Interactive Animation Learning Media on Android as a Creative Learning in Regression Analysis Topic (original) (raw)

Pembuatan Animasi Motion Graphic dalam Pembelajaran Akuntansi Bagan Akun Standar untuk Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya


In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic season, learning activities are carried out online and a lecturer is required to be more creative in terms of delivering material and information to students. One solution is learning animation videos. Therefore, the purpose of the research on "Creating Motion Graphic Animation in Accounting Learning Standard Chart of Accounts for the Sriwijaya State Polytechnic Accounting Department" is to find out how effective this standard account chart learning animation video can convey standard account chart material to students in the online learning process. In this learning animation video, the material to be delivered is packaged with a fictional story played by 2D characters so that it becomes more interesting to know. Keywords: learning animation videos, accounting, standard chart of accounts

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Qbata Berbasis Android Menggunakan Macromedia Flash Professional

Alauddin Journal of Mathematics Education, 2020

The development of android-based media as a learning medium for junior high school students is motivated by the lack of fun learning media, especially in the field of mathematics that is able to increase students' understanding of mathematical concept. The development of this learning media uses Macromedia Flash Professional, Corel Draw x4 and Microsoft power point. All three are applications that are used to process menu views that will be included in multimedia learning. Multimedia is expected to be able to facilitate students in learning material to build flat. This study uses a research and development approach by adopting the development models of the Alessi and Trolip models. The development steps are (1). Planning (planning); (2). Design (design); and (3). Development (development). The subjects chosen in this study were Grade VII students of junior high school students. The trials in this study were conducted twice, namely small-scale trials using 2 or 3 students and large-scale trials using one class. The research instrument was a learning achievement test and used a questionnaire. The results showed that the learning media that had been made were considered appropriate to be used in mathematics learning with a feasibility standard greater than 70%.

Actas de, III Congreso Internacional de Educación Mediática y Competencia Digital: 15, 16 y 17 de Junio de 2017. Campus María Zambrano de Segovia. Universidad de Valladolid


This research is aimed to develop an accounting e-module integrated with character value for the tenth grade vocational students of Business and Management. This research is categorized as research and development (R&D). The procedure of the research utilized 4D-instructional design model i.e. Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The subject of the study is the tenth grade students of Vocational High School 6 Surakarta. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data were collected by questioner. Collected data were categorized as quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data is collected from e-module evaluation. While qualitative data were collected from in the form of advices and commentaries for product upgrade. Both data were analyzed descriptively. The Result of the research shows that accounting e-module integrated with character value is feasible to be implemented as accounting learning media.

Animation Media to Improve Student Learning Results

Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 2018

Learning methods in schools tend to use lecture and book models as learning media. Whereas at present, technology is growing rapidly. The use of technology as a learning medium is very important to attract students' interest in learning. At the Elementary School level, children still like learning while playing. This research proposes animation as a learning media for students in elementary schools. This media can be used by teachers as learning media. This animation media is expected to attract students' interest in learning, especially in mathematics subjects. In animation, visualization in the form of images moving on the subject of mathematics becomes one of the things that need to be optimized. The purpose of this study was to develop animation learning media as an alternative self-learning tool to help to master mathematics subjects for students and find out the feasibility of products for mathematics learning. The research and development methodology used in this study is Research and Development (R & D). This methodology covers all things related to development to produce quality interactive learning media software. Based on the trial, 81% of media experts, 88% of material experts, 70% of initial field tests, and 93% of field trials were obtained. Based on these results, the animation media for mathematics subjects has been feasible to be used as a medium of self-learning with an average value of 83% validation.

Penggunaan Permainan Digital dalam Pembelajaran Bilik Darjah Bagi Meningkatkan Kreativiti Dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik

Sains Humanika, 2018

Digital games are able to develop students' skills that are accordance with 21st century skills. There are various types of digital games that can be used in today's classroom. However, the challenge is how to choose a digital game that matches with the learning objectives and the desired curriculum. Therefore, this article will discuss how digital game selection can be made and what features should be taken into account when choosing digital games. The games used in this study is a logical game used as a medium to encourage students to think in developing their creativity when solving mathematics problem solving questions. This article also discusses about the selection of games that are made based on the features introduced in 'Magic Bullet' which are the things that need to be learnt, and the things that can be learnt. The findings of the students' feedback were also discussed in the study as it gives insights on the implementation of digital games in the classroom. In sum, the students stated that they can learn through the use of digital games and they realized that the problem-solving strategy could help them to solve problems they have faced and learning with peers also assist them to solve given problems. It is hoped that this article can provide guideline for researchers and teachers in selecting appropriate digital games that can be used in the classroom so that the objective of learning can be achieved.

Eğitsel Anlamda Artırılmış Gerçeklik Kullanımı:Bir İçerik Analizi Çalışması

The usage of technology in education to facilitate learning and increase the effectiveness of training is gaining a new dimension day by day. One of this innovations, recently gained popularity in the education community, is called technology. By using computer-generated data such as sound, video, and images, this technology enables display an environment like real World that could be make lessons more fun and engaging. It can provide a way of learning abstract concepts by bringing the perception of reality to the environment and also can increase the level of interaction by enriching the content of courses and printed materials. When

Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Masalah Untuk Mendayagunakan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika

This research is intended to describe the learning design using interactive multimedia with the content in accordance with the 2013 curriculum which emphasizes character education and encourages students to utilize higher-order thinking skills. This interactive learning multimedia is based on problems. The research method used is a development research with an instructional design model, ADDIE. The instrument used in this study is problem solving and questionnaire tests. The results showed that problembased interactive multimedia designed to be able to utilize high-level thinking skills, as seen from the evaluation results of students with 86.2% completeness. The response process of students and teachers after the implementation of learning with interactive multimedia based on problems showed a very good response.

Perancangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Inquiri Untuk Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

Sainstek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, 2019

This study aims to produce a learning media design in the form of multimedia mathematics based inquiry learning for fourth grade students of elementary school. This type of research is development research using the 4D model. This study looks at how the procedures for developing multimedia learning mathematics learning are viewed from the form of flowcharts, Storyboarding, and multimedia programming results of mathematics learning. Then validation was seen from 3 aspects including the content aspect, constructive aspects and language aspects. From the results of the research that has been carried out obtained the average validation of 84.5 with a very valid category. Based on the research data that has been obtained, it can be concluded that the multimedia learning mathematics based inquiry has been valit and can be used in learning in elementary school.

Pengembangan media buku cerita anak berbasis sumber daya alam lokal untuk menunjang matematika berhitung awal pada siswa TK


Learning media has a contribution in increasing student activity and motivation in learning. The use of the right teaching media in learning process can arouse desire, generate motivation and stimulate new learning activities. The more intensive the learning experience by students, the higher of the quality learning process itself. Student involvement is based on motivation and high interest from the students in participating in the learning process, and also from the teacher’s side is required to master the use of various types of media and learning strategies. For this reason, it is necessary to think about alternative learning media that are fun and appropriate for students. One of the media used in learning mathematics is a storybook based on Local Natural Resources whose contents are close to the lives of children. Its need creative thinking and innovation to create local cultural outcomes that are packaged so that they are accepted and studied globally. Environmental preserv...

Pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran matematika dengan swishmax

Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Matematika (JIPM), 2020

The use of multimedia learning today is an absolute demand in the world of education. However, there are still many schools that have not implemented multimedia in the learning process. Learning that is done in the classroom is still less effective, motivation and ability to understand students' concepts are still lacking. Learning multimedia will be developed with the SwiSHmax application to get valid criteria to be able to overcome the problems that exist in schools. The type of research used is Research and Development (RnD) research. The development steps used in this study adapt the development steps of ADDIE starting from the analysis phase, the design stage, the development stage, the application stage, and the evaluation stage. The validation questionnaire results showed the average validator rating reached 4.22, which means that the multimedia that was developed was included in the valid category. The results of the calculation of the practicality value of learning multimedia were 87.97%. Based on the results of the validation and practicality of learning multimedia, it can be concluded that this learning multimedia is included in the appropriate category for use in learning.