Investigation of Gain Enhancement in Microstrip Antenna Structure in Pathological Tissue Samples (original) (raw)

Designing Issues of Microstrip Patch Antenna in Biomedical Field: A Review

░ ABSTRACT: Remote Malignant tumor diagnostics plays a significant role in the ability of contemporary medicine to treat cancer illnesses because early stage cancer can be treated successfully by well-developed conventional techniques. Various techniques have been used so far to design such antennas for different type of diseases. This review paper is an output of a detailed survey of various available techniques. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of these challenges, and discuss the ways in which they have been dealt with so far in the literature.

Investigation of Normalization Values of S-Parameters in Microstrip Antenna Structure in Pathological Tissue Samples


Studies on the examination of pathological tissue samples with antennas have begun to be developed. In this study, normalization studies performed using a microstrip antenna structure with increased gain are presented. FR-4 substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.4 is preferred in the antenna structure used in the normalization studies. In pathological tissue samples, samples of normal and cancerous skin tissue are modeled in HFSS and simulated. The differences in the normalized S-parameters as a result of the simulations are shown in the tables. While the normal skin tissue normalization value at S11 is 13.4, the value for the tumor skin tissue sample is 18.0. For other S-parameters, different values are obtained for normal and cancerous skin tissue. The differences in the values reveal the success of the proposed antenna structure.

Microstrip Antenna Design with Circular Patch for Skin Cancer Detection

Advanced Electromagnetics, 2019

Due to the many advantages of microstrip patch antennas, nowadays, microstrip patch antennas are mostly preferred in biomedical areas. This study aims two antenna structures, as both transceiver and receiver, have same dimensions are designed to produce solution of the difficulties in pathology. For antennas with an operating frequency of 2.45 GHz, FR-4 substrate material with a value of 4.4 dielectrics is used. A model has been prepared to detect the presence of skin cancer with the designed antennas. The model is a method of determining E-field and scattering parameters differences between two antennas of cancerous and normal tissue specimens placed on the glass slides. The same antennas and experimental setup were prepared with the normal and cancerous structure of the skin tissue prepared by pathologists. Thus, scattering parameters are measured and their differences are determined. It has been shown that cancerous tissue can be determined with different values obtained as a res...

Design and Simulation of a Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

International journal of recent engineering science, 2020

This paper analyzes different parameters for detecting breast cancer at a curable stage using the software High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). The model consists of a microstrip circular patch antenna, breast model, and tumor. This model shows that tumors present in the breast can be detected by observing the change in the distribution of volume current density, the electric field, and the magnetic field of the breast in the presence of a tumor and the absence of a tumor. The proposed antennas fed a microstrip line on the FR4_Epoxy substrate with a size of substrate width 28 mm and substrate length 30 mm, the thickness of 0.8 mm, and relative dielectric constant of 4.4 with the radius of 7 mm. The antenna that we designed has an operating range from 3.26 GHz to 12.50 GHz, which in the entire UWB (3.1-10.6 GHz) with the return loss-19.15 dB and voltage standing wave ratio 1.21. The proposed model shows that, in the absence of a tumor, the maximum current density, electric field, and magnetic field of the breast are 1040.4 A/m 2 ,260.10 V/m and 3.038 A/m, respectively. On the other hand, in the presence of a tumor, the maximum current density, electric field, and magnetic field of the breast are 1093.1 A/m 2 ,273.29 V/m, and 3.09 A/m, respectively. These techniques used for breast cancer detection are competitively easier, safer, and low cost.

Development of Microstrip Patch Antenna Design for Medical Application: A Survey

Microstrip patch antenna used to send onboard parameters of article to the ground while under operating conditions. The aim of the paper is to design as tacked nearly square microstrip patch antenna design for S band 2 GHz to 4 GHz and study the effect of antenna dimensions Length (L), and substrate parameters relative Dielectric constant (εr), substrate thickness (h) on the radiation parameters of Bandwidth and Beam-width. A stacked patch configuration is proposed to increase the narrow bandwidth, radiation efficiency and directivity. The proposed antenna is probe fed on a FR-4 substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4. At resonant frequency 2.42 GHz, antenna parameters like Return Loss, VSWR, Axial Ratio and Radiation pattern are verify and simulated on CST Microwave Studio by CST student edition.

A Microstrip Patch Antenna Design for Breast Cancer Detection

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015

Breast cancer affects many women and has fatal conclusions if it does not cure correctly. Early diagnosis is the most important parameter to detect and interfere with cancer tissue. Some of methods for breast cancer detection are X-ray mammography, MRI and ultrasound. However, they have some limitations. For example; between 4 and 34 % of all breast cancers are missed because of poor malignant/benign cancer tissue contrast. Microwave imaging to detect breast cancer is a promising method and there are many works in this area. All materials have different permittivity and conductivity. In this work, a 3D breast structure has different permittivity and conductivity is modelled in HFSS by using Finite Element Method (FEM) to solve electromagnetic field values and a microstrip patch antenna operating at 2.45 GHz is designed and substrate material is FR4 (r = 4.4 F/m). Slotting on microstrip patch and modifying ground plane, imaging quality is increased. About this, electric field, magnetic field distribution and current density on the antenna are evaluated.

Evaluation and Comparison of Electromagnetic and Scattering Parameters Data of Two Microstrip Patch Antennas Operating in ISM Band for Cancer Detection


Cancer diseases significantly affect lives of many people for last years. The diagnosis and treatment process is quite difficult and painful. It is especially important to reach the result of pathological tissue samples in which the structure of the cancerous tissue is determined and helps to shape the treatment in a short time. Today, it may take days or even months to obtain these results. In this study, microstrip antenna structures that are frequently used due to many advantages in biomedical applications are studied. Electromagnetic field and scattering parameter data of two antennas operating in the 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz operating frequency in ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band region are analyzed and compared. Pathological sample transformed form of tumor and normal skin tissue is simulated and compared in Ansys' HFSS program. Both the electric field values and the S-parameter values were compared by obtaining the values of both antennas at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz ...

Antenna design and fabrication for biotelemetry applications

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2021

This research work assumes the role of designing a Micro-strip patch antenna that exists within the band range of 402 MHz to 405 MHz, which was considered as medical implantable communication systems (MICS) band and can be possibly implanted at human body phantom model because of its flexibility and lower radiation characteristics. CST microwave studio was used for designing the patch antenna and the human body phantom model with the existence of homogeneous layers (fat, skin and muscle) and the final version was fabricated. Being highly flexible, FR4 was chosen as a substrate to maintain 0.5 mm thickness throughout. For the ground and patch, copper material was selected having thickness of 0.018 mm. For the ease of fabrication and biocompatibility, silicon was selected with the thickness of being 8 mm. Maximum specific absorption rate of the proposed antenna was obtained 0.588 W/Kg for 10 g tissue. Various Parameters such as VSWR, S11, Radiation efficiency, Total efficiency were found 1.1889,-21.28 dB,-45.71 dB,-45.74 dB respectively inside body phantom that ensure the antenna design was efficiently and effectively suitable for biotelemetry system which is body implantable. After fabrication the value of S11 is found-12.43 dB in open space with 453 MHz frequency.

Design and Analysis of an Implantable Microstrip Patch Antenna for Medical Applications

to dedicate this work to my parents for their continuous love and support throughout my life. Thank you both for giving me strength to reach for the stars and chase my dreams. My brothers: Omar & Salim, sisters: Karima, Samia & Lydia and sister in law: Yasmine deserve my wholehearted thanks and dedication as well. I also dedicate this dissertation to my squad members who have supported me throughout the process and encouraged me in my many, many moments of crisis. I will always appreciate all what they have done, especially Khaoula for always believing in me, Amira for being the shoulder I can always depend on, and Yasmine for her continuous love, care and support. Finally, I would like to extand my gratitude to my most inspiring teachers, notably, Pr.Azrar, Dr. Dahimene and Dr. Cherifi for the huge impact they had on me during all my college years. Wahiba iii Dedication This work is first dedicated to my lovely parents for their unconditional love, and their endless support and encouragement in every step and decision I made throughout my life. To my sisters: Rima and Mounia and my brother Djamel Eddine who were always by my side, without forgetting my little nephew Anis. To all my beloved friends who helped, supported me and cheered me up in hard times and with whom I shared great memories too, and to my best friend Amina for her special love and care. Sarah iv Acknowledgement In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and His blessings in completing this dissertation. Special appreciation goes to our supervisor, Pr. Arab AZRAR, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to him, for his excellent guidance, caring, patience, and providing us with an amazing atmosphere for pursuing work. The door to Prof. Azrar office was always open whenever we ran into a trouble spot or had a question about our assignment or writing. He consistently allowed this project to be our own work, but steered us in the right direction whenever he thought we needed it. We would also like to thank Mrs. Mouhouche and all those people who have been associated with this work for their passionate participation and help because without it this project could not have been successfully conducted. v Abstract In this work, a dual band Microstrip patch implantable antenna for biomedical applications has been presented to operate in both Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS) with a range of 402-405 MHz and 2.4-2.5 GHz band chosen among the Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM). A rectangular antenna has been first simulated to operate in MICS band with dimensions of 179.7 x 228.3 x 1.63 mm, then, a new meandered serpentine shape, with single feed point, has been used in order to lengthen the current path and covers both MICS and ISM bands with new dimensions of 31 x 25 x 1.63 mm printed on dielectric material of 4.3 constant. The proposed antenna resonates at 403 MHz with a reflection coefficient of -13 dB with a bandwidth of 2.25 MHz, and at 2.47 GHz with a -16.9 dB reflection coefficient and of 5 MHz bandwidth. Furthermore, the radiated fields are broadside at both frequencies with acceptable gains. The results of the proposed structure are validated experimentally although the dielectric constant of the used material is altered by the environmental effects. In order to test the usability of the antenna inside the human body, approximate media have been proposed. In vitro experiments have been conducted, where the antenna is packaged, then embedded into three different tissues. Results from these investigations are evaluated in terms of the tissues impact on the antenna's propagation. Based on the obtained results, conclusions about adjusting the design to meet each medical application's requirement have been deduced and a plan concerning the future work has been drawn in order to come up with the most miniaturized antenna that transmits reliable data from the human body to the base station at both MICS and ISM bands. vi