Coronary vessels contribute to de novo endocardial cells in the endocardium-depleted heart (original) (raw)
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F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature
Coronary arteries bring blood flow to the heart muscle. Understanding the developmental program of the coronary arteries provides insights into the treatment of coronary artery diseases. Multiple sources have been described as contributing to coronary arteries including the proepicardium, sinus venosus (SV), and endocardium. However, the developmental origins of coronary vessels are still under intense study. We have produced a new genetic tool for studying coronary development, an AplnCreER mouse line, which expresses an inducible Cre recombinase specifically in developing coronary vessels. Quantitative analysis of coronary development and timed induction of AplnCreER fate tracing showed that the progenies of subepicardial endothelial cells (ECs) both invade the compact myocardium to form coronary arteries and remain on the surface to produce veins. We found that these subepicardial ECs are the major sources of intramyocardial coronary vessels in the developing heart. In vitro explant assays indicate that the majority of these subepicardial ECs arise from endocardium of the SV and atrium, but not from ventricular endocardium. Clonal analysis of Apln-positive cells indicates that a single subepicardial EC contributes equally to both coronary arteries and veins. Collectively, these data suggested that subepicardial ECs are the major source of intramyocardial coronary arteries in the ventricle wall, and that coronary arteries and veins have a common origin in the developing heart.
The heart endocardium is derived from vascular endothelial progenitors
Development, 2011
The embryonic heart is composed of two cell layers: the myocardium, which contributes to cardiac muscle tissue, and the endocardium, which covers the inner lumen of the heart. Whereas significant progress has been made toward elucidating the embryonic origins of the myocardium, the origins of the endocardium remain unclear. Here, we have identified an endocardium-forming field medial to the cardiac crescent, in a continuum with the endothelial plexus. In vivo live imaging of quail embryos revealed that endothelial progenitors, like second/anterior heart field progenitors, migrate to, and enter, the heart from the arterial pole. Furthermore, embryonic endothelial cells implanted into the cardiac crescent contribute to the endocardium, but not to the myocardium. In mouse, lineage analysis focusing on endocardial cells revealed an unexpected heterogeneity in the origins of the endocardium. To gain deeper insight into this heterogeneity, we conditionally ablated Flk1 in distinct cardiov...
The origins and developmental mechanisms of coronary arteries are incompletely understood. We show here by fate mapping, clonal analysis, and immunohistochemistry that endocardial cells generate the endothelium of coronary arteries. Dye tracking, live imaging, and tissue transplantation also revealed that ventricular endocardial cells are not terminally differentiated; instead, they are angiogenic and form coronary endothelial networks. Myocardial Vegf-a or endocardial Vegfr-2 deletion inhibited coronary angiogenesis and arterial formation by ventricular endocardial cells. In contrast, lineage and knockout studies showed that endocardial cells make a small contribution to the coronary veins, the formation of which is independent of myocardialto-endocardial Vegf signaling. Thus, contrary to the current view of a common source for the coronary vessels, our findings indicate that the coronary arteries and veins have distinct origins and are formed by different mechanisms. This information may help develop better cell therapies for coronary artery disease.
Coronary arteries form by developmental reprogramming of venous cells
Nature, 2010
Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Determining the coronary artery developmental program could aid understanding of the disease and lead to new treatments, but many aspects of the process, including their developmental origin, remain obscure. Here we show, using histological and clonal analysis in mice and cardiac organ culture, that coronary vessels arise from angiogenic sprouts of the sinus venosus-the vein that returns blood to the embryonic heart. Sprouting venous endothelial cells dedifferentiate as they migrate over and invade the myocardium. Invading cells differentiate into arteries and capillaries; cells on the surface redifferentiate into veins. These results show that some differentiated venous cells retain developmental plasticity, and indicate that position-specific cardiac signals trigger their dedifferentiation and conversion into coronary arteries, capillaries and veins. Understanding this new reprogramming process and identifying the endogenous signals should suggest more natural ways of engineering coronary bypass grafts and revascularizing the heart.
Recapitulation of developmental mechanisms to revascularize the ischemic heart
JCI insight, 2017
Restoring blood flow after myocardial infarction (MI) is essential for survival of existing and newly regenerated tissue. Endogenous vascular repair processes are deployed following injury but are poorly understood. We sought to determine whether developmental mechanisms of coronary vessel formation are intrinsically reactivated in the adult mouse after MI. Using pulse-chase genetic lineage tracing, we establish that de novo vessel formation constitutes a substantial component of the neovascular response, with apparent cellular contributions from the endocardium and coronary sinus. The adult heart reverts to its former hypertrabeculated state and repeats the process of compaction, which may facilitate endocardium-derived neovascularization. The capacity for angiogenic sprouting of the coronary sinus vein, the adult derivative of the sinus venosus, may also reflect its embryonic origin. The quiescent epicardium is reactivated and, while direct cellular contribution to new vessels is ...
Identification of a coronary vascular progenitor cell in the human heart
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009
Primitive cells capable of generating small resistance arterioles and capillary structures in the injured myocardium have been identified repeatedly. However, these cells do not form large conductive coronary arteries that would have important implications in the management of the ischemic heart. In the current study, we determined whether the human heart possesses a class of progenitor cells that regulates the growth of endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and vasculogenesis. The expression of vascular endothelial growth-factor receptor 2 (KDR) was used, together with the stem cell antigen c-kit, to isolate and expand a resident coronary vascular progenitor cell (VPC) from human myocardial samples. Structurally, vascular niches composed of c-kit-KDR-positive VPCs were identified within the walls of coronary vessels. The VPCs were connected by gap junctions to ECs, SMCs, and fibroblasts that operate as supporting cells. In vitro, VPCs were self-renewing and clonogenic and differentiated predominantly into ECs and SMCs and partly into cardiomyocytes. To establish the functional import of VPCs, a critical stenosis was created in immunosuppressed dogs, and tagged human VPCs were injected in proximity to the constricted artery. One month later, there was an increase in coronary blood flow (CBF) distal to the stenotic artery, resulting in functional improvement of the ischemic myocardium. Regenerated large, intermediate, and small human coronary arteries and capillaries were found. In conclusion, the human heart contains a pool of VPCs that can be implemented clinically to form functionally competent coronary vessels and improve CBF in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy.
Vessel formation. De novo formation of a distinct coronary vascular population in neonatal heart
Science (New York, N.Y.), 2014
The postnatal coronary vessels have been viewed as developing through expansion of vessels formed during the fetal period. Using genetic lineage tracing, we found that a substantial portion of postnatal coronary vessels arise de novo in the neonatal mouse heart, rather than expanding from preexisting embryonic vasculature. Our data show that lineage conversion of neonatal endocardial cells during trabecular compaction generates a distinct compartment of the coronary circulation located within the inner half of the ventricular wall. This lineage conversion occurs within a brief period after birth and provides an efficient means of rapidly augmenting the coronary vasculature. This mechanism of postnatal coronary vascular growth provides avenues for understanding and stimulating cardiovascular regeneration following injury and disease.
PLoS ONE, 2013
Avian embryo experiments proved an ingrowth model for the coronary artery connections with the aorta. However, whether a similar mechanism applies to the mammalian heart still remains unclear. Here we analyzed how the main coronary arteries and their orifices form during murine heart development. Apelin (Apln) is expressed in coronary vascular endothelial cells including peritruncal endothelial cells. By immunostaining, however, we did not find Apln expression in endothelial cells of the aorta during the period of coronary vessel development (E10.5 to E15.5). As a result of this unique expression difference, Apln CreERT2/+ genetically labels nascent coronary vessels forming on the heart, but not the aorta endothelium when pulse activated by tamoxifen injection at E10.5. This allowed us to define the temporal contribution of these distinct endothelial cell populations to formation of the murine coronary artery orifice. We found that the peritruncal endothelial cells were recruited to form the coronary artery orifices. These cells penetrate the wall of aorta and take up residence in the aortic sinus of valsalva. In conclusion, main coronary arteries and their orifices form through the recruitment and vascular remodeling of peritruncal endothelial cells in mammalian heart.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2001
Cell Culture. Primary endothelial embryonic cells (EEC) were isolated from explants of mouse dorsal aorta from embryonic day 9 as described (21). For clonal expansion, cells were plated at a concentration of 10 4 per 60-mm dish on a feeder layer of mitomycin C (2 g͞ml)-treated STO cells. Clonal isolates were collected and tested by reverse transcription-PCR for the expression of VE-cadherin, CD34, Myf-5, and MyoD as described This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.
F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature
The postnatal coronary vessels have been viewed as developing through expansion of vessels formed during the fetal period. Using genetic lineage tracing, we found that a substantial portion of postnatal coronary vessels arise de novo in the neonatal mouse heart, rather than expanding from pre-existing embryonic vasculature. Our data show that lineage conversion of neonatal endocardial cells during trabecular compaction generates a distinct compartment of the coronary circulation located within the inner half of the ventricular wall. This lineage conversion occurs within a brief period after birth and provides an efficient means of rapidly augmenting the coronary vasculature. This mechanism of postnatal coronary vascular growth provides avenues for understanding and stimulating cardiovascular regeneration following injury and disease. Coronary artery disease causes myocardial infarction, the leading cause of death worldwide. How coronary arteries develop is a fundamental biological question with important ramifications for human health and disease (1). Defining the developmental programs that give rise to the coronary arteries will provide critical information for regenerative approaches to congenital and adult heart disease (2-4). Most previous studies of coronary developmental origins have focused on mid-gestation stage when coronary vessels initially †