Discourse Configuration of the Social Upsurge in Three Chilean Cyberpress Media (original) (raw)

Construcción discursiva del “Estallido Social” en tres medios de ciberprensa chilena

Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Literatura y Filosofía, 2022

This paper reports on some preliminary findings from the research project Ideological conceptions about the Chilean constitutional process (2021). Results from the linguistic valorative analysis of cyberpress texts and their rethorical effects dealing with the Social Upsurge, the foundational event of the constitutional process, are presented. These results show that El Mostrador assumes a critical position towards the government by thematizing the following: “a defeated government”, “the opposition’s accusation” and “the government as dictatorship”. The cybernewspaper Emol takes a critical look at violence and its consequences to the Santiago subway through the themes “the chaos of evasion”, “the subway’s relevance” and “the sharing of guilt”. In turn, La Tercera thematizes violence and highlights the government’s measures against it. The semantic polarization and the actors represented in the texts constitute a discourse territory of ideological tensions and alignements.

¿Cambian las hegemonías periodísticas en las redes sociales? Prensa chilena en facebook


Si bien Facebook no es una red social informativa por esencia, si es la mas extendida socialmente en Chile y los medios de comunicacion orientan esfuerzos importantes en implementar aplicaciones informaticas y protocolos de community manager al interior de las redacciones. Con ello, en las redes sociales se da una lucha por posicionar liderazgos hegemonicos tradicionales e instalar nuevos agentes periodisticos en los espacios de comunicacion de la Web 2.0. Los analisis derivados del cruce entre la psicologia de la comunicacion de masas y la mineria de datos, proponen que la influencia en las redes sociales se construye entre pequenos grupos (Adams, 2012; Saez, 2011) en un sentido inverso al que tradicionalmente han construido los grandes conglomerados comunicacionales, acostumbrados a disenar estrategias masificadoras como si fueran antenas de gran alcance. Un primer analisis estadistico efectuado en base al numero de fanpage que adhieren a 9 medios de comunicacion (periodicos y ra...

Estructura de los medios de comunicación en Chile


El presente trabajo de investigación está orientado a entregar una “radiografía mediática” actualizada de las estructuras de propiedad y mercado de los medios de comunicación en Chile con el objetivo fundamental de conocer la importancia que juega hoy la comunicación y los medios en nuestra sociedad –como motor de cambios sociales– y así poder analizar y comprender la configuración lógica –en estructura y funcionamiento– de los distintos medios de comunicación a nivel nacional para así proponer los primeros lineamientos de estrategias de la comunicación que apoyen procesos de desarrollo social como lo es la descentralización y regionalización en Chile.

Communication media power concentration in Chile: A complex relationship between oligopoly and democracy

The present work develops a description of the current situation of the mass media concentration in Chile, description based in the information obtained by the Presses and Society Institute (IPyS) in the frame of an investigation developed between 2002 and 2005. So it establish that the logic of the mass media concentration in Chile points out to improve the control information process, to strengthen the position on the market, to increase the economic and political power, to standardize the contents and to increase the income by the massive cultural products consumption that circulate on the internal market.

Pluralismo en los medios digitales escritos en Chile, una exploración de casos clave

González–Bustamante, B., & Soto Saldías, D. (2016). Pluralismo en los medios digitales escritos en Chile, una exploración de casos clave. Serie Política, Gestión y Políticas Públicas, (2), 1-26., 2016

This paper analyses whether digital alternative media foster pluralism on the political agenda of Chilean media. It considers a data set collected by tracking the two major written digital media in Chile, which belong to the biggest media holdings, during June 2013, and a nonprobabilistic sample of alternative written digital media. Both, content and emotion analysis are carried out in order to compare their agendas, and to analyse their level of diversity and the tone in which the media address these issues. The results show that the political agendas of the alternative media are less diverse than in the case of the written digital media. However, those agendas differ from those of electronic versions of traditional media, which also are highly homogeneous. Also it is shown that these new media use a more neutral tone in their publications.

The discourse of science and technology in the chilean press: an approximation to the DICIPE-2004 corpus

DELTA Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada

Science and technology dissemination discourse in Chilean newspapers: approaching the Corpus DICIPE-2004. Science and technology (C&T) dissemination has become a mayor field of study during last years, initially through the investigation of scientific research articles and more recently through different mass media. Our present research objectives are: a) to determine comparatively the space a group of five Chilean newspapers devote to disseminate C&T topics; b) to determine newspaper text types through which C&T is disseminated in written press; c) to identify macrotopics, subtopics, and disciplines to which all texts of the corpus can be adscribed. The DICIPE Corpus was collected during three months and is formed by 411 documents. Mayor findings show that C&T dissemination texts are given a mean of 1% from all texts published in the five newspapers studied and that, basically, most of these texts are related to medical sciences, astronomy, astrophysics, and what could be called &q...

Análisis Crítico del Discurso de la representación intercultural en la prensa chilena


This paper has, as its main goal, to analyse the presentation and re-presentation of the Mapuche, Peruvian and Bolivian difference in the Chilean press. The media which will be the object of the study —selected because of its periodicity and extensive coverage— are the tabloid press "La Cuarta" and "Las Últimas Noticias" which in turn and respectively belong to the consortia which duopolise the informative issue at a national level: Copesa and El Mercurio S.A.P. In order to carry out this analysis a methodological matrix has been projected, and which is derived from the proposal by Teun van Dijk, the so called Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This will allow the reader to understand the social construction of reality based on the news treatment in and of the possible intercultural-migratory relationships inside (Mapuche) and outside (Peruvian-Bolivian) the country.

Posverdad como repertorio de acción: Disputa discursiva de la ultraderecha chilena en Facebook

Revista Temas Sociológicos, 2020

El presente artí­culo da cuenta de cómo las comunidades de la ultraderecha nacional producen y organizan la posverdad mediante discursos polí­ticos en Facebook. Se propone analizar las maneras en que la ultraderecha chilena utiliza la posverdad como parte de su repertorio de acción polí­tica para la producción discursiva. Para ello, se identifican estas producciones, se sistematizan los componentes internos de la posverdad allí­ presentes y se caracteriza cómo las comunidades ultraderechistas articulan los componentes para producir discursos polí­ticos mediante la posverdad. En primer lugar, se revisa teóricamente el concepto a partir de su desarrollo histórico e incidencia en la comunicación y polí­tica actual, para luego incorporar las visiones tradicionales y contextualizadas, global y regionalmente, de ultraderecha. Así­, mediante un enfoque cualitativo canalizado en una etnografí­a virtual se articula la triangulación Discurso-Cognición-Sociedad del análisis crí­tico del discur...