Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Pengguna Tiktok DI Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon (original) (raw)

Deskripsi Literasi Digital Peserta Didik DI Sma Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak

Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika

This study aims to decribe the digital literacy profile of students at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. The form of research used is survey. The sample in this study was selected through a saturated sampling technique (all members of the population) totaling 100 students. The research instrument using a questionnaire consists of 22 statements, 4 aspects and 12 indicators. The results showed that the digital literacy skills of students in the attitude aspect of the attitude indicator towards online learning were 62%, the socio-emotional aspect of the indicator was 59% teamwork, network sharing 70%, ethics 73%, legal literacy 71% and self-preservation 82%. The technical aspects of cognition and discovery indicators are 78% each, 63% presentation. The cognitive aspect of the analysis indicator is 65%, evaluation is 72% and creativity is 74%. In general, the four aspects of digital literacy skills are categorized as quite good, except for the socio-emotional aspect of the team work indicat...

Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Tiktok Sebagai Media Dakwah di Kalangan Mahasiswa Muslim UPI


The TikTok application is a short video provider platform that is being loved by millennials from all walks of life, including students. Students who are generally aged 18 to 25 years are the younger generation who should have full responsibility for their lives. He must be able to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, what he needs and what he doesn't need, and what is useful for him and what is not. Departing from this, the authors want to know the effect of using the Tiktok platform in terms of Islamic da'wah to Muslim students at UPI. The research approach uses a qualitative approach by using an online questionnaire method with a random sample with the condition that the respondents must be UPI students and are Muslim. The questionnaire was filled out by 50 respondents with the results that the average respondent knew the Tiktok application and used it as entertainment for them and saw the da'wah messages conveyed through Tiktok. The content creator of da...

Motif Penggunaan Aplikasi Tiktok Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Angkatan 2019 Universitas Mulawarman

Jurnal Indonesia : Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi

Technological capabilities in the current era are very advanced as a result of the times. One form of technological development that is currently widely used by all groups including students is the TikTok application. This study aims to determine how the motives for using the TikTok application in students of the Communication Science Study Program Class of 2019, Mulawarman University. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach and uses the Uses and Gratification theory. The techniques used in collecting data are observation, interviews, and documentation. There are three informants obtained through purposive sampling technique. Data processing in this study used data analysis techniques from Matthew B. Miles and Michael Huberman. Based on the results of the study, the motives that encourage the use of the TikTok application by students of the Mulawarman University Communication Science study program are relevant to the theory of media use motives expre...

Edukasi Literasi Digital Dalam Penggunaan Smartphone Siswa Kelas V Seklah Dasar Muhammadiyah Tonggalan Klaten

Wasathon, 2024

The generation of children born in 2010 is often called the Alpha generation, which is the generation most familiar with technology and internet facilities. Facts obtained based on test results in the Program International Student Assessment (PISA) state that students in Indonesia have low literacy compared to other ASEAN countries. Poor literacy can have an impact on students' psychology, this is because children's emotions are still in the unstable category. Elementary school students often conclude information without filtering, to ensure whether the information received is valid or not. In line with what has been carried out by the government regarding the design of the School Literacy Movement (GLS), assistance is needed regarding the use of digital media. The aim of implementing digital literacy for early school students is to help students understand digital literacy related to how students respond to problems in the digital world. For the 48 students, can be concluded that they still need assistance in using technology because they can use a smartphone for approximately one hour as well as assistance in raising digital literacy awareness among students and parents as provisions before accompanying their children.

Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Vokasi DI Era Pandemi COVID-19

Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi

Digital technology is developing very rapidly and touching all sectors of life, including the world of education. Efforts to improve the digital skills of the community, especially the younger generation, have begun to minimize negative content that has flooded the digital space. The Covid-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation in Indonesia. This study aims to describe and measure the level of digital literacy among vocational students in the pandemic era. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The object that became the research target were all active students of the Vocational Faculty, Airlangga University. The sampling method in this study used purposive random sampling. Data collection in this study used a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires. The data extracted to determine the level of digital literacy of students includes technology, ethics and cognitive. The data obtained were then analyzed using SPSS versi...

Literasi Digital Informasi Dikalangan Guru Mojokerto

Communicator Sphere

Pandemi Covid-19 memaksa setiap lini beradaptasi dengan menggunakan media digital. Masyarakat yang pada awalnya belum akrab dengan media digital seakan dipaksa untuk menggunakannya. Setiap aktivitas dilakukan menggunakan media digital, namun karena keadaan membuat sebagian besar individu mengalami kebingungan untuk mengakses media tersebut. Literasi digital untuk masyarakat perlu dilakukan, terutama bagi guru-guru yang merupakan sosok yang ditiru dan dipandang oleh siswa dan lingkungannya. Pendampingan dan pelatihan literasi digital khususnya digital informasi perlu dilakukan agar guru-guru dapat melakukan pendampingan proses belajar mengajar dengan baik pada siswa dan lingkungannya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi kegiatan mengenalkan proses berpikir kritis dan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai langkah-langkah mengakses informasi dan memberikan stimulus guru-guru untuk cerdas menggunakan media digital. Metode yang digunakan dalam proses pendampingan adalah melalui webinar da...

Literasi Digital Bagi Siswa, Guru, Dan Karyawan DI Lingkungan SMP Muhammadiyah Nanggulan Kulon Progo

SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan

ABSTRAKDi era pandemi seperti sekarang ini semua bidang kehidupan mengalami perubahan atau pergeseran, tidak terkecuali juga bidang pendidikan. Hal ini dirasakan juga oleh sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) Muhammadiyah Nanggulan, Kulon Progo. Berbagai permasalahan yang ada di sekolah itu di antaranya minimnya sarana dan prasarana berkaitan dengan literasi digital dan rendahnya minat baca siswa. Berkaitan dengan dua hal tersebut, diadakanlah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penyuluhan program literasi digital bagi guru, siswa, dan karyawan SMP Muhammadiyah Nanggulan serta pembentukan semacam forum/komunitas siswa sebagai untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasinya. Peningkatan literasi baca tulis siswa, guru, dan karyawan di SMP Muhammadiyah Nanggulan dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan serta pembentukan pojok baca dan pembentukan majalah sekolah “Sumunar” sebagai wadah bagi siswa, guru, dan karyawan untuk mengasah kemampuan literasinya. Kata kunci: literasi digital; SMP muham...

Penggunaan Media Tiktok Sebagai Alternatif Dalam Pengembangan Mahārah Kitābah Di Era Digital

Counselia, 2023

Nowadays, in the digital era, there are many platforms that provide learning, as well as learning Arabic Mahārah kitābah, now the era is global, as now there are cellphones, tablets and laptops which provide many useful applications for use in learning. This research uses qualitative descriptive method because it can allow researchers to describe how the TikTok application is used for learning Arabic, especially Mahārah kitābah. The aim of this research is to use Tiktok as a medium for learning Arabic Mahārah kitābah, considering that Tiktok is a social media platform that is popular among millennials and it is very interesting to use it to find out how effective it is, as a medium for learning Arabic. The advantages of TikTok for learning Arabic are that its content is mostly educational and entertaining, TikTok's various features facilitate creative development and language learning, it is easy to use anytime and anywhere, it doesn't get boring quickly because the duration of the videos presented is short.

Konsumsi Media Sosial Tik Tok pada Mahasiswa Universitas Sriwijaya Kampus Indralaya

Jurnal Empirika

This research is entitled "The Consumption of Social Media Tik Tok in Sriwijaya University Students, Indralaya". The phenomenon of using social media Tik Tok has become a trend in all circles, including students. The various filters and features provided by Tik Tok also make it easier for users to distribute their creativity, talents, hobbies and more, even Tik Tok users can spend hours watching and scrolling For Your Page (FYP). The research problem taken in this study is about the process of social media consumption in Sriwijaya University students and the self-image of social media Tik Tok users in Sriwijaya University students. This research was conducted with a qualitative method. The findings were obtained from primary data in the form of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the theory of Hyperreality and Simulacra from Jean Baudrillard. The results of this study indicate that social media Tik Tok consumption ...