Bericht zur archäologischen Maßnahme Bunn an der Wild, Prospektion B2, KG Atzelsdorf, Dietmannsdorf an der Wild, Waiden (original) (raw)
2022, Fundberichte aus Österreich
A systematic archaeological line survey was carried out in the KG Atzelsdorf, Dietmannsdorf an der Wild, and Waiden (municipality of Brunn an der Wild, district of Horn, Lower Austria) in the course of the planned extension of the provincial road B2 "Waldviertler Straße" in the sections Atzelsdorf Wildhäuser 2 and 1 on behalf of the department for provincial road planning of the government of Lower Austria. The aim was to evaluate the archaeological potential of the investigated areas. The survey was conducted under average surface visibility and weather conditions and covered an area of about 3.5 ha. The quality of the survey results can therefore be rated as "1 - very good". A total of 21 finds, exclusively pottery fragments, were collected on 17 lines. The vast majority of the finds can be dated to the early modern period. They are loosely scattered over all the surveyed areas in the form of a thin veil of significant finds. Only in the western part of the area, two smaller clusters of artifacts can be observed, which can be located approximately at the level of the village of Atzelsdorf. It is very likely that the observed distribution pattern of the finds can be traced back to the practice of farmyard manuring, whereby a connection with the agricultural activities of the population of the (at least since the 13th century existing) settlement near Atzelsdorf is obvious. Therefore, it seems unlikely that previously unknown archaeological settlements or other structures can be found in the investigated area.
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