Abstract Algebra Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

We present some of the work performed in the GRASP Laboratory with the objective of deploying multi-robot teams in urban environments. Specifically, we focus on three important issues in this type of mission: the development of tools for... more

We present some of the work performed in the GRASP Laboratory with the objective of deploying multi-robot teams in urban environments. Specifically, we focus on three important issues in this type of mission: the development of tools for providing situational awareness, the use of air and ground vehicles for cooperative sensing and the construction of radio maps to keep team connectivity. We describe the main approaches that we have been using for tackling these issues and present some preliminary results from experiments conducted with our team of air and ground vehicles.

This paper discusses results that arise in specific configurations pertaining to invariance under isoconjugation. The results lead to revolutionary theorems and crucial properties in both Euclidean and Projective geometry. After... more

This paper discusses results that arise in specific configurations pertaining to invariance under isoconjugation. The results lead to revolutionary theorems and crucial properties in both Euclidean and Projective geometry. After discussion of important theorems and properties of associated configurations, the authors present and prove an important, new result and its application in difficult geometrical configurations.

In cryptography, we know the symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key algorithms. We know that the asymmetric key algorithm is more secure than the symmetric key algorithm. Affine Cipher uses a symmetric key algorithm. In this paper,... more

In cryptography, we know the symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key algorithms. We know that the asymmetric key algorithm is more secure than the symmetric key algorithm. Affine Cipher uses a symmetric key algorithm. In this paper, we introduce the Affine Cipher using asymmetric keys. Asymmetrical keys are formed from rectangular matrices.

In this article, we have given an explicit recursive formula for the number of intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups of a finite cyclic group G = Zp1 × Zp ×………..×Zpm, where p1, p2, ….., pm are distinct prime numbers. A method for constructing an... more

In this article, we have given an explicit recursive formula for the number of intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups of a finite cyclic group G = Zp1 × Zp ×………..×Zpm, where p1, p2, ….., pm are distinct prime numbers. A method for constructing an intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup of a given group in terms of double pinned flags is also proposed.

This paper brings up some important points about logic, e.g., mathematical logic, and also an inconsistence in logic as per Gödel's incompleteness theorems which state that there are mathematical truths that are not decidable or... more

This paper brings up some important points about logic, e.g., mathematical logic, and also an inconsistence in logic as per Gödel's incompleteness theorems which state that there are mathematical truths that are not decidable or provable. These incompleteness theorems have shaken the solid foundation of mathematics where innumerable proofs and theorems have a place of pride. The great mathematician David Hilbert had been much disturbed by them. There are much long unsolved famous conjectures in mathematics, e.g., the twin primes conjecture, the Goldbach conjecture, the Riemann hypothesis, etc. Perhaps, by Gödel's incompleteness theorems the proofs for these famous conjectures will not be possible and the numerous mathematicians attempting to find the solutions for these conjectures are simply banging their heads against the metaphorical wall. Besides mathematics, Gödel's incompleteness theorems will have ramifications in other areas involving logic. This paper looks at the ramifications of the incompleteness theorems, which pose the serious problem of inconsistency, and offers a solution to this dilemma. The paper also looks into the apparent inconsistence of the axiomatic method in mathematics. [Published in international mathematics journal. Acknowledgments: The author expresses his gratitude to the referees and the Editor-in-Chief for their valuable comments in strengthening the contents of this paper.]

Carlota Pérez (*) El texto que aquí se presenta es la transcripción del capítulo 2 (pp. 32-47) del libro de Carlota Pérez: Revoluciones tecnológicas y capital financiero. La dinámica de las grandes burbujas financieras y las épocas de... more

Carlota Pérez (*) El texto que aquí se presenta es la transcripción del capítulo 2 (pp. 32-47) del libro de Carlota Pérez: Revoluciones tecnológicas y capital financiero. La dinámica de las grandes burbujas financieras y las épocas de bonanza. Siglo XXI Editores, México, 2004, 270 pp.Carlota Pérez (*) El texto que aquí se presenta es la transcripción del capítulo 2 (pp. 32-47) del libro de Carlota Pérez: Revoluciones tecnológicas y capital financiero. La dinámica de las grandes burbujas financieras y las épocas de bonanza. Siglo XXI Editores, México, 2004, 270 pp.

Graduate Texts in Mathematics
Editorial Board
S. Axler F.W. Gehring K.A. Ribet

Este documentos es una compilación de todos mis apuntes tomados en el respectivo curso en mi paso por la licenciatura en matemáticas. En el expongo mi perspectiva del contenido, ideas, etc. Es posible que halla errores ortográficos y... more

Este documentos es una compilación de todos mis apuntes tomados en el respectivo curso en mi paso por la licenciatura en matemáticas. En el expongo mi perspectiva del contenido, ideas, etc.
Es posible que halla errores ortográficos y técnicos. En la medida de lo posible tratare de corregirlos.

Speech emotion recognition enables a computer system to records sounds and realizes the emotion of the speaker. we are still far from having a natural interaction between the human and machine because machines cannot distinguishes the... more

Speech emotion recognition enables a computer system to records sounds and realizes the emotion of the speaker. we are still far from having a natural interaction between the human and machine because machines cannot distinguishes the emotion of the speaker. For this reason it has been established a new investigation field, namely "the speech emotion recognition systems". The accuracy of these systems depend on the various factors such as the type and the number of the emotion states and also the classifier type. In this paper, the classification methods of C5.0, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and the combination of C5.0 and SVM (SVM-C5.0) are verified, and their efficiencies in speech emotion recognition are compared. The utilized features in this research include energy, Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR), pitch, and Mel-scale Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). The results of paper demonstrate that the effectiveness proposed SVM-C5.0 classification method is more efficient in recognizing the emotion of the between-5.5 % and 8.9 % depending on the number of emotion states than SVM, C5.0.

The Vol.4,2019 of International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics.


This is an introdution to discrete valuation rings (DVR), a particular kind of ring used algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. The essay is divided in three sections. The …rst section covers the elementary de…nitions, examples... more

This is an introdution to discrete valuation rings (DVR), a particular kind of ring used algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. The essay is divided in three sections. The …rst section covers the elementary de…nitions, examples and properties of DVRs. The second section is focused in the proof of the Main Theorem of DVRs which characterizes them as Noetherian rings with particular properties. Finally last section introduces an important example of DVR: the p-adic integers.

Este texto fue escrito para el curso Conjuntos y Numeros del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenieras de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Esta dirigido a estudiantes de primer semestre de la Licenciatura en Matematicas.... more

Este texto fue escrito para el curso Conjuntos y Numeros del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenieras de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Esta dirigido a estudiantes de primer semestre de la Licenciatura en Matematicas. Nuestro objetivo es presentar una solida introduccion al lenguaje matematico moderno. El texto se divide en cinco captulos principales: logica basica, conjuntos, relaciones, numeros y estructuras algebraicas, cada uno de los cuales contiene varias secciones.

In the K to12 curriculum, teachers are required to teach using the Spiral Progression Approach. This study explored the level of implementation of the Spiral Progression Approach in relation to performance in Algebra of students in Tangub... more

In the K to12 curriculum, teachers are required to teach using the Spiral Progression Approach. This study explored the level of implementation of the Spiral Progression Approach in relation to performance in Algebra of students in Tangub City National High School. The descriptive-correlational design was used in the study. Adapted and modified Spiral Progression Approach in Mathematics Questionnaire (L &Alegre, 2019) and the researcher-made Algebra Summative Test was used in gathering the data. The respondents of the study were 249 Grade 10 students selected through simple random sampling. Mean, Standard Deviation, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Regression Analysis were used as the statistical tools. Results revealed that the teachers highly implemented the Spiral Progression Approach, but the students' performance in Algebra was very poor. The use of a Spiral Progression Approach in teaching was significantly related to the students' performance in Algebra. Discussion is a common strategy for teachers in teaching the Spiral Progression Approach. Future researchers conduct researches focusing on the factors that affect students' academic performance in Mathematics.


An international journal on Mathematical Combinatorics, the editor-in-chief is Dr.Linfan Mao

Abstract It is well known that the smallest semilattice congruence can be described via filters. We generalise this result to the smallest left (right) normal band congruences and also to arbitrary semilattice (left normal band, right... more

Abstract It is well known that the smallest semilattice congruence can be described via filters. We generalise this result to the smallest left (right) normal band congruences and also to arbitrary semilattice (left normal band, right normal band) congruences, describing them ...

La transitività della normalità in teoria dei gruppi è strettamente correlata alla proprietà dei sottogruppi di essere pronormali. Ammettere solo sottogruppi pronormali è sufficiente per godere della proprietà T. Partendo... more

La transitività della normalità in teoria dei gruppi è strettamente correlata alla proprietà dei sottogruppi di essere pronormali. Ammettere solo sottogruppi pronormali è sufficiente per godere della proprietà T.
Partendo dall'intransitività della normalità è iniziato lo studio di quei gruppi in cui ogni sottogruppo subnormale è anche normale, detti T-gruppi. La struttura dei T-gruppi risolubili finiti è stata descritta completamente da W. Gaschutz, mentre D. J. S. Robinson ha studiato i T-gruppi risolubili nel caso infinito.
La definizione di pronormalità è stata introdotta da P. Hall e i primi risultati sono presenti nell'articolo di J. S. Rose "Finite soluble groups with pronormal system normalizers" del 1967.
Nel corso della tesi vengono esposte le principali proprietà della pronormalità in teoria dei gruppi e a tal fine si sono studiate preliminarmente la classe dei T-gruppi, dei gruppi risolubili, nilpotenti e localmente nilpotenti.
Si conclude con un recente risultato che mostra come la pronormalità è una proprietà gruppale non locale contabilmente riconoscibili.

Este texto está dividido en dos partes principales: anillos y campos. La primera parte, sobre anillos, consta de ocho capítulos. En los primeros dos se definen varios tipos de anillos, como los dominios enteros, y se abordan conceptos... more

Este texto está dividido en dos partes principales: anillos y campos. La primera parte, sobre anillos, consta de ocho capítulos. En los primeros dos se definen varios tipos de anillos, como los dominios enteros, y se abordan conceptos básicos relacionados con los anillos. En los capítulos 3, 4 y 5 se desarrolla parte de la teoría elemental de los anillos, tratando temas como los ideales, los anillos cociente y los homomorfismos. En los capítulos 6 y 7 se presenta un anillo de particular importancia: el anillo de polinomios, el cual será fundamental para el desarrollo posterior del texto. Finalmente, en el capítulo 8 se estudian tres tipos de dominios enteros especiales: los dominios de ideales principales, los dominios de factorización única y los dominios euclidianos.
La segunda parte, sobre campos, consta de cinco capítulos. En los capítulos 9, 10 y 11 se desarrolla la teoría de campos clásica, con enfoque principalmente en las extensiones de campos. Los últimos dos capítulos, el 12 sobre campos finitos y el 13 sobre teoría de Galois, están escritos de tal forma que sean independientes uno del otro y cualquiera de los dos es una buena culminación para un curso de álgebra moderna.

Pengertian Pendidikan Orang Dewasa

Laporan Ekoper : Kepiting Scylla Serata

This teaching material is to explain ring, subring, ideal, homomorphism