Effect of The Use of Cooperative Learning Approach Type Think Pair Share And Students Interest In Reading Towards Students Skill In Writing Observation Report Text (original) (raw)
2018, Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018)
This research aims to describe the effect of the use of cooperative learning approach type think pair share and interest of students in reading towards certain skill in writing observation report text in grade ten of senior high school. This research deploys a quantitative research using experiment method by applying static group comparison design. The sample of this research is grade ten students which are chosen by using purposive random technique. The finding suggests several things.First, there is impact in using cooperative learning approach type think pair share towards students' skill in writing observation report text. Second, there's also impact of the higher and the lower students' interest in reading toward students' skill in writing observation report text. Third, there's no relation between cooperative learning approach type think pair share and students' interest in reading toward students'skill in writing observation report text. Keywords-effect; think pair share; reading interest; observation report I. INTRODUCTION The learning of bahasa Indonesia aims to to train students to be able to perform an effective and efficient communication based on common norms and rules applied in society, written or unwritten, stated by Abidin in Juliawati (2015, p.2). Furthermore, it is expected that the students can train their skills in writing. Writing skill is a skill of converting ideas into a written form by constructing whole, complete and clear sentences which can be understood by the readers. However, writing seems to be an obstacle for number of students. It can be seen from Huy (2015, p.53) that students have problems in writing due to their lack of focus. Therefore, a better learning approach is needed. Cooperative learning approach type think pair share can be applied to fulfill this goal. Marhaeni in Nwaubani (2016, p. 4) finds there"s a significant impact of cooperative learning approach towards students" confidence (F = 754.104 dan sig = 0,000; p <0,05) and also students" skill in speaking (F = 60,325 dan sig = 0,000; p <0,05). Writing skill is necessarily needed to be mastered by the students as it is demanded in Curriculum 2013. Thus, it provides some text genres; one of them is observation report text. Writing skill of Grade X sudents demanded in KI 4, KD 4.2. Nevertheless, the problems founded during the learning. As it is found by Juwani (2015, p.130) that grade X students of SMA N 3 Purbalingga had problems in writing this text. They only achieved scores below the level of 70. Moreover, the researcher also found similar problems in SMA N 1 Payakumbuh. Based on the interview conducted on July 18, 2017, Ernageni as the teacher of bahasa Indonesia found out that the students face several problems in writing. First, they do not have a good skill in writing due to their lack of interest in reading. As the result, they do not comprehend the structure, language features and social function of observation report text. Second, students do not get well motivated in writing as well as they do not get enough exercises in writing. Third, the learning approach used by teachers is not attractive enough in engaging students" attention. Cooperative learning approach type think pair share is expected to facilitatee the students during learning process. In addition, students can comprehend language features in observation report text easily. Also, students can do the exercise way easier since they do it in pair. Students" achievement in writing could also be influenced by their interest in reading. Ariani (2015, p. 1) states that students" interest in reading give impacts to students" skill in writing a story in grade X SMA N 4 Bandar Lampung. In addition, Wiyanti (2014, p. 89) says students" interest in reading influences their speaking skill in SMA N of Jakarta. Also, Hardiyanti (2014, p. 1) claims that students" interesting in reading give impacts to students" skill in writing speech in grade IX Middle School 2 Tambun Selatan.