Attitudes and Knowledge of Medical Students about Distance Learning / Stavovi i znanje studenata medicine o učenju na daljinu (original) (raw)
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Advances in medical education and practice, 2022
To explore the attitudes of medical students at King Saud University (KSU) toward online distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and to examine the effects of gender, academic year and level of computer skills on student attitudes toward distance learning. Methods: A previously validated questionnaire was distributed to participants via WhatsApp using a stratified random sampling method. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 26.0 statistical software. Means and standard deviations were used to examine quantitative variables, while frequencies and percentages were used to examine qualitative variables. Results: Our study included 533 students; 71.9% of participants were satisfied with online classes, while 59.6% struggled to receive explanations due to limitations to face-to-face interactions. Two-thirds of participants thought that online classes were more convenient because of their flexibility with respect to location. A similar proportion (65.3%) believed that in situations of distance learning, it was difficult to meet and work with friends. The majority (88.7%) of participants agreed that distance learning saved time and effort spent traveling to campus. Finally, most participants 355 (66.6%), favored blended learning, while only 111 (20.8%) of participants preferred in-class learning. Students in preclinical years had more negative attitudes regarding face-to-face interactions (66.5% vs 54.9%, P=0.027) and meeting with friends (69.3% vs 58.7%, P=0.026) than did students in clinical years. Gender and level of computer skills did not affect students' attitudes toward distance learning (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The majority of student participants felt that online distance learning was an effective option during the pandemic, but they preferred to preserve face-to-face teaching as a concurrent option. Attitudes toward certain aspects of distance learning were more negative among students in preclinical years than among students in clinical years. We did not find any effects of gender or level of computer skills on student attitudes toward distance learning.
Distance education perception scale for medical students: a validity and reliability study
Background There are major changes in education strategies as higher education institutions urgently need to adopt distance education tools and practices due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Medical education is also trying to get out of this emergency using distance education. In this study, we aimed to develop a reliable and valid scale in order to evaluate the perceptions of medical students towards distance education. Methods The students taking part in the study were in the first five academic years of the medical faculty in Bursa in Turkey. At first, 57 items were determined to evaluate students’ perceptions. Content validity was examined according to the assessment of the expert team. Construct validity of these items was examined by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Also, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were calculated for reliability analysis. The medical students’ responses were scored using a five-point Likert scale. Results When the content validity was examined, the ...
Distance Learning at Biomedical Faculties in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2005
Increase and development of distance learning technologies over the past decade has exposed the potential and the efficiency of new technologies. Benefit and use of contemporary information technologies is the area where medical informatics got the most on understanding and importance. Definition of distance learning as "use of technologies based on health care delivered on distance" covers areas such as electronic health, tele-health (e-health), telematics, telemedicine, tele-education, etc. For the need of e-health, telemedicine, tele-education and distance learning there are various technologies and communication systems from standard telephone lines to the system of transmission digitalized signals with modem, optical fiber, satellite links, wireless technologies, etc. Tele-education represents health education on distance, using Information Communication Technologies(ICT), as well as continuous education of a health system beneficiaries and use of electronic libraries, data bases or electronic data with data bases of knowledge. In this paper authors described activities on introduction of distance learning in teaching process at Medical faculty, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Internet was not really meant to be a means of human communication at first; but the clearly the Net become a main piece of human communication.
Distance Learning at the Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo
European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, 2005
Possibilities of introduction of distance learning in medical curriculum are the title of project which has been realizing at Department of Medical Informatics, Medical Faculty since year 2002. The Project is approved by Federal and Cantonal ministries of science and education. The purpose of this project is to support improvement educational process at biomedical faculties using contemporary methods, methodologies and information technologies in accordance with strategy and objectives given by Bologna declaration. The pilot project is realized during three years, the theoretical and practical parts of the subject Medical Informatics are adapted to modern concepts of education using world trends of distance learning. One group of students from the Medical Faculty was involved in this project, which was finalized by electronic registration of an exam and electronic testing on 20 June 2005, in public in the Physiological amphitheatre of the Medical faculty in Sarajevo. In this article we have given description of the project and phases of its realization, and basic adventages and disadvantages we have noticed so far.
Distance Education in Medical Schools: The Experience and Opinions of Academicians and Students
Aims: This study aims to identify the thoughts and opinions of medical schools' students and academicians about the distance medical education and examination system that has been rapidly applied during the COVID-19 pandemic Methods: A questionnaire was prepared via Google Forms which consisted of a total of 3 sections. Informed consent was obtained in the first section and participants were directed to "student" or "academician" section. There were 28 questions for the students and 24 questions for the academicians. Categorical variables were demonstrated as numbers and percentages, whereas continuous variables were presented as minimum, maximum, and mean values. Chi-squared test was used to compare preclinic and clinic year students, and the academicians in preclinic, medical, and surgical fields. Results: A total of 321 participants completed the questionnaire. The mean participant ages were 21.4 years and 41.68 years for the students and the academicians, respectively. Only 30% of the students thought the distance education lessons were beneficial while it was 35.5% for the academicians. 25.8% of the academicians and 29.6% of the students were indecisive on the matter. When the examination process was taken into account 67.7% of the academicians and 56.9% of the students thought the online examinations were not reliable. Conclusion: It is predicted that the pandemic process will continue in the next academic years. Considering the current situation, distance education seems to be the best option to ensure that the learning process can continue while protecting the health of students and academicians. Although distance education is not sufficient by itself in medical education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a method that should be used in almost every field of medical education, especially in the preclinical phase. Both the distance education, and online examination process require improvements and they are needed to be supported with face to face lectures and practices.
Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a sudden shift from face-to-face to distance learning. We explored medical students' views of online learning during this pandemic at the Arabian Gulf University in Bahrain. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of students in years two, three and four (n= 559) using an electronic questionnaire. Data were collected from April 10 to May 5, 2021. The survey included three domains: behavioral, affective, and cognitive. We also analyzed the association between students' perceptions and certain demographic and institutional factors. Results: The number of respondents was 311 (response rate: 55.6%; 27.7% males, 72.3% females). Participants were generally satisfied with distance learning (54.6%), although they had less motivation (46.3%) and required more effort (32.2%). Most students preferred distance learning for theoretical parts, and face-to-face approach for practical components (73.3%). Participants reported that distance learning, improved interaction with instructors and classmates (45.6% and 48.9%, respectively), small group learning (47.6%), independent learning (75.3%) and problem-solving skills (44.7%). The students were comfortable with online assessment (60.1%), and reported improved achievement in written (42.1%) and practical examinations (46%), but not in professional skills grades (21.6%). There was no association between students' perceptions and gender (p= 0.079), year of study (p= 0.28) or attendance of live or recorded sessions (p= 0.904), but there was a positive association with the availability of WiFi (p< 0.01) and attendance of college-organized activities (p< 0.0001). Conclusion: Distance learning was successfully implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students were generally satisfied with distance learning and online assessment, but they had concerns about the clinical skills learning. After the pandemic is over, theoretical components of the curriculum can be delivered using distance learning, whereas hands on elements should be offered face-to-face. However, those curricular reforms will likely need investing in the information technology infrastructure.
Perception of distance learning among undergraduate medical students during COVID-19 pandemic
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2023
In response to the newly emerging coronavirus disease or COVID-19 pandemic and its profound consequences on the world, many changes have been made to medical education. It includes teaching and learning methods that ensure the educational process’s success. The Andalas University Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia had to implement new online teaching strategies. This study examined how medical students perceived online education during the COVID-19 outbreak. The study is cross-sectional, employed online questionnaires. The response was that most students prefer face-to-face learning in practicum and clinical skills, which require hands-on methods to improve student skills. Half the students were satisfied, and several were neutral about distance learning. The student who agrees that the lecturer is active and has the expertise and knowledge for the class is more satisfied with distance learning (p<0.001). The student who agrees about the platform quality, understandable learning guide, and facility from faculty has a higher level of satisfaction with distance learning (p<0.001). This study concluded that a medical student at the Andalas University Faculty of Medicine was mainly satisfied with the institution’s response to the pandemic. However, medical faculty must evaluate and improve the quality of education in online learning.
Web based distance learning at Faculty of Medicine of Sarajevo University.
Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences / Udruzenje basicnih mediciniskih znanosti = Association of Basic Medical Sciences, 2006
Th e time in which we live is defi ned by the signifi cant infl uence of the information technologies on our lives, changes and development of society and the effi cacy of all the organization systems. Increase and development of distance learning (DL) technologies over the past decade has exposed the potential and the effi ciency of new technologies. Number of events has organized by teaching staff from Cathedra for Medical Informatics in order to promote distance learning and web based education are very extensive: Professional-scientifi c events, workshops and congresses, fi rst tele-exam at the Medical faculty, Introducing of Distance learning in curriculum at biomedical faculties, etc. At the University in Sarajevo in year was opened the e-learning center for the support to the faculties the distance studies by use of the information technology. At Medical faculty of University of Sarajevo at Cathedra for Medical informatics since is in progress realization of the project named: "Possibilities of introducing distance learning in medical curriculum" , approved by the Federal and the Cantonal ministry of science and education. Pilot project was realized during three past school years, theoretical and practical education of subject Medical informatics are adapted to the new concepts of education using world trends of education from the distance. One group of students was included in the project fi nalized by electronic exam registration and electronic exam on June , publicly, in the Physiology amphitheatre of the Medical faculty in Sarajevo.
Online Türk Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021
Bu ar aştır ma ile uzaktan eğitimin; tıp fakültesi öğrencileri üzerinde oluşturduğu etkinin araştırılması, uzaktan eğitim yolu ile alınan eğitimin avantajlarının ve dezavantajlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot: Sakar ya Üniver sitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğrencileri üzerinde yapılan bu tanımlayıcı araştırmaya 919 tıp fakültesi öğrencisinden 481'i (%52,3) katılmıştır. Araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulmuş anket formu öğrencilere Google formlar yolu ile iletilmiştir. Katılımcıların uzaktan eğitim ile ilgili görüşlerinin değerlendirmek için uzaktan eğitime yönelik görüşler ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Katılımcılar ın % 63'ü (303) kadın, % 37'si (178) erkek idi. Katılımcıların yaş ortalaması ise 21,8±2,02 yıldı. UEYGD Ölçeği'nden alınabilecek maksimum puan 90 iken katılımcıların aldıkları ortanca puan 46'dır. UEYGD Ölçeği'nden erkeklerin aldığı ortanca puan, kadınların aldığı ortanca puandan istatistiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde farklıdır (p=0,016). Sonuç: Kadın cinsiyet, dönem 1 öğr encisi olma, derslerin yarısından azına katılma, internet bağlantısı ile ilgili sorun yaşama, ailede uzaktan eğitim alan başka bir bireyin olması gibi bazı özellikler araştırmaya katılan tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin uzaktan eğitim ile ilgili görüşlerini olumsuz etkilemiştir.
Qanun Medika - Medical Journal Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Background: Medical education throughout the world has experienced major changes as a consequence of the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Indonesia has instructed physical distancing so that teaching and learning activities, including in the Faculty of Medicine, must be carried out at home with online methods to reduce the risk of COVID distribution. Objective: to explore undergraduate medical students’ perspectives towards distance learning during early COVID 19 pandemic at Muhammadiyah Surabaya University - Faculty of Medicine (MSU-FM), Indonesia. Methods: a qualitative study of students’ online survey responses had been done. Thematic analysis based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technolgy (UTAUT) constructs was done to ecplore students’ perspectives. Results: Students have a positive perspective related to performance expectancy of distance learning. This factor have been perceived as factor that support the behavior of the use of distance learn...