V.N. Myasishchev’s Psychological Concept of Relations: Neurosis Theory and Psychotherapy (original) (raw)
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Prospect of development of L.S. Vygotsky’s ideas in clinical psychology
Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2016
This work is dedicated to the development of L.S. Vygotsky's ideas in clinical psychology and the clarification of some basic points of the cultural-historical concept. The paper presents a thesis about the development of man in ontogeny as the result of his interaction with the cultural environment, which transforms natural mental functions into higher mental functions. This process can be attended by a whole range of psychopathologies. The issues discussed include voluntary regulation of higher mental functions, determination of the involuntariness and "post-voluntariness" of functions, the internalization of actions, the differentiation of affect and emotion (including as higher mental functions), the "cultural" socialization of non-mental functions (sex, sleep, excretion), and the discord between natural and "cultural" entities in a person. The basis for the ontological development of man is the genesis of "subjectness", like all the forms of higher activity that emerge when encountering cultural restrictions and requirements causing specific mental disorders. The supposition is made that there are no significant restrictions to explaining either mental or non-mental functions with the cultural-historical approach. Recommendations for further research are suggested.
Russian psychology has brought into the world science at least two great ideas: the conditioned reflex (Pavlov) and the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky). These concepts were formulated before "iron curtain" fell. Since then Russian science dropped out from the view of western colleagues for decades. Now it is challenged to re-join international mainstream. Are we in a position to contribute? A key concept for Russian psychology is personality impact on psycho-physiological functions and causal approach to self-determination. The concept of selfdetermination appeared in Western theories in 1980-es and since then it has been developed in the context of teleological humanitarian approach. In Russian science the concept of self-determination dates back to 1934, when it was defined by Rubinstein as "sub'ekt". Self-determination of ontogenesis of psycho physiological functions resulting from confluence of ontogenesis and social development was explicated by Russian scientists whose theoretical reasoning and empirical results are compared to Western counterparts.
Theoretical psychology - Теоретическая психология
Brain Related vs Culture Related Hemispheres of the Psychology; Object Oriented Activity; Historically Generated Social Identity; Leontiev's Synthesis_of_Behaviourism and Cognitivism; Garai's Synthesis of Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis; Tool and Sign: A Vygotskian Synthesis
Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2009
Russian psychology has brought into the world science at least two great ideas: the conditioned reflex (Pavlov) and the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky). These concepts were formulated before "iron curtain" fell. Since then Russian science dropped out from the view of western colleagues for decades. Now it is challenged to re-join international mainstream. Are we in a position to contribute? A key concept for Russian psychology is personality impact on psycho-physiological functions and causal approach to self-determination. The concept of selfdetermination appeared in Western theories in 1980-es and since then it has been developed in the context of teleological humanitarian approach. In Russian science the concept of self-determination dates back to 1934, when it was defined by Rubinstein as "sub'ekt". Self-determination of ontogenesis of psycho physiological functions resulting from confluence of ontogenesis and social development was explicated by Russian scientists whose theoretical reasoning and empirical results are compared to Western counterparts.
In this paper we propose that John Bowlby\u27s attachment theory provides a theoretically coherent, empirically based, and clinically useful model for understanding personality pathology. This theoretical framework brings parsimony and breadth to the conceptualization of the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of personality disorders (PDs). Attachment theory can explain both the intrapersonal and interpersonal difficulties common in those with PDs and is consistent with findings from studies across multiple domains of knowledge, including evolutionary biology, ethology/comparative psychology, developmental psychology, experimental social-personality psychology, and neuroscience.PDs are characterized by significant interpersonal challenges. Recently, these challenges have been hypothesized to stem from underlying maladaptive attachment schemas. Our goal is to outline and elaborate on attachment theory as a foundation for the etiology and pathology of PDs and to highlight the implic...
Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and their Metalevels
METAPSYCHOLOGY and PSYCHOLOGY, METAPSYCHIATRY and PSYCHIATRY, METAPSYCHOTHERAPY and PSYCHOTHERAPY. A new Theory of the Psyche, Mental Disorders and Their Psychotherapy , 2021
The METAPSYCHOLOGY part is about everything that is psychically relevant, that is, everything concerning people. People mainly use language to express these matters. Therefore, to differentiate areas of the psychical relevant, I differentiate them similar to how our language is differentiated. (→ Analogy between language and the psychical relevant). In the part PSYCHOLOGY, I also use this classification for the psyche. Among other things, this leads to a more comprehensive definition of the psyche. In the part METAPSYCHIATRY, I describe how a confusion of basic meanings can produce inverted, strange realities, thus mental illnesses, too. I mainly show this process in the part PSYCHIATRY using the example of schizophrenia. Moreover, I examine the psychotherapeutic quality both of the most important worldviews and religions in the part METAPSYCHOTHERAPY and the most known psychotherapeutic schools of thought in the part PSYCHOTHERAPY. Finally, I present an ideology-free psychotherapy in the chapter called 'Primary Psychotherapy'.
Concerned with the study of empirical correlations between elements of behavior and external circumstances, and especially with the research of these empirical relationships in a much simpler manner than it would be suitable for their complex nature, many psychologies rarely look at the fundamental issues of capability, or assumptions, of their own noetic efforts. Instead, there are multiple " views " that pretend to be psychological theories. The concept of psychology as a study of soul necessarily relies on the concept of science, and on the concept of soul as its subject. It is still the case – especially in academic circles – that the ruling concept of science is the modern, Cartesian, scientific concept where natural science is the only paradigm of science. When applied to the science of soul, that scientific paradigm inevitably gives different variations of reductionist psychology: from experimental psychology to neurophysiology. The truth (or factual knowledge as content) of such studies of soul must inevitably be reduced and scarce, namely, a reduced and scarce knowledge of soul itself. General psychological theory, of course, cannot be a compromise formation of disparate attitudes, rules and principles, nor can it, epistemologically, be an eclectic knowledge of mental phenomena. If different psychological theories , approaches, and points of view, which are sometimes, pretentiously, being called schools, see each mental theme or content in a totally different way, then it is necessary to examine the type, quality and place of the truth 1 misotodorovic@yahoo.com
Leontiev Dmitry, Aleksander Lazursky’s personality concept: from inclinations to relations. Problem of personality: Petersburg School of Psychology. Culture – Society – Education no 2(16) 2019, Poznań 2019, pp. 55–69, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2019.16.4. The article discusses the dynamics of psychological views of A.F. Lazursky (1874-1917), author of one of the first theories of personality in the world of psychology. There are two stages in Lazursky’s work: the first is associated with the concept of nature as an internal individually-typological basis of personality, and the second one is determined by introduction and more intensive development of ideas about an attitude towards the world as an important component of the personality structure. The primary aim of the article is to highlight the role of Lazursky in international psychology.