Una nueva subespecie de Heraclides androgeus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) y sus aspectos biogeográficos (original) (raw)
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Revista de biología tropical, 2013
A new subspecies of Heraclides androgeus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) and its biogeographical aspects. Heraclides androgeus epidaurus was described and illustrated by Godman & Salvin in 1890 based on specimens obtained in Veracruz, indicating that their distribution encompassed both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of Mexico. Later authors commented that there were morphological differences between the male wings from both populations. We analyzed, described and nominated Heraclides androgeus reyesorum ssp. nov. Vargas, Llorente…
Diversidad del orden Lepidoptera (Hesperioidea y Papilionoidea) de la ciudad Corrientes, Argentina
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
Diversity of the order Lepidoptera (Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) from Corrientes city, Argentina. Urbanization is one of the most important threats for biodiversity. Among many different organisms, butterflies are useful indicators of environment diversity and quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the Lepidoptera from Corrientes city. Random samplings were performed at two sites: a native forest situated in Santa Catalina district and an urban area, Parque Mitre. The captures were carried out using entomological nets, at four seasons between January to October 2007. A total of 1 114 butterflies, represented by six families: Hesperiidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae and Riodinidae and 18 subfamilies were recorded. Fifty-nine genera and 75 species were identified; Anartia jatrophae jatrophae was the most abundant species at both localities. This species and Urbanus procne, Phoebis sennae marcellina, Pyrgus orcus and Dryas iulia alcionea were, among other seven, captured at all months. Highest values of abundance were registered during the warmest seasons. Santa Catalina presented the largest abundance (n=701), richness (S=74) and diversity (H'=3.87). A total of 413 individuals and 52 species were identified at Parque Mitre, and Shannon diversity index was 3.58. The obtained data reveals a high species richness and similarity at both sites.
Se estudio la fauna de mariposas (Papilionidae, Pieridae y Nymphalidae) en los bosques mesofilos de montana de Mexico para inferir sus patrones de distribucion, utilizando el Analisis de Parsimonia de Endemismos (PAE), con base en 14 unidades geograficas y 459 taxones. Se obtuvieron cinco cladogramas de areas que tras la aplicacion de un consenso estricto se redujeron a uno (841 pasos, CI= 42, RI= 52).Los resultados indican la presencia de dos grupos principales correspondientes a las vertientes del Pacifico y del Atlantico, mientras que las unidades de mayor altitud no forman grupos bien definidos. Se indican los taxones que definen los principales grupos. Los Tuxtlas es la rama mas basal separada de las localidades del Atlantico. Se discute el uso del PAE para inferir relaciones biogeograficas.
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2018
Distribution and phenology of the family Riodinidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in the tropical semi-deciduous forest of Oaxaca, Mexico. Riodinidae is very diverse in the Neotropical region; in Mexico the knowledge about the biology of most of its species is still scarce. For the present work, exhaustive and systematic collections of Riodinidae were carried out in 14 localities of the Loxicha region, Oaxaca, Mexico, particularly in two with tropical semi-deciduous forest. In addition, previous records for this region were examined, in an altitude range of 70 to 2 500 m; the majority collected by the staff of the Museo de Zoología (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM). We obtained 4 029 specimens from the fieldwork and MARIPOSA database, 2 306 of them are present in the tropical semi-deciduous forest (TSF). The total number of species for the region is 52, distributed in 22 genera and two subfamilies; the most diverse subfamily was Riodininae (50 species). Using parametric estimators the ric...