Popov, V., Vajsov, I., Evlogiev, J., Markova, H., Markov, D., Dzhurkovska, G. 2020. Neo-Еneolithic Settlement Golo Bǎrdo. – Archaeological Discoveries and Exavations 2019, Sofia 2020, 250–255, 2020

The Neo-Eneolithic settlement "Golo Bǎrdo" is located in the "Golo Bǎrdo" locality, falling within the territory of the villages Gradishte and Asenovtsi, Levski Municipality, Pleven District. It is located in the south of the Lower Danube Valley, on an Osǎm River terrace. The terrain is level, slightly inclined north and north-east. In the first excavation stage, were plotted 29 test trenches with different length and breadth. Results indicated presence of several consecutive prehistoric settlements on the site, dated to the beginning of the Late Neolithic (the time of the Vinca А3/В1 and the Samovodene – Ovcharovo cultures); the Late Neolithic (the Podgoritsa cultural group); the transition from the Neolithic to the Eneolithic (the Brenica phase of the Gradeshnitsa culture); the Early Eneolithic (the Polyanitsa – Vidra culture). In the second and the third excavation phase, were excavated 184 archaeological structures – sunken featured buildings and pits with various functions (cult pits, refuse pits, pits for extraction of inert construction raw materials, etc.). The larger sunken features, which could be interpreted as buildings, were spaced 4 to 9 m apart and as a rule had oval plan. We assume these also featured suspended wooden floor superstructures, upon which the ovens were found. The next phase in the settlement’s development is associated with the Late Neolithic, with structures including ground level and semi-sunken buildings, pits, etc. Notably, also to this period belong designated flint and bone tools processing areas. The Early Eneolithic phase is registered only in the site’s west sector. The respective structures include destructions of the superstructures of raised buildings, deposits, refuse pits, special purpose pits, pits with deposited burnt wall plaster, etc.