Surface water acidification: Results from a Swedish research program (original) (raw)

Recovery from acidification of lakes in Finland, Norway and Sweden 1990–1999

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2001

Sulphate deposition has decreased by about 60% in the Nordic countries since the early 1980s. Nitrogen deposition has been roughly constant during the past 20 years, with only a minor decrease in the late 1990s. The resulting changes in the chemistry of small lakes have been followed by national monitoring programmes initiated in the 1980s in Finland (163 lakes), Norway (100 lakes) and Sweden (81 lakes). These lakes are partly a subset from the survey of 5690 lakes in the Northern European lake survey of 1995. Trend analyses on data for the period 1990-1999 show that the non-marine sulphate concentrations in lakes have decreased significantly in 69% of the monitored lakes. Changes were largest in lakes with the highest mean concentrations. Nitrate concentrations, on the other hand, were generally low and showed no systematic changes. Concentrations of non-marine base cations decreased in 26% of the lakes, most probably an ionic-strength effect due to the lower concentrations of mobile strong-acid anions. Acid neutralising capacity increased in 32% of the lakes. Trends in recovery were in part masked by large year-to-year variations in sea-salt inputs and by increases in total organic carbon concentrations. These changes were most probably the result of climatic variations. Nordic lakes, therefore, show clear signs of recovery from acidification. Recovery began in the 1980s and accelerated in the 1990s. Reductions in sulphur deposition are the major "driving force" in the process of recovery from acidification. Further recovery can be expected in the next 10 years if the Gothenburg protocol on emissions of acidifying pollutants is implemented.

The role of weathering and forestry in determining the acidity of Lakes in Sweden

Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 1990

The long term acidity level of a lake is determined by the balance between acidity input to the catchment and the generation of alkalinity in the catchment. If the input of acidity through biomass net production and the production of alkalinity through weathering of minerals can be estimated, then the steady-state acidity level can be calculated for the lake under a certain acid deposition rate. Such a calculation has been carried out for 8 lakes ranging from acid to neutral. For lakes with the most sensitive soils in the catchment, the critical acid deposition load that will permit the lake to stay neutral, may be less than zero acidity, indicating that the forest growth is contributing to the acidification of very sensitive system under the present forest managements methods.

Long-term trends in water chemistry of acid-sensitive Swedish lakes show slow recovery from historic acidification

Ambio, 2014

Long-term (1987-2012) water quality monitoring in 36 acid-sensitive Swedish lakes shows slow recovery from historic acidification. Overall, strong acid anion concentrations declined, primarily as a result of declines in sulfate. Chloride is now the dominant anion in many acid-sensitive lakes. Base cation concentrations have declined less rapidly than strong acid anion concentrations, leading to an increase in charge balance acid neutralizing capacity. In many lakes, modeled organic acidity is now approximately equal to inorganic acidity. The observed trends in water chemistry suggest lakes may not return to reference conditions. Despite declines in acid deposition, many of these lakes are still acidified. Base cation concentrations continue to decline and alkalinity shows only small increases. A changing climate may further delay recovery by increasing dissolved organic carbon concentrations and sea-salt episodes. More intensive forest harvesting may also hamper recovery by reducing...

Impact of acid precipitation on freshwater ecosystems in Norway

Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 1976

Extensive studies of precipitation chemistry during the last 20 years have clearly shown that highly polluted precipitation falls over large areas of Scandinavia, and that this pollution is increasing in severity and geographical extent. Precipitation in southern Norway, Sweden, and Finland contains large amounts of H+, SOZ, and NO; ions, along with heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, that originate as air pollutants in the highly industrialized areas of Great Britain and central Europe and are transported over long distances to Scandinavia, where they are deposited in precipitation and dry-fallout.

Biotic Response To Acidification Of Lakes – A Review

Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2012

Acidification has far reaching environmental and ecological impacts. It brings change in the chemical, physical and biological composition of the environment and thereby affects the behavior and adaptation of the organisms in the changing environment. In this paper research articles published on acidification and its effect on the biota, with focus on high altitude lakes, are reviewed covering phytoplankton (diatoms), macrophytes, zooplankton, and benthic macro invertebrates. The areas considered in review highly affected by acidification are Scandinavia, Central Europe, Scotland, Canada, United States and Sweden. The specific causes of acidification, its problem and prospect in the high altitude Himalayan lakes with scope and the technique of the studies are also discussed.

Partial recovery of shallow acid-sensitive lakes from acidification. Environmental SCIENTIST 36-40

In the 1970s many poorly buffered Scandinavian lakes appeared to be acidified by the long-range transport of air pollutants, mainly sulphur compounds, from western and central Europe, with fish kills being the first sign of ecological effects. Lower in the food chain, changes in the species composition and abundance of algae and zooplankton were observed. As elsewhere in Europe and North America, these findings have been an impetus for research on acid rain, and have also stimulated the monitoring of acid-sensitive lakes in the Netherlands, which is one of Europe’s most acid- impacted regions.

Long-term changes in acidification and recovery at nine calibrated catchments in Norway, Sweden and Finland

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2001

International agreements to reduce the emissions of acidifying pollutants have resulted in major changes in deposition of sulphur and nitrogen in southern Scandinavia over the past 25 years. Long-term monitoring of deposition and run-off chemistry over the past 12-25 years at nine small calibrated catchments in Finland, Norway and Sweden provide the basis for analysis of trends with special attention to recovery in response to decreased sulphur and nitrogen deposition in the 1980s and 1990s. During the 1980s and 1990s sulphate deposition in the region decreased by 30 to 60%, whereas inorganic nitrogen deposition showed very little change until the mid-1990s. Deposition of non-marine base cations (especially calcium) declined in the 1990s most markedly in southern Finland. Run-off response to these changes in deposition has been rapid and clear at the nine catchments. Sulphate and base cations (mostly calcium) concentrations declined and acid neutralising capacity increased. Occasional years with unusually high inputs of sea-salt confound the general trends. Trends at all the catchments show the same general picture as that from small lakes in Scandinavia and in acid-sensitive waters elsewhere in Europe.

Element fluxes in watershed-lake ecosystems recovering from acidification: Plešné Lake, the Bohemian Forest, 2001–2005

Biologia, 2006

Fluxes of major ions and nutrients were measured in the watershed-lake ecosystem of a strongly acidified lake, Plešné jezero (Plešné Lake), in the Czech Republic in hydrological years from 2001 through 2005. The lake is situated in a Norway spruce forest and has a steep watershed between elevations of 1090 and 1378 m. The average water input and output from the ecosystem was 1372 mm and 1157 mm (37 L km−2 s−1), respectively, and the water residence time averaged 306 days. Despite ecosystem recovery from acidification occurring since the late 1980s, the Plešné watershed was an average net source of 25 mmol SO 42− m−2 yr−1. Nitrogen saturation of the watershed caused low retention of the deposited inorganic N (< 44% on average) before 2004. Then, the watershed became a net source of 28–32 mmol m−2 yr−1 of inorganic N in the form of NO 3− due to climatic effects (a dry summer in 2003 and a cold winter in 2004) and forest dieback caused by a bark beetle attack in 2004. Nitrogen transformations and SO 42− release were the dominant terrestrial sources of H+ (72 and 49 mmol m−2 yr−1, respectively) and the watershed was a net source of 24 mmol H+ m−2 yr−1. Ionic composition of surface inlets showed seasonal variations, with the most pronounced changes in NO 3−, ionic Al (Ali), and DOC concentrations, while the composition of subsurface inlets was more stable. The in-lake biogeochemical processes reduced on average 59% of the incoming H+ (251 mmol H+ m−2 yr−1 on a lake-area basis). NO 3− assimilation and denitrification, photochemical and microbial decomposition of allochthonous organic acids, and SO 42− reduction in the sediments were the most important aquatic H+ consuming processes (358, 121, and 59 mmol H+ m−2 yr−1, respectively), while hydrolysis of Ali was the dominant in-lake H+ generating process (233 mmol H+ m−2 yr−1). Photochemical liberation from organic complexes was an additional in-lake source of Ali. The net in-lake retention or removal of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and silica were on average 50%, 27%, and 23%, respectively. The lake was a net source of NH 4+ due to a cease in nitrification (pH < 5) and from NH 4+ production by dissimilation exceeding its removal by assimilation.