Single-Stage 6D Object Pose Estimation (original) (raw)
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GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided Direct Regression Network for Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
6D pose estimation from a single RGB image is a fundamental task in computer vision. The current top-performing deep learning-based methods rely on an indirect strategy, i.e., first establishing 2D-3D correspondences between the coordinates in the image plane and object coordinate system, and then applying a variant of the PnP/RANSAC algorithm. However, this two-stage pipeline is not end-toend trainable, thus is hard to be employed for many tasks requiring differentiable poses. On the other hand, methods based on direct regression are currently inferior to geometry-based methods. In this work, we perform an indepth investigation on both direct and indirect methods, and propose a simple yet effective Geometry-guided Direct Regression Network (GDR-Net) to learn the 6D pose in an end-to-end manner from dense correspondence-based intermediate geometric representations. Extensive experiments show that our approach remarkably outperforms state-ofthe-art methods on LM, LM-O and YCB-V datasets. Code
DeepIM: Deep Iterative Matching for 6D Pose Estimation
International Journal of Computer Vision
Estimating 6D poses of objects from images is an important problem in various applications such as robot manipulation and virtual reality. While direct regression of images to object poses has limited accuracy, matching rendered images of an object against the input image can produce accurate results. In this work, we propose a novel deep neural network for 6D pose matching named DeepIM. Given an initial pose estimation, our network is able to iteratively refine the pose by matching the rendered image against the observed image. The network is trained to predict a relative pose transformation using a disentangled representation of 3D location and 3D orientation and an iterative training process. Experiments on two commonly used benchmarks for 6D pose estimation demonstrate that DeepIM achieves large improvements over state-ofthe-art methods. We furthermore show that DeepIM is able to match previously unseen objects. Keywords 3D object recognition • 6D object pose estimation • Object tracking 1 Introduction Localizing objects in 3D from images is important in many real world applications. For instance, in a robot manipulation task, the ability to recognize the 6D pose of objects, i.e., 3D location and 3D orientation of objects, provides useful information for grasp and motion planning. In a virtual reality application, 6D object pose estimation enables virtual interactions between human and objects. While several recent techniques have used depth cameras for object pose estimation, such cameras have limitations with respect to frame rate, Communicated by Cristian Sminchisescu.
BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
We propose a benchmark for 6D pose estimation of a rigid object from a single RGB-D input image. The training data consists of a texture-mapped 3D object model or images of the object in known 6D poses. The benchmark comprises of: i) eight datasets in a unified format that cover different practical scenarios, including two new datasets focusing on varying lighting conditions, ii) an evaluation methodology with a pose-error function that deals with pose ambiguities, iii) a comprehensive evaluation of 15 diverse recent methods that captures the status quo of the field, and iv) an online evaluation system that is open for continuous submission of new results. The evaluation shows that methods based on point-pair features currently perform best, outperforming template matching methods, learning-based methods and methods based on 3D local features. The project website is available at * Authors have been leading the project jointly.
Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation via Cascaded Relation and Recurrent Reconstruction Networks
ArXiv, 2021
Category-level 6D pose estimation, aiming to predict the location and orientation of unseen object instances, is fundamental to many scenarios such as robotic manipulation and augmented reality, yet still remains unsolved. Precisely recovering instance 3D model in the canonical space and accurately matching it with the observation is an essential point when estimating 6D pose for unseen objects. In this paper, we achieve accurate category-level 6D pose estimation via cascaded relation and recurrent reconstruction networks. Specifically, a novel cascaded relation network is dedicated for advanced representation learning to explore the complex and informative relations among instance RGB image, instance point cloud and category shape prior. Furthermore, we design a recurrent reconstruction network for iterative residual refinement to progressively improve the reconstruction and correspondence estimations from coarse to fine. Finally, the instance 6D pose is obtained leveraging the est...
Multi-View Matching Network for 6D Pose Estimation
arXiv (Cornell University), 2019
Applications that interact with the real world such as augmented reality or robot manipulation require a good understanding of the location and pose of the surrounding objects. In this paper, we present a new approach to estimate the 6 Degree of Freedom (DoF) or 6D pose of objects from a single RGB image. Our approach can be paired with an object detection and segmentation method to estimate, refine and track the pose of the objects by matching the input image with rendered images.
G2L-Net: Global to Local Network for Real-time 6D Pose Estimation with Embedding Vector Features
arXiv (Cornell University), 2020
In this paper, we propose a novel real-time 6D object pose estimation framework, named G2L-Net. Our network operates on point clouds from RGB-D detection in a divideand-conquer fashion. Specifically, our network consists of three steps. First, we extract the coarse object point cloud from the RGB-D image by 2D detection. Second, we feed the coarse object point cloud to a translation localization network to perform 3D segmentation and object translation prediction. Third, via the predicted segmentation and translation, we transfer the fine object point cloud into a local canonical coordinate, in which we train a rotation localization network to estimate initial object rotation. In the third step, we define point-wise embedding vector features to capture viewpoint-aware information. To calculate more accurate rotation, we adopt a rotation residual estimator to estimate the residual between initial rotation and ground truth, which can boost initial pose estimation performance. Our proposed G2L-Net is real-time despite the fact multiple steps are stacked via the proposed coarse-to-fine framework. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that G2L-Net achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of both accuracy and speed. 1
Self6D: Self-supervised Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation
Computer Vision – ECCV 2020
Estimating the 6D object pose is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have recently proven to be capable of predicting reliable 6D pose estimates even from monocular images. Nonetheless, CNNs are identified as being extremely data-driven, yet, acquiring adequate annotations is oftentimes very time-consuming and labor intensive. To overcome this shortcoming, we propose the idea of monocular 6D pose estimation by means of self-supervised learning, which eradicates the need for real data with annotations. After training our proposed network fully supervised with synthetic RGB data, we leverage recent advances in neural rendering to further self-supervise the model on unannotated real RGB-D data, seeking for a visually and geometrically optimal alignment. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our proposed self-supervision is able to significantly enhance the model's original performance, outperforming all other methods relying on synthetic data or employing elaborate techniques from the domain adaptation realm.
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
In this paper, we focus on category-level 6D pose and size estimation from a monocular RGB-D image. Previous methods suffer from inefficient category-level pose feature extraction, which leads to low accuracy and inference speed. To tackle this problem, we propose a fast shapebased network (FS-Net) with efficient category-level feature extraction for 6D pose estimation. First, we design an orientation aware autoencoder with 3D graph convolution for latent feature extraction. Thanks to the shift and scaleinvariance properties of 3D graph convolution, the learned latent feature is insensitive to point shift and object size. Then, to efficiently decode category-level rotation information from the latent feature, we propose a novel decoupled rotation mechanism that employs two decoders to complementarily access the rotation information. For translation and size, we estimate them by two residuals: the difference between the mean of object points and ground truth translation, and the difference between the mean size of the category and ground truth size, respectively. Finally, to increase the generalization ability of the FS-Net, we propose an online box-cage based 3D deformation mechanism to augment the training data. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that the proposed method achieves state-ofthe-art performance in both category-and instance-level 6D object pose estimation. Especially in category-level pose estimation, without extra synthetic data, our method outperforms existing methods by 6.3% on the NOCS-REAL dataset 1 .
Segmentation-Driven 6D Object Pose Estimation
2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019
The most recent trend in estimating the 6D pose of rigid objects has been to train deep networks to either directly regress the pose from the image or to predict the 2D locations of 3D keypoints, from which the pose can be obtained using a PnP algorithm. In both cases, the object is treated as a global entity, and a single pose estimate is computed. As a consequence, the resulting techniques can be vulnerable to large occlusions. In this paper, we introduce a segmentation-driven 6D pose estimation framework where each visible part of the objects contributes a local pose prediction in the form of 2D keypoint locations. We then use a predicted measure of confidence to combine these pose candidates into a robust set of 3D-to-2D correspondences, from which a reliable pose estimate can be obtained. We outperform the state-ofthe-art on the challenging Occluded-LINEMOD and YCB-Video datasets, which is evidence that our approach deals well with multiple poorly-textured objects occluding each other. Furthermore, it relies on a simple enough architecture to achieve real-time performance.
6-DoF object pose from semantic keypoints
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017
This paper presents a novel approach to estimating the continuous six degree of freedom (6-DoF) pose (3D translation and rotation) of an object from a single RGB image. The approach combines semantic keypoints predicted by a convolutional network (convnet) with a deformable shape model. Unlike prior work, we are agnostic to whether the object is textured or textureless, as the convnet learns the optimal representation from the available training image data. Furthermore, the approach can be applied to instance-and class-based pose recovery. Empirically, we show that the proposed approach can accurately recover the 6-DoF object pose for both instanceand class-based scenarios with a cluttered background. For class-based object pose estimation, state-of-the-art accuracy is shown on the large-scale PASCAL3D+ dataset.