The Development of a Compilation of Aceh Folklore Story Containing 4c based on Flipbook Maker Application (original) (raw)
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Utilization of Media GELIBO (Gemar Literasi dengan Flipbook) for Fourth Grader at Elementary School
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
The lack of motivation for students in fourth grader of SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang is the lack of motivation to read, the low understanding of students about the content of reading, and the lack of existing literacy reading books. GELIBO (Gemar Literasi dengan Flipbook) is one of the media to convey information in digital form, where digital information is the impact of technological advances based on the industrial revolution 4.0. This research purpose to analyze the reading and writing literacy ability of elementary school students. The type of research used in this study is qualitative descriptive research. The data were got from the headmaster and teacher by interview, observation, and documentation studies. This research used analysis techniques from Miles, and described Huberman that contained of Data Collection; Data Reduction; Data View; and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the activity of making Mind Mapping is one of the activities that the author want...
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Reflections on the Use of Technology in Classroom: The case of FATİH Project
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2017
Educational environments that previously only made use of a blackboard and chalk have now been replaced by student-centric ones, rich with materials and supported by technology. This evolution will inevitably lead to a number of differences in the educational environment. The objective of the present study is to reflect on learning environments enhanced with interactive boards and tablet computers within the scope of Fatih project. The changes in the teacher's class preparation and in the behaviors of both the students and the teacher in the classroom were examined, as well as the differences in teaching practices. Furthermore, the problems occurring during the implementation phase of the project were established. Action research (researcher teacher) method was used in this study and data was gathered from video recordings (each teaching practice was video-recorded), the researcher's journal and observations. The students' communication with the teachers, as well as among themselves, was improved and it was also observed that some students, who did not participate in class in the conventional learning environment, showed more active participation. Technological problems encountered by students in the classroom, as well as the activity based problems, caused students to move around the classroom, thus creating new levels of communication even among the students who previously had not interacted that much. A limited and slow internet connection, together with a lack of sufficient learning content, are some of the main problems that limited tablet computer use for some of the students. Such problems hindered the motivation of both the teacher and the students, causing the students to lose concentration and focus on non-classrelated activities.
Development of Interactive Learning Media Kersosmi Bunisa Social Science Class IV Elementary School
(JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran) Kajian dan Riset dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran)
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Role of teachers in integrating technology in the classroom
Ena da Kultura, 2022
Technology has an important influence on the way many people learn today and has certain benefits. The aim of the paper is to show that only existence of new technologies and equipment isn't sufficient for successful learning process and developing transferrable skills of learners. A number of factors are involved in determining whether and how technology should be integrated into the classroom and how likely it is to impact positively on learner motivation Among them are digital storytelling using Animoto and Kaltura, also using technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, Learning Management System(LMS), online apps such as kahoot, quizlet, mentimeter, padlet and others. However, successful, motivating use of technology depends on teachers and learners knowing how to realize its affordances. In this paper I used descriptive, qualitative method and resulted in that, teachers need to act as a learner, a leader, a citizen, a collaborator, a designer, a facilitator and an analyst to use technology productively in teaching process. As for learners, they need to know the following skills:
Supporting Technology 4.0: Ethoconstructivist Multimedia for Elementary Schools
International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 2019
Education is a processor effort carried out by someone to gain knowledge, skills, and habits in life. Today education in Indonesia is much influenced by globalization and the development of technology, information, and communication (ICT). ICT has become one of the aspects that is very much considered in the world of education from now on. The use of ICT in planning, process, and evaluation of learning is a very lively discussion discussed by Indonesian education practitioners. The teacher must be able to process the development of ICT in a positive direction so that students do not forget their original culture as the Indonesian nation. many things teachers can do by using Tats in the learning process. Teachers can find more educational references, teachers can use ICT as a learning medium. By using e-learning, students will become more motivated in learning. One form of e-learning based learning is to use a 3D page flip book application. The e-book is an innovative book that is de...
In this era of information technology, the role of teachers is changing from providing information to organizing the entire learning process. This is mainly because, learners can easily access any information they need by use of instructional technologies such as Internet, Mobile phones and graphics, unlike in the past where text books were the only source of information. Technology is very essential in the instruction of students in secondary schools today and this is especially so in a developing country like Kenya. Instructional technologies enhance mastery of the content, provide information as comprehensive as possible in different formats and provide teachers with a variety in presentation of content. The rationale was based on the view that properly designed learning materials inspired by instructional technology and delivered by technology add value to a teaching situation where contact hours are limited. The curriculum needs, academic standards and the development of digita...