ClimAte ChAnGe AnD its impACt on the heAlth (original) (raw)
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"Scientific Perspectives on Climate Change and its Influence on the Spread of Infectious Diseases"
This article addresses the intricate interactions between climate change and the spread of infectious diseases, highlighting key scientific perspectives. The mechanisms through which climate change influences the epidemiology of these diseases are examined, considering climatic variables, changes in vector patterns, and pathogen adaptation. Additionally, the relationship between extreme weather events and the occurrence of epidemic outbreaks is explored. Findings reveal the necessity of integrated approaches and public health policies to mitigate emerging impacts on global health.
Infectious Diseases, Climate Change Effects on
Infectious Diseases, 2012
Climate The weather averaged over a long time or, succinctly, climate is what you expect, weather is what you get! El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) A climate phenomenon whereby, following reversal of trade winds approximately every 4-7 years, a vast body of warm water moves slowly west to east across the Pacific, resulting in "an El Niño" event in the Americas and leading to a detectable change to climate (mostly disruption of normal rainfall patterns) across 70% of the earth's surface. Emerging disease An infection or disease that has recently increased in incidence (the number of cases), severity (how bad the disease is), or distribution (where it occurs). Endemic stability The counter-intuitive situation where the amount of disease rises as the amount of infection falls, such that controlling infection can exacerbate the problem. Infection The body of a host having been invaded by microorganisms (mostly viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and parasites).
Climate change and infectious diseases: What can we expect?
Canada Communicable Disease Report, 2019
Recent and future climate change in Canada Warming trends have accelerated globally, with overall annual air temperature increases of nearly 1 °C during the period 1880-2017 (5). The years 2015 to 2017 were clearly warmer than any previous years (6), and the last three decades were warmer than any decade since 1850 (7). This trend varies geographically, with greater and faster warming over the Arctic and sub-Arctic basins, particularly in northeastern Canada, due to the rapid decrease of sea-ice and snow cover (8,9). Since 1948, the rate of warming in Canada as a whole has been more than two times that of the global mean, and the rate of warming in northern Canada (north of 60°N) has been roughly three times or more the global mean (10). Over northeastern Canada (north of 60°N and east of 110°W), the annual mean temperature has increased by 0.75-1.2 °C per decade over the last three decades compared with around 0.18 °C per decade globally (5). Mean air temperature will continue to increase as greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere continue to rise due to human activities.
Climate change impacts on vector-borne infectious diseases (A Review
Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2010
Climate is "the average weather, described in terms of the mean and other statistical quantities that measure the variability over a period of time and possibly over a certain geographical region"(1). Within the 20 th century, the cooling trend of the last 1,000 years has been reversed due to greenhouse gases being trapped in the atmosphere and the average temperature has risen by 1°C(2). In fact, the amount of carbon dioxide has always been between 180 to 280 ppm in the atmosphere, but today it is 336 ppm, surpassing the rates observed in the ice core records. As a result of climate change, global warming is taking place, which happens to occur twice as fast during the night-time in winter and at high latitudes in the winter; also the oceans are warming up to 3km down(3,2). Global warming,
The ecology of climate change and infectious diseases: comment
Ecology, 2010
The projected global increase in the distribution and prevalence of infectious diseases with climate change suggests a pending societal crisis. The subject is increasingly attracting the attention of health professionals and climate-change scientists, particularly with respect to malaria and other vector-transmitted human diseases. The result has been the emergence of a crisis discipline, reminiscent of the early phases of conservation biology. Latitudinal, altitudinal, seasonal, and interannual associations between climate and disease along with historical and experimental evidence suggest that climate, along with many other factors, can affect infectious diseases in a nonlinear fashion. However, although the globe is significantly warmer than it was a century ago, there is little evidence that climate change has already favored infectious diseases. While initial projections suggested dramatic future increases in the geographic range of infectious diseases, recent models predict range shifts in disease distributions, with little net increase in area. Many factors can affect infectious disease, and some may overshadow the effects of climate.
The Impact of Climate Change on Emergence and Re-emergence of Vectorborne Human Diseases
Climate change is happening with greater speed, and intensity in the world, than it was initially predicted. Climate change refers to any significant changes in climate through, temperature, precipitation, wind, etc., for an extended period, as a result of the natural processes, such as sun’s intensity, ocean circulation, and human activities causing changes in the atmosphere’s composition through burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Climate change has a significant impact on human and animal health with regard to certain infectious diseases mainly transmitted through arthropod vectors. Climate change may affect disease by increasing the transmission cycles of vectors, and some regions, it may result in establishment of new diseases. The basic transmission cycle involves arthropod-animal host amplification, with humans acting as a dead-end host. Nearly half of the world’s population is infected by vector borne diseases, resulting in high mortality and morbidity. The important vector borne diseases affected by climate change include Chickengunya fever, dengue fever, dirofilariasis, Japanese encephalitis, leishmaniasis, malaria, plague, Rift Valley fever, tickborne diseases, trypanosomiasis, and West Nile fever, Over the next decades, it is predicted that billions of people in the world, particularly those in developing countries, will face the shortage of water and food, and greater risks to health, and life due to the climate change. Hence, continued interdisciplinary research is needed to understand the association between climate, weather, and infectious diseases. Predictive modeling should be developed to forecast the impact of climate change on the emergence of diseases, which affect the health of humans and animals. Additional studies should be conducted on disease dynamics, and how they may adapt to a changing climate. Key words: Animals, Arthropod vectors, Climate change, Humans, Infectious diseases
Climate Change and Infectious Diseases
New South Wales Public Health Bulletin, 2007
When estimating or modelling the health impacts of climate change, there are many uncertainties due to incon-sistencies and gaps in global knowledge about climate vari-ability, lack of reliable data across populations, poor applicability of global models to local scenarios and incom- ...