Planning Satellite Swarm Measurements for Earth Science Models: Comparing Constraint Processing and MILP Methods (original) (raw)
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Agile Satellite Planning for Multi-Payload Observations for Earth Science
ArXiv, 2021
We present planning challenges, methods and preliminary results for a new model-based paradigm for earth observing systems in adaptive remote sensing. Our heuristically guided constraint optimization planner produces coordinated plans for multiple satellites, each with multiple instruments (payloads). The satellites are agile, meaning they can quickly maneuver to change viewing angles in response to rapidly changing phenomena. The planner operates in a closed-loop context, updating the plan as it receives regular sensor data and updated predictions. We describe the planner's search space and search procedure, and present preliminary experiment results. Contributions include initial identification of the planner's search space, constraints, heuristics, and performance metrics applied to a soil moisture monitoring scenario using spaceborne radars.
Dynamic Multi-Sensor Multi-Mission Optimal Planning Tool
Remote sensing systems have firmly established a role in providing immense value to commercial industry, scientific exploration, and national security. Continued maturation of sensing technology has reduced the cost of deploying highly-capable sensors while at the same time increased reliance on the information these sensors can provide. The demand for time on these sensors is unlikely to diminish. Coordination of next-generation sensor systems, larger constellations of satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, ground telescopes, etc. is prohibitively complex for existing heuristicsbased scheduling techniques. The project was a two-year collaboration spanning multiple Sandia centers and included a partnership with Texas A&M University. We have developed algorithms and software for collection scheduling, remote sensor field-of-view pointing models, and bandwidthconstrained prioritization of sensor data. Our approach followed best practices from the operations research and computational geometry communities. These models provide several advantages over state of the art techniques. In particular, our approach is more flexible compared to heuristics that tightly couple models and solution techniques. First, our mixed-integer linear models afford a rigorous analysis so that sensor planners can quantitatively describe a schedule relative to the best possible. Optimal or near-optimal schedules can be produced with commercial solvers in operational run-times. These models can be modified and extended to incorporate different scheduling and resource constraints and objective function definitions. Further, we have extended these models to proactively schedule sensors under weather and ad hoc collection uncertainty. This approach stands in contrast to existing deterministic schedulers which assume a single future weather or ad hoc collection scenario. The field-of-view pointing algorithm produces a mosaic with the fewest number of images required to fully cover a region of interest. The bandwidth-constrained algorithms find the highest priority information that can be transmitted. All of these are based on mixed-integer linear programs so that, in the future, collection scheduling, field-of-view, and bandwidth prioritization can be combined into a single problem. Experiments conducted using the developed models, commercial solvers, and benchmark datasets have demonstrated that proactively scheduling against uncertainty regularly and significantly outperforms deterministic schedulers.
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2019
Quantitative precipitation forecast data, verification metrics, and adjoint sensitivities are reviewed to advance the quality of irrigation scheduling tools. ABSTRACT: Irrigation management consists of many components. In this work we review and recommend rainfall forecast performance metrics and adjoint methodologies for the use of predictive weather data within the Colorado State University Water Irrigation Scheduler for Efficient Application (WISE). WISE estimates crop water uses to optimize irrigation scheduling. WISE and its components, input requirements, and related software design issues are discussed. The use of predictive weather allows WISE to consider economic opportunitycosts of decisions to defer water application if rainfall is forecast. These capabilities require an assessment of the system uncertainties and use of weather prediction performance probabilities. Rainfall forecasts and verification performance metrics are reviewed. In addition, model data assimilation methods and adjoint sensitivity concepts are introduced. These assimilation methods make use of observational uncertainties and can link performance metrics to space and time considerations. We conclude with implementation guidance, summaries of available data sources, and recommend a novel adjoint method to address the complex physical linkages and model sensitivities between space and time within the irrigation scheduling physics as a function of soil depth. Such tool improvements can then be used to improve water management decision performance to better conserve and utilize limited water resources for productive use. Editor's note: This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series.
Estimating high-resolution near-surface forecast uncertainty to support optimization of resources
Adequate response to urban flood can be provided based on forecast with 48/72 hour lead time At this timescale uncertainties become very important for DSS system An assessment of rainfall uncertainties (QPF) and the knowledge about result reliability are needed Application: flash floods in New York City Preliminary assessment uses soil moisture as the land surface variable subject to initialization errors Hillside Ave Flooding. Same source, page 23.
We develop technologies for dynamic and near-real-time validation of space-borne soil moisture measurements, in particular those from the NASA Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) mission. Soil moisture fields are functions of variables that change over time scales of minutes to days or weeks, and across the range of spatial scales from a few meters to several kilometers. We develop a sensor placement policy based on nonstationary spatial statistics of soil moisture, and for each location, develop dynamic scheduling policies based on physical models of soil moisture temporal dynamics and microwave sensor models for heterogeneous landscapes. Furthermore, we relate the ground-based estimates of the true mean to the space-based estimates through a physics-based statistical aggregation procedure enabled by remote sensing and hydrologic landscape simulators. An integrated communication and actuation platform is developed and used to command the sensors and transmit their data to a base station in real time. Full-scale field experiments are planned (and some underway) in coordination with SMAP calibration/validation experiments to prototype the validation system. This paper summarizes the latest status of these developments, including the description of a nearly full-scale system prototype recently installed in Oklahoma. This first SoilSCaPE multi-hop network includes 20 wireless end devices each with 4 in-situ soil moisture sensors, 4 wireless routers, and a single wireless coordinator. The data from the network are uploaded to a web server via a 3G link.
SOMOSPIE: A Modular SOil MOisture SPatial Inference Engine Based on Data-Driven Decisions
2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), 2019
The current availability of soil moisture data over large areas comes from satellite remote sensing technologies (i.e., radar-based systems), but these data have coarse resolution and often exhibit large spatial information gaps. Where data are too coarse or sparse for a given need (e.g., precision agriculture), one can leverage machine-learning techniques coupled with other sources of environmental information (e.g., topography) to generate gap-free information and at a finer spatial resolution (i.e., increased granularity). To this end, we develop a spatial inference engine consisting of modular stages for processing spatial environmental data, generating predictions with machine-learning techniques, and analyzing these predictions. We demonstrate the functionality of this approach and the effects of data processing choices via multiple prediction maps over a United States ecological region with a highly diverse soil moisture profile (i.e., the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plains). The relevance of our work derives from a pressing need to improve the spatial representation of soil moisture for applications in environmental sciences (e.g., ecological niche modeling, carbon monitoring systems, and other Earth system models) and precision agriculture (e.g., optimizing irrigation practices and other land management decisions).
Contemplating synergistic algorithms for the NASA ACE Mission
Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XVIII; and Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XVI, 2013
ACE is a proposed Tier 2 NASA Decadal Survey mission that will focus on clouds, aerosols, and precipitation as well as ocean ecosystems. The primary objective of the clouds component of this mission is to advance our ability to predict changes to the Earth's hydrological cycle and energy balance in response to climate forcings by generating observational constraints on future science questions, especially those associated with the effects of aerosol on clouds and precipitation. ACE will continue and extend the measurement heritage that began with the A-Train and that will continue through Earthcare. ACE planning efforts have identified several data streams that can contribute significantly to characterizing the properties of clouds and precipitation and the physical processes that force these properties. These include dual frequency Doppler radar, high spectral resolution lidar, polarimetric visible imagers, passive microwave and submillimeter wave radiometry. While all these data streams are technologically feasible, their total cost is substantial and likely prohibitive. It is, therefore, necessary to critically evaluate their contributions to the ACE science goals. We have begun developing algorithms to explore this trade space. Specifically, we will describe our early exploratory algorithms that take as input the set of potential ACE-like data streams and evaluate critically to what extent each data stream influences the error in a specific cloud quantity retrieval.
A Coherent Approach to Evaluating Precipitation Forecasts over Complex Terrain
Precipitation forecasts provided by high-resolution NWP models have a degree of realism that is very appealing to most users of meteorological data. However, it is a challenge to demonstrate whether or not such forecasts contain more skillful information than their lower resolution counterparts. A verification procedure must be based on equally detailed observations that are also realistic in areas where ground observations are not available and remote sensing data can only increase the accuracy of the location of rain events at the cost of decreased accuracy in estimating the amount of rain that has actually reached the ground. Traditional verification methods based on station or grid point comparison yield poor results for high-resolution fields due to the double penalty error that is attributed to finite space and time displacement that such methods do not account for. A complete approach to evaluating precipitation forecasts over complex terrain is suggested. The method is based...