Abandoned Places Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This essay discusses the use of abandoned places by photographers. I review this subject from a perspective of remembering and forgetting. Giving examples of artists, especially photographer’s works whose subjects are abandoned places in... more

This essay discusses the use of abandoned places by photographers. I review this subject from a perspective of remembering and forgetting. Giving examples of artists, especially photographer’s works whose subjects are abandoned places in Izmir and Detroit, I interpret photographs of abandoned places in the context of hauntology and ghost-metaphors.

The city of Piacenza hosts a significant portion of newcomers compared to the number of residents. However, the lack of communication between the two is also straightforward in the urban context. In this regard, an abandoned place near to... more

The city of Piacenza hosts a significant portion of newcomers compared to the number of residents. However, the lack of communication between the two is also straightforward in the urban context. In this regard, an abandoned place near to the train station of Piacenza has been chosen in order apply a tactical urbanism project whose primary aim is an improved social cohesion in Pia-cenza. High financial costs and yet unsatisfactory end products slow down many design projects and even cause the denial of them. However, employing tactical urbanism perspective, the project aims to foresee the success likelihood of a complete urban design project without requiring a significant budget. Preliminarily proposed idea is to provide a gathering space for the residents of Piacenza in a vacant space. By doing so, the project area has been analyzed and the project that responsive to the problems of the area is introduced in order to give a reference for further applications on a larger scale.

Monografia de bacharelado em História, defendida na FURG (RS) em dezembro de 2007. Com o objetivo de pensar a incidência de ruínas urbanas na cidade de Rio Grande/RS, o estudo versa sobre as relações de pesquisa através da fotografia,... more

Monografia de bacharelado em História, defendida na FURG (RS) em dezembro de 2007. Com o objetivo de pensar a incidência de ruínas urbanas na cidade de Rio Grande/RS, o estudo versa sobre as relações de pesquisa através da fotografia, mostrando como as relações com a paisagem urbana através do olhar voltado para as casas em estado de abandono e arruinamento falam muito sobre a memória, e por consequência do esquecimento. A passagem do tempo nestas matérias, denominadas aqui de 'ruínas anônimas' e 'Casas-mudas', lançam uma abordagem conceitual sobre as ruínas, constituindo modos possíveis de ressignificação desta paisagem.

During the last 50 years, and due to the dilapidation of public funds, hundreds of unfinished public works have been erected Italy. In 2007, the group of artists Alterazioni Video declared these ruins a formal architectural style –... more

During the last 50 years, and due to the dilapidation of public funds, hundreds of unfinished public works have been erected Italy. In 2007, the group of artists Alterazioni Video declared these ruins a formal architectural style – 'Incompiuto Siciliano' – and, in doing so, their aim is to change the buildings' dark side and turn it into something positive. One of the tangible outcomes within the artists' proposal is the eventual creation of the 'Incompiuto Siciliano Archaeological Park' in Giarre, a Sicilian medium-sized village that has the highest density of unfinished public works in Italy. This article analyses how such a provocative project contains serious implications in terms of heritage. It is stated that, in order to forge a positivized 'unfinished heritage' , Incompiuto Siciliano Archaeological Park builds bridges between aspects that, in principle, seem to be the opposite of each other. This opens the possibility of putting traditional heritage assumptions in question through the production of a critical heritage whose novelty lies in the constructive use of irony, sarcasm and double meaning.

Nel corso degli ultimi quarant'anni si è assistito a una profonda mutazione dell'approccio progettuale ai territori abbandonati. Un progressivo riposizionamento di una parte significativa della cultura architettonica rispetto al tema del... more

Nel corso degli ultimi quarant'anni si è assistito a una profonda mutazione dell'approccio progettuale ai territori abbandonati. Un progressivo riposizionamento di una parte significativa della cultura architettonica rispetto al tema del progetto urbano e ai modi di interpretare la trasformazione a grande scala solo in parte dovuto ai cambiamenti epocali della struttura economica e produttiva.

Rezumat: De peste un deceniu, studierea ruinelor sau a clădirilor abandonate contemporane a devenit o temă de interes pentru arheologi. În textul de mai jos este descris cazul fostului pichet de grăniceri din dreptul localității Desa... more

Rezumat: De peste un deceniu, studierea ruinelor sau a clădirilor abandonate contemporane a devenit o
temă de interes pentru arheologi. În textul de mai jos este descris cazul fostului pichet de grăniceri din
dreptul localității Desa (jud. Dolj), aflat în apropiere de malul Dunării, care în prezent se zbate între
abandonare și uitare. Acesta și-a început existența în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea și și-a încetat-o cândva, între anii 1997-2001, când militarii au trebuit să îl părăsească datorită noii politici de securizare a
frontierelor în condițiile tratativelor pentru aderare la Uniunea Europeană și Pactul Nord-Atlantic. În urma
abandonării sale, una din clădiri a fost transformată în casă de vacanță pentru angajații Ministerului de
Interne. Apoi, în 2002 și între 2005-2008 a fost utilizat ca tabără arheologică, pentru ca, în cele din urmă să
fie utilizat și transformat în crescătorie de porci. Articolul se dorește un demers în scopul recuperării
memoriei acestui loc.
Abstract: In the past decade, the study of contemporary ruins or abandoned buildings has become a
research theme for archaeologists. In the text below is described the case of the former border guard station
in the vecinity of Desa (Dolj county), near the Danube bank, which now struggles between abandonment and
forgetness. This station began its existence in the second half of the XIXth century and ended it sometime
between 1997-2001, when the military men had to leave it in the context of the negociations for joining the
EU and NATO. After it was deserted, one of the buildings was used as a holiday hut for the employees of the
Interior Ministry. Then, in 2002 and between 2005-2008 it was used as an archaeological camp, while, in
the end, it was used and trasnformed in a pigsty. The article is desired to be a step forward in recovering the
memory of this place.

We observe abandoned places and buildings, urban voids; built spaces whose original functions no longer coexist: obsolete buildings. Not rare, architectural historical public heritage. Here, the goal is to reveal possibilities to use... more

We observe abandoned places and buildings, urban voids; built spaces whose original functions no longer coexist: obsolete buildings. Not rare, architectural historical public heritage. Here, the goal is to reveal possibilities to use andcontemplate ‘these strange urban spaces’, according to Ignasi de Solà-Morales (2002). An approach that recreate places, recognize urban identities and bring together memory, heritage and social function, in a gentrification context.

This article presents a geographical and historical study of the landscape evidence for the process of depopulation occurring as a result of the socio-political and economic changes in the part of the former East Prussia which had been... more

This article presents a geographical and historical study of the landscape evidence for the process of depopulation occurring as a result of the socio-political and economic changes in the part of the former East Prussia which had been attached to Poland. There is a discussion of the basic issues related to the scale of the material dimension of the break in the continuity of settlement, including the numbers and distribution of completely depopulated towns. The methodological principles are presented for the identification of those settlements where events led to their complete depopulation either during or after World War II. Next, selected topics regarding the distribution of uninhabited towns in the given area are discussed, with particular emphasis on the concentration of such settlements in northern poviats.

Together, archaeological evidence and oral histories better inform our understanding of the interaction between abandoned vessel sites and communities. While the maritime and historic archaeological record can reveal salvage and reuse... more

Together, archaeological evidence and oral histories better inform our understanding of the interaction between abandoned vessel sites and communities. While the maritime and historic archaeological record can reveal salvage and reuse activities, material culture does not always reflect a direct link between the two. In this study of abandoned vessel material salvage and reuse at Rangitoto Island, Aotearoa / New Zealand, oral histories collected from the owners of baches—small and modest holiday homes—serve as a linkage tool that tie the two together. Furthermore, the archaeological and historical significance of this tangible and intangible cultural heritage serves to foreground the Rangitoto Island community’s current struggle to have this legacy recognised.

This essay discusses the use of abandoned places by photographers. I review this subject from a perspective of remembering and forgetting. Giving examples of artists, especially photographer’s works whose subjects are abandoned places in... more

This essay discusses the use of abandoned
places by photographers. I review this subject from a
perspective of remembering and forgetting. Giving
examples of artists, especially photographer’s works
whose subjects are abandoned places in Izmir and
Detroit, I interpret photographs of abandoned places in
the context of hauntology and ghost‐metaphors.

Con la intención de rescatar y revalorizar espacios abandonados y ruinas modernas, repensando la relación entre lugar y memoria, se propone la idea de antimonumento, que intenta responder a la necesidad actual de posicionarse de una... more

This paper introduces some of the themes and stories that are included in the upcoming German-English volume Abandoned Places of Adult Education in Canada and Germany (Käpplinger & Elfert, 2018). It presents three chapters from Abandoned... more

This paper introduces some of the themes and stories that are included in the upcoming German-English volume Abandoned Places of Adult Education in Canada and Germany (Käpplinger & Elfert, 2018). It presents three chapters from Abandoned Places: The first recounts the closure of
the legendary German Folk High School Falkenstein (by Bernd Käpplinger); the second describes the demise of the Coolie Verner Memorial Reading Room at the University of British Columbia (by Maren Elfert, based on a chapter co-authored with Shauna Butterwick and Tom Sork) and the third examines the loss of the Canadian National
Adult Literacy Database (NALD; later COPIAN) (by Suzanne Smythe).

L'ottimizzazione delle risorse insediative del sistema città impone alcuni interrogativi sulla risignificazione dei paesaggi urbani in abbandono, che si configurano come territori che, per ragioni spesso incomprensibili, sono stati... more

L'ottimizzazione delle risorse insediative del sistema città impone alcuni interrogativi sulla risignificazione dei paesaggi urbani in abbandono, che si configurano come territori che, per ragioni spesso incomprensibili, sono stati tagliati fuori dalle reti della memoria e della conoscenza collettiva di una comunità urbana. Essi risulta no infatti essere " dumb " , iper-disconnessi dalla storia, dalla cultura e dalle reti economiche e sociali. ConversION + , un progetto curatoriale realizzato a Conversano (Bari) nel settembre 2012, è stata l'occasione per una sperimentazione dove un'azione di experiential mapping e una sessione di workshop progettuale sono confluite in una esposizione temporanea nella quale erano collezionati i risultati delle diverse fasi di un lavoro multidisciplinare incentrato sui temi del paesaggio urbano dell'abbandono.

In uscita a fine aprile 2017. "PAESI SCOMPARSI D’INSUBRIA. Wüstungen medievali tra Milano, Adda e Ticino". Collana “Architectura”, Edizioni Ritter, Milano, 2017. 230 pagine con 19 tavole a colori, 4 tavole B/N; con due appendici sulla... more

In uscita a fine aprile 2017.
"PAESI SCOMPARSI D’INSUBRIA. Wüstungen medievali tra Milano, Adda e Ticino". Collana “Architectura”, Edizioni Ritter, Milano, 2017.
230 pagine con 19 tavole a colori, 4 tavole B/N; con due appendici sulla vita e le opere di Carlo Massimo Rota. Prefazione di Gianluca Padovan.

Hamish Campbell is a photographer with an exacting eye for detail and rigorous exploration of ideas. A serious technician, his prints are both didactic and highly nuanced-the shadows, the palimpsest, the tonal play. In continuing his... more

Hamish Campbell is a photographer with an exacting eye for detail and rigorous exploration of ideas. A serious technician, his prints are both didactic and highly nuanced-the shadows, the palimpsest, the tonal play.
In continuing his exploration of abandoned places in contemporary Japan, Hamish has now moved beyond merely recording the past through the current viewfinder.

We observe abandoned places and buildings, urban voids; built spaces whose original functions no longer coexist: obsolete buildings. Not rare, architectural historical public heritage. Here, the goal is to reveal possibilities to use... more

We observe abandoned places and buildings, urban voids; built spaces whose original functions no longer coexist: obsolete buildings. Not rare, architectural historical public heritage. Here, the goal is to reveal possibilities to use andcontemplate ‘these strange urban spaces’, according to Ignasi de Solà-Morales (2002). An approach that recreate places, recognize urban identities and bring together memory, heritage and social function, in a gentrification context.

ReCreo è un progetto che nasce analizzando il progressivo spopolamento delle aree rurali italiane ed un conseguente abbandono delle strutture abitative, produttive e dei terreni. Tale problematica non è rivolta solo al conflittuale... more

ReCreo è un progetto che nasce analizzando il progressivo spopolamento delle aree rurali italiane ed un conseguente abbandono delle strutture abitative, produttive e dei terreni. Tale problematica non è rivolta solo al conflittuale rapporto tra abbandono e incremento del consumo di suolo, ma anche al continuo impoverimento delle risorse umane nelle aree interne e perdita del patrimonio sia materiale che immateriale.
Allo stesso tempo, i luoghi abbandonati dimostrano un crescente interesse culturale ed anche socio-economico indirizzato verso innovative forme di governo del territorio attente alle nuove esigenze delle comunità, le quali possono costituire una cospicua opportunità di sviluppo e resilienza.
Il presente gruppo di lavoro, costituito da persone con varie competenze disciplinari (geografia, architettura, ingegneria, relazioni internazionali), si inserisce in un’ottica multidisciplinare per affrontare la questione dell’abbandono nelle aree interne con l’obiettivo di promuoverne la rivitalizzazione mediante strumenti digitali e modelli innovativi. Pertanto, questo contributo ha lo scopo di focalizzarsi sugli strumenti digitali adottati: innanzitutto l’implementazione di un geo-portale dedicato ad una mappatura partecipata ed opensource delle risorse in abbandono; un approfondimento geo-storico dei luoghi in abbandono le cui vicende socio-culturali rischiano di scomparire restituito in forma di storytelling; lo sviluppo di un sistema che consente l’incontro tra proprietari che candidano le proprie risorse abbandonate o sottoutilizzate e i propositori di progetti innovativi di gestione.
In generale, i protagonisti dell’individuazione di nuove modalità di azione sulle aree rurali sono i casolari con terreno di pertinenza, idonei per esperienze co-abitative temporanee e/o turistiche. Esperienze che rimettono in discussione non solo la modalità dell’abitare più tradizionale, ma anche il gap esistente tra aree urbane e rurali sfruttando tendenze di ritorno alla terra e modalità lavorative digitali, oggi accelerate dal contesto della pandemia.

Sustainable development has become the mantra, or the global utopia, for multiscalar development worldwide, being promoted by governments and international organisations through the support to social and environmental policies. However,... more

Sustainable development has become the mantra, or the global utopia, for multiscalar development worldwide, being promoted by governments and international organisations through the support to social and environmental policies. However, the concept of sustainability, as well as the Agenda 2030 and SDGs, remain controversial due to socio-political and environmental contradictions. This article analyses the promotion of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and related initiatives oriented towards sustainable coastal governance in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. It emerges that these policies, rather than promoting sustainable coastal governance and preserving local communities
practices and knowledge, support a controversial green growth vision and the unsustainable neoliberalisation of socio-environmental practices.

The paper proposes a critical review of the experience of “I cantieri che vogliamo”, a citizens movement that rises in Palermo in autumn 2011 when a group of citizens, mainly cultural operators, begins to gather in public assemblies to... more

The paper proposes a critical review of the experience of “I cantieri che vogliamo”, a citizens movement that rises in Palermo in autumn 2011 when a group of citizens, mainly cultural operators, begins to gather in public assemblies to discuss and denounce the lack of an appropriate cultural policy for the management of the many art and historical places of the city, often left in a state of abandon by the public administration. The actions undertaken by the movement of “I cantieri che vogliamo” focuses on the complex of industrial archaeology of the Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa.. Its goal is to re-open the space of Cantieri alla Zisa to the city and at the same time to work out a model of management alternative to the inefficient end exclusive one promoted by institutions. Then, the reasons fostering the mobilization regards both a political dimension and a practical one. The movement dissolves after a year but its actions have the effect to experiment the “publicity” of a space, meant as a place open to the encounter and sharing of all citizens. Moreover they produce social capital that keeps on fuelling new bottom up initiatives in the following months.