An active workout time of students during physical education classes applying different organizational-methodical forms of work (original) (raw)

Differentiated approach to the motor activity organization of students in the process of physical education at the university

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023

Introduction. The World Health Organization notes the current increase in the physical inactivity of the population. Despite the generally recognized potential of physical education, there is a global decline in its implementation. This situation is fueling a global health crisis – a conservative estimate of 6% of all deaths in the world is the result of physical inactivity. The purpose of the study is to test the methodology of a differentiated approach to the motor activity organization of students in the process of physical education at the university. Materials and Methods. The experiment involved 20 students of the Chechen State Pedagogical University aged 18 to 24 years. To assess the level of physical fitness tests of the TRP standard set were selected before and after the experiment. They included 30-meter run (sec.); flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis lying on the floor (number of times); tilt forward from a standing position with straight legs on the gymnastic bench (see); shuttle run 3x10 m. (sec.); lifting the torso from a supine position (number of times in 1 minute); long jump from a place with a push with two legs (see). Methods of mathematical statistics including methods of descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation); Wilcoxon statistical test were applied. Results. Implementation of various options for building a weekly motor regimen for students was envisaged at the formative stage of the study. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators over the period of the experiment revealed positive changes in all three groups, however, a significant increase was observed in the first experimental group in all control exercises (p < 0.01). This indicates a significant advantage of the motor activity mode used in the 1st experimental group, which allowed students to successfully come close to the standards for obtaining the golden badge of distinction of the TRP complex, despite the low initial level of physical fitness. Conclusion. The mode of five-time lessons of a weekly microstructure providing a high level of students' physical fitness is the best option in the conditions of intensification of the learning process and an organized mode of students’ motor activity.

The effectiveness of using circuit training as an organizational form of instruction in physical education

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2018

Циљ истраживања које је представљено у овом раду био је да се утврде ефекти примене полигона као наставне методе у настави физичког васпитања. Узорак испитаника чинило је 95 ученика (узраст 7,7±0,7 година), који су подељени у две групе. Експериментална група (N=49) је примењивала полигон у настави током осам недеља, док је контролна група (N=46) изводила часове физичког васпитања према редовном наставном програму. Сви испитаници су били тестирани помоћу четири моторичка теста за процену: брзине, координације, експлозивне снаге и репетитивне снаге. Мултивариатном анализом коваријансе утврђено је да су испитаници експерименталне групе на крају поступка били статистички значајно бољи од контролне групе, док је Т-тестом упарених узорака утврђено да постоји ефекат поступка на статистички значајном нивоу (p=0,00). Ово истраживање је указало на значај примене полигона као oрганизационог облика рада у физичког васпитања са циљем побољшања моторичких способности деце млађег школског узраста. полигон, организациони облик рада, моторичке способности, млађи школски узраст Увод Институционално организован облик физичког вежбања је процес који траје од предшколског до завршетка средњошколског образовања, мада може трајати и током студирања. Развој моторичких способности у млађем школском узрасту условљен је квалитетом наставе физичког васпитања (Piek, Dawson, Smith & Gasson, 2008). Осим квалитета наставе, адекватне програме физичког вежбања потребно је повезати са сензитивним периодима и претходним искуством деце, како би се остварио што бољи ефекат вежбања на моторичке способности (

Methodical component of the physical education process (Методична складова процесу фізичного виховання)


Saienko V. Methodical component of the physical education process / V. Saienko // Problems and prospects of physical culture and sports development and healthy lifestyle formation of different population groups. – Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2020. – P. 198 – 204. ISBN 978-83-66567-04-7 Abstract. The article presents the provisions for updating the methodological component of the physical education of a person who, in order to take the place of a producer in a post-industrial society, must have a motor and mental culture, a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities. It has been established that the functional basis of physical education is the systematic planning of the educational process, in which its acceptable level is ensured by observing the mechanisms of continuity and continuity of the main components of the movement, filling the pedagogical environment with effective means, which can be recommended as martial arts. Keywords: physical education, social interaction, organizational and methodological capabilities, development principles. Анотація. У статті представлені положення оновлення методичної складової фізичного виховання людини, яка, щоб зайняти місце виробника в постіндустріальному суспільстві, повинна володіти руховою і розумовою культурою, комплексом знань, навичок і умінь. Встановлено, що функціональною основою фізичного виховання виступає системне планування навчально-виховного процесу, в якому прийнятний його рівень забезпечується дотриманням механізмів безперервності і наступності основних складових руху, наповнення педагогічного середовища ефективними засобами, в якості яких можуть бути рекомендовані єдиноборства. Ключові слова: фізичне виховання, суспільна взаємодія, організаційно-методичні можливості, принципи розвитку.

Efficiency of Variable Module "Wrestling" in Physical Education for Secondary School Students of 10 and 11 Forms

Ukraïnsʹkij žurnal medicini, bìologìï ta sportu, 2020

In the modern system of school education, there are approaches to the implementation of physical education content with the help of various variable modules based on the sports means use. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the variable module "Wrestling" in the physical education of high school students on the main indicators of preparedness. Material and methods. The organization of study provided that during the 2017-2019 school years in Shchyrets secondary school №1 I-III degrees named after the Hero of Ukraine Bohdan Ilkiv of Shchyrets village council we introduced an experimental module "Wrestling" into the educational process of high school students in the discipline "Physical Culture". In general, in the 2017-2019 academic years to our study were involved 53 students of 10th forms (31 boys and 22 girls). In the 2017-2019 academic year – 74 students of 11th forms (41 boys and 33 girls). We used the following methods: th...


Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2019

Мотивувати учня може тільки той викладач, екологічні компетентності й особистісні властивості якого виглядають природними та фоновими стосовно власне дидактичної діяльності. Екстремумами екологічної активності виступають тільки пограничні або когнітивно дисонансні моменти, інакше студент, який рефлексивно сприймає фізичні та психологічні виміри, може побачити «фальш» або навмисну доцільність у діях педагога. Мотивація студентів до екологічної активності, діяльності та самовдосконалення містить в основі ціннісні (аксіологічні) імперативи і мотиви. Мета статті полягає в теоретичному обґрунтуванні ефективності активізації мотивації майбутніх викладачів фізичного виховання і спорту в сфері екологічного туризму.

Description of intensity of physical education in a structure educational educate and health-improvement-educate processes


Comparison of intensity of physical education is presented in child's establishments of making healthy and rest and general educational establishments. Questioning of 183 students-practice and analysis of document of the Kharkov regional management is conducted on physical education and sport. It is set that health-improvement-educate process is directed on forming for children and young people of culture of health. It is marked that the result of pedagogical activity in establishments and establishments of education is physical, spiritual and social development of personality of children and young people. Witnessed, that process of physical education in out-of-town child's establishments of making healthy and rest almost in three times more intensive by comparison to general educational establishments and school summer camps. It contingently a presence for the children of plenty of spare time, by the use in practice of camps of non-standard facilities and forms of increase ...

Approaches to the organization of students’ training in athletics


The educational process of future coaches in sports requires the use of effective approaches to the organization of practical classes. Purpose. Finding ways to optimize the learning process of students in athletics. Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological sources; generalization; concretization. Results. Contradictions in the process of teaching athletics to higher education students engaged in various sports are identified, and ways to level them are presented. Conceptual approaches to teaching athletics were considered on the example of higher education students who are involved in various sports. Conclusions. Adaptation of educational concepts for players involves taking into account both the characteristics of physical fitness in relation to specialization, and the current level of physical fitness in relation to motor physical activity being studied. This will create an opportunity to harmonize these levels and allow for the formation of effective curricula. We belie...

Integrative Scientific Conceptions of the Physical Working Capacity of Higher School Students

Integration of Education, 2014

Рассматриваются современные взгляды на понятие «физическая работоспособность» обучаемых в вузе на основе интегративного подхода к явлению, проводится теоретический анализ его пролонгированного толкования ведущими исследователями. С помощью системного обобщения смежных отраслей наук обосновывается оптимальное целесообразное содержание структуры физической работоспособности, включающей совокупность взаимосвязанных компонентов, сочетающих физическое развитие, функциональное состояние и резервы организма, физическую подготовленность, что следует трактовать как комплексная «дееспособность психофизического состояния» человека.