messages to the public. The findings revealed that the billboards do not only communicate pro-social messages, but also reflect the language, social identity and multicultural values of Malaysian society towards nation-building. This study expands the work of outdoor advertising within the Malaysian society and contributes to Semiotic Analysis by examining textual-visual elements of billboards.
Semiotic Approach Towards Analyzing TV Advertisements: A Critical Discourse Analysis
International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences
Purpose - This research aims to uncover the ideologies and ethical perspectives behind electronic advertisements shown in Pakistan. The study examines the role of media adverts with an emphasis on stereotypic gender representation and spread of distorted information in shaping the minds of consumers through symbolic images and visual content. Design/methodology/approach - The current study is based on Peirce’s Semiotic Theory in 1860s, which analyzes the signs and visuals in mainstream television advertisements and unravel the social or cultural contexts underlying advertising discourse. Grounded in the theoretical framework of critical interpretation of electronic media, advertisements were interpreted using Semiotics and visuals features. The data for this study consists of three selected commercial broadcasts chosen randomly from all commercials aired on Pakistan’s most viewed TV channels (ARY, PTV, Geo, and Express). Lastly, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) has been used to cri...
Global Journal of Arts Education, 2018
Al though the word globalisation gi ves the impression as a uni fied whole, serious cul tural differences from country to country could not be ignored. To point out, there is a homogeneous worl d cul ture in toda y's condi tions tha t ma y not be very a ccura te. .Cultural differences a re especiall y more i mporta nt for brands pla cing international ads. For exa mple, white is known to be associa ted wi th dea th i n Asia, whereas i t is associa ted with heal th and cleanliness in Europe. Therefore, the success of the ad is dependent on the appropriate message according to the country where the ad is published. Global advertising concept, whi ch gained importance with the globalisation, loses the dis tinction of being the current ad types for businesses opera ting in the international a rena toda y. As a result, advertising has entered the glocal concept. Glocalisation is deri ved from a combination of words , global (global) and local (local). This paper exa mines globalisation, cul tural concepts, gl obal and local advertising by inves tiga ting the phenomenon with the Coca-Cola brand.
JRLS, 2019
The present paper aims to reveal the differences between Romanian and Japanese print advertisements from a cultural-semiotic perspective. Starting with Peirce's trichotomy of signs and Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions (1980, 2001) we intend to describe the particularities of advertising discourse in the proposed context in order to find possible explanations for the variations in discourse construction. Our hypothesis is built around the idea that advertisements are a reflection of a society's view of the world and therefore a cultural-semiotic analysis will provide significant insight into how norms and values are conveyed through signs. Considering that advertising discourse can be perceived as a collective good in which values and ideals are expressed through symbols a diachronic analysis of the words of advertisements can work as a powerful markers indicating how societies change. Perhaps the most visible change in discourse construction is the shift from an explicit to an implicit meaning and this phenomena be observed through the use of symbols and visual cues rather than words. Through the analysis of four Japanese and Romanian public service print advertisements created after 2015 we aim to explore the constituent signs of advertising discourse focusing on both language and context in order to show the connection between language and culture in discourse construction. The findings suggest that cultural adaptation is a decisive factor in persuading the viewer.
Hidden Language of Advertising: A Semiotic Approach
This article takes semiotic as a practical approach toward the study of advertising. An attempt has been made in this research to investigate the ideology or hidden languages in two 'OMEGA' watch ads which selected from time magazine issued 2002. Advertisers believe that a very crucial way to a successful advertisement is the use of photographic style. It may play a major role in catching the attention of the intended target market such as men, women, adults or teens."Like linguistic structures, visual structures point to particular interpretations of experience and forms of social interactions " (Kress and Van Leeuween 1996, p.2). The result of this study will show that semiotic reference occupies a pivotal point in the relationship between advertising discourse and ideology. Images, words, colors, and other signs should be an important part of the overall successfulness of advertisements.
Serat Rupa Journal of Design, 2017
ABSTRAK Banyak iklan global dibuat lebih homogen untuk berbagai negara dengan tujuan untuk menekankan brand positioning yang sama. Komunikasi yang konsisten dilakukan dengan membuat pesan iklan yang sama agar konsumen dapat dengan mudah mengenalinya dimanapun. Strategi ini juga menguntungkan dalam mengurangi biaya iklan karena mereka tidak harus mendesain ulang iklan baru untuk setiap negara. Iklan televisi Pepsi "Rising" dibuat oleh Agen CLM BBDO Paris untuk digunakan sebagai iklan global Pepsi untuk Afrika, Laut Karibia, Amerika Tengah, Amerika Selatan, Eropa, Oceania, termasuk Asia (India). Iklan untuk negara lain hanya dipersingkat dan dilakukan dubbing dari bahasa asing agar sesuai dengan bahasa lokal, tapi untuk pasar di China, mereka juga mengubah aktor dan beberapa atribut dengan alur cerita dan gambar dengan tingkat kemiripan yang sangat tinggi. Mereka menggunakan satu iklan global untuk banyak negara, tapi dengan sengaja mengubah iklan untuk pasar China agar sesuai dengan nilai budaya lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan semiotik Roland Barthes untuk menganalisis perbedaan makna denotasi antara iklan Pepsi global dan iklan Pepsi China yang memiliki gambar visual dan plot yang mirip di level denotasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui setiap elemen yang dapat mengubah pesan dan ideologi dalam iklan. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh adalah perbedaan yang signifikan antara iklan yang mewakili perkembangan budaya masing-masing yang unik. Kata kunci: iklan adaptasi, iklan China; periklanan global; individualisme-kolektivisme; analisis semiotik ABSTRACT Many global advertisements are created homogeneously to emphasize the same brand positioning. A consistent communication carried through the same advertising message is expected to help consumers easily recognize the brand anywhere. This strategy is also useful in reducing advertising cost because they don’t have to redesign new advertisements for different countries. Pepsi “Rising” TV Commercial was created by CLM BBDO Paris Agency as the Pepsi global advertising for Africa, Caribbean Sea, Central America, South America, Europe, Oceania, and Asia (India). The advertisements for other countries were only shortened and dubbed to make them fit with local languages. However, for the Chinese market, the agency changed the actor and some storyline attributes with those similar to the original ones. They used one global advertisement for many countries, but they deliberately changed it for the Chinese market. This study uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic to analyze the connotation level between the Pepsi global advertisement and the Chinese advertisement that have similar visuals and plot lines in the denotation level. This study aims to determine the elements that can change the message and ideology in the advertisement. The final results show significant differences among the advertisements that represent each unique cultural development. Keywords: adapted advertising; Chinese advertising; global advertising; individualism-collectivism; semiotic