Plastic reinforced fiberglass- an addition to beach litter (original) (raw)
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Beach Litter Assessment: Critical Issues and the Path Forward
Sustainability, 2022
Studies analyzing large-scale patterns or long-term trends in the amounts and composition of beach litter are often based on the analysis of several small-scale studies, which may provide an inaccurate picture if the methods and approaches used in those studies are not directly comparable. Moreover, most beach-litter review studies do not evaluate how the results are affected by a number of factors. Therefore, this paper analyzes empirical results from 62 beach-litter (BL) assessment studies published in the last decade (years 2010–2020) in peer-reviewed international journals. Both the results on beach litter (origin, composition, and density) and the utility of those findings to coastal managers are analyzed and discussed. The paper identifies strengths and weaknesses of different research designs, overall compatibility among the results of studies, and identification and means of eliminating those aspects that cause incompatibilities, inconsistencies, and high variability of data that cause low reliability of the results, among other issues. The results indicate that a global picture based on a number of small-scale studies cannot be drawn due to incompatibilities in sampling protocols and presentation of results, data analysis and interpretation, spatial and temporal differences, and the lack of understanding of factors influencing BL. This paper offers a critical view of many aspects of (BL) research in order to bring them to researchers’ attention, at the same time recognizing the importance of previously published studies in making significant advancements in this field. Finally, it is also a call to move from limited data collecting and presentation in peer-reviewed journals to experimental designs, large data analyses, and testing of methods and solutions to the BL issue to advance understanding of beach-litter issues. Keywords: beach; litter; debris; marine; coastal pollution; coastal management
Marine Litter Causes , impacts and potential solutions
Marine litter or debris describes any solid material that has found its way to the marine environment whether via transportation by rivers, drainage overflow and sewage systems, by wind or through deliberate disposal. Besides posing substantial problems for the environment and human health, it also bears great adverse effects on a country’s socio-economic situation. Particularly the fishing and tourism industries are affected by economic losses caused by marine pollution. As a result of marine debris’ potential to travel long distances, also remote places are affected by its pollution, making marine litter and its prevention an issue of global importance.
Marine litter’s composition and density at Baiya Beach in Palu Bay
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Sea is a wealth of nature that contains a wide variety of resources, for living things. Marine health is an important thing that must be maintained for sustainable living. Marine Litter is a waste from land that goes into the sea and disrupts the ecosystems of marine health, especially materials that cannot decompose such as plastics, glass, and others. The purpose of this research was to determine the waste’s composition and density based on the type of material and to know the trend of type and concentration of marine litter. A sampling of marine litter at Baiya Beach followed the criteria according to the guidance survey of marine litter on the beach. Baiya Beach is located in Palu Bay and meets the criteria in the monitoring of marine litter. The results obtained, there were 10 meso types of wastes (0.5-2.5 cm) that dominated by woods, plastics, and glasses & ceramics with density of 57.83 pieces m−2, 20.79 pieces m−2, 19.90 pieces m−2 respectively, while the macro type (>2.5...