Relationship Between History of Birth Weight and Stunting Event in Children of 24 - 60 Months (original) (raw)
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Journal for Quality in Public Health, 2020
Nutritional problems are still a trend at the moment is the problem of stunting (short). Stunting (short) in Indonesia is a problem that is often overlooked because it is considered not to affect their children's future. Most of the community does not dispute the slow growth of the child's height when a toddler. While the child is still healthy and frisky, stunting (short) is not a problem that needs to be addressed. Design research is crossectional approach analytic. The research of the variable intake of food, infection, disease history of availability of food, nutrition and parenting as the independent variable and the dependent variable as a stunting Incident. Population research namely the entire toddler at toddler 397 Pustu Kedunglengkong as much as 2-5 years of age. Samples taken by random sampling technique as much as 101 respondents. Data collected by questionnaire instrument and processed by using coding, editing, tabulating and scoring as well as tested with logis...
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA
This study aims to identify the factors that can affect the incidence of stunting so it can reduce the incidence of stunting, especially in NTT Province. The type of research that will be used is analytic observational with a cross-sectional research design, which looks for the relationship between the independent variables, namely Low Birth Weight (LBW), exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, maternal education, and economic status, with the dependent variable being stunting in toddlers at a certain time. The study was conducted at the Integrated Healthcare Center, located in the working area of the Oebobo Health Center from 2020 to 2021 with a sample of 98 children under five. The sample was selected by consecutive sampling. The research material used was a validated questionnaire and height measurements using a stature meter. Then read the results according to the growth curve according to WHO. The data analysis used is the Spearman correlation test. Based on the 98 samp...
Analysis of Stunting among Toddlers at Mauk Health Centre Tangerang Regency
Nursing and Health Sciences Journal (NHSJ)
Stunting is one of the problems that hinders human development globally. In Indonesia, the incidence of stunting is around 30.8%, Banten Province 36.9% and in Tangerang Regency 38% where this is still far from the target set by WHO, which is 20%. The objective of this study is to identify the analysis of stunting among toddler in Mauk Public Health Center Tangerang District. This was an analytical survey with a case control design. The sample of this study was 132 people consisting of 66 cases and 66 control groups. Quota sampling sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis used chi-square test. The results show that majority of respondents who did not experience stunting was 84.2%, good knowledge of the mother was 55.3%, the mother's height was not short 64.4%, not given exclusive breastfeeding was 51.5%, did not experience LBW was 72.7%, the small number of family members was 57.6%, and a low family income was 64.4%. The results of the bivar...\_Vol.6\_Issue.1\_Jan2021/IJSHR-Abstract.047.html, 2021
Write Aceh is ranked third nationally for child stunting, behind East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Sulawesi (Sulbar). Currently, he explained, the government is aggressively campaigning for the prevention and handling of stunting. This is because the prevalence of stunting for infants under five years of age (toddlers) in Indonesia in 2018 was 30.8%. Based on a report from Puskesmas Padang Tiji in 2018, there were 114 (18.4%) toddlers aged 23-59 months who experienced stunting, while in 2019 it increased to 138 (20.9%) toddlers with stunting. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of stunting in children aged 23-59 months in the Padangtiji Community Health Center in 2020. This research method uses a case control approach. In the study, the control samples were toddlers who came to Posyandu who were randomly selected. The research sample was 50 cases and 50 controls, namely 1: 1. This research was conducted on December 10, 2020 to December 21, 2020. The statistical test used is the chi-square test by looking at the OR value and data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of this study were the relationship between the incidence of stunting with exclusive breastfeeding (P =0.016) (OR=3.071), birth weight (P=0.678), infectious diseases (P=0.523) and birth spacing (P =0.043) (OR=2,421). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and birth spacing with the incidence of stunting in toddlers aged 23-59 months in the working area of Puskesmas Padang Tiji in 2020. The suggestions are expected to further improve health promotion in the form of counseling related to the causes and prevention of stunting in order to increase knowledge mothers regarding stunting and prevention related to infectious diseases in reducing morbidity that can lead to stunting.
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2021
Aceh is ranked third nationally for child stunting, behind East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Sulawesi (Sulbar). Currently, he explained, the government is aggressively campaigning for the prevention and handling of stunting. This is because the prevalence of stunting for infants under five years of age (toddlers) in Indonesia in 2018 was 30.8%. Based on a report from Puskesmas Padang Tiji in 2018, there were 114 (18.4%) toddlers aged 23-59 months who experienced stunting, while in 2019 it increased to 138 (20.9%) toddlers with stunting. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of stunting in children aged 23-59 months in the Padangtiji Community Health Center in 2020. This research method uses a case control approach. In the study, the control samples were toddlers who came to Posyandu who were randomly selected. The research sample was 50 cases and 50 controls, namely 1: 1. This research was conducted on December 10, 2020 to December 21, 2020. The statistical test use...
The relationship between history of birth weight and stunting event in children of 24 -60 months
International Journal of Health Sciences, 2022
Stunting is a condition of a person's height that is shorter than the height in general (of the same age). Stunting in toddlers needs special attention because it affects the disruption of physical growth, in the form of mental development disorders and intelligence. In adulthood, physical size is not optimal and the quality of work is not competitive and results in low economic productivity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the history of weight and the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. Analytical survey research design with case-control survey design. The sampling technique used Disproportionate Cluster Random Sampling with a sample of 132 toddlers not stunting and 61 stunting toddlers. The study was conducted in April-May 2019 in Punjul, Pranggang in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. The analysis in this study used a chi-square test with a significant level of 0.05. The research results obtained ρ (0.014) <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between history of birth weight with the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri, and the results of the contingency coefficient test is 0.1683 which means there is a very weak relationship between a history of weight born with the incidence of stunting in infants aged 24-60 months in Punjul in the work area of the Community Health Center Pranggang Kediri. For the next researcher, it is expected to be able to examine more deeply the factors associated with the incidence of stunting.
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science
Background: Stunting or short was failed condition to grow of the baby (0-11 months old) and toodler (12-59 months old) impacted of the cronic malnutrition especially in the first 1.000 days of life its effecting the children to be too short. LBW is a factor that most dominant risk against stunting on child.Purpose : This research was to know the Correlation between history of low body weight of birth with the genesis stunting of the toodler aged 6-59 months in Mataram Ilir Village Seputih Surabaya Central Lampung 2019.Methods: This type of research is analysis observation with cross sectional design with purposive sampling as the sampling technique and Chi Square test as the bivariate analysis.Results: The results of the analysis showed that the frequency distribution of children with a history of LBW was 85 (35%), and the proportion of respondents with a history of normal weight birth was 152 (64.1%). While the frequency of the incidence of infants with normal height was 141 (59.5...
Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five due to chronic malnutrition so that the child is too short for his age. The prevalence of stunting toddlers has increased from 2016 that is 27.5% to 29.6% in 2017. The prevalence of stunting is higher than the prevalence of malnutrition and bad 10.2%. The purpose of this study for the risk factors for stunting in children under five in the work area of UPTD Health Center in Kuantan Bay Health Center. This type of research is analytic research with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all toddlers aged 1-5 years, totaling 551 with a sample of 65 people. Data processing using computerization. Univariate and Bivariate analysis of data with the Chi-Square test. Statistical test results showed a relationship between nutritional status (p = 0.002), Antenatal Care visits (p = 0.012, OR = 9,400) and environmental sanitation (p = 0.003, OR = 8,778) with the incidence of stunting in infants. It is hoped t...
Analysis of Risk Factors affecting Stunting at Sub-District Health Center Galesong Takalar Regency
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2021
Stunting (short) is a linear growth disorder caused by malnutrition of chronic nutrient intake or chronicor recurrent infectious diseases indicated by a z-score of height by age (TB/U) of less than -2 elementaryschool. The purpose of this study is to find out the analysis of risk factors that affect stunting in Sub-DistrictHealth Center Galesong Takalar Regency. The types of research used in this study are stunting case studiesin toddlers as dependent variables whereas the independent variables studied are birth weight, energy intake,protein intake, age and gender of toddlers, maternal education, number of household members, residentialareas and family economic status. The sample is a baby that has complete data according to the researchvariables (nothing is missing). As recorded in Sub-District Health Center Galesong Takalar Regency 2019using Lemesshow formula N = 298. The results showed that psychosocial stimulation affects stuntingproblems with a risk of 33.84 times. These result...
Stunting is one of the nutritional problems in the community, especially in toddlers, stunting is measured using the body length index by age (PB/U) or height by age (TB/U) which can be categorized as stunted (short) or severely stunted (very short). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidence of Stunting in children under five years of age. The research method used is descriptive approach with crossectional design. The population in this study amounted to 76 respondents and all were included as a sample, this study used the total population. The results showed no relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting on maternal education with value a p-value of 0.000, no relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting on the father's job with a p-value of 0.550, no relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence-value of 0.198, there is a relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting against exclusive breastfeeding with a p-value of 0.000, there is a relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting against maternal knowledge about food with a p-value of 0.000, there is a relationship between children under eat a child with a p-value of 0.000.