ARCHITECTURAL PSYCHOLOGY Research Papers - (original) (raw)

szöveg text: losonczi anna, sarbak klára, dúll andrea fotók photos: sarbak klára az építészeti tervezéshez inspirációt és a döntésekben új szempontokat adhat az ember tanulmányozása: hogyan érzékeli, észleli és éli meg környezetét. Mit... more

szöveg text: losonczi anna, sarbak klára, dúll andrea fotók photos: sarbak klára az építészeti tervezéshez inspirációt és a döntésekben új szempontokat adhat az ember tanulmányozása: hogyan érzékeli, észleli és éli meg környezetét. Mit tudunk a természetes és mesterséges terek észleléséről és mit tehetünk ehhez hozzá, mint építész-tervezők? kutatásainkban a pszichológia területéről merített ismereteket az épített környezetre értelmezzük. Ebben az írásban a környezet strukturális tagoltságának (részletezettségének, díszítésének) szükségességét, jelenlétének és hiányának következményeit vizsgáljuk épülethomlokzatok példáján. érzékelés és észlelés Az (épített) környezetből nagyszámú inger érkezik az észlelőhöz, melyeket érzékszervek fogadnak, és továbbítanak az agy felé. Az agynak ezt az információhalmazt az észlelés folyamata során értelmeznie kell, ezért szűri, rendszerezi, a meglévő ismeretekhez illeszti a beérkező információt: ez az észlelés folyamata. Az épített környezetből az ingerek túlnyomó részét a látás segítségével fogjuk fel. A vizuális inger értelmezése, a beérkező képi ingerek csoportosítása alakzatokká, a háttér és előtér elkülönítése, a környezet építőelemeinek felismerése, a tárgyak azonosítása előzetes ismereteink és a kontextus segítségével történik. 1 ebben az írásban a vizuális észlelés fogalmait épülethomlokzatok elemzésével fogjuk bemutatni. A minket körülvevő épületekről az első információk nagy részét a homlokzatok segítségével kapjuk. A homlokzat sok mindent elárul a házról, korántsem csak az elemi észlelés szintjén, és adott esetben olyan kérdéseket is felvet bennünk, amelyekre csak a ház alaposabb felfedezése során kapunk választ. A homlokzat nemcsak a ház funkciójáról, koráról beszélhet, hanem a helyről, tervezőről, tervezési szándékról is. először az észleléspszichológiából ismert gestalt, vagyis alaklélektani csoportosító elveket ismertetjük néhány jellegzetes homlokzat példáján. A homlokzatok vizsgálatához a művészi komponálásból ismert fogalmakat (ritmus, arány, tagoltság) is felhasználjuk, amelyek segítségével árnyaltabb módon tudjuk bemutatni a pszichológiai megközelítést. ezen kívül a vizuális ingerek szemlélőre gyakorolt hatásával is foglalkozunk, esetünkben azzal, hogy milyen észleleteket hívnak elő a vizsgált látványok. nem feledkezhetünk meg arról sem, hogy a szemlélés tárgya időben nem állandó képet mutat, hiszen a körülmények, a szemlélő, vagy éppen a szemlélt homlokzat változásai ismét új észleleteket eredményezhetnek.

Yürütücü: Doç. Dr. Emine Köseoğlu ---------- Üniversite Seçmeli Ders

The visual world is about an individual's perception; while one unfolds the concepts of visual phenomenon multiple unknown characters and layers come to fore. The realization of these changes is accredited to elapse of time and cognition... more

The visual world is about an individual's perception; while one unfolds the concepts of visual phenomenon multiple unknown characters and layers come to fore. The realization of these changes is accredited to elapse of time and cognition of brain and eye. In the first layer the characters are neutral and unidentified on the given picture plane. They create what is called the retinal images in the back of the eye. Once the brain registers these fragments in each other's proximity it is able to recognize the image as a whole. The recognition may also be accredited to historicizing. The essence of visual perception lies in the analysis of the view; this could be in either of the following two ways; exploring the real from the created illusions or experiencing the overall space by getting integrated within, through the view. Visual phenomenon is studied over Peter Eisenman's Wexner Center; which is probably one of his unintentional design that envelopes the optical illusion phenomenon artistically and over Mack Scogin Merill Elam Architects' Knowlton School of Architecture which identifies Maurice Merleau Ponty's phenomenology it its spatial quality.

Sensory studies are important to develop an understanding of the relationship between people and the environment and to see the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them. Stimuli from the sense organs are transformed into... more

Sensory studies are important to develop an understanding of the relationship between people and the environment and to see the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them. Stimuli from the sense organs are transformed into perception through processes that take place in mind and they are signified by mechanisms, interpreted, and thus perception occurs. The aim of this study is to introduce a way to obtain sensory information from the spatial environment, to understand and realize the methods to express the results of such an experience visually. A case study is conducted with first grade architectural students in Haskoy, Beyoglu in order to acquire auditory knowledge from the environment and to visualize them. The case study consists of three steps: understanding the issue of environmental sounds, acquiring environmental sounds with direct experience, and visualizing the data as forms of sense-maps using various techniques.

The paper intends to analyse the common ground between the field of visual perception and architectural design. The architectural product always addresses an user, who will react in a certain way towards the architectural object, towards... more

The paper intends to analyse the common ground between the field of visual perception and architectural design. The architectural product always addresses an user, who will react in a certain way towards the architectural object, towards built space, towards her/his environment in general. This relationship is bidirectional and its effects are visible both ways: we modify the environment through the designing process (architecture, urban planning, design in general) and the (built) environment modifies our behaviour. In this context, it is crucial that we understand the functioning mechanisms of the perceptual processes - which will be detailed throughout the first part of the paper. Perception is indeed a very complex process, that involves gathering information through our senses; processing it - which implies analysing the received information and comparing it against previously gathered knowledge, based on past experiences -; and formulating particular responses - also based on previous experiences. Perception is in essence a highly creative process: although we relate to the same reality, we will perceive it in a different way according to what that environment means to each of us. The second part of the paper will study several parallel theories on perception developed by architects, urban planners and psychologists. We will also pay special attention to several conclusions reached by Jean Piaget and Bärbel Inhelder upon the way in which perception develops from an early age. These studies are essential in establishing a growth and progression pattern throughout childhood, relating it to the different stages of the development process of space perception. Finally, the third part will present two case studies focusing on the manner in which users, with different cultural backgrounds, perceive the space they inhabit and, another two case studies, which show how and why users change their environment - cases in which the designer failed to produce spaces with meaning according to the users’ paradigm.

The term ‘salutogenic’ is widely used in healthcare architecture, even though very few healthcare architects have much of a handle on what the term means. Here, we clarify the key concepts of salutogenesis, demonstrate how they work and... more

The term ‘salutogenic’ is widely used in healthcare architecture, even though very few healthcare architects have much of a handle on what the term means. Here, we clarify the key concepts of salutogenesis, demonstrate how they work and show how they have been designed into healthcare facilities to yield exemplary results. The central idea is that there are three resources that combine to provide a Sense of Coherence—a forward thrust that resists the entropic forces of illness and infirmity. The sense of coherence is made up of resources that improve manageability—the capacity to maintain homeostasis and physical function; resources that improve comprehensibility—an ability to negotiate circumstances in order to maximise their benefit; and resources that enrich a sense of meaningfulness—the desires, causes and concerns that give us the need to resist illness in the first place.

This paper aims at evaluating the ability of private hostel developers towards addressing the accommodation needs of Imo State University Students within the Ugwuorji layout, the closest and largest neighbourhood to the University. A... more

This paper aims at evaluating the ability of private hostel developers towards addressing the accommodation needs of Imo State University Students within the Ugwuorji layout, the closest and largest neighbourhood to the University. A hostel enumeration survey was conducted

Algısı gibi lisans dersleri ile Çevresel Değerlendirme, Duyular ve Mekan Okumaları gibi lisansüstü derslerdir. Özgün yaklaşımlarla kurguladığı dersler olan, mimarlık ikinci sınıf dersi olan "Mimari Tasarım 1" stüdyosunun altı dönem;... more

Algısı gibi lisans dersleri ile Çevresel Değerlendirme, Duyular ve Mekan Okumaları gibi lisansüstü derslerdir. Özgün yaklaşımlarla kurguladığı dersler olan, mimarlık ikinci sınıf dersi olan "Mimari Tasarım 1" stüdyosunun altı dönem; mimarlık üçüncü sınıf dersi olan "Kentsel Tasarım ve Şehir" stüdyosunun dokuz dönem kurucu koordinatörlüğünü ve yürütücülüğünü yapmıştır. Mimari tasarım, kent morfolojisi ve çevre psikolojisi bilim alanı kesişimindeki pek çok çalışması uluslararası ve ulusal dergilerde yayımlanmıştır; bu alanlardaki çalışmaları özellikle "mekânsal okunabilirlik" (spatial legibility) kavramına odaklanan ve uluslararası düzeyde olan önemli atıflar almıştır. Sahibi olduğu,

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with... more

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with architecture is a topic that needs research. Today's architecture requires an explanation for its effects on the spiritual growth of an individual. The term spirituality is not widely observed in today's architecture and is not used in most contemporary architecture. The past architect being aware of the spiritual growth's significance had shaped an architecture that was proportionate to that time's culture and beliefs. By using architectural elements, they had filled the objective body with spiritual beliefs. This paper presents the impact of contemplative spaces and sacred geometry on the spiritual development of a person and also it studies the relationship between spirituality and architecture. This paper also discusses how architecture and contemplative spaces accelerate the recovery rate and the individual's spiritual journey.

Bu ders, bir yapılı çevreyi ya da mekânı, öznel ve nesnel açılardan değerlendirirken, mekân değerlendirmenin fiziksel, sosyal ve psikolojik yönlerini irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Kavramlar Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma... more

Bu ders, bir yapılı çevreyi ya da mekânı, öznel ve nesnel açılardan değerlendirirken, mekân değerlendirmenin fiziksel, sosyal ve psikolojik yönlerini irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Kavramlar Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma ödevlerinin geliştirilmesi 6. hafta 21 mart Kavramlar Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma ödevlerinin geliştirilmesi 7. hafta 28 mart Kavramlar Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma ödevlerinin geliştirilmesi 8. hafta 04 nis VİZE (Tarih değişebilir) 9. hafta 11 nis Vize Sonrası Değerlendirmeler 10. hafta 18 nis Bileşenler Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma ödevlerinin geliştirilmesi 11. hafta 25 nis Bileşenler Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma Araştırma ödevlerinin geliştirilmesi 12. hafta 02 may Bileşenler Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma ödevlerinin geliştirilmesi 13. hafta 09 may Bileşenler Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma ödevlerinin geliştirilmesi 14. hafta 16 may Sunumlar 15. hafta

/ Poster Design by Emine Köseoğlu / 2021-2022 güz I fsmvü mimarlık anabilim dalı I mimarlık lisansüstü programı I duyular ve mekan okumaları doç. dr. emine köseoğlu .........................................o k u m a l a r I t a r t ı ş m... more

/ Poster Design by Emine Köseoğlu / 2021-2022 güz I fsmvü mimarlık anabilim dalı I mimarlık lisansüstü programı I duyular ve mekan okumaları doç. dr. emine köseoğlu .........................................o k u m a l a r I t a r t ı ş m a l a r I s u n u m l a r M e k a n a A l g ı s a l B a k ı ş l a r A l g ı y a M e k a n s a l B a k ı ş l a r A l g ı s a l M e k a n Ö g e l e r i

Dalam tulisan ini dibahas mengenai pengaruh suara terhadap kondisi batin pengguna ruang yang menjadi dasar bagi perilaku yang dilakukan oleh seseorang. Selain itu dibahas pula suara dalam konteks keruangan, faktor-faktor penyebab polusi... more

Dalam tulisan ini dibahas mengenai pengaruh suara terhadap kondisi batin pengguna ruang yang menjadi dasar bagi perilaku yang dilakukan oleh seseorang. Selain itu dibahas pula suara dalam konteks keruangan, faktor-faktor penyebab polusi suara dan syarat-syarat untuk mencapai lantunan kualitas suara yang baik.

La evaluación ambiental de los escenarios conductuales permite comprender causas y consecuencias que rodean y afectan a los seres humanos aportando conocimientos sobre sus ofrecimientos, fortaleciendo el repertorio conductual del... more

La evaluación ambiental de los escenarios conductuales permite comprender causas y consecuencias que rodean y afectan a los seres humanos aportando conocimientos sobre sus ofrecimientos, fortaleciendo el repertorio conductual del individuo por sus consecuencias y, generando conductas proambientales. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar cómo los factores físicos del diseño arquitectónico de un escenario de conducta, influyen sobre la permanencia y permeabilidad de conductas proambientales, tomando como escenario las aulas del edificio A, de la Facultad de Psicología de la UNAM. La muestra se conformó por estudiantes de licenciatura a partir de un muestro por conveniencia, utilizando un diseño experimental A-B-A. Los resultados demuestran una disminución significativa de la conducta transgresora de graffitear, durante y después de la fase de reversión, implicando que la ausencia del estímulo discriminativo de manera consistente, disminuye las probabilidades de conductas no proambientales, generando apropiación, locus de control, reconocimiento y afecto de la institución hacia la comunidad y viceversa. PALABRAS CLAVE: Graffiti, affordances, escenarios conductuales, evaluación ambiental

The state of the built environment makes one inclined to ponder how ethics affects the space that is designed and its aesthetic quality. As a consequence, there arise questions concerning the provisions of ethical codes of professional... more

The state of the built environment makes one inclined to ponder how ethics affects the space that is designed and its aesthetic quality. As a consequence, there arise questions concerning the provisions of ethical codes of professional conduct that architects must adhere to on the one hand, while on the other, the practical guidelines for architectural design and planning. In a period when matters of durability (firmitas) and utility (utilitas) have been largely dominated by other branches of design, including the matters of ecology, beauty (venustas) has come to be considered as the most essential constituent attribute of architecture.
Selected interpretations of Beauty and its relationship with Good (Vitruvius, 1954; Tatarkiewicz, 1962, 1982) have been presented, including in light of the latest findings of neurobiology and neuroaesthetics (Zeki, 2011, 2019; Qiuling et al., 2018; Ishizu, Tsukiura, Cabeza, 2011). The term appropriateness (Krakowski, 1989)is herein accepted, understood as a notion of intentional, socially conditioned beauty and considered proper to describe the aesthetic standard of the built environment under design. This paper is an attempt at finding practical methods of ensuring aesthetic quality (beauty) in newly designed and redesigned spatial situations. It identifies the field of professional law (the ethical code of conduct for architects), wherein aesthetic matters are largely ignored on the one hand, while on the other it points to the necessity to teach and implement a design process that is tender (Tokarczuk, 2019) and mindful (Dominiczak, 2016) dialogue in a specific understanding of encounters with the Other (the Second), whether it’s an architect, a user or a structure. It notes the proposal of creative aesthetics (Sławińska, 1973) as a potentially possible integral branch of design. Contrary to the professional ethics of architects, which pertains to individuals who practice design and are ethically responsible for their professional conduct (design), the ethic of architecture refers to aesthetic relationships that emerge in architectural situations (Dominiczak, 2016). In this understanding, built structures are personified and seen as entities with their own identities (if the designer wills it) that engage in dialogue with Other entities (Levinas, 1998), which both create and define a given space.

This is the first of two papers on blueprints for a history of environmental psychology. Four stages are established: First Environmental Psychology, American Transition, Architectural Psychology and Environmental Psychology for... more

This is the first of two papers on blueprints for a history of environmental psychology. Four stages are established: First Environmental Psychology, American Transition, Architectural Psychology and Environmental Psychology for Sustainability. In this first paper, the origins of environmental psychology are traced back to early XX century German authors, who were the first to speak specifically of the discipline. The American transition period covers the years when, although environmental psychology was seldom mentioned, a considerable part of its theoretical foundations was laid. The second paper will describe and justify the period of Architectural Psychology. Its late 1970s crisis paved the way for a twofold shift: social and "green" which would lead to a new environmental psychology focused on sustainability.

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with... more

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with architecture is a topic that needs research. Today's architecture requires an explanation for its effects on the spiritual growth of an individual. The term spirituality is not widely observed in today's architecture and is not used in most contemporary architecture. The past architect being aware of the spiritual growth's significance had shaped an architecture that was proportionate to that time's culture and beliefs. By using architectural elements, they had filled the objective body with spiritual beliefs. This paper presents the impact of contemplative spaces and sacred geometry on the spiritual development of a person and also it studies the relationship between spirituality and architecture. This paper also discusses how architecture a...

Background: Research on the importance of healthcare settings for well-being and therapeutic use of nature is growing and has shown promising results. Children may experience hospital surroundings as scary and this can influence therapy... more

Background: Research on the importance of healthcare settings for well-being and therapeutic use of nature is growing and has shown promising results. Children may experience hospital surroundings as scary and this can influence therapy and treatment. To support the children’s ability to make use of therapy the best possible way is important for therapeutic outcome. Through facilitating of the physical environment and targeted use of nature and architecture in therapy, other therapeutic possibilities and psychological material is accessed more easily than in traditional therapy settings.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper has been to investigate how therapists experience therapy at the Outdoor Care Retreat at Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet may influence severely and chronically ill children. The focus is how other therapy settings than traditional therapeutic spaces may impact the therapy and the outcome of it.
Method: A case study design was used with five qualitative interviews with therapists that are currently using the Outdoor Care Retreat. An interpretative phenomenological analysis categorized features of the environment into three main themes on how the therapists perceived the Outdoor Care Retreat influence on therapy with children.
Results: The results suggest that facilitated and thoughtful health care settings and use of nature in therapy is consider an important contribution to therapy in traditional clinical settings. Findings from the analysis were that the Outdoor Care Retreat influenced: 1) Therapeutic relation: On the areas equality, wholeness, creativity, presence. 2) Child influences: On the areas emotional regulation, stress reduction, vitality, mastering. 3) Affordances/what the surroundings may offer: On the areas activities, external focus, sensation, family participation, symbolism.
Conclusion: Use of nature and natural materials influenced the therapists in their opinion to be more creative and vital, the children became more relaxed and freer, and the surroundings facilitated other types of activity and conversations than usual in a hospital room. Therefore more strategically use of nature and natural materials may be important for good achievement in therapy with children.

American Prison Architecture: A Lack of Consideration, Priority, and Effectiveness In the United States, we have been placing people convicted of crime in prisons since the end of the 18th century. The general rule in this nation, as... more

American Prison Architecture: A Lack of Consideration, Priority, and Effectiveness In the United States, we have been placing people convicted of crime in prisons since the end of the 18th century. The general rule in this nation, as presented by the federal government, has been abide by our rules, and we won't bother you; disobey our rules, and we punish you. For a while many Americans confided that the "punish" meant "in hopes of making you better suit for society", and that therefore the role that prisons played was a rehabilitative one, but given the state at which our prisons are designed and maintained in, this "punish for the better" follows a "scared straight" ideology that just does not work. This flawed belief is visible in many aspects of society, be that in legislation, the old "Scared Straight" trips elementary students used to take in the 20th century, or the architectural design of the prisons themselves. The problem with this approach is that it is ineffective, as crime rates still are at a high, and the approach to prison architecture, as a means of psychological torture, is ineffective as recidivism rates are still on the rise. If the prison system wants to make any real progress in decreasing recidivism rates and having a positive effect on the people subject to its environment, a serious analysis of prison architecture and its shortcomings must be conducted, and revisions to the prison design model are to be carried out in order to rework the psychological impact these structures have on the human mind once inside.

As the ocuppational areas have different specialities, standartization may not be accurately correct for some work sectors. For example, many sectors are innovative and endeavour to look for new methods to improve themselves, mentor... more

As the ocuppational areas have different specialities, standartization may not be accurately correct for some work sectors. For example, many sectors are innovative and endeavour to look for new methods to improve themselves, mentor system in architecture is still valid in today’s architectural working areas and conflict with the innovation, looking for new methods and improving itself in the business world. Architecture requires a good vision, and it should have research and angle of view. It should follow today’s colourful updates and should be open to creativity accordingly. This study establihshes and collects all related data about generation classification and intergenerational conflict in architectural occupation discussing and concluding them all in the end.

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with... more

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with architecture is a topic that needs research. Today's architecture requires an explanation for its effects on the spiritual growth of an individual. The term spirituality is not widely observed in today's architecture and is not used in most contemporary architecture. The past architect being aware of the spiritual growth's significance had shaped an architecture that was proportionate to that time's culture and beliefs. By using architectural elements, they had filled the objective body with spiritual beliefs. This paper presents the impact of contemplative spaces and sacred geometry on the spiritual development of a person and also it studies the relationship between spirituality and architecture. This paper also discusses how architecture and contemplative spaces accelerate the recovery rate and the individual's spiritual journey.

The architects’ community is now celebrating the first centenary of Bauhaus. The famous design school of post-World War I Germany combined crafts with the fine arts, heralding a new architectural paradigm for modern life. Based on pure... more

The architects’ community is now celebrating the first centenary of Bauhaus. The famous design school of post-World War I Germany combined crafts with the fine arts, heralding a new architectural paradigm for modern life. Based on pure geometry and functionalism, it relied upon a scientific approach to re-create the human environment, to liberate the same from historical allusions, and to redefine culture as a product of rational thinking. Bauhaus changed the structure of the education of applied arts, and placed architectural master planning at the hub of all major specializations. However, those specializations were each progressive actualizations of traditional crafts due to the needs of industrialized construction. Materials were processed and objects were fashioned accordingly in the Werkstatts of the old campus at the Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar, then in the southern wing of the new school in Dessau. Light penetrating through the great curtain wall of the new building was an achievement that presaged the age of transparency.

Doğal saatimiz, beynin hipotalamus adı verilen ve vücudun her yerinde bulunan fotoreseptörlere (retina gibi) bağlı olan bölümündedir. Bu reseptörler, iç saatimizi gün boyunca emdiğimiz ışıkla senkronize etmekten sorumludur. Sirkadiyen... more

Doğal saatimiz, beynin hipotalamus adı verilen ve vücudun her yerinde bulunan fotoreseptörlere (retina gibi) bağlı olan bölümündedir. Bu reseptörler, iç saatimizi gün boyunca emdiğimiz ışıkla senkronize etmekten sorumludur. Sirkadiyen döngüyü anlamak önemlidir çünkü insan vücudunun ritmini etkiler ve uyku, ruh hali, uyanıklık, sindirim, sıcaklık kontrolü ve hatta hücre yenilenmesini etkiler. Araştırmalar, yeterli miktarda ışığın ruh halini ve enerji seviyelerini iyileştirdiğini, zayıf aydınlatmanın ise vücuttaki depresyona ve diğer eksikliklere katkıda bulunduğunu gösteriyor. Aydınlatmanın miktarı ve türü doğrudan konsantrasyon, iştah, ruh hali ve günlük yaşamın diğer birçok yönünü etkiler.

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with... more

Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with architecture is a topic that needs research. Today's architecture requires an explanation for its effects on the spiritual growth of an individual. The term spirituality is not widely observed in today's architecture and is not used in most contemporary architecture. The past architect being aware of the spiritual growth's significance had shaped an architecture that was proportionate to that time's culture and beliefs. By using architectural elements, they had filled the objective body with spiritual beliefs. This paper presents the impact of contemplative spaces and sacred geometry on the spiritual development of a person and also it studies the relationship between spirituality and architecture. This paper also discusses how architecture and contemplative spaces accelerate the recovery rate and the individual's spiritual journey.

The paper intends to analyse the common ground between the field of visual perception and architectural design. The architectural product always addresses a user, who will react in a certain way towards the architectural object, towards... more

The paper intends to analyse the common ground between the field of visual perception and architectural design. The architectural product always addresses a user, who will react in a certain way towards the architectural object, towards built space, towards her/his environment in general. This relationship is bidirectional and its effects are visible both ways: we modify the environment through the designing process (architecture, urban planning, design in general) and the (built) environment modifies our behaviour. In this context, it is crucial that we understand the functioning mechanisms of the perceptual processes - which will be detailed throughout the first part of the paper. Perception is indeed a very complex process, that involves gathering information through our senses; processing it - which implies analysing the received information and comparing it against previously gathered knowledge, based on past experiences; and formulating particular responses - also based on pre...

Cardinally, "heritage" is much more than a preserved, excavated, or restored collection of old buildings and things. Its preservation is vital for several reasons: (1) it serves as a reservoir of identity, (2) it has good psychological... more

Cardinally, "heritage" is much more than a preserved, excavated, or restored collection of old buildings and things. Its preservation is vital for several reasons: (1) it serves as a reservoir of identity, (2) it has good psychological implications, and (3) it adds to economic appeal.

The interaction between people and built environment has been examined in the field of architectural psychology since the 1960s. In this field, “spaciousness” has been one of the most significant concepts which have been frequently... more

The interaction between people and built environment has been examined in the field of architectural psychology since the 1960s. In this field, “spaciousness” has been one of the most significant concepts which have been frequently reported in the semantic differential scales, such as Spaciousness-Crampedness Scale (S-C-S) developed by İmamoğlu (1975) and used in several experimental studies via real rooms and scale models in 1970s and 1980s. However, there are still crucial architectural dimensions which have not been studied yet. The main aim of this thesis is to assess spaciousness factors in buildings via S-C-S, and within this framework, the second aim is to test the reliability of computer simulations as current research tools in architectural psychology research. This thesis is composed of a preliminary study and two groups of experimental studies (each group consisting of four consecutive experiments). In literature survey, the last 45 years of architectural psychology was reviewed, and as a developing research tool, computer simulations were examined with their current and potential features. The first group of experiments was conducted through computer simulations to develop a procedure for the second group, which aimed to test the effects of permanent components of rooms on spaciousness. Ceiling height, types of ceiling and floor (flat and stepped), and plan geometry (rectangular and trapezoidal) were assumed to have an effect on spaciousness (appeal, planning, and space freedom). 350 participants, composed of both students and staff at METU, participated in the experiments. Sample spaces were selected from METU classrooms, and their detailed computer simulations and derivatives were used as stimuli. The results of the experiments indicated that higher ceiling made the room more spacious. The types of ceiling did not affect spaciousness in general. Flat ceiling indicated higher levels of space freedom compared to stepped ceiling. Classrooms with stepped floors were evaluated as better planned than those with flat floors. Plan geometry did not affect participants’ evaluations of spaciousness significantly. Results of the experiments demonstrate that the effects of some components of rooms on spaciousness can be identified via computer simulations.