Data in the digital world: New opportunities or additional risks? (original) (raw)
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«DATA-DRIVEN ECONOMY»: BIG DATA, DIGITAL PLATFORMS, DIGITAL RENT Abstract This paper aims to study the main parameters of the «Data-driven Economy» and the prospects for its development. The authors propose to include Big data, as well as tools for their processing and analysis, to a new type of capital - information and digital capital (IDC). The authors also introduce the concept of digital rent, obtained by digital platforms due to the exclusive right to use unique and valuable information and digital capital (IDC). Keywords: data-driven economy, digital technologies, big data, digital plat-forms, information and digital capital, digital rent «ЭКОНОМИКА ДАННЫХ»: BIG DATA, ЦИФРОВЫЕ ПЛАТФОРМЫ И ЦИФРОВАЯ РЕНТА Аннотация Целью настоящей работы является изучение основных параметров «экономики данных» и перспектив ее развития. Авторами предлагается отнести большие данные, а также инструменты их обработки и анализа, к новой разновидности капитала – информационно-цифрового капитала. Также авторами вводится понятие цифровой ренты, получаемой цифровыми платформами за счет обладания исключительным правом на использование уникального и ценного информационно-цифрового капитала. Ключевые слова: экономика данных, цифровые технологии, большие данные, цифровые платформы, информационно-цифровой капитал, цифровая рента.
Big Data – a new information phenomenon of digital epoch
The essence of concepts «data», «information», «knowledge» is investigated in the article from positions of DIKW (Information Hierarchy) of American organizational theorist Russell Ackoff. DIKW belongs to a class of models for representing relationships between data, information, knowledge and wisdom. In this model information is defined in terms of data, knowledge in terms of information, and wisdom in terms of knowledge. Also concepts «data», «information», «knowledge» are described according to ISO/IEC 2382:2015 «Information technology – Vocabulary». Data is the representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing. Information (in information processing) is any fact, concept or meaning derived from data and associated context, or selected from knowledge. Knowledge can be described as organized, integrated collection of facts and generalization. It is important for our research to divide information obtained from data on analog and digital. The first is obtained through the use of natural methods of data processing and is perceived exclusively by human. It has a continuous character and is divided according to the five human senses to visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and gustatory. Digital information is discrete and is perceived by computers. Development of technical facilities gave new possibilities for recording, processing, storage and analysis of increasingly larger and more varied in nature and structure data sets. On the other hand, the evolution of technology increased data production. Big Data appeared due to development of computer technologies. During the last years Big Data has attracted attention of more and more researchers. Year by year, data collected from different spheres of activity is getting larger and more complicated. Big data refers to datasets whose size is beyond the ability of typical database software tools to capture, store, manage and analyze. That’s why some investigators called Big Data as “inconveniently large data”. Oxford dictionary defines Big Data as extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions. Big data is a term used to describe a large volume of both structured and unstructured data. But a huge volume is not the only one feature of Big Data. The other features are: velocity (data in motion) – data streams with an unprecedented speed and must be processed in time. Speed as a characteristic of Big Data means that data is collected rapidly and requires response as soon as possible as processing data streams in real time; variety (data in many forms) – data comes in all types of formats – from structured, numeric data in traditional databases to unstructured text documents, email, video, audio, stock ticker data and financial transactions. Such unstructured data is often created by Internet users. In addition, companies collect data from a wide range of sources, including different financial and business transactions, social media and information from sensor or machine-to-machine data. SAS, one of the leading producers of software for statistical analysis, nominates two additional features of Big Data: variability – data flows can be highly inconsistent with periodic peaks (daily, seasonal etc.); complexity – data comes from multiple sources, which makes it difficult to link, match, cleanse and transform data across systems. Unstructured arrays of data reflect the actual processes in the Internet information environment and could be used for obtaining information through Data mining. Data mining is the process that attempts to discover useful information (or patterns) in large data repositories. Data mining enables to analyze data regardless of source, type, size, or format. A scope of Big Data using is extremely broad now and it will grow in future. Today it is a business priority, because the effective use of data is becoming the basis of competition. Big Data can improve the profitability, business value and provide a success of many enterprises. So, Big Data will fundamentally change the way businesses compete and operate. It should be noted that the huge importance of Big Data is predefined not by data itself or by its size, but by results of processing and analysis that allow to provide new knowledge. Thus one of the most popular professions of the near future will be a specialist in Data Science, who has three groups of competencies: IT literacy, mathematical and statistical knowledge and awareness in practical application of the previous groups of skills, who understands business needs of his organization or tasks of relevant science area.
In this paper, Big Data is considered as an "umbrella" term that combines various concepts, technologies and methods of data processing in distributed information systems that provide a qualitatively new useful information (new knowledge). The stages of "standard" research in the Big Data approach are described. A brief description of the Big Data ecosystem, which consists of several main categories, is given. Various projects and initiatives at the national and international levels are considered, as well as examples of the use of Big Data in business, economy, and society. As concrete examples of the construction and use of analytical platforms for Big Data, successful socio-economic research carried out by the authors as part of research teams at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics is presented. The Big data metaphor is certainly successful, since it naturally connects a complex of concepts, technologies and methods of Big data with the economy by hi...
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Digital Technologies in the Field of Accounting: Main Opportunities and Risks
Efektyvna ekonomika, 2021
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE FIELD OF ACCOUNTING: MAIN OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS Актуальність дослідження зумовлена стрімкими темпами розвитку інформаційнокомп'ютерних технологій та необхідністю врахування їх впливу на бухгалтерський облік в частині можливостей, які вони створюють, та ризиків, які вони продукують. Основний прояв використання цифрових технологій в бухгалтерському обліку стосується скорочення витрат часу на збір та обробку інформації. Виділено особливості в документуванні фактів господарського життя з використанням цифрових технологій: накопичення та первинна обробка облікових даних може відбуватися в будь-якому місці з доступом до мережі Інтернет за умови використання хмарного програмного забезпечення; розширюється способи ведення даних за допомогою різних засобів, зокрема при застосуванні технології Інтернету речей. Визначено напрями розвитку процесу документування з використанням технології блокчейн за умови розробки належної нормативно-правової бази. Розкрито вплив цифрових технологій на вимоги, які висуваються до облікового персоналу. На основі дослідження праць науковців виділено ризики впровадження цифрових технологій в сфері бухгалтерського обліку та охарактеризовано їх прояви. The development of information and computer technology is rapid. It leads to changes in accounting. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of digital technologies on accounting in terms of the opportunities they create and the risks they produce. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, comparative comparison.
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Культура: теория и практика, 2020
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Digital Generation: Between Myth and Reality
Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2019
The article is devoted to the actively discussed question of the uniqueness of Net generation. The digital natives have been credited with the ability to multitask and high-speed information processing, greater efficiency in online work. According to many researchers, the high technological skills of digital generation require an educational approach radically different from that of previous generations. According to S. Benett and K. Maton, these appeals for revolutionary changes in educational policy and practice turn into “moral panic.” The analysis of contemporary empirical researches show that the digital skills and competencies attributed to the new generation are significantly overvalued, they need to be shaped and developed. The question regarding the ability of digital generation to adopt and adapt digital technologies remains controversial. The main characteristics of digital generation are distractibility, low attentional control and memorization ability, the problem with ...
Proceedings of Students encountering science – StES 2019, 2019
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