Iniciativas para el acceso equitativo a la información científica en el Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología de Cuba (original) (raw)
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Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiologia
The open access movement is a social phenomenon involving researchers, librarians, editors and other members of society. The movement advocates broader access to scientific information through the elimination of economic, technological and licensing barriers. A presentation is provided of some of the initiatives developed during the past ten years at the Department of Scientific Information in Hygiene, Epidemiology and Food Safety of the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology, to provide all users with equitable access to information, knowledge and the development of professional skills. Among these initiatives are thematic virtual health libraries, digital collections, scientific publications, distance education, and others. Despite the efforts and investments made by the Cuban government, there are obvious access and connectivity disparities, mainly outside the capital, due to economic limitations and the harsh blockade imposed upon the country for more than fifty years. It is necessary to provide open, universal, equitable access to specialized information for the entire community of users, irrespective of their geographic location.
ACIMED, 2008
Con el propósito de determinar el uso de las publicaciones electrónicas como fuente de información, y específicamente, como respaldo bibliográfico a las investigaciones que se generan en el sector de la salud en Cuba, se realizó un análisis de citas de la producción científica publicada durante el período del 2003-2006, en cinco revistas biomédicas cubanas, cuyos perfiles responden a la disciplina Higiene y Epidemiología. Se analizaron, entre otras, las siguientes variables: número de fuentes citadas (impresas y electrónicas), autores y publicaciones electrónicas más citadas en formato electrónico, idioma, país de procedencia, tipología y actualidad. Se observó un predominio del uso de fuentes de información en formato impreso, aunque se manifiesta una tendencia creciente hacia el uso de contribuciones publicadas en medios electrónicos. A su vez, las revistas electrónicas editadas en Cuba, accesibles fundamentalmente por medio de Internet, fueron las más utilizadas.
Estándares para bibliotecas universitarias de Ciencias de la Salud en Cuba
The study characterizes the university libraries of health sciences and made emphasis on the need of turning them into an essential space for the information and the knowledge management in the Cuban medical university. The objective of the study was to define the standards characterizing the functioning and the information services in the university libraries of health sciences. A qualitative approach and empirical research methods (observation, interview and focal group) were both used in addition to making a documentary review to determine the state of the art of this subject. Six standards were then defined to evaluate the impact of the libraries of the Universities of Medical Sciences including those aspects related to information resources, products and services, human resources, physical and technological infrastructure and informational literacy process. It is concluded that the university library of medical sciences plays a fundamental role in the consolidation of informational culture in the national health care system, being the standards the guidelines for advising the evaluation of these libraries and the quality of services.
Cómo elevar el índice de citas de las revistas biomédicas cubanas
Medisur 240 junio 2016 | Volumen 14 | Numero 3 CARTA AL DIRECTOR ¿Cómo elevar el índice de citas de las revistas biomédicas cubanas? How to Increase the Citation Rates of Cuban Biomedical Journals? Pedro Enrique Miguel Soca1 1 Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, Holguín, Holguín, Cuba, CP: 80100 Cómo citar este artículo: Miguel-Soca P. ¿Cómo elevar el índice de citas de las revistas biomédicas cubanas?. Medisur [revista en I n t e r n e t ] . 2 0 1 6 [ c i t a d o 2 0 1 6 J u n 3 0 ] ; 1 4 ( 3 ) : [ a p r o x . 2 p . ] . D i s p o n i b l e e n : http: / /medisur.s index.php/medisur/art ic le/v iew/3287
Más acceso al a información científica: Ciencia abierta
Cambio Universitario, 2017
Se destaca la importancia del moviente de acceso abierto en el marco del derecho a la información. La producción de información en el mundo es abrumadora como lo son las vías para tener acceso a ella. En el campo científico el acceso abierto ha generado nuevos modelos de negocio para las publicaciones, entre ellas está el sistema de pago por publicación para hacer frente a los costos operativos de publicación. En el caso de las publicaciones de la región hispanoamericana, predomina la publicación de revistas en libre acceso, sin costo para los autores y con presupuesto de las instituciones.
Acceso abierto a la información científica
Revista Medica Herediana, 2012
Acceso abierto a la información científica. Open access. Históricamente, la información estuvo confinada en ambientes con acceso a un número reducido de personas, desde los monasterios hasta las bibliotecas de hace mas de una década. Con el desarrollo de la Internet, el acceso a la información y al conocimiento ha cambiado radicalmente. El acceso a la información científica ha pasado de ser limitado a un reducido número de personas, a ser un bien público. Actualmente, 75% de las revistas académicas están ofreciendo ediciones en línea y más de 1 000 revistas con peer review, existen sólo en forma digital (1). Sin embargo, el alto costo de las suscripciones a las revistas importantes, limita el acceso, especialmente en países en desarrollo.
Principios estratégicos de la educación en Ciencias de la salud en Cuba (I): la equidad
Educación Médica …, 2009
The training of health professionals nowadays has worldwide a marked elitist approach with different grades of inequality that are disadvantageous for solution of increasing problems of health, mainly in those countries with less development or frankly poor. In Cuba, from the triumph of Revolution, has been developed a training process of health professionals with great possibilities of incorporation and with curricula priorizing studies from the primary care and the development of professional competences, through work education from the onset of each career. More recently, the concept of universality has been incorporated, which means the higher expression of fairness used by Revolution to approach the problems of health education and university education in general. There are examples and figures showing the above mentioned in a specific way.
Revista Cubana De Informacion En Ciencias De La Salud, 2007
OBJECTIVE: To make a metric analysis of the scientific production of the institutes of the National System of Health of the Republic of Cuba during the period 2000-2004 in the main current magazines. METHODS: A search in the Web of Science was carried out. The search strategy was based on the use of the word Cuba in the Author Address field. An analysis of the production, impact and international collaboration indicators was made. The collaboration and the research topics were presented by means of graphs based on the analysis of social networks. RESULTS: The health institutes totalized 295 papers, accounting for 33.20 % of the production of the health sector and the 8.90 % of all the national documents registered in the studied database, with a tendency towards increase. "Pedro Kourí" Institute of Tropical Medicine and the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery participated in the 38.0 % and 24.1 % of the total of articles. A correspondence was observed between the percentage of international collaborations and the article citation levels. The international collaboration was expressed in 43.4 % of the articles linked with a total of 61 countries of the 5 continents. The citation indexes of the international collaborations had generally greater values. CONCLUSIONS: The national health institutes play an important role in the research and scientific production of the Cuban health sector. The predominant research lines are related to the prioritized health problems of the country.