Transregionalism: Underlying Concept of EAEU-ASEAN Cooperation and Greater Eurasian Partnership (original) (raw)

Діяльність транснаціональних корпорацій як детермінанта розвитку «нового регіоналізму»: досвід АСЕАН

Старожитності Лукомор'я

Стаття присвячена аналізу діяльності та впливу транснаціональних корпорацій як нетрадиційних суб’єктів міжнародних відносин на розвиток «нового регіоналізму» як багаторівневого процесу. Автори дійшли висновку, що Південно-Східна Азія у форматі діяльності АСЕАН має позитивний досвід реалізації «нового регіоналізму» під впливом ТНК, які сприяють проявам детермінізму тенденцій глобальної та регіональної взаємодії, що проявляється у наступному: 1) розвиток мережі внутрішньо-регіональної взаємодії компаній держав-членів організації; 2) діяльність ТНК з інших держав, що розширюють власну мережу на теренах держав-членів АСЕАН, створюють спільні підприємства з існуючими у регіоні компаніями; 3) реалізація спільних проєктів між глобальними ТНК на теренах Південно-Східної Азії. Виявлено, що в АСЕАН створені умови для відкритого доступу ТНК на регіональний ринок у форматі поліваріантного співробітництва, реалізації зон вільної торгівлі та залучення прямих іноземних інвестицій до регіону, що пі...

Economic Connections of the European Union with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)


This article discusses the establishment and the activities of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), focusing on its economic relations with the European Union. Data on the EU's external trade with the ASEAN member countries and the ASEAN foreign trade partners in the EU for 2016 are presented, according to which the largest share of over 78% of total trade is for Germany, the Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Belgium and Italy.

Development of the concept of agriculture transnationalization management in EAEU countries in the context of inclusion in the world agro-food system

Agrarian Bulletin of the, 2021

Abstract. The purpose of the study is to study and analyze the transnationalization of agriculture in relation to the agri-food sector of the EAEU countries. Scientific novelty. The developed conceptual framework for managing the transnationalization of agriculture will ensure equivalent shares in the structure of the common market for the EAEU members, intensify the processes of establishing business communication and joint production activities that will improve the situation on the labor market in the agricultural sector, accelerate the implementation of investment projects, carry out R&D aimed at improvement of the economic situation in the industry. Methods. Research based on a systematic approach to the studied objects and processes. In course of the work, economic-mathematical, normative, abstract-logical, monographic, expert and other methods of economic research were used. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research was scientific works, developments and recommenda...


The article is devoted to the formation of foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Armenia and Georgia, and related processes in the South Caucasus in the 1990s. We consider their impact on the development of the Armenian-Georgian relations. The author draws attention to the key im- portance of the period, when the newly independent state, along with numerous internal problems, make decisions on matters of foreign policy. Also analyzes the factors of internal nature, affecting the bilateral relations in the framework of regional security. The author draws attention to the fact that the implementation of the military-political and economic projects there was a factor of manipulation on the part of the States concerned, that would lead to the division of the region into zones of influence. Special emphasis is placed also on the Georgian-Turkish relations in the region. In the military sphere, not only Georgia, but also aroused the interest of the Republic of Armenia from Turkey. This was due to the military presence of Russia in the region. Tbilisi integration into European and Euro-Atlantic organizations is a priority in its foreign policy, whereas in Armenia priority as previously considered Russia. Despite the differences in foreign policy, both countries understand and accept the importance of good neighborly relations in the region, which formed the basis of the bilateral cooperation between Georgia and the Republic of Armenia.

Cooperation between the Russian Federation and EAEU with Asian financial institutions: current state and development of strategy for further cooperation

Национальная безопасность / nota bene

The Russian Federation and EAEU actively participate in the international financial relations, as well as represent large financial markets. At the same time, economies of the Union are in need for an impulse that would allow them to transition towards sustainable course of long-term development. Such impulse can come from a dialogue with Asian financial institutions (AFI). The goal of this work is to describe the contours of the dialogue and strategies for gaining maximum benefit out of it, as well as discover possible paths for future transformation of Asian financial institutions. The results of this research allow discovering paths for overcoming the key problems of Russian economy – lack of direct foreign investments, as well as lack of diversification of exports – through cooperation with the AFI in the financial sphere and trade. The article determines the main paths for structuring the Asian financial architecture, and make proposals on a strategy for intertwining the EAEU a...

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Models of Engagement with International Institutions in the Process of Regional Governance_ Safonkina E.A. (in Russian)

After the global financial crisis in 2008 the Asia-Pacific region has become a main driver of global economic growth leaving behind the US and European economies. The regional integration processes and business environment improvement as a result of the multilateral regional fora`s activities, such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) laid the foundation for such economic successes. In the process of regional governance the APEC engages with various international and regional organizations applying the models which help it to address its agenda demands in the best way. The article aims to explore what models of engagement with international and regional organizations the APEC forum applies in the process of regional governance; reasons and results of applying these models; track the evolution of engagement as well as assess the effectiveness of APEC`s engagement with international organizations in the context of shifting agenda. The research methods the author applied include qualitative and quantitative content analysis and comparative historical analysis. The official APEC documents adopted at the summits and ministerial meetings constituted the evidence base for the analysis. The author comes to the conclusion that the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation has clearly organized agenda aimed at implementing primary goals on trade and investment liberalization and favorable business environment in the region. Accomplishing objectives of its agenda the APEC takes advantage of policy, finance and expert potential as well as instruments and mechanisms of the international organizations (model “governance through multilateral organizations”). The model of “catalytic influence” is applied by the APEC in very rare cases. APEC applies the model of “parallel treatment” when it establishes its own bodies. APEC uses the “core group” model when it defines the mission of its own bodies as well as gives mandates to the international institutions. Drawing the results of the study it could be said that the APEC has formed a flexible and effective system of engagement with third-party organizations which helps it to make headway in implementing its objectives.

The Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way as the Foundations of a New Regionalism

Vestnik RUDN. International Relations

Narratives are essential for organizations and states to provide a framework for their decision-making processes and organizational structure and bolster their legitimacy by appealing to shared values and worldviews. These narratives will play a greater role in a multipolar world characterized by a diversity of worldviews and values that shape the internal and external perceptions of international actors. The authors compare the critical narratives forwarded by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), namely the Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way. Drawing on scientific works dedicated to explicating the worldview, values, and norms espoused by the Shanghai Spirit and the ASEAN Way, the authors use syncretic approaches to show how these concepts are applied in these narratives. The Shanghai Spirit is based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, quality, respect for the diversity of civilizations, and the pursuit of common developmen...