Extended Method of Estimation Uncertainties of Indirect Multivariable Measurements on the Twoport Example (original) (raw)
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In this paper three examples of processing uncertainties of a indirect multi-variable measurement system are considered. It was proposed to extend the vector method of estimating measurement uncertainties, given in Supplement 2 to GUM, on the statistical description of the accuracy of whole ranges of indirect multivariable measurement system. Formula for the covariance matrix of relative uncertainties of the vector measurand is given. The covariance matrixes of uncertainties of few DC electrical measurement circuits are presented, i.e.: for indirect measurement of three resistances with using them in three variants of balanced Wheatstone bridge or without disconnection this circuit but with apply unconventional current supplies; the measurement of three internal resistances of the star circuit from its terminals and estimation of uncertainty of powers of two currents if two other currents are measured and their uncertainties are known. Formulas for absolute and relative uncertainties and their correlation coefficients are given. The general conclusion is that in the description accuracy of multivariable measurement systems the relative uncertainties are sometimes preferable than the absolute ones, and uncertainties of their main measurement functions have been also considered.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020
This two-part paper presents an improved version of the method of evaluation uncertainties in the multivariable indirect measurements. It has an extended scope of application compared to the method given in Supplement 2 of the international guide with the acronym GUM [1], which assumes a perfectly accurate parameters multidimensional function of processing input measurement data. Part 1 discussed the cases of various correlations of measured values. The law of variance propagation is described in the form of dependencies between input and output covariance matrices. General formulas for uncertainty and correlation coefficients at the output are given as well as formulas for several characteristic cases. It has been shown that for pairs of all measured quantities, the effect of correlation between sets of deviations with uncertainty for each of types A and B should be considered separately. Proposed is to calculate output covariance matrices of correlated variables separately for uncertainties type A and type B An example of associated two-parameter (2D) measurements is also discussed. In this Part 2, the effect of uncertainties of the processing function parameters on the elements of output multimeasurand covariance matrix has been determined. General formulas for full correlation and its absence are given. An example of the evaluation uncertainties of indirect current and voltage measurements on the inaccessible input of the T-type impedance twoport network based on measurements at its output is considered in detail. Final conclusions are given. The proposed upgraded method is versatile, because it allows both the estimation of the accuracy of indirect multivariable measurements as well a description of the accuracy of instruments and measuring systems performing such measurements. Keywords: Multivariable measurements Á Multi-measurand Á Propagation of uncertainties Á Covariance matrix Á Correlation coefficient Á Correlations of deviations of type A or type B Á Uncertainties of processing function
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
Signal processing in a multi-variable indirect measurement system and its uncertainties is considered. It was proposed to extend the vector method of estimating uncertainties, given in Supplement 2 to GUM for the use to describe the accuracy of instrumental systems for indirect multivariable measurements. A formula for the covariance matrix of relative uncertainties is also given. As the example, the covariance matrix for indirect measurements of the star form circuit resistances from its terminals was determined and influence of of the measurement channels uncertainties are analyzed.
Contemporary evaluation of measurement uncertainties in vector network analysis
tm - Technisches Messen, 2017
The evaluation of measurement uncertainties in vector network analysis is a demanding task. The metrology guide EURAMET cg-12 (formerly EA 10/12) is dedicated to this topic and serves as a guideline for calibration laboratories and national metrology institutes. The guide has been revised, acknowledging the technical progress in the field. The new method is in agreement with relevant standards on uncertainty evaluation.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017
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IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2006
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Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, 2019
A comparative analysis of the measurement uncertainty estimation result is carried out. The results are obtained by GUM method described in the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, as well as by Monte-Carlo method recommended in Supplement 1 to the Guide. Examples of calculations of uncertainty of relative error for electromagnetic flow meters calibration by two methods are given. The features of application, advantages and disadvantages of these methods are described.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2000
Two-port vector network analyzers can be used for measuring differential circuits by integrating baluns. However, due to the imperfection of the baluns, measurement uncertainties occur even under the most accurate calibration conditions. These uncertainties are caused by the common and cross modes of the baluns and the device-under-test. This paper proposes a new algorithm, which evaluates these measurement uncertainties, by using a few sets of assumptions that can approximately correspond to the worst conditions in which the common and cross modes maximally affect the measurements. The proposed algorithm can be used in post measurement processes by which the users can be informed of their measurements' uncertainties.