The Influence of Current Ratio and Debt to Asset Ratio on Return on Assets at PT Selaras Aditama (original) (raw)
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Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
This study aims to determine the Current Ratio and Debt's effect on Asset Ratio on Return on Assets at PT. Sukabaja Panelindo Utama in Jakarta. The method used is explanatory research with a sample of 85 respondents. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. This study's results, Current Ratio, significantly affect Return on Assets by 41.3%, hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.045 <0.05. Debt to Asset Ratio has a significant effect on Return on Assets of 78.5%; hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.001 <0.05. Current Ratio and Debt to Asset Ratio simultaneously affect but not significant to the Return on Assets of 85.0%, hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.001> 0.05.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2021
This research was conducted forknow the effectDebt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio and Debt to Assets Ratio to Return on Assets at KUD Tani Bahagia, Indragiri Hulu Regency. This study uses secondary data by looking at the financial statements at KUD Tani Bahagia. The researcher processed the data using multiple linear regression which processed it using SPSS (statistical package for social science) version 21 to get the output to conclude the results of this study. From research results that is Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio and Debt to Assets Ratio partially effect toReturn on Assets at KUD Tani Bahagia.
This study aims to determine the effect of Return on Assets and Current Ratio on Debt to Equity Ratio at PT Duta Anggada Realty. The method used is explanatory research. Regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing are techniques used for statistical analysis. The results of this study, Return on Asset does not have a significant impact on the Debt to Equity Ratio, the value of Determination is 13.9%, hypothesis testing is obtained t count <t table or (-1.138 <2.306). Current Ratio has no significant effect on Debt to Equity Ratio, the value of determination is 21.5%, hypothesis testing is obtained t count <t table or (-1,480 <2,306). Simultaneously, Current Ratio and Return On Asset do not have a significant effect on Debt to Equity Ratio, the regression equation Y = 36.963 24.424X1 0.409X2 is obtained and the value of determination is 39.2%, hypothesis testing obtained F value <F table or (2.259 < 4,350).
HUMANIS (Humanities, Management and Science Proceedings), 2020
This study aims to examine the effect of Current Ratio and Debt to Asset on return on assets at PT. Verena Multi Finance, tbk. The method of analysis used in this research is multiple regression analysis method. One of the requirements for conducting multiple analysis tests is that the classical assumption test is necessary. This is necessary and important so that the resulting regression equation is BLUE (Best, Linear, Un], Estimator). In addition, to assess the goodness of fit of a model, the coefficient of determination, F test, and t test are carried out. This study uses annual data from 2012-2019 for each research variable. The results of this study indicate that the CR variable has no significant effect on ROA price with t count-641 and a significant t of 0.550. While the DAR variable has no significant effect on ROA with a value of 637 and a significant t of 0.552. In addition, it is found that the R square value is 9.0%. This means that 9.0,% is influenced by the two independent variables. While the remaining 91.0% is influenced by other variables.
Jurnal SEKURITAS (Saham, Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Investasi), 2020
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, yaitu: mengumpulkan, menyajikan, menganalisis, dan melakukan pengujian hipotesis, serta membuat kesimpulan dan saran. Sampel dikumpulkan menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling menggunakan 24 data keuangan dari laporan keuangan PT. Lippo Cikarang, Tbk dari selama periode 2014-2019. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda dan Analisis Koefisien Determinasi. Adapun hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa CR, DER dan ROE berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham PT. Lippo Cikarang, Tbk selama periode 2014-2019 sebesar 61,8%.
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Jurnal Muhammadiyah Manajemen Bisnis
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh current ratio, debt to asset ratio, dan total asset turn over terhadap return on asset perusahaan Sub Sektor Telekomunikasi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2017. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan yang di publikasikan oleh Bursa Efek Indonesiamelalui situs Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 4 dari 6 perusahaan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah penentuan model estimasi, uji asumsi klasik, persamaan regresi linear berganda, uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa current ratio dan total asset turn over berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap return on asset, sedangkan debt to asset ratio berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap return on asset.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
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Financial Performance Measurement Using Solvency Ratio at PT. AKR Corporindo Tbk. 2015-2019 Period
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS), 2022
This study aims to measure the financial performance of PT AKR Corporindo Tbk's 2015-2019 financial statements by using the solvency ratio. The method in this research is quantitative. The subject in this study is the financial statements of PT AKR Corporindo Tbk in 2015-2019 using the solvency ratio. The results of this study indicate that the assessment of financial performance at PT. AKR Corporindo Tbk, for the debt to asset ratio is considered not good because it exceeds the industry average standard that has been set, the debt to equity ratio is considered healthy even though it exceeds the industry average standard, because large funds are obtained from short-term debt, namely debt business, and the long term debt to equity ratio is also considered good because it is below the industry average standard. The results of this study indicate that the solvency ratio at PT AKR Corporindo Tbk has decreased and increased according to industry standards.
Effects Of Current Ratio And Debt-To-Equity Ratio On Return On Asset And Return On Equity
The purpose of a company is to gain profits. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of current ratio and debt-to-equity ratio on return on asset and return on equity for companies of the food and noodle sub-sector. A total of 10 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (ISX) was sampled from 2014 to 2017. Data were processed using the multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 24. Results showed that current ratio and debt-to-equity ratio had a significant effect on return on equity and return on asset. Results of the regression coefficient analysis showed that current ratio and debt-to-equity ratio accounted for 14.9% of ROA, while the remaining 85.1% was explained by other variables, as indicated by the coefficient determinants. The regression coefficient analysis for ROE showed that 61.4% was explained by other variables not studied in this research. Results of the F-test showed a significance value of 0.019 < 0.05 for ROA and 0.000 < 0.05 fo...