Mitochondrial antioxidant plastomitin alters the myocardial energy state and prevented the development of systolic dysfunction in doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy (original) (raw)
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The FASEB Journal, 2020
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Background. Doxorubicin is the most widely used drug among anthracyclines. However, despite its clinical effectiveness, the cardiotoxic effect is observed in approximately 25,0% of patients, thus limiting its use. Although significant success in understanding individual pathogenetic elements of the cardiotoxic effect of this drug has been achieved, cancer patients who have doxorubicin-induced cardiac complications are currently treated mostly with drugs for cardiac insufficiency because there is no specific treatment for anthracycline cardiomyopathy. Purpose – to characterize the effect of placenta cryoextract on the course of doxorubicin myocardial injury on the model of chronic doxorubicin cardiomyopathy compared to reference drug vinboron according to the data of biochemical analyses of the heart tissues. Materials and methods. Chronic doxorubicin cardiomyopathy was modeled by the means of injection of doxorubicin hydrochloride at the rate of 5 mg/kg of body weight once a week fo...
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[Modulation of myometrium mitochondrial membrane potential by calmodulin antagonists]
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2014
Influence of calmodulin antagonists on mitochondrial membrane potential was investigated using a flow cytometry method, confocal microscopy and fluorescent potential-sensitive probes TMRM and MTG. Influence of different concentrations of calmodulin antagonists on mitochondrial membrane potential was studied using flow cytometry method and a fraction of myometrium mitochondria of unpregnant rats. It was shown that 1-10 µМ calmidazolium gradually reduced mitochondria membrane potential. At the same time 10-100 µМ trifluoperazine influenced as follows: 10 µМ – increased polarization, while 100 µМ – caused almost complete depolarization of mitochondrial membranes. In experiments which were conducted with the use of confocal microscopy method and myometrium cells it was shown, that MTG addition to the incubation medium led to the appearance of fluorescence signal in a green range. Addition of the second probe (ТМRM) resulted in the appearance of fluorescent signal in a red range. Mitochondrial membrane depolarization by 1µМ СССР or 10 mМ NaN3 was accompanied by the decline of “red” fluorescence intensity, “green” fluorescence was kept. The 10‑15 minute incubation of myometrium cells in the presence 10 µМ calmidazolium or 100 µМ trifluoperazine was accompanied by almost complete decrease of the TMRM fluorescent signal. Thus, with the use of potential-sensitive fluorescent probes TMRM and MTG it was shown, that calmodulin antagonists modulate mitochondrial membrane potential of myometrium cells.
Бюллетень Восточно-Сибирского научного центра Сибирского отделения Российской академии медицинских наук
Изучены возможности лазерной конфокальной микроскопии в анализе объема липидных частиц и количества функционально-активных митохондрий и продукции активных форм кислорода в клетках печени для ранней диагностики цитохимических нарушений при дислипопротеидемии. Оценен потенциал анализа уровня мтДНК плазмы крови на ранних сроках развития дислипопротеидемии и при экспериментальном инфаркте миокарда. Полученные данные будут служить основой для создания технологий диагностического мониторинга выраженности атеросклероза и инфаркта миокарда.
Fiziolohichnyĭ zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994), 2013
In experiments in vitro on the mitochondria isolated from the rat's heart we studied the effects of the openers of ATP-sensitive potassium channels (K(ATP)-channels), flocalin and tioflocalin, on the calcium-induced mitochondrial pore (MPTP) opening. Flocalin and tioflocalin caused moderate Ca(2+)-independent mitochondria swelling, which was prevented by a specific inhibitor of 5-hydroxydecanoate. This allowed to identify these compounds as mitochondrial K(ATP)-channels openers. We found that concentration-dependent inhibitory effects (10(-7) to 10(-4) M) of flocalin (with IC50 = 50 microM) and tioflocalin (with IC50 = 2,7 microM) on Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial swelling (MPTP opening) in the heart characterized more powerful cardioprotective action of the latter. It was shown that the administration of these compounds in experiments in vivo decreased the sensitivity of the MPTP opening to Ca2+. Thus, under physiological conditions the activators K(ATP)-channels probably provide...