Impact of drained and un-drained soil conditions on water table depths, soil salinity and crop yields (original) (raw)
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Response of crops on shallow water table soils irrigated with deteriorating water qualities
This study was undertaken to investigate a number of issues regarding the effect of using saline irrigation water for crop production on soils with shallow water tables. The experiments were conducted in large drainage lysimeters, filled with a yellow sandy soil and a red sandy loam soil in which shallow saline water tables were maintained at a constant depth of 1.2 m. Wheat, beans, peas and maize were grown under controlled conditions using irrigation water with salinities that ranged from 15 to 600 mS m-1. This facility was used to determine the effect of irrigation water and water table salinity on crop yield and water uptake, as well as salt accumulation in the root zone during growing seasons. The field experiments simulated conditions of adequate water supply to the crops through irrigation in the presence of a shallow saline water table. Except for wheat that gave better yields in the more clayey soil, the growth of the other three crops was similar on both soils for comparat...
Long-term effects of using controlled drainage on: Crop yields and soil salinity in Egypt
Water Science
Egypt suffers from a lack of rainwater and hot weather most of the year, which represents a challenge to the current trend to achieve optimum utilization of newly reclaimed land. Egypt's agriculture depends on irrigation that consumes about 85% of the available water resources. How this problem is managed is the aim of the study, where the controlled drainage (CD) application was evaluated as a water-saving tool and the long-term impacts of using such practice on crop productivity and soil salinity were predicted using DRAINMOD-S for El-Tina plain in the northwestern corner in Sinai. Soil texture of the plain varies between sandy loam to clay. Collected data of wheat and corn as winter and summer crops, respectively, were used to check the model reliability. The water table fluctuations were monitored on a daily basis. At the same time, drains discharges and salinities were also monitored during the whole growing season. The salinities of the topsoil till 1.0 m depth were measured. The obtained results from the model were assessed compared with the observed values of the daily water table fluctuations; lateral discharges, salt concentrations in the soil profile, and relative crop yield during each season. Simulation results satisfactorily matched the data collected from the field. Simulation values obtained for 10 years indicated that the average quantity of drain discharge increased by increasing the managed drainage depth which makes (CD) a promising tool for regulating the draining intensity, a remarkable increase in the soil salinity of the root zone will take place if the irrigation water salinity reaches values above 800 ppm, and consequently the high irrigation water salinity values will badly affect most of the crops that grow normally in the field under study except the high salt tolerance ones as wheat. A noticeable decrease in crop yields will be the inevitable result if both the managed drainage depth and water salinity are increased. The outputs of the study can be considered as guidelines for how to utilize the controlled drainage application under Egyptian conditions.
Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering (Print), 2016
Two field experiments were conducted on a the clay saline sodic soil in El-Rowad Village Farm in Sahl El-Hossinia, El-Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, during summer 2014 and winter season 2014/2015 to study the effect of two different drains type (open drain and covered drain system) with different depths of 50, 70 and 90 cm from surface soil on some soil chemical properties , maize , wheat productivity and water use efficiency (WUE) under sodic saline soil condition to select the best drain system with the best drain depth. Results showed that using open and covered drains decreased soil pH and EC of soil with drain depth (50 and 70 cm from surface soil) more than drain depth 90 cm. In addition, the effect of applying open drain system with drain depth of 50 and 70 cm show that positive increase in available N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn in saline sodic clay soil compared with depth 90 cm under open drain system. Concerning the weight of straw yield, grain yield (Mg/fed) and weight of 1000 grain (g) for both maize and wheat were significant increase with open drain for 50 cm depth more than 70 and 90 cm depth. Finally, the using of open drain system with lowest depth treatment produced maximum yield and WUE value with cultivation both maize and wheat crops. The using of open drain system with 50 cm depth lead to improve the soil chemical properties of clay saline sodic soil and increase the yield productivity and water use efficiency (WUE) of maize and wheat crops.
African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015
Soil-water-atmosphere-plant (SWAP) relationship model is used to evaluate the impact of current irrigation practices on groundwater table depth, soil salinity and crop yields and to determine optimal irrigation requirements and drain depth for the study area. The results indicate that current irrigation practices of applying 600 mm to wheat and 1000 mm to maize are wasting more than 30% of applied irrigation water as deep percolation, which causes rise in groundwater table, increase in profile salinity and reduction in crop yields. The simulation results reveal that in the absence of an effective drainage system in the study area, a groundwater table depth of approximately 200 cm together with an irrigation application of 5000 m3 ha-1 for wheat and 6000 m3 ha-1 for maize will be the most appropriate combination for obtaining optimum yields of wheat (3.0 t ha-1) and maize (1.80 t ha-1). However, to achieve potential yields, leaching of excessive salts from the root zone through fresh...
Effect of sustained saline irrigation on soil salinity and crop yields
Irrigation Science, 1986
Field studies were conducted for a period of ten years (1974 to 1984) on Typic Ustochrept to determine the sustained effects of saline irrigation water electrical conductivity (ECiw ) 3.2 dS/m, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) 21 (mmol/1)1/2 and residual sodium carbonate (RSC) 4me/1, on the build up of salinity in the soil profile and yield of crops grown under fixed rice-wheat and maize/millet-wheat rotations. Saline waters were continuously used with and without the addition of gypsum (at the rate needed to reduce RSC to zero) applied at each irrigation. In maize/millet-wheat rotation, two additional treatments viz. (i) irrigation with 50% extra water over and above the normal 6 cm irrigation, and (ii) irrigation with good water and saline water alternately, were also kept. The results showed that salinity increased rapidly in the profile during the initial years but after five years (1979–1984) the average soluble salt concentration in 0–90 cm soil profile did not appreciably vary and the mean ECe values under saline water treatment remained almost similar to ECiw , under both the crop rotations. Saline water irrigation increased pH and Na saturation of the soil, reduced water infiltration rate and decreased yields of maize, rice and wheat. The differences in the build up of salinity and ESP of the soil under the two cropping sequences seemed to be related with the differences in leaching that occurred under rice-wheat and maize/millet-wheat rotations. Application of gypsum increased the removal of Na from the profile, appreciably decreased the pH and Na saturation and improved water infiltration rate and raised crop yields. Application of non-saline and saline waters alternately was found to be a useful practice but irrigation with 50% extra water to meet the leaching requirement did not control salinity and hence lowered crop yields.
The Effect of Different Depths of Salty Groundwater on Yield and Soil Salinity of Some Pasture Crops
Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi , 2023
Salinity is one of the most serious environmental factors limiting the yield of plants. Because many crops experience yield losses due to the harmful effects of high salt content in soil and water. The increase in the area of land affected by salt has the potential to create problems in terms of food safety. In this context, it is necessary to develop some cultural practices to prevent or reduce the harmful effects of salinity. This study investigated the effects of salty groundwater at different depths on the yield and soil salinity of some forage crops grown in semi-arid regions for three years. The experiment was conducted using the randomized block split-plot design. The effect of water table depths on the yields of the cultivars in the first year was found to have a statistically significant (p<0.01) effect while it was insignificant in the second year. According to the Duncan test results, it was determined that the H1 (40 cm groundwater depth) treatment in the first year provided the highest yield in all three cultivars and formed the first group (p<0.01) in the Duncan test. The interaction between water table depths and plant species was statistically significant at the p<0.05 level. At the end of the experiment, the salt concentration of the topsoil (40 cm depth) increased significantly (p=0.025) at all water table depths. Moreover, although the sodium adsorption ratio of the inlet water was low, it was determined that the exchangeable sodium percentage of the soils increased significantly at all groundwater levels at the end of the trial.
Performance of Irrigation Systems under Water Salinity in Wheat Production
Use of saline water in irrigated agriculture, as a means of its disposal, was evaluated on a field experiment that conducted in season (2012/2013) at sites of NRC farm, Nubaria, Behaira Governorate to study the effect of saline water injected rates (0, 15 and 30 %) under surface drip (SD), subsurface drip at 10 (SSD10) and 20 cm (SSD20) at soil depth on vegetative growth, yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Gemmaiza 9). The experiment design was randomized complete block in two factors. Results showed that irrigation systems, SSD20, has a promotive effect on the both wheat grain and straw yield, and the percentage of the increase was 6.9 and 5.7 %, respectively as compared with SD irrigation system. While the percentage of the increase was 1.7 and 1.8 % comparing SSD10 with SD irrigation system for grain and straw yield, respectively. According to the saline irrigation water effect, data noticed that increasing water salinity rate associated ...