Coalition and Establishment of Authoritative Religious Leadership in Maintaining Halal Product Laws: A Study on the Indonesian Concil of Ulama (original) (raw)
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Pharos journal of theology, 2023
Indonesia's efforts to make the country the center of the halal industry give theological and religious perspectives an essential role when making critical decisions. The Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council on halal products has an influence that is believed to guide and foster the Muslim faith in Indonesia. This study aims to look at the implications of the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council on halal products in Indonesia, which affect the beliefs of Muslims in Indonesia. The research method used was a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted through document study related to the research context. The data analysis technique was done by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that although the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council on halal products is not legally binding, Muslim communities in Indonesia believe and are attached to the Fatwa as part of carrying out religious orders. Fatwa implications affect the religiosity, spirituality, and inclusiveness of Muslim beliefs in Indonesia about halal products with the involvement of Ulama. The Indonesian Ulema Council's Fatwa on halal products is vital in the Open Rubric
Halal Governance in Indonesia: Theory, Current Practices, and Related Issues
Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 2019
Considering Indonesia’s target to lead halal industry worldwide, the discussionupon the current practices of halal governance in the country is critical to get into acomprehensive insight. Several major drawbacks within the previous studies on thistopic is found along the followings. There has never been a study that has specificallydiscussed the term of halal governance substantively or comprehensively investigatedthe subject matters in Indonesia. Driven by this gap, we set out to review halalgovernance practices in Indonesia by employing a qualitative method of documentary.In doing so, the present paper firstly discusses the substantive materials upon linesof defense in halal governance that covers the four themes, which the present paperparticularly reviews as the current practices in Indonesia. From the present discussion,this paper offers the novelty on the explanation of lines of defense in halal governance,and that of the current practices in Indonesia along with the related ...
The issuance of the law of republic of Indonesia No. 33 of 2014 concerning on Halal Product Assurance has impacted on the role of Indonesian Ulema Council in issuing halal certificate. This research focuses on the regulations of the law and the roles of Indonesian Ulema Council in Halal certification upon the issuance of the law. Regulations constituted in the law shall be studied further regarding halal assurance which is very mandatory for Muslim in Indonesia. An analysis of statute approach is employed to sharpen this study in achieving its objectives. The study on this topic is essential due to Indonesia, with Muslim societies as the majority of the state, have the freedom of religions that should be guaranteed by the state. The issuance of the law has significantly impacted to the role of Indonesian Ulema Council in halal certification by establishing a new government agency to be in charge of halal and related matters. This study contributes as an academic guidance on issues related to halal certification process in Indonesia upon the issuance of the law by examining whether or not the issuance of the law no. 33 of 2014 has put aside the authority of Indonesian Ulema Council regarding halal matters. It is necessary to know how the role of Indonesian Ulema Council regarding halal matters as constituted by the law due to its authority over halal matters which has been with it for more than twenty years.
Menakar Urgensi dan Masa Depan Legislasi Fiqih Produk Halal di Indonesia
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2020
This article aims to identify and analyze the urgency and future of fiqh legislation for halal products in Indonesia. In addition, this article also aims to identify and analyze whether Law no. 33 of 2014 concerning the Guarantee of Halal Products is the result of authoritarianism in the name of Islamic law in Indonesia or is a constitutional guarantee for the majority of Muslims. The conclusion of this study shows that the effort to enact the jurisprudence of halal products through the Halal Product Guarantee Law is a constitutional necessity for Indonesian citizens who are predominantly Muslim. The regulation of halal certification in the Halal Product Guarantee Law is a form of legal certainty and constitutional protections for the majority of Muslims as consumers in Indonesia. In addition, the existence of the Halal Product Guarantee Law is also considered to provide benefits economically, socially, and healthily, which applies universally regardless of religion. Even the accusa...
Role of Indonesian Council of Ulama in Halāl Certification and Product Guarantee
Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization
The current research analysed the role of Indonesian Council of Ulama in halāl certification after the enactment of Law No. 33 of 2014. The Indonesian Council of Ulama is Indonesia’s peak clerical body with the authority to specify halāl and Harām fatwas of a product. It plays a crucial role in helping the government to assure halāl certification of the product before it is consumed. According to publicly available data, there are 85 percent of food, beverages, and cosmetic products with unidentified halāl certification circulating in Indonesia. Moreover, there are foods and beverages that put halāl label illegally without any halāl testing on the products. This issue may cause concern for Indonesian people, as majority of them are Muslims. The current study applied library research method to retrieve secondary data on halāl certification of food and beverages, which was in accordance with the Law No. 33 of 2014 on Halāl Product Guarantee. The study determined that the involvement o...
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Faculty of Syariah, IAIN Samarinda. This scholarly periodical specializes in the study of Islamic law and seeks to present the various results of the latest research, both conceptual-doctrinal and empirical, on the field. The publication of an article in this journal is an essential building block in the development of a respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editors, the peer reviewers, and the publisher.
A Review of Islamic Law on the Management of Halal Products in the Modern Era in Indonesia
Al-Fatawa: Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial, 2024
The management of halal products in Indonesia faces various challenges in the modern era, including the complexity of the global supply chain, technological advancements, and regulatory enforcement. This paper examines the management of halal products from the perspective of Islamic law using the theory of maqasid al-shariah, which emphasizes the preservation of religion, soul, intellect, descendants, and property. The purpose of this research is to understand how sharia principles are applied in Indonesia's halal industry as well as to explore the potential of blockchain technology in improving transparency and efficiency. The methods used are literature studies, reviewing regulations, and related industries. The results show that blockchain can provide real-time verification and tracking of halal products, increase transparency, reduce operational costs, and strengthen consumer trust. In addition, collaboration between the government, certification bodies, and industry is essential to strengthen the implementation of Islamic law. Thus, this paper concludes that the adoption of innovative technologies such as blockchain, along with the application of the principles of maqasid alshariah, can help Indonesia become a leader in the global halal industry, meet the demands of the modern market, and ensure economic fairness and well-being.
Bengkoelen Justice : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
The writing of this research aims to (1) find out and analyze the implementation of halal product guarantees for traditional food entrepreneurs by the Indonesian Ulema Council in Bengkulu City, (2) find out and analyze the obstacles to the implementation of halal product guarantees for traditional food entrepreneurs by the Indonesian Ulema Council in Bengkulu City, and (3) find out and analyze the efforts to overcome the obstacles to the implementation of halal product guarantees for traditional food entrepreneurs by the Indonesian Ulema Council in Bengkulu City. This research used a descriptive approach and the data were gathered through primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The results of the research explained that the implementation of halal product guarantees for traditional food entrepreneurs by the Indonesian Ulema Council in Bengkulu City is begun with traditional food entrepreneurs carrying out online registration at the Bengkulu Provincial Regional Office of t...
The published version appears in Journal of Indo-Islamika 4(2) 2014 pp. 163-182. To request the published version please email Halal foods appear to be booming in the recent global markets. Applying various theoretical and conceptual frameworks within political anthropology and political economy, this paper investigates how the rise of political ecology as found in the phenomena of eco-labels and eco-consumption influences the halal food certification and consumption in Indonesia. This paper discusses different forms of political articulation in halal food in Indonesia, particularly at the level of certification and consumption. The goals are, first, to understand the regime and the mechanism of halal food certification, and second, to understand different forms of political identity of halal food consumers. Permintaan terhadap produk makanan halal sedang mengalami perkembangan cukup kuat di pasar global. Dengan menerapkan beberapa pendekatan teoritis dan konseptual dalam analisa political anthropology dan political economy, artikel ini menganalisa pengaruh fenomena eco-label dan eco-consumption atau gerakan konsumsi ramah alam terhadap sertifikasi dan konsumsi produk makanan halal di Indonesia. Artikel ini mendiskusikan beragam bentuk kepentingan dan gerakan politik di balik sertifikasi dan konsumsi produk halal. Tujuan artikel ini adalah, pertama, memahami rejim dan mekanisme sertifikasi halal di bawah Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan, kedua, memahami berbagai bentuk politik identitas yang diartikulasikan para konsumen produk makanan halal.