The Formation of Student Morals Through the Tahfidz and Tahsin Al-Qur’an Programs at Smp Muhammadiyah 1 Pk Gatak Sukoharjo In 2021/2022 (original) (raw)

The Role of Islamic Education in Teaching Moral Values to Students

MUDARRISA: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Islam

The purpose of this study is to interpret the consequential role of Islamic education in shaping students’ noble character. Islam, which was supposed to be the basis for the mindset and attitude pattern in a Muslim-majority country, is no longer a solid reference. What has long been regarded as foul, non-Islamic behaviors are increasingly rampant today. Public display of blatant nudity and sex related activity shown on social media has become a disconcerting phenomenon. This research is a type of qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive research approach. The data collection techniques adopted observation, documentation, and interviews to determine the role of Islamic education in shaping students' morals. Based on the data obtained, students at SD Khoiru Ummah Yogyakarta learning Islamic education are taught about Aqidah, sharia, and morals. The results show that the role of teaching and learning Islamic education can shape the character of students who have noble ch...

Concept of Moral Education in the Qur'an at Integrated Islamic elementary school (SDIT) Darul Huffadz Bekasi

Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education, 2021

This study aimed to explain the concept of al-Qur'an moral education at SDIT Darul Huffadz Bekasi. The research method used by the author is a type of qualitative research through a field research approach, by collecting data or materials related to the theme of the discussion and the problem, taken from trusted sources through structured interviews as well as observation and documentation, then analyzed coherently, describing all aspects involved and contained in the verses of the Qur'an which are interpreted and describe the meaning contained in the Qur'an. To support this research, the author uses supporting sources from other literature such as books, scientific journals, and so on related to the discussion. The study results stated that SDIT Darul Huffadz Bekasi has a character-building program through Islamic Religious Education with the methods used in its implementation, namely the habit method, the exemplary method and the punishment method.


Jurnal Diskursus Islam, 2020

Islamic boarding school is one of Islamic educational institution that plays an active role in the formation of human noble morals. Specifically in the development and fostering of student morals in order to form virtuous souls and understand Islamic values well. The Islamic Boarding School of Darul Abrar also plays a role in fostering the morals and mentality of the students, like boarding schools in general and also has a vision and mission to be achieved, one of which is become a person who a morality, this is in line with the ultimate goal of life. This study aims to determine the variety of morals efforts to foster student at the Islamic Boarding School of Darul Abrar, Bone. The research methodology in this study is qualitative, and the data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that efforts to develop moral character of female students can be done by increasing the reading of the Qur’an, applying disciplinary ...

Student Moral Guidance Trough Islamic Education System on Pesantren Institution

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business, Law And Pedagogy, ICBLP 2019, 13-15 February 2019, Sidoarjo, Indonesia, 2019

Islamic education cannot be separated from moral guidance or moral education. Islamic boarding school institutions are the origin of Islamic education institution in Indonesia; the Pesantren institution is famous for its moral guidance for students. In the present day, there are two types of Pesantren institutions, the traditional and modern boarding schools, which both of them has its characteristics in the practice of moral guidance for its students. This research is qualitative research with case study models. The object of this research is Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor campus 2 and Pondok Pesantren Darul Huda Mayak Ponorogo. The purpose of this study was to (1) find out how the Islamic Education models in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor campus 2 and Darul Huda Mayak Islamic Boarding School. (2) To find out how the excellent guidance process in each Pesantren institution. The research methodology uses Qualitative Research by Case Study Model. The results of this study are (1) the models of religious education Carried out at Pondok Modern Darussalam campus 2 Refers to the curriculum of Kulliyatul Muallimin Al-Islamiyah. The coverage of knowledge is 100% religion and 100% scientific knowledge, while the implementation of religious education in the Darul Huda Islamic boarding school Mayak Refers to the principle of Salafi Hadistah, which is the education curriculum with traditional salaf and contemporary educational methods. (2) The implementation of moral guidance activities at Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Campus 2 is to optimize the 24-hour education process based on Islamic values.

The Influence of Islamic Education on Students’ Moral Establishment: Evidence in Al Hijrah 2 Junior High School Deli Serdang


Moral education is the most important thing in character establishment. It is about happiness and misery at society. Without moral, we do not know the meaning of our religion and human at the earth will destroy. The issue of morality now is pointed at young student especially in middle school. They are in puberty and transition of character. So that, the parents and teachers have to watch over their behavior. This student look at in deep concern on middle school of Al-Hijrah Deli Serdang by providing questionnaire. Surprisingly, the results are great and significant toward the relationship of Islamic religious education and the formation of moral. Most of students tend to act well. It could be seen on their beliefs in and fear of Allah, honesty and open in friendship.Keyword: Islamic Education, Morality Establishment, Religious

Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Improving Learning Outcomes in Aqidah Subjects of Grade VII Morals in MTs Al Furqon Klari Karawang


This Akhlak Creed subject is a branch of Islamic religious education, the subject of moral faith in forming religious character emphasizes the aspect of habituation early on and not only the responsibility of the school but all participate in improving the learning outcomes of learners involving families, schools and community environments. The purpose of this study is to find out the efforts of PAI teachers in improving the learning outcomes of learners in moral faith subjects carried out in class VII at MTs Al-Furqon Klari Karawang. The subjects of the study were principals, PAI teachers and students. This research method is qualitatively descriptive i.e. written or oral of the research object. Data collection techniques use observations, interviews, and documentation. The result of PAI teacher efforts, learners in moral faith subjects there is an increase in terms of written value and skills.

Applying Moral Education Concept According to K.H. Hashim Asy'ari to Changes in Student Behavior

Interdisciplinary Social Studies

Background: Today, education is more concerned with material and scientific issues than ethics, morals and morals. High decadence or moral decline indicates a moral crisis that is very concerning. Education should be able to touch various physical, spiritual, moral, ethical, psychological and physical aspects. Otherwise, education is like just a teaching, and nothing reaches students at all. Aim: This study aims to analyze the concept of akhlaq education according to K.H. Asy'ari in the book of Adab Al-Alim Wa Al-Muta’alim on students' behavior change. Method: The type of research that the author did was descriptive quantitative research. This research also involves a literature study approach to obtain deeper information about moral education in the book of Adab Al-Alim Wa Al-Muta'alim The source of data in research is the subject from which data can be obtained. Findings: All students in MAN 1 Bandar Lampung have actually applied good moral education to their teachers....

Importance of Morality in Islam: Development of Moral Values through Activities by Parents and Teachers as Agents of Change

Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies

This study is descriptive in nature and main focus of this paper is to consult Qur’ān and Ahdiths for understanding the concept of morality. Verses from the Holy Qur’ān and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) are consulted to portray a paramount role of parents and teachers that is played as family and public institutions respectively. Moral values like, good manners, respect, loyalty, truth, altruism, reliability, fairness, cooperation, collaboration, honesty, companionship, decency, acceptance, compliance, love, patience and forgiveness are also studied in the light of Qur’ān and Ahdiths. As an end product, inculcation of moral values in youth by their parents and teachers is also delineated.

Influence of The Social Environment on Development of Students’ Morals and Characters: Future Issues and Challenges

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

The principal pursuit of Islamic Education is to produce exceptional and faithful Muslims. Nevertheless, today's mass media often demonstrates various issues involving teenagers and school students in social issues that harm society, which is worrisome. The social environment's influence significantly impacts the younger generation, especially teenagers and students. Education is the ground of individual development and advancement and the primary platform for shaping the personality of noble morals. Morality and character are paramount in Islam and are the essence of understanding and practising Islamic teachings. Therefore, several social environment factors influence the development of students' morals, self-identity and personality. Social environment factors can nurture and decide students' morals if students can adapt well. Hence, this article intended to discuss the social environment that affects and influences the formation of students' morals and the issues and challenges faced. This study employed the literature review methodology by analysing and discussing the content of the text thematically to identify the elements that impact the development of morals and the issues and challenges to form the student's self-identity. Ultimately, this article concluded that the social environment was identified as having a substantial impact on developing students' morals consisting of parents, peers, teachers, schools, residential settings and the mass media. One must prioritise the roles and responsibilities of parties related to each other to determine student morals. This article is relevant for teachers, parents, schools and interconnected parties to apply good values so that the country can produce a young generation with noble character and deliver awareness to avoid misconduct among this young generation to form individuals who are positivethinkers for their future well-being.


The Islamic Culture Volume: 47, Issue:2, 2022

We are living in an Islamic country and in Islam education is mandatory for all Muslims. Islamiat is compulsory subject for students in Pakistan. Students are supposed to practice this subject in their daily life. The subject of Islamiat should develop a positive impact on student's moral development. To know which of the students in private and public school is having a more positive impact of the subject of Islamiat, the researcher chose the topic "Impact of the subject of Islamiat on the Moral Development of primary students". The main objectives of this study were; to compare the impact of the subject of Islamiat on the moral development of primary level students in public and private schools and finding out how much primary level students practice on it in their daily life. A sample of eighty students was drawn by using simple random sampling technique and teachers from two selected public and private schools. The data were collected by using three point liker scale questionnaire with twenty two items from students and three point liker scale questionnaire with five items from teachers. Descriptive statistics is used to analyze the data. This Research found that the subject of Islamiat has a more positive impact on private school student's moral development as compare to public school students and conclude that the subject of Islamiat performs an important role on student's moral development. It suggested that teachers and parents focus on the moral development of students. The moral development develops at an early age. Students become a better human being and play a positive role in society if they pick up impact of studying Islamiat. In public schools, particular attention should be given for the moral development of students.