Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan: Selected Issues (original) (raw)

Students with special needs in the Kazakh educational system

International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies, 2016

Till 1991, Kazakh education developed in line with education practiced in the Soviet Union; that is why, its system of special education and the theoretical and methodological basis were consistent with the Russian solutions. At present, education is being intensively restructured as the approach to students with special needs has changed. Inclusive education has become one of the priorities for the Republic of Kazakhstan (National Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2011-2020). A number of actions were undertaken in this area: legislation was adopted, and the knowledge of good educational practice used in other countries as well as the forms, principles and strategies of implementing the philosophy of education for all was gained. Data analysis showed that the majority of students with special needs (73 percent) are still in special preschools, schools, residential centers, and sanatorium- and hospital-based facilities. As part of inclusive education, ...

Education of People with Special Needs

 In the present scenario, the paper discusses about the education of pupil with special needs. During the 1880s Christian Missionaries started schools for the disabled on grounds of charity. After the world conference on Special Needs Education in Salmanca in 1990s, inclusion became the magic world in the educational field however the changing approaches to disability from the charity model to the Human Rights model. The paper, therefore proposes and inclusive education for disability.

Education of Children with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs: Socio-Economic Aspect. Summary

Kulagina E.V., 2014

The monograph, based on the data from the Russian Federal statistical observations, as well as on interviews with teachers, school directors and parents of children with disabilities, considers Russian educational policy concerning children with disabilities. It shows controversial aspects of the legislation in the sphere of education, inconsistency between different normative acts. There are analyzed statistical data: number of children with disabilities in the system of general education, structure of disabilities, forms of their education (in special schools, in special classes, in regular classes), structure of their distribution by types of special schools, education conditions, number of special institutions and their types. Differences in the accessibility of education between Moscow and average data for the Russian Federation are examined. The author shows specifics of the education process in special and inclusive schools, learning conditions in the education system and mechanisms of social protection of people in difficult situation, as well as resources of families for parenting children.

Bridging the Gap: Special Educators supporting Inclusive Education in Kazakhstan

Disability and Society, 2024

As Kazakhstan joins the worldwide movement towards inclusive education, many students with special educational needs and disability in Kazakhstan continue to be educated in segregated settings. The role of key stakeholders such as special educators (defectologists), are important in the process of educational reform, and their attitudes may support or hinder the progress. Six special educators were voluntarily recruited to participate in one-on-one interviews in this case study research, concerning their perceptions about their role within current inclusive education reforms. The participants in this study perceived their role as solely teaching students with special educational needs and disabilities within the main specialization of a special educator. However, special educators in Kazakhstan understand disability as a dialectical concept, where biological and social factors are intertwined. Thus, their understanding of the importance of removing environmental and broader societal attitudinal barriers for individuals with special needs may present a valuable resource for change.

Inclusive education for children and young people with disabilities in Uzbekistan: The perspectives and experiences of key players


This thesis explored the educational conditions for children with disabilities in Uzbekistan and the current development stage of inclusive education there. Of particular interest was how various groups perceived and understood the concept of inclusive education, what they saw as the critical issues in introducing inclusive practices, and how their experiences informed its better provision. These groups included parents of children with disabilities, teachers in general and specialised schools, non-governmental disability organisations (NGOs), and the government. The research is of importance as little has been written about inclusive education in Uzbekistan. It offers a platform for academics, policy-makers, and practitioners to further the agenda of equity in education in and beyond this setting through research, policy, and practice.

Organization of an inclusive educational environment for the development of children with special educational needs


Recently in academic papers by educators and practical psychologists, the issue of searching for means and tools designed to make the life of people with disabilities full and independent has been increasingly raised. Many scientists point to the need for new forms of education that promote the integration of people with special needs into society. An inclusive education deserves special attention among them. This article aims to identify and characterize the benefits of an inclusive classroom for children's development and socialization. The article studies the academic papers on the work of inclusive classes from the perspective of their role in the development and successful socialization of education applicants. Also, it investigates the results of the questionnaire survey of teachers and parents of children studying in inclusive classes. During the research, we studied the content of the inclusive education concept and features of this educational process form, established ...

Türkiye ve Diğer Ülkelerde Özel Eğitimcilerin Eğitimleri ve Yeterlikleri (Education and Competences of the Special Educators in Turkey and Other Countries)

Turkish Studies, 2020

In this research, analysis of higher education systems and qualifications gained in the field of special education and rehabilitation in the Republic of Turkey and European countries are determined. It is aimed to compare the training and qualifications of future special educators and rehabilitators in higher education systems in the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Germany, Finland, Russia, Lithuania and Spain in order to obtain positive application methods regarding the competences of special educators and rehabilitators. Document analysis method was used in the research. All available documentation was analyzed and the data were cross-referenced. The results showed that the education of special educators and rehabilitators varies in different countries and it is contextualized or adapted to the tradition, history, and norms of each society. Generally, dominates the trend of specialization of the classroom teachers from government schools, in order to gain special education competences, but there are still higher education systems (like in Spain and Russia) which have the same approach in the education of special educators and rehabilitators. Almost all countries have developed resource centers serving like service providers of the regular schools where the students with special educational needs are educated. Development of the network of resource centers, increasing of the competences of the regular teachers, increasing the competences of the special educators and rehabilitators for work in the regular inclusive conditions, specializing after the graduate studies were suggested. As the most important suggestion, the graduated special educators and rehabilitators should be educated and trained for independent work in the field of prevention, detection, diagnostics, habilitation and rehabilitation, education, the professional orientation of persons with special educational needs.

The Education of Children with Special Needs: Barriers and opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe


Children with disabilities and many others who experience difficulties in learning are often marginalized within or even excluded from school systems. This paper considers the situation in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, examining particular developments that have occurred in recent years and how these compare with overall trends internationally. This analysis suggests certain barriers to progress, including attitudes within

Analysis of the recent international documents toward inclusive education of children with disabilities

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences , 2012

Analysis of various international documents clearly suggests that international documents have provided a significant motivation to efforts undertaken at the national level about education of children with disabilities. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child imposed a requirement for radical changes to traditional approaches to provision made for children with disabilities. One year later, the 1990 World Conference on Education for all focused attention on a much broader range of children with disabilities who may be excluded from or marginalized within education systems. Its development has involved a series of stages during which education systems have explored different ways of responding to children with disabilities and others who experience difficulties in learning. This conference declared the inclusive education is regarded as the only means to achieve the goal of "Education for All". This trend was reaffirmed by next international documents. And finally, according to the article 24 of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, disabled persons should be able to access general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning without discrimination and on an equal basis with others through reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. All of these documents played an important role in bringing the attention on to children with disabilities, especially on education as a vehicle for integration and empowerment. This research examines the new international trends occurring regarding the education of children with disabilities and finally results that the new trends show a movement from special education to inclusive education and moving from seclusion to inclusion and provide that solutions must focus on prevention, cure and steps to make these children as normal as possible. In this regard, States must ensure the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all disabled people, on an equal basis with others, and without discrimination of any kind on the basis of disability.