2023, Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika
Pro-environmental Behaviour (PEB) applied in the curriculum is an effort to accelerate environmental improvement. Through this research, it is expected to be able to provide an overview of the PEB category of prospective Physics teachers who have received learning with the PEB integrated curriculum. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach, with purposive sampling. The instrument used is a two-dimensional questionnaire 2-Major Environmental Values (2-MEV) that has been translated and adapted to the Indonesian context. Overall, respondents who have filled out questionnaires are 63 prospective Physics teachers who have taken environmental-based courses. The results showed that the majority of prospective Physics teachers were in the High category, and no prospective teachers were in the low category. This finding is able to strengthen that the aspect of education, which in this case is implemented in the curriculum based on Wet Tropical Forest and its Environment (HTB+L) coupled with habituation in the University environment can have a positive impact on PEB. In the scope of Mulawarman University, efforts have been made to habituate PEB through the provision of environmentally friendly facilities and infrastructure, to various integrated activities of PEB. The environmentbased curriculum has potential to improve the PEB of prospective teachers, both through classroom learning, and various activities that are habituent. In addition to the implementation of the curriculum that is able to strengthen the environmental knowledge of prospective teachers, it is necessary to be equipped with student activities or habituations related to the environment. This research is still limited to the analysis of knowledge aspects in the curriculum towards PEB, so further research is needed that examines other aspects that form PEB theoretically.