Okul Öncesi Öğretmen Adaylarının Çevre Eğitimi Temalı Etkinlik Planlarının İncelenmesi (original) (raw)
2022, E- Kafkas eğitim araştırmaları dergisi
This study was conducted to examine the activity plans prepared by preschool teacher candidates in the environmental education course. Document analysis method was used in the study. The sample of the study was determined according to the convenience sampling method from non-selective sampling methods. The study was conducted with 66 preschool teacher candidates attending a state university education faculty. Of the preschool teacher candidates in the study group, 4 (6.06%) attend the 2nd grade, and 62 (93.93%) attend the 3rd grade. 52 (78.78%) of the candidates are woman and 14 (21.21%) are man. Within the scope of the research, theoretical information about environmental education was given to preschool teacher candidates for seven weeks. In addition, information on how environmental education activity plans should be prepared is also provided. Preschool teacher candidates need to be aware of issues that researchers, biodiversity, pollution, recycling, energy and environment, which are the three basic components (air, water and soil) are grouped under five main headings, including. Prospective teachers were asked to prepare activity plans for these topics. The documents prepared by the candidates were analyzed according to the content analysis. The mistakes made by the candidates in their environmental education activity plans were examined. As a result of the findings obtained, it has been concluded that the environmental education activity plans prepared by preschool teacher candidates have mistakes in terms of objectives, learning process, evaluation sections and teaching methods, techniques and principles they use.