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Concept of Risk Assessment for Estonian Oil Shale Mines
Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2005
The paper deals with the risk assessment problems in Estonian oil shale mines, where the roomand-pillar mining with blasting is used. This study addresses risks associated with the collapse of mining blocks, including environmental problems. Some of the various factors, which are relevant to Estonian oil shale mines, are determined. For risk estimation the event tree is used. Investigation showed that the likelihood and the consequences of the risk are not acceptable. Risk mitigation process reduces the likelihood. The used concept of risk assessment method is applicable for Estonian oil shale mines. It may be used for different purposes and levels. The results of the risk assessment are of particular interest for practical purposes.
Geological Aspects of Risk Management in Oil Shale Mining
Oil Shale, 2008
The paper deals with risk management problems in Estonian oil shale mines. Investigations are focused on application of the method to determination of the quality of geological data. Various factors relevant to mining technology in Estonian oil shale deposit have been determined. For risk estimation, the empirical and judgmental approaches and the event tree were used. They allow determining the probability of the occurrence of geological features and its influence on the mining process. Analysis of obtained results showed that it is necessary to elaborate special methods for determination of the geological conditions in the mining area. The obtained information affords specialists to improve the quality of geological information and consequently the mine work efficiency. The analysis shows that the used method is applicable in conditions of Estonian oil shale industry. The results of the investigation are of particular interest for practical purposes.
Risk Assessment of Surface Miner for Estonian Oil Shale Mining Industry
The paper deals with risk assessment of a high-selective oil-shale mining technology using surface miner Wirtgen 2500SM. This study addresses risk associated with productivity and cutting quality on example of Estonian oil shale deposit in areas with complicated layering conditions. The risk assessment method allows choosing relevant technology with friendly environment and economic value. For risk estimation the event tree is used. The results of the risk assessment are of practical interest for different purposes.
This paper deals with the risk analysis and assessment of the pillars strength problems in the Estonia oil shale mine. Aim of this investigation was to determine the strength parameters and predict the bearing capacity of the pillars in Estonia mine, mining block No. 3107 Methods were based on theoretical investigation and experimental data of in-situ conditions. It is given the geological description of the mining block and determined the strength parameters, moisture content and volume density of the oil shale and limestone layers.
Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2015
ABSTRACT This paper deals with the risk analysis and assessment of the pillars strength problems in the Estonia oil shale mine. Aim of this investigation was to determine the strength parameters and predict the bearing capacity of the pillars in Estonia mine, mining block No. 3107 Methods were based on theoretical investigation and experimental data of in-situ conditions. It is given the geological description of the mining block and determined the strength parameters, moisture content and volume density of the oil shale and limestone layers. Analysis showed that the used risk analysis method is applicable for Estonian oil shale mines. The results of the risk analysis are of particular interest for practical purposes.
The paper deals with risk analysis/assessment problems in Estonian oil shale industry. Investigations are focused on application of these methods for railway transport from mine to consumer. Various factors relevant to oil shale transport have been determined. For risk estimation an empirical approach, the event/fault tree is used. It allows to determine probability of deviations of the process duration from the mean value for different pathways. The obtained information affords specialists to improve the quality of the railway transport. The analysis shows that the used method is applicable in conditions of Estonian railway systems. The results of the investigation are of particular interest for practical purposes.
Geotechnical Risk Assessment in Kerman Coal Mine- Central Iran
Mine safety in underground coal mines is normally threatened by the likelihood of accident occurrence. The outcome of such occurrences includes and is not limited to loss of machinery and equipment, loss of life, injury, disability, and mine closures. In this study, the Risk Priority Number (RPN) has been determined for the Kerman Coal Mine and the main causes of uncertainty found through the RPN. The implementation of a decision tree and a risk management plan considering the causes of accidents has been proposed. Data covering a complete range of every accident occurred during the time period of 2003-2008 has been analyzed and the accidents have been classified and sorted by RPN. It has been shown that amongst all types of incidents, the risk of roof failure is the most probable risk of all. It is concluded that the probability of an accident occurring every 24 days is 95%. It has been shown through the decision tree that due to the high number of accidents, the cost of investing ...
Risk Assessment of Feasibility of Roadheaders in Estonian Undergound Mining
Oil Shale, 2008
This paper deals with the risk assessment method of roadheader feasibility in underground conditions of Estonia mine. In modernization of Estonian underground mining, roadheaders that extract oil shale selectively play the most important role. Selective extraction allows reduction of rock mass volumes during the loading, transportation and enrichment processes. Thus, about 23% of limestone extracted together with oil shale will be left in the mine for backfilling the excavated areas. Backfilling increases carring capacity of pillars reducing losses of oil shale and restores, in a certain measure, filtrational, hydrodynamical, and aerodynamic properties of the geological environment. For selective extraction four variants of different excavation thicknesses, depending on geological conditions, have been proposed. Risk analysis allows comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of full and selective extraction. Risks of oil shale losses during selective extraction are estimated using the event tree. Preliminary calculations have shown sustainability of roadheaders for selective extraction under the mining and geological conditions of Estonia mine.
Statistical analysis and risk assessment of working accidents at the Kerman Coal Mines in Iran
During the years of 1997-2005 at the mines and coal washing plant of Kerman 2896 accidents had occurred. The average frequency of accidents equals to 21.51 accidents per one million man-hour of work exposure and the severity of the accidents and frequency–severity index were obtained 0.29 and 0.08 respectively. The evaluation of the accidents reveals that the total number of the fatally accidents were 30, that the most of them happened in the Main Pabedana coal mine. Then for risk assessment, probability of events and their severity in 2005 were quantified and the following consequences were obtained: (i) Accidents due to the roof collapse and the probability value of 3.16*10-4 with severity degree of catastrophic and high risk. (ii) Accidents due to the collision with the probability value of 3.6*10-2 and severity degree of critical and high risk. (iii) Accidents due to the sudden dropping with the probability value of 2.35*10-3 and severity degree of major and high risk. (v) Accid...
Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis in Mining Industry
for his valuable guidance, constructive and valuable suggestions throughout the project work. I express my sincere thanks to him for his thorough supervision at every stage of the work. I would like to express my thanks to the faculty members of the department for their suggestions, which helped in improving the work. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the officials of the iron ore and coal mines I visited for carrying out the field studies. I am particularly thankful to Er. Tapan Jena, Training Officer, Tata Steel, Joda; and Er S. K. Singh, Safety officer, South Eastern Coalfields Limited, Raigarh area, for their help in visiting the mines. Last but not the least, I express my sincere thanks to all my family members and friends for their help and encouragement for accomplishing this undertaking.