TV-based conjugate gradient method and discrete L-curve for few-view CT reconstruction of X-ray in vivo data (original) (raw)
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Computational Optimization and Applications, 2017
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A scaled gradient method for digital tomographic image reconstruction
Inverse Problems & Imaging, 2018
Digital tomographic image reconstruction uses multiple x-ray projections obtained along a range of different incident angles to reconstruct a 3D representation of an object. For example, computed tomography (CT) generally refers to the situation when a full set of angles are used (e.g., 360 degrees) while tomosynthesis refers to the case when only a limited (e.g., 30 degrees) angular range is used. In either case, most existing reconstruction algorithms assume that the x-ray source is monoenergetic. This results in a simplified linear forward model, which is easy to solve but can result in artifacts in the reconstructed images. It has been shown that these artifacts can be reduced by using a more accurate polyenergetic assumption for the x-ray source, but the polyenergetic model requires solving a large-scale nonlinear inverse problem. In addition to reducing artifacts, a full polyenergetic model can be used to extract additional information about the materials of the object; that is, to provide a mechanism for quantitative imaging. In this paper, we develop an approach to solve the nonlinear image reconstruction problem by incorporating total variation (TV) regularization. The corresponding optimization problem is then solved by using a scaled gradient descent method. The proposed algorithm is based on KKT conditions and Nesterov's acceleration strategy. Experimental results on reconstructed polyenergetic image data illustrate the effectiveness of this proposed approach.
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Accurate image reconstruction from few-views and limited-angle data in divergent-beam CT
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Sparse reconstruction methods in x-ray CT
Developments in X-Ray Tomography XI, 2017
Recent progress in X-ray CT is contributing to the advent of new clinical applications. A common challenge for these applications is the need for new image reconstruction methods that meet tight constraints in radiation dose and geometrical limitations in the acquisition. The recent developments in sparse reconstruction methods provide a framework that permits obtaining good quality images from drastically reduced signal-to-noise-ratio and limited-view data. In this work, we present our contributions in this field. For dynamic studies (3D+Time), we explored the possibility of extending the exploitation of sparsity to the temporal dimension: a temporal operator based on modelling motion between consecutive temporal points in gated-CT and based on experimental time curves in contrast-enhanced CT. In these cases, we also exploited sparsity by using a prior image estimated from the complete acquired dataset and assessed the effect on image quality of using different sparsity operators. For limited-view CT, we evaluated total-variation regularization in different simulated limited-data scenarios from a real small animal acquisition with a cone-beam micro-CT scanner, considering different angular span and number of projections. For other emerging imaging modalities, such as spectral CT, the image reconstruction problem is nonlinear, so we explored new efficient approaches to exploit sparsity for multi-energy CT data. In conclusion, we review our approaches to challenging CT data reconstruction problems and show results that support the feasibility for new clinical applications.
Iterative tomographic image reconstruction by compressive sampling
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2010
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) are essential medical imaging tools with inherent drawback of slow data acquisition process. With the knowledge that radionuclide images are sparse in transform domain, we have applied a novel concept of Compressive Sampling on them. The proposed approach aims to reconstruct images from fewer measurements than traditionally employed, significantly reducing scan time and radiopharmaceutical doze, with benefits for patients and health care economics. The reconstruction of tomographic images is realized by compressed sensing the 2-D Fourier projections. These 2-D projections being sparse in transform domain are sensed with fewer samples in k-space and are reconstructed without loss of fidelity. These undersampled Fourier projections can then be backprojected by employing the iterative reconstruction approach for a complete 3-D volume. Our work focuses on the acquisition of 2-D SPECT/PET projections based on compressive sampling and their reconstruction using a non-linear recovery algorithm. Compressive sampling of a phantom image and PET bone scan scintigraph with radial Fourier samples are performed. The reconstructions of these images are compared to conventionally sampled images with MSE, PSNR and a new image quality measure, Structure SIMilarity (SSIM). The results show high quality image reconstruction using considerably few measurements.
Modelling the physics in the iterative reconstruction for transmission computed tomography
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Statistical reconstruction for quantitative CT applications
2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37515), 2004
This paper summarizes considerations in developing statistical reconstruction algorithms for polyenergetic X-ray CT. The algorithms are based on Poisson statistics and polyenergetic X-ray attenuation physics and object models. In single-kVp scans, object models enable estimates of the contributions of bone and soft tissue at every pixel, based on prior assumptions about the tissue properties. In dual-kVp scans, one can estimate water and bone images independently. Preliminary results with fan-beam data from two cone beam systems show better accuracy for iterative methods over FBP.