Muito Além do Jardim: um filme e algumas reflexões sobre transformações tecnológicas e antropogenética (original) (raw)
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Kínesis, 2020
Resumo: Pretendemos, neste artigo, estabelecer, defronte as proposições centrais do movimento transhumanistaexpresso aqui na filosofia de FM-2030e o discernimento helenístico de Epicuro, (I) pontos de tangência e (II) fundamentação/corroboração do segundo ao primeiro. A morte, asserta FM-2030, deve ser superada. Tomando esta proposição como ponto arquimediano do pensamento transhumanista, investigamos na sabedoria de Epicuro um possível fortalecimento deste alicerce proposicional no afã de, para além do caráter formal de sua consistência, somar ao movimento contemporâneo o comedimento do hedonismo epicúreo, uma vez que as potencialidades provenientes da tecnociência podem ampliar os efeitos da desmesura humana. Tentamos, portanto, mostrar que um movimento com olhos para o futuro pode ser fortalecido com o mestre Epicuro. Nos focando no transhumanismo de FM-2030 e, em contraste com Epicuro e sua teoria dos desejos, buscamos elucidar que o filósofo legitimaria uma vida longeva, uma vez que a longevidade ou mesmo a imortalidade não implicam descomedimento.
Do diário de campo à câmera na mão ou de como virar antropólogo cineasta
Revista De Antropologia, 1996
RESUMO : Es te arti go di sc ut e o e1nprego do audi ovi sual na s pesquisas soc iais, te nd o co rno referência urna pesqui sa co mparati va e ntre Paris e Ri o de Jan eiro sobre o papel dos espaç os púb licos na soc iabilidad e das pessoas idos as. O obje tivo é aprofundar a in ves tigação no cmnpo da antropo log ia urb ana integ ra ndo à s ua m etodol og ia os in stru1nent os da antropo logia visual. O vídeo é, e ntão, emp regado co1no instrumento de pesquisa para le
A Terra em Transe: o cosmopolitismo às avessas do cinema novo
Galaxia Revista Do Programa De Pos Graduacao Em Comunicacao E Semiotica Issn 1982 2553, 2007
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Vulnerabilidade e bioética: discussões sobre o filme Um homem entre gigantes
This article aims to identify the perception of physical education students on vulnerabilities, intolerance and power relations in sports based on the motion picture Concussion. This is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Ten undergraduate and graduate students from Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina answered an online questionnaire about the movie. Data was examined by content analysis. With a sports-related thematic, the selected movie proved effective for teaching bioethical topics such as types of vulnerability, power relations and ethical conflicts, which may arise from professional practice in the field of physical education. The teaching-learning method motivated students to reflect on the controversial topics and situations presented in the movie.
UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2021
Tese - Doutorado em Educação (Praticas Artísticas, Aprendizagem e Filosofia). Orientador: Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim // This research-creation Project, as one thesis less, aims to experiment the field of education as an indisciplinary, problematizing, and interval occasion for thought, capable of welcoming an emerging ecology of practices that gains consistency from sensitive propositions arising from artistic, philosophical, and pedagogical practices from which more than human learning unfolds as emanations of difference. In turn, this project is situated in the context of living in a world in ruins and devastation, where extinction does not stop being present, whether as annihilation or exclusion of modes of existence already actualized or modes of existence still in the process of being born and instituted and that are suddenly aborted or denied in the form of atrophy and depotentialization of the processes of creation. This problematic field between education and environmental humanities, which does not ignore the ongoing ecological collapse, imposes to assume the perspective of a vitalism as an experimental and speculative pragmatism, where we face the question of how to defend the emergence and hatching of the living (of modes of existence). A creative challenge that asks us to embark on an adventure of thought that must invent and take care of its own conditions of possibility; the most prosperous ones, to defend its own existence that under the risk of sinking cannot afford to be indifferent to the practices with which it has intimacy and can affirm itself. In this case, cinematic practices, that do not stop unfolding between conceptualities and pedagogical gestures of care and cure. The adventure of thought that in turn is a scenario and speculative fabulation answers to the name of Deep Blue; a whole ecology that insists on asking itself how to give birth to, how to affirm the point of view of creation through the most diverse means, making everyone become another means. In this sense, it would not be enough to affirm an ecology of practices that could be said to be only personal, without seeking a reactivation of the creative power in other bodies, as a common disposition and channeling of the perseverance of life itself. Thus, every creative process is deeply singular, but also deeply collective; it is always a pedagogical exercise of profusion of more than human learning, whether it happens in human bodies or not, but which are always called surfaces as sliding and expressive materialities for life. In this way, the more we dive into the Deep Blue, we realize that this ecology of cinematic modes of experience as more than human learning is an opening for us to conjugate the human differently, making it humusities and/or in-between-humanities, at the same time in which learning takes place of the images themselves and that makes them what is always to come.
Resumo A antropologia visual é uma área pouco conhecida na Amazônia e, na Universidade Federal do Pará, as experiências têm sido pontuais. Neste artigo apresentamos um conjunto de iniciativas de extensão iniciadas em 2009, visando a difusão da antropologia visual através da organização e curadoria de atividades com filmes sociais de produção local, nacional e internacional. Entre 2009 e 2011 foram realizados quatro festivais de filmes sociais, sendo três em Belém, Brasil, e um em Dacar, Senegal, apresentando produções brasileiras e de diversos países africanos, demonstrando a força da produção audiovisual voltada para as realidades locais e contribuindo para a troca de informações sobre questões sociais entre os mais diversos atores. Fica demonstrado que a extensão universitária pode ser um importante instrumento na divulgação da produção audiovisual de cunho social, ampliando sua inserção extramuros e contribuindo para um mundo mais democrático, dialógico e sustentável no futuro. Abstract Visual anthropology is an area still little known in Amazonia, and at the Universidade Federal do Pará there have been few experiences. In this article we present a group of extensionist initiatives started in 2009, aiming to contribute to the diffusion of visual anthropology through the organization of a series of events with social films of local, national and international production. Between 2009 and 2011 four festivals of social films were realized being three in Belém, Brazil and one in Dakar, Senegal, presenting productions from Brazil and several African countries, demonstrating the power of the audiovisual production reflecting the local realities, and contributing to the exchange of information about social issues among diverse social actors. It is demonstrated that university´s extension initiatives can be important instruments to the diffusion of audiovisual production involving social questions, amplifying university's insertion outside its physical boundaries, contributing to a more democratic, dialogic and sustainable world in the future.
Terra Brasilis, 2017
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