Metodologi Penelitian Hukum Keluarga Islam (original) (raw)
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Riset Skripsi Hukum Keluarga Islam
Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang Dilarang keras menerjemahkan, memfotokopi, atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.
Metodologi Penemuan Hukum Islam
Continuous dialogue between Islamic law and its context of space and time necessitates the emergence of various methods of invention of Islamic law. This paper aims to map the diversity of the methods under some categorizations. The authors found that, at least, there are three models of methods of Islamic law invention, namely linguistic interpretation, causation, and adjustment. All are so strong in their trend of textual understanding of Islamic law that they potentially bring out epistemological problem, such as the law construction which is too idealistic so that it be not applicable, or vice versa. In that context, Safi offers a method of law invention called “integrated” model which is discovery-oriented blending of textual (normative-textual) and contextual analysis (social-empirical), so that Islamic law does not lose its relevance in the context contemporary society today.
Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam DI Tunisia
The phenomenon of "assimilation" between Islamic law and positive law in Muslim countries, such as the legalization of Islamic law as a national law, has often occurred in Muslim countries that have long implemented the western legal system. The reform of Islamic family law in Muslim countries has continued to develop starting from the early 20th century, and Tunisa is one of them. Legal reform in Tunisia cannot be separated from the historical aspect behind it. The role of education and nationalist fighters as agents of reform is also decisive. The process of formulating and structuring Islamic family law in Tunisia, is not only an effort to codify the Maliki and Hanafi schools of fiqh and the presence of French influence, but also to take progressive and revolutionary steps in an effort to legalize and regulatory in the field of law, with the birth of Majallat al-Ahwal al-Syakhshiyah or the Tunisian Code of Personal Status (CPST). The attitude of the Tunisian state towards legal reform is generally included in the group of countries that carry out legal reform in a democratic manner to suit the demands and developments of the times in accordance with the contemporary context. The nature of the method used in the family law reform still refers to the concept of conventional fiqh (intra doctrinal reform) in synergy with the legacy of French law in order to reinterpret the texts (extra doctrinal reform). The legal reforms carried out by Tunisia, did not intend to deviate and abandon the principles of Islamic law, but rather caused by the government's desire to guarantee the welfare, peace and benefit of the Tunisian nation and people.
Keluarga Sakinah Dalam Kajian Hukum Islam
Households in the modern era experience many challenges and problems, so that many households in their journey end up in a messy household. Husbands or wives and even children no longer feel comfortable in the house, so each of them looks for pleasure and an antidote for the anxiety he faces. From this background, the writer wants to explain scientifically about the sakinah family in the study of Islamic law. This research is a literature study by taking sources from books, journals and other literature that support this research. The findings of this study explain that in theory the Sakinah family is different from its practice in society. The application of the sakinah family can be grouped into three groups, First, to obey religious advice, Second, to create a sakinah family, Third, to develop Islamic da'wah.
Pada Kehidupan sehari-hari Kita semua tidak akan pernah lepas dari literature keagamaan dan budaya, hamper di setiap perilaku dan kegiatan yang kita lakukan bersangkut paut dengan kepentingan agama dan budaya, memjadi suatu ketimpangan jikalau agama dan budaya di pisahkan dari peradapan masyarakat, maka dengan itu budaa dan agama sepertia apa yang bisa di terima oleh masyarakat di Indonesia ini, banyak sekali budaya di Indonesia dari berbagai macam suku dan ras, sedangkan agama bisa dikatakan tertentu dima agama di atur oleh Pancaila sebagai pedoman kenegaraan, tetapi budaya tidak ada batasan sama sekali, melihat kebelakang bahwa agama Islam hadir di tengah-tengah masyarakay yang sudah memiliki budaya di setiap daerahnya tidak menutup kemungkinan di luar negara Indonesia pun hampir semuanya agama datang ditengah-tengah budaya yang ada tak terkecuali di Indonesia.
Konstruksi Hukum Keluarga Islam DI Indonesia
Family law is the law that contains a series of legal regulations arising from the association of family life. The cornerstone of formal enforcement of family law in Indonesia is the No. Act. 1 in 1974 and the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) issued by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Instruction No. 1 of 1991 dated 10 Jini 1991. This article, will give an overview about the phenomenon of the development of family law in Indonesia.