Expansion of Granular Water Filters During Backwash (original) (raw)
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On the backwash expansion of graded filter media
Powder Technology, 2018
Granular media filtration is one of the most important and commonly used operations in water treatment and is also widely used for advanced wastewater treatment. Successful filter design requires a correct specification of backwash rates for filter cleaning. Significant progress has been made in recent years towards a capability of accurate predictions of backwash expansion of uniform (sieved) fractions of nonporous and porous nonspherical media. Graded filter media, however, have not been studied in a systematic and satisfactory way so far. Current design calculations consider a bed with a size gradation to consist of several layers of approximately uniform size according to the sieve analysis data, and the expansion of each layer is separately calculated. The total expansion is calculated by adding the expansions of all the layers. The present work evaluates the accuracy of this approach and a number of alternative calculation methods by carrying out fluidization experiments with actual filter media including silica sand, garnet sand, perlite, crushed recycled glass, activated carbon, anthracite coal, and zeolite.
A new simple equation for the prediction of filter expansion during backwashing
AQUA, 2009
Fluidization experiments have been carried out with glass spheres, plastic spheres and several sieved fractions of silica sand, garnet sand, perlite and crushed glass. The effect of particle shape on expansion behavior is investigated. Sphericity as determined using the Ergun equation and fixed-bed head loss data is employed to quantify the shape effect. It is found that the influence of particle shape depends on the Reynolds number based on backwash velocity. A new equation that accounts for particle shape is proposed. For the materials studied, the proposed equation gives excellent agreement with both the spherical and the non-spherical particle data.
Prediction of filter expansion during backwashing
Water Science & Technology Water Supply, 2004
The application of the Ergun equation to predict the expansion of filter media during backwashing is investigated. Fluidization data from the literature have been analyzed and the values k1 =3.519 and k2 =0.266 have been found to give a very good fit to the data in the range of Reynolds numbers of interest in filter backwashing. An empirical equation that is applicable over a wider range of Reynolds numbers than the Ergun equation is also developed. New experiments have been carried out with glass spheres, plastic spheres, silica sand, and crushed glass. The effect of particle shape on expansion behaviour is investigated. It is found that the influence of particle shape is larger than previously recognized. Furthermore, the shape effect depends on the Reynolds number based on the backwash velocity. The advantages, limitations, and range of applicability of each method of calculation are delineated.
New hydraulic insights into rapid sand filter b e d backwashing using the Carman-Kozeny model
Fluid flow through a bed of solid particles is an important process that occurs in full-scale water treatment operations. The Carman-Kozeny model remains highly popular for estimating the resistance across the bed. It is common practice to use particle shape factors in fixed bed state to match the predicted drag coefficient with experimentally obtained drag coefficients. In fluidised state, however, where the same particles are considered, this particle shape factor is usually simply omitted from the model without providing appropriate reasoning. In this research, it is shown that a shape factor is not a constant particle property but is dependent on the fluid properties as well. This dynamic shape factor for irregularly shaped grains increases from approximately 0.6 to 1.0 in fluidised state. We found that unstable packed beds in moderate up-flow conditions are pseudo-fixed and in a setting state. This results in a decreasing bed voidage and simultaneously in a decreasing drag coefficient, which seems quite contradictory. This can be explained by the collapse of local channels in the bed, leading to a more uniform flow distribution through the bed and improving the available surface for flow-through. Our experimental measurements show that the drag coefficient decreases considerably in the laminar and transition regions. This is most likely caused by particle orientation, realignment and rearrangement in particles' packing position. A thorough hydraulic analysis shows that up-flow filtration in rapid sand filters under backwash conditions causes the particle bed to collapse almost imperceptibly. In addition, an improved expression of the drag coefficient demonstrated that the Carman-Kozeny model constant, however often assumed to be constant, is in fact not constant for increasing flow rates. Furthermore, we propose a new pseudo-3D image analysis for particles with an irregular shape. In this way, we can explain the successful method using optimisation of the extended terminal sub-fluidisation wash (ETSW) filter backwashing procedure, in which turbidity and peaks in the number of particles are reduced with a positive effect on water quality.
Influence of Media Characteristics on Energy Dissipation in Filter Backwashing
Environmental Science & Technology, 2003
Effective cleaning of granular filters during backwashing processes needs maximum turbulence and maximum shear in the fluid particle field. The energy dissipation in a backwashed filter as a particulate fluidized bed arises due to the suspending and random motions of particles and turbulent fluctuations in the bed. Size, density, and sphericity of the filter materials greatly influence the fluidization behavior of the media. In this study, a new model is proposed for predicting the energy dissipation parameters namely the hydrodynamic shear stress (τ a ), the velocity gradient (G a ), the turbulence dissipation coefficient (C a ), and the turbulence parameter (C a 0.5 /Re) in backwashing of filters for different types of filter materials (sand, anthracite, and glass ball). The hydrodynamic shear stress is the dominant mechanism of filter cleaning and appears to increase with increasing the density and size of the filter media particles. Using the basic set of data, a step by step procedure is developed to compute the velocity gradient G a , the turbulence dissipation coefficient C a , the hydrodynamic shear stress τ a , and the turbulent parameter (C a 0.5 / Re).
Hydraulic characterisation of the backwash process in sand filters used in micro irrigation
Biosystems Engineering, 2020
The objective was to evaluate effects of structural design, particle size and filter media height on pressure loss and surface velocity in the expanding filter layer during the backwashing process. The hydraulic behaviour of three commercial sand filter designs were compared. Experiments were conducted in an experimental closed circuit module. The treatments were based on the evaluation of three sand particle sizes combined with three filter bed heights for each filter design. The results showed that for the evaluated sand filters, with their different drainage structures in terms of area and arrangements, had different hydraulic behaviours during the backwashing. Coarser sand particles and greater filter layer heights produced larger slopes in the surface velocity curves as a function of percentage of filter bed expansion. No difference was observed in the minimum fluidisation velocity with changing the filter media heights, but an increase in the minimum fluidisation velocity was observed with increasing sand particle size. Filter beds composed of coarse sand particles and low filter bed heights produced lower increases in the pressure loss with increasing backwash surface velocity. Determining the minimum fluidisation velocity using the graphical analysis method to determine the pressure loss across the filter bed proved to be a reliable method for evaluating the equipment used.
Grain displacement during backwash of drinking water filters
Water supply, 2020
Backwashing rapid sand filters causes inadvertent displacement of filter media grains from their previous depths. This displacement can affect the hydraulic function of filters by mixing or segregating media grains, and the function of biofilters through displacement of active biomass and coatings from proper depths. This study quantifies grain displacement in a pilot-scale filter using tracer grains of colored sand, glass beads, anthracite and garnet to determine the effect of grain size, density and shape on grain displacement. Statistical moments are used to describe the depth distributions resulting from displacement during backwashing. Results show that significant grain displacement occurs during backwash consisting of air scour, air-and-water wash and sub-fluidization water-only wash. Here, displacement is largely independent of grain size, density and shape. When fluidization backwash is used, greater displacement and more dependence on grain characteristics is seen. A varie...
Media properties and their effect on filter performance and backwashing
Water Science and Technology
Granular filter media used in water treatment have a range of physical properties. Media are usually selected on the basis of size. but bed behaviour is also affected by density and voidage of the media, particularly during backwashing. The fluidisation and backwashing bed behaviour of • number of filter media have been investigated. It has been found the fluidisation is affected by the bed packing arrangement which is determined by previous treatment. Filter media may be subject to attrition during backwashing which will affect the grain size and voidage. Combined air and water flow rates for collapse-pulsing are also affected by the media characteristics. When collapse-pulsing is used to clean triple media filten. complete mixing of the layeR OCCUR. but restratification is possible using a high rate fluidising water wash. Backwashing is an important part of the filtration process so understanding the effect of media properties on the process is essential for optimisation.
A new look at filter backwash hydraulics
Water Science & Technology Water Supply, 2001
A new approach to model media expansion during filter backwash is presented. The proposed approach is based on the assumption that the Ergun equation remains valid after fluidization. Mathematical formulas are derived for predicting expanded porosity for a given backwash velocity or backwash velocity for a given expanded porosity. These formulas can be easily used by the engineer. Values predicted using the proposed approach are in good agreement with experimental measurements.
A mathematical filter backwash model
Water Science and Technology, 1998
A mathematical model for deposit detachment and removal during the backwash of rapid gravity filters has been derived for a fluidising water wash. The model consists of two parts; part I determines the volume of deposit dislodged into suspension at any instant, and part 2 determines the change in concentration emerging from the filter bed at any stage during the backwash. Initial conditions for the backwash model are determined from a filtration model.