[2002] Le corbeau sur la bouche : un nouveau type de la série "gallo-romaine" de Picardie (original) (raw)

La naissance de la villa en Picardie : la ferme gallo-romaine précoce

BAYARD (D.), COLLART (J.- L.) éd. — De la ferme indigène à la villa romaine. La romanisation des campagnes de la Gaule. Actes du 2e colloque de l’association Ager tenu à Amiens du 23 au 25 septembre 1993. Amiens, RAP, p. 121-156, 15 fig. (Numéro spécial de la Revue archéologique de Picardie ; 11)., 1996

Les Scipions. Famille et pouvoir à Rome à l'époque républicaine, Bordeaux, 2012.


Originated from the vast Cornelia gens, the lineage of the Scipios asserted itself between the fourth and the third century B.C., especially through onomastic and sepulchral specific behaviours that contributed to distinguish them from precedent gentilician structure, as they built a powerful, unifiying and durable family identity placing its members in solidarity and continuity over several generations. Occupying a leading position in the Roman aristocratic society in the Punic wars age, the Scipios show a remarkable family example of the expression of social values, strategies and mentalities of the « best » nobilitas of the Mid-Republican period. The social ideal of Roman nobility was essentially defined by participating in governance and politics. The Scipios offer an accomplished example of it, pointing out the importance of family structure in Roman public life. The early and constant implication of the Scipios in the extension of Roman power contributed significantly to strengthen the family identity and to enhance the social and political influence of the family members. However, during the second century, cohesion lineage slowly crumbled away, and rivalries and dissensions eventually outweighed the familial solidarity that had previously prevailed, precipitating then the social and political decline of the Scipionic House.

Laurent Bricault, Les Sarapiastes (2014)

in G. Tallet & Chr. Zivie-Coche (éd.), Le Myrte et la rose. Mélanges offerts à Françoise Dunand par ses élèves, collègues et amis, Collection CENIM, Montpellier 2014, p. 37-45