Ensuring Security to Data on Cloud using Cryptography (original) (raw)

Cloud Computing: Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud

International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, 2016

Cloud computing is a rising computing standard in which the computing framework is given as a service over the Internet. The Cloud computing tool gives facility of data storage and access for cloud users, but when outsourcing the data to a third party causes safety issue of cloud data so data are protected by restricting the data. We propose a new decentralized access control scheme for secure data storage in the clouds that supports anonymous authentication where identity of the user is protected from the cloud during authentication. The architecture is decentralized, meaning that there can be several KDCs for key management. Revoked users cannot access data after they have been revoked. The proposed scheme is resilient to replay attacks. In addition to this a new symmetric key cryptographic method called Modern encryption Standard (MES)-II presents method which can be effective to encrypt various types of plain text files and the method is free from standard cryptography attacks n...

Strong and Secure Mechanism for Data Storage in Cloud Environment

World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering, 2019

This present research paper proposes the security is frequently referred to as a standout among the most unlimited issues in the cloud processing as distributed computing gives a helpful and huge measure of capacity information at extremely low and effective expense so searching for a legitimate wellbeing measures is basic. It is contended that the Cloud is proposed to deal with a lot of information, along these lines aggressors can be search for taking out the information as it includes different data's being put away. A many customers are surfing cloud for diverse purposes hence they need profoundly protected & persevering administrations. The developing of cloud is growing day by day which utilizes the additional level of protection and validation. We propose a basic information assurance model where information is encoded utilizing MD5 with RSA and Authenticated by Diffie-Hellman calculation prior to it is propelled in the cloud, therefore guaranteeing data privacy and security.

IJERT-Data Security and Cryptography in Cloud Environment

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2015

https://www.ijert.org/data-security-and-cryptography-in-cloud-environment https://www.ijert.org/research/data-security-and-cryptography-in-cloud-environment-IJERTV4IS061013.pdf Cloud is an intelligent computing delivery service. It provides unlimited service provisioning to users based on their demand. Services are processed by automated APIs(Application Programming Interface) without human interaction. Storage is one of the main services from the Cloud. Users could outsource their data to cloud. Cloud provides reliable storage. Data outsource to cloud are stored in different cloud datacenter located in different geographical location to maintain the reliable storage. Cloud has many challenges like scalability, resource allocation, virtualization, security, trust, service level agreement and etc. Among these challenges, security is the top level concern in cloud storage. Cloud storage has many security related issues. Traditionally, Security is addressed by cryptography techniques. This paper describes the data security challenges, importance of security and security mechanism for cloud storage. Different security mechanisms are addressed in this paper, among them confidentiality, integrity and authentication are important for data security in cloud. An efficient cryptography technique might protect the cloud environment from unauthorized usage.

Security Framework to Ensure the Confidentiality of Outsourced Data in Public Cloud Storage

Cloud makes data storage very smart. It provides enormous amount of space to store the user’s data. These data are instantly available for the users at any time and it reduces the cost with respect to hardware support, technical experts available and license of the database. It leverages the small and medium scale enterprise straight away to start their business. Nevertheless cloud has many advantages; enterprises are undecided to deploy their data in the cloud storage, because data security issue is the top concern in Cloud Storage (CS). Security issues arose from the attack of cloud data by the hackers. Hackers are either outsiders from the enterprises or insiders from cloud service providers. This paper considers the issue that the CS is attacked by insiders from the cloud service provider. To protect this attack, this paper proposes the data confidentiality framework called AROMO. As per the proposed framework, user’s data are protected in the Cloud Storage. The proposed framework has a mechanism which uses two techniques to protect the data that are encryption and obfuscation. The data are encrypted and obfuscated before it is uploaded to CS. A metadata is maintained in the client. It contains the details of encryption and obfuscation applied on the data. To retrieve data from the CS, query is generated to run on encrypted and obfuscated data on the server side. Based on the query from the client, required data is fetched out from the CS; it could be decrypted and deobfuscated in client side based on the metadata details.

Secure Storing and Sharing of Cloud Data under Key Exposure: A Survey

international journal for research in applied science and engineering technology ijraset, 2020

In the era of digitization and technological advancement, cloud computing is that the trending domain in several regards. Cloud computing permits us to form and customize business applications on-line. It allows the cost-efficient, easy approach by configuring the parts and also the applications on information centers. Whereas security remains a serious concern in cloud. Once the cryptography secret is exposed, the sole possible way to preserve information confidentiality is to limit the adversary's access to the cipher text. However, if information is encrypted, using the existing cryptography schemes and spreading the cipher text on multiple servers hasn't entirely solved the matter since somebody who may acquire the cryptography key, will still compromise single server and rewrite the cipher text keep therein. We in this paper tend to address confidentiality, user authentication and information integrity under key exposure. I. INTRODUCTION Computing is being fully changed to a model consisting of services that are commoditized and delivered using a fashion quite like many utilities which is usually available like water electricity, etc. In such models, users able to access services supported their requirements without relevancy where the services are hosted. Different computing paradigms deliver this utility computing which include Grid computing, Peer to Peer computing, and more recently cloud computing. [1]. Cloud Computing is a trending and emerging computing technology that uses the online and thus the remote servers to need care of data and applications. Cloud Computing refers to applications and services offered over the web. These services are offered from data centers everywhere the world, which collectively are mentioned because the "cloud. "Cloud computing is Pay Per-Use-On-Demand model which may conveniently access shared IT resources through the web Where the IT resources include social networking sites, web mail, online business applications and network Services. Cloud computing divulge infrastructure, platform, and software (application) as services, which are made available as subscription-based services to consumers. These services in industry are respectively mentioned as Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas) ,Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS).To realize cloud computing potential, vendors like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and IBM are started to make and deploy Clouds in various locations across the planet. Additionally, companies working across the planet require the faster response time and thus save time by distributing workload requests to multiple Clouds in various locations at the same time. This creates the necessity for flourishing a computing world for dynamically interconnecting and provisioning Clouds from multiple domains within and across enterprises. There are many difficulties involved in creating such Clouds and Cloud interconnections. Cloud computing companies' states that data is secure, but it isn't completely true. Only time will tell if your data is secure within the cloud. Since customer data and program are residing in provider premises cloud security concerns are arising tons. While cost and easiness to use are two major benefits of cloud computing, there are significant security concerns that require to be addressed while moving critical applications and crucial data to public and shared cloud environments. With social networking services gaining popularity it has to concentrate on sharing data. Google Docs is one such cloud platform which provides data sharing capabilities as groups of scholars, or teams performing on a project can share documents and should collaborate with one another effectively. There's an assumption that data servers will be trusted to stay the info secure. However, this assumption isn't any longer valid today since services are increasingly storing data across many servers that are shared with other data owners. The Cloud is prone to many privacy and security attacks. The largest obstacle hindering the development and also the wide adoption of the Cloud is that the privacy and security issues related to it. An example of this can be cloud data storage where cloud service providers aren't within the identical trusted domains as end users, and hardware platforms aren't under the direct control of information owners. To mitigate user's privacy concerns about their data, a typical solution is to store data in encrypted form so as that it will remain private, whether or not data servers or storage devices aren't trusted or compromised.

Cryptography in the Cloud: Securing Data in Cloud with Encryption

Cloud computing has helped in expanding the resources without using any new architecture, human effort or programs. Even though cloud computing helps to store a large amount of information, some of the important problems faced are data privacy, information security, software security, access control and virtualization security. Privacy has become a concern as the companies have adapted to move all the sensitive data to cloud and cloud companies should assure on the privacy of the organization's data. Organizations and users can use applications without configuration and view all documents on any wireless access device when cloud storage is implemented and such information will also be stored by the cloud service provider. This paper discusses about the AES encryption mechanism used in cloud computing as this is a modern secure cloud protection and safety technology that is implemented in the cloud platform in order to secure the stored data within the cloud.

Secure Cloud Data Storage: From Single to Multi-Cloud Environment

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology

Cloud based storage services are most popular among organizations due to its high computing power at low cost with saving in IT infrastructure. Major threat found by organizations before storing data in public cloud storage is security of the information stored. Even after strong provision of various security mechanism at various cloud service level, still full security is not achieved yet. Malicious system administrator can access data of any organization. Our proposed solution deals with the cloud storage security issues by distributing trust and security of user's data among multiple clouds by distributing fragmented data among them. Since no entity will get complete set of data at any instance of time hence system is secure and reliable.

Ensuring Data Security on Cloud


Abstract: In cloud users data are stored on cloud servers. Storage servers are opaque to the users even users do not know the location of their data. Users have no means to securing their data on cloud. Users data are secured as per the providers policy and SLA. Users need some means to ensure security of their data on cloud. In this paper, I proposed cryptographic techniques that ensures users data security on cloud.

Security of Data Storage in Cloud Computing

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015

With the advent of Information Technology in day-today activities, the need for online services such as storage space, software, platforms etc. is increasing rapidly. This lead to the rise of a new concept, the Cloud Computing. The Internet users rely heavily on the Cloud Computing for various computing resources. The main motive of the Cloud Providers is to provide these services in a virtualized manner. One of the main concern of cloud computing is the security of the Cloud Storage. When it comes to security of the data stored in the Cloud Storage, it is entirely in the hands of the Cloud Providers. The Cloud Providers assures the consumer of the Cloud that the data stored on their servers is safe. The consumer plays no role in securing the data. The various cloud providers claim that they provide highly secure cloud storage. But there have been attacks on hot-shot cloud providing companies such as Google, Salesforce.com and Dropbox[1]. Many cloud providers employee third party companies which has led to consumer losing their trust with these companies. Thus, the encryption techniques and the various security measures employed by the cloud providers should be equally strong. The privacy and security of cloud computing depend primarily on whether the provider has implement adequate and robust security controls as desired by the customer or not. In this paper we analyze the different security issues related to the cloud and different cryptographic algorithms to secure the cloud.

Implementation of key-cryptosystem for efficient data sharing in cloud environment

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

The distributed storage based on data recovery administration is a promising innovative way that mounts market actively sooner rather than later. However, in spite of the various studies which have been done in terms of secure information recovery over encoded information in cloud administrations, the majority of these studies concentrated on the strict security given to information in an outside space. Those methodologies oblige dynamite expenses to unify on cloud administration supplier that can be an important hindrance to accomplish productive information recovery in distributed storage. In this paper, a proficient information recovery plan utilizing property based encryption was proposed. The proposed plan is most appropriate for distributed storage frameworks with the gigantic measure of infor-mation. Affluent expressiveness as access control and quick pursuits with straightforward examinations of looking elements were given. Additionally, the plan ensures information security...