Academic Libraries Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The thesis is divided into two parts and it aims to explain the historical events related to the bibliographical collection of the ancient Jesuit College of Perugia. The first part focuses on the Jesuit librarian history and on the... more

The thesis is divided into two parts and it aims to explain the historical events related to the bibliographical collection of the ancient Jesuit College of Perugia. The first part focuses on the Jesuit librarian history and on the reconstruction of the historical events related to the library of the Perugian college. The institute, founded in 1552, was endowed with a library a few years after its foundation, enriching its collection through different books acquisition channels. The analysis, conducted on unpublished archival documents and published material, reconstructs the events of the library by entering the special case of Perugia in the broader spectrum of the Jesuit librarian history . In this way I tried to provide a model of historical research adaptable to the different librarian realities of the ancient Society of Jesus. The second part of the dissertation consists of the partial reconstruction of the library catalog.

لا يكتسب العمل العلمي قيمته من الأعمال المنفردة مهما كانت قيمتها فمن المهم أن توجد استراتيجية شاملة لهذا العمل تجمع كل الجهود وتضمها ضمن سياق علمي ومنهجي سليم.... ( من أحاديث الدكتور كمال نبهان ) ، والذي يعد واحد من الذين تشغلهم قضية... more

لا يكتسب العمل العلمي قيمته من الأعمال المنفردة مهما كانت قيمتها فمن المهم أن توجد استراتيجية شاملة لهذا العمل تجمع كل الجهود وتضمها ضمن سياق علمي ومنهجي سليم.... ( من أحاديث الدكتور كمال نبهان ) ، والذي يعد واحد من الذين تشغلهم قضية الاتساق مع الذات، واتفاق الجوهر مع المظهر، ويرى أن في ديننا وثقافتنا ما يغنينا عن غيرها من الثقافات الوافدة، وأننا نحتاج إلى العودة للذات والتحقق من الأخلاق الكامنة بداخلنا فهو يقول:" نحن مسنودون بقيم داخلية (أخلاقية وجمالية ودينية) تحتاج منا إلى العناية بها ورعايتها ليكون لها أثر في تعاملنا اليومي".
هذا أحد من رموز ورواد سدنة المعرفة وحماتها عبر الزمان والمكان فهم الذين يستضاء بهديهم.
ويبين لنا ديننا الحنيف قيمة العلم والعلماء في مواضع كثيرة من القرآن الكريم :بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ( بَلْ هُوَ آيَاتٌ بَيِّنَاتٌ فِي صُدُورِ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ وَمَا يَجْحَدُ بِآيَاتِنَا إِلَّا الظَّالِمُونَ ) العنكبوت 49، وذلك في معرض حديثه عن القرآن الكريم ، وهناك كثير من الأحاديث الشريفة التي توضح فضل العلم والعلماء، فيقول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم (ليس منا ليسَ منَّا منْ لمْ يُجِلَّ كبيرَنا، ويرحمْ صغيرَنا ! و يعرفْ لعالِمِنَا حقَّهُ (الموسوعة الحديثية)
إن رموز ورواد المعرفة الذين ينشأون في مجتمعات المعرفة لا شك أن أثرهم سيكون عظيما على مجتمعاتهم،كيف لا؟ وما مجتمعاتهم إلا ثمرة من نتاجهم، وحتى المجتمعات الناهضة والنامية والتي تريد ان تخطو خطوات نحو التقدم لا شك أنها لو وضعت علماءها في الصفوف الأولى من درجات المجتمع لحققت النهضة
وهناك قول آخر لا شك أنه يعكس واقعنا الأن وهو: "ليس كل ما على السطح هو الأفضل" فأصبحنا نعيش في هذا الزمان، أو قل قريباً من هذا الزمان، فأصبح الذين يتصدرون صفحات الجرائد وقنوات الإعلام المرئية والمسموعة ليسوا بالضرورة هم أفضل الناس، هذا ما آلت إليه مجتمعاتنا إن أردنا عين الحقيقة
ولكن هل هناك سبيل للنهوض و التقدم والرفعة؟!
نعم السبيل ممهد ويبصره كل ذي لب وهو تسليط الضوء على العلماء ودراسة سيرهم ونتاج أفكارهم وإعلاء قيمهم في المجتمع حتى يكونوا نبراسا لمن خلفهم من الناشئة وتمكينهم بالاستشارة واحترام رأيهم والعمل به ما أمكن .
يتعرض هذا البحث لعرض سمات مجتمع المعرفة لنعرف أين نقف على الجادة،وما هي سمات علماء المعرفة هل هم من يحملون العلم فقط أم أنهم قد تتحقق فيهم صفات أخرى ، ثم نتعرض لسيرة الاستاذ الدكتور: كمال عرفات نبهان العامة، ثم سيرته المهنية وما خلفه من إنجازات ومؤلفات وما هو القاسم المشترك في أغلب اعماله، ثم نتعرض لبعض المواقف الشخصية من حياته، وما هي طموحاته وأحلامه التي لم يستكملها.
نأمل من خلال هذا البحث أن نوفي علماءنا جزءًا من حقوقهم علينا.

Tesi di dottorato - XXVIII ciclo

Sin dalla loro prima apparizione nel corso del Diciassettesimo secolo periodici e bollettini sono stati al centro della fabbrica dell’universo scientifico. Il Journal des sçavans (Parigi, 1665) e il Philosophical Transactions of the Royal... more

Sin dalla loro prima apparizione nel corso del Diciassettesimo secolo periodici e bollettini sono stati al centro della fabbrica dell’universo scientifico. Il Journal des sçavans (Parigi, 1665) e il Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Londra, 1665) sono stati gli ignoti e operosi capostipiti di un modello di comunicazione scientifica che in forme nel tempo quasi inalterate ha laboriosamente e senza clamore sostenuto lo sviluppo della scienza galileiana. Le riviste sono diventate velocemente un importante veicolo della comunicazione scientifica perché hanno consentito agli autori di condividere più velocemente con i loro pari i risultati della propria ricerca e allo stesso tempo di affermare pubblicamente la paternità delle proprie idee, dei propri argomenti e delle proprie scoperte, in definitiva del proprio valore (Gross, Harmon, Reidy 2002; Meadows 1980; Guédon 2001). Oggigiorno i periodici scientifici (peer-reviewed journal) sono irritualmente al centro dell’attenzione. Autori, lettori, istituzioni di ricerca e decisori istituzionali soppesano, valutano e comparano journal quasi che il ‘vettore di trasporto’ sia più importante dei suoi ‘passeggeri’. I periodici scientifici sono al centro del dibattito sulle cause, le conseguenze e le soluzioni della ‘crisi dei prezzi dei periodici’ (serials crisis). Allo stesso modo, i journal sono i protagonisti del dibattito sulle evoluzioni delle forme di letteratura scientifica: le monografie sopravvivranno come genuina forma di comunicazione scientifica? Sempre le testate scientifiche sono il campo di battaglia del vivace confronto di forze e d’idee che contrappone gli strumenti bibliometrici alla peer review nella valutazione della produzione scientifica e delle carriere. I periodici scientifici, infine, sono il caso di studio, l’esempio d’elezione, del modello dell’accesso aperto (open access) alla letteratura scientifica. Un modello di comunicazione scientifica in cui i risultati della ricerca sono gratuitamente, immediatamente e completamente accessibili e allo stesso tempo non limitati nell’uso da parte dei lettori (Budapest 2002; Bethesda 2003; Berlin 2003).

Trabajo presentado en el curso "Políticas de información en el entorno digital: implicaciones para los profesionales de la documentación" del Máster universitario en Información y Comunicación Científica de la Universidad de Granada,... more

Trabajo presentado en el curso "Políticas de información en el entorno digital: implicaciones para los profesionales de la documentación" del Máster universitario en Información y Comunicación Científica de la Universidad de Granada, 2014-15. Se ofrece una síntesis de la situación actual de la ALFIN en las bibliotecas universitarias, tomando como base la revisión de la bibliografía y documentación más significativa, así como la propia experiencia del autor, señalando algunas perspectivas de futuro.

The Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the 9th of December 2019 reportedly called on the Nigerian executive arm of government to declare a state of emergency in the nation's power sector. The third figure in Nigeria's... more

The Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the 9th of December 2019 reportedly called on the Nigerian executive arm of government to declare a state of emergency in the nation's power sector. The third figure in Nigeria's helm of power described the power sector privatisation as a fraud and called for a review of the scheme. Although the national assembly is yet to take a courageous stand, the current opinion of the senate president clearly suggests that the Nigerian government is seriously faced with the challenge of taking a major decision of revisiting the power sector privatisation scheme. This is more so because the power sector is currently in shambles and the private investors managing the sector seem to be overwhelmed by the onerous task which they signed to perform since 2013. This research work carefully juxtaposes the arguments for and against the option of de-privatising the power sector and finds that deprivatisation may not provide a lasting solution. The researcher however recommends that more efforts should be channeled towards investing in the nation's rich renewable energy resources as the surest way of solving the quagmire presently trailing the nation's power sector. 1

The advancement in "technology" has brought with it an information explosion causing excessive information everywhere. Hence, there is a huge amount of information resulting in information overload. Information overload is being... more

The advancement in "technology" has brought with it an information explosion causing excessive information everywhere. Hence, there is a huge amount of information resulting in information overload. Information overload is being experienced everywhere, in public and private organizations, institutions, government officers, information users, individuals and so on. This study, therefore, attempts to examine the causes of information overload and the role of librarians in information dissemination in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. Seventy-two (72) librarians from tertiary institutions in the state were used as the population for the study. A structured questionnaire was developed by the researchers for data collection. Data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that receiving repetitive massages, an explosion in the volume of information sources, and the advent of technological innovation, among others, are the major causes of information overload. The study also revealed that SDI, e-SDI, referral services, and CAS are the major ways through which librarians can disseminate information promptly to users. The study further revealed that information filtering, and information withdrawal, among others, are the major strategies used by librarians in Cross River state to improve and remedy information overload. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that librarians and information professionals should provide effective and innovative ways/strategies for tackling the problem of information overload.

The present study aims to rank the university libraries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan. Library services, resources, status of automation and application of emerging technologies were the parameters used for the assessment of ranking of... more

The present study aims to rank the university libraries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan. Library services, resources, status of automation and application of emerging technologies were the parameters used for the assessment of ranking of the nineteen Public Sector Universities and Degree Awarding Institutes of North-West province of Pakistan. Survey based approach was adopted to collect the required information. It was reported that majority of university libraries under study are partially automated. Based on the above-mentioned parameters, the central library of The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar was ranked top followed by central/main library of University of Malakand, Chakdara, Dir, Malakand and central/main library of University of Peshawar, Peshawar. Provision of appropriate budget for the implementation of smart technologies, induction of technological adept human ware and awareness of higher-ups of the universities about the benefits of modern library technologies is recommended for the effective and smart library culture in the territory. The manifestation of these steps will help in the enhancement of quality education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan.

Digital library research has demonstrated the impact of content presentation on both search and reading behaviours. In this paper, we scrutinise the influence of ebook presentation on user behaviour, focussing on document thumbnails and... more

Digital library research has demonstrated the impact of content presentation on both search and reading behaviours. In this paper, we scrutinise the influence of ebook presentation on user behaviour, focussing on document thumbnails and the first page view. We demonstrate that flaws in presentation increase the volume of short time-span reading, and reduce the likelihood of long-span reading when compared to other documents. This reflects other patterns of information seeking behaviour that demonstrate increased short- ...

This work describes the design of a prototype developed through the Design Thinking (DT) process to find new perspectives in the interaction of the information professional with the user of the academic and research library. The bases of... more

This work describes the design of a prototype developed through the Design Thinking (DT) process to find new perspectives in the interaction of the information professional with the user of the academic and research library. The bases of the traditional services as reference or consultation are potentiated to the XXI century.
The objective is to present DT as a working method to identify and develop improvements or new information services focused on the user. The achievement of the first version of a prototype for the performance of the professional that supports the user of the 21st century in an academic and research environment in the area of engineering sciences and technology is a result that motivates us to continue working with the DT, after the need for something new for a community that is above the
development of the habit of reading or even MakerSpaces and that rather seems to need an environment different from the one in the laboratory or cubicle, in which it spends many hours consuming and generating scientific literature, preparing progress reports or presentations at conferences with their peers.
The Design Thinking process has characteristics like the scientific work method: creativity. It allows to explore with different techniques all the areas, resources, and elements of the library to improve, change, replace, complement or whatever is required, in favor of the needs of the community.
It is difficult to find academic and research papers that address the weak points or opportunities in the interaction between the information professional and the user of academic and research libraries.
Most study spaces, new technologies, storage, improvement of services, although almost always with the professional "behind the scenes" and not you-to-you with the user. The information professional in an academic and research environment requires an academic and research profile, as well. In the open science scenario, an information professional open to constant and continuous change is required.

This study aims to focus light on practices of Human Resources Management at the Public Academic Libraries located in Jordan, and their role of determining the effectiveness of the Personnel performance and the quality of services... more

This study aims to focus light on practices of Human Resources Management at the Public Academic Libraries located in Jordan, and their role of determining the effectiveness of the Personnel performance and the quality of services presented to users in these libraries in peculiar Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Library that the current study has taken to be the module; it demonstrates the concept of Human Resources Management and the environment it is influenced by and tries to show up the role of the functions of human resources management (such as job planning, recruiting, motivating, and training of personnel) and how they may impact the effectiveness of personnel performance. The current study concluded a number of results that all the tested variables negatively correlated, could improve the performance of the Academic Libraries administration, and found out there is a strong relationship between practicing personnel administration functions effectively and improving their performance leading to a higher level of productivity and creativity.

Through 2015 and into 2016, Canadian academic libraries' collections budgets were severely strained due to the steady decline of the CAD/USD exchange rate. As most subscription fees for electronic resources (e-resources) are billed in US... more

Through 2015 and into 2016, Canadian academic libraries' collections budgets were severely strained due to the steady decline of the CAD/USD exchange rate. As most subscription fees for electronic resources (e-resources) are billed in US dollars, the falling value of the Canadian dollar significantly reduced libraries' purchasing power. This study is based on a survey of the English-speaking member institutions of the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN), a Canadian collections consortium, carried out to determine the impact of the poor exchange rate on collection development and how libraries are coping with new budgetary pressures. Librarians from 33 universities provided survey responses. Of these, 22 participated in telephone interviews to further discuss concerns and ideas regarding the current crisis. The study finds that all participant libraries have taken actions to address the budgetary shortfall, including cancelling serial and database subscriptions, negotiating lower costs with vendors, purchasing fewer monographs, and soliciting additional funding from their institutions. While the financial strain resulting from exchange rate fluctuations is indeed a significant problem for which solutions should be sought, several respondents stressed that it only exacerbates the ongoing inflation of e-resource subscriptions. This deeper and enduring issue, which is expected to outlast the present exchange rate crisis, is enabled by an inherently flawed scholarly publishing system. Thus, librarians engaged in discussions with their wider academic communities concerning collections budgets should not focus exclusively on the exchange rate but should leverage the opportunity to explore alternatives to the current scholarly communication model. If solutions exist, they will likely only be achieved through the support of faculty and university administrators, as well as cooperation among post-secondary institutions and library consortia.

Internet ci consente – in teoria – di ottenere tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno per soddisfare rapidamente i nostri bisogni informativi. Tuttavia il web pone sempre più un problema di controllo della qualità e, poiché il falso si nasconde... more

Internet ci consente – in teoria – di ottenere tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno per soddisfare rapidamente i nostri bisogni informativi. Tuttavia il web pone sempre più un problema di controllo della qualità e, poiché il falso si nasconde dietro i meccanismi di produzione, di trasmissione e di ricezione dell’informazione, è indispensabile comprenderli bene per utilizzare le fonti in modo critico, corretto e creativo.

SFX is an XML based product designed to inter-link electronic resources with other resources in context-sensitive manner. SFX was first developed at the University of Ghent by Herbert Von de Sompel and has been released as a commercial... more

SFX is an XML based product designed to inter-link electronic resources with other resources in context-sensitive manner. SFX was first developed at the University of Ghent by Herbert Von de Sompel and has been released as a commercial product by Ex Libris. Use statistics garnered from SFX's statistics module since the implementation July of 2001 are discussed in the context of an academic research library environment. The results from usability testing conducted at Washington State University are reported. These usage statistics demonstrated a pattern of increasing use and exceptional use from FirstSearch databases.

The purpose of this paper is to identify best practices in order to improve the quality of services in Portuguese academic libraries. This article describes an ongoing project to assess the performance of library services, resulting from... more

The purpose of this paper is to identify best practices in order to improve the quality of services in Portuguese academic libraries. This article describes an ongoing project to assess the performance of library services, resulting from a partnership of six Portuguese higher education libraries. The study has three main steps:(1) selection of criteria to be evaluated and selection of their corresponding performance indicators;(2) data collection and analysis;(3) identification of best practices. The selection of the criteria to be ...

This study examined impact of Working capital management on the financial performance of selected consumer goods firms listed on the Nigerian stock exchange. Specifically the study sought to determine impact of current assets ratio, quick... more

This study examined impact of Working capital management on the financial performance of selected consumer goods firms listed on the Nigerian stock exchange. Specifically the study sought to determine impact of current assets ratio, quick ratio, cash conversion cycle and inventory turnover ratio management on earning per share of the selected consumer goods firms listed on the Nigerian stock exchange. The study employed ex post facto research design and used 12 selected consumer goods firms. The impact of independent variable proxies as current ratio, quick ratio, cash conversion cycle and inventory turnover ratio on dependent variable proxy as earnings per share. Pooled data were collected from published annual report of the selected firms from 2013= 2018 and analyzed using OLS. Findings of the study revealed that Current ratio CR has insignificantly impact on the earnings per share EPS of selected of the selected firm with R- squared of 75.79%, Adjusted R-squared of 74.34% and P- Value of 0.4943 > 0.05). Quick ratio QR has significant impact on earnings per share of the selected firms with R- squared of 75.34%, Adjusted R-squared of 74.34% and P-value of 0.001<.05. Cash conversion cycle CCC has insignificant impact on the earnings per share of the selected firms with R- squared of 75.79%, Adjusted R-squared of 74.43% and P- value of 0.4688 > 0.05). Inventory turnover ratio has significant impact on the earnings per share of the selected firms with R- squared of 75.79% , Adjusted R-squared of 74.43% and P-value of 0.0002< 0.05). The recommend that for the purpose of maximizing earnings per share managements should pay attention to quick ratio and inventory turnover ratio as they influenced financial performance.

Organizações vêm adotando sistemas de gestão da qualidade para melhorar seu desempenho interno e garantir a qualidade nos produtos e serviços que oferecem. Esta busca pela excelência também vem sendo verificada entre as bibliotecas. Este... more

Organizações vêm adotando sistemas de gestão da qualidade para melhorar seu desempenho interno e garantir a qualidade nos produtos e serviços que oferecem. Esta busca pela
excelência também vem sendo verificada entre as bibliotecas. Este trabalho apresenta um diagnóstico das bibliotecas universitárias públicas brasileiras a fim de identificar as principais
dificuldades encontradas na aplicação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade. A partir do diagnóstico, é apresentando um modelo de aplicação do TQM neste ambiente.

Il saggio ripercorre la storia della ‘Terza missione’ da prospettiva etica a compito istituzionale, definendo la rilevanza in essa del rapporto informazione-ricerca-società, e della comunicazione e del Public Engagement come strumenti per... more

Il saggio ripercorre la storia della ‘Terza missione’ da prospettiva etica a compito istituzionale, definendo la rilevanza in essa del rapporto informazione-ricerca-società, e della comunicazione e del Public Engagement come strumenti per metterlo in atto. La seconda parte analizza i documenti normativi e le procedure ministeriali, presentandone l’evoluzione strutturale, e riservando un approfondimento specifico alle biblioteche accademiche quali luoghi laboratoriali privilegiati di congiunzione tra ricerca e società.
The paper traces the history of ‘Third Mission”, from an ethical perspective to an institutional task, defining the relevance in it of the information-research-society relationship, and the role of communication and of Public Enga-gement, both as tools to implement this relationship. The second part analy-ses the normative documents and the ministerial procedures, presenting the structural evolution, and reserving a specific in-depth analysis to the academic libraries as special laboratory places for a conjunction between research and society.

In the early 2000s, the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) has proposed a vision of free and unrestricted online availability of scholarly literature and gave it a succinct name "Open Access". To mark the tenth anniversary of the... more

In the early 2000s, the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) has proposed a vision of free and unrestricted online availability of scholarly literature and gave it a succinct name "Open Access". To mark the tenth anniversary of the initial declaration, the BOAI has reaffirmed its intentions and added a spatio‐temporal dimension to it – to achieve Open Access as the default method for distributing new peer‐reviewed research in every field and country within the next ten years. In the light of this and related endeavours such as "OA2020", the talk will address the imaginaries of the future of scholarly publishing, the broader context of the transformations in the science system as well as the roles that academic libraries are expected to play.

Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) has been commonly adopted by academic libraries in the United States for acquiring e-books in recent years. Implementation of the e-book DDA model varies by library. This paper introduces and demonstrates a... more

Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) has been commonly adopted by academic libraries in the United States for acquiring e-books in recent years. Implementation of the e-book DDA model varies by library. This paper introduces and demonstrates a scenario analysis approach for libraries to evaluate, identify, and select a DDA plan that works best for them based on their DDA program data. This approach helps address some key questions facing libraries with a DDA e-book program: How may a DDA program be evaluated under different scenarios? Does a short-term loan (STL) option make sense? And, is the current DDA implementation a good fit for the library? The implications and related issues are discussed.

This research was funded by Institute of Research and Development, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. The purposes of this exploratory research were 1) to identify students' level of the acceptance toward the use of the... more

This research was funded by Institute of Research and Development, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. The purposes of this exploratory research were 1) to identify students' level of the acceptance toward the use of the library mobile application, 2) to examine factors influencing the students' level of the acceptance toward the use of the library mobile application, 3) to investigate the students' satisfaction toward the use of the library mobile application, and 4) to suggest some guidelines for future development of the library mobile application at Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT). The 400 students of Faculty of Liberal Arts, RMUTT, who used the library service, were selected by convenience sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire (IOC = 0.977, α = 0.970). The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, f-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regress...

Online social networks are powerful web 2.0 applications those having high reach and collaborative content creation potentials. New generation libraries are experimenting with them to reach out their users where they are and to... more

Online social networks are powerful web 2.0 applications those having high reach and collaborative content creation potentials. New generation libraries are experimenting with them to reach out their users where they are and to increase own visibility under the realm of Library 2.0. “Ning” is one such social networking platform where one can create his/her social network. Many organizations and groups use Nings as their members's live and interactive online meeting places. The Ning combines components of a website, a blog, a discussion forum, an event calendar, email, chat and social networking all in one easy to set up domain. The network creators of the Nings are given with some but essential authorities (vary in free and paid versions) to control the content and data flow. They can manage the members, change the appearance, decide which blog post, discussion, image, multimedia to be published, etc. Libraries can harness the power of nings as the means to publicize, promote, interact, evaluate, share, collaborate, giving personal space and grow with the expanding online user bases. The paper tries to find out the pertinency of online social networks as effective library tools, taking a ning “Library Junction” as an example.

This paper reports on an investigation into the online visibility of work undertaken in South Africa in the field of poverty alleviation. An experiment with Google searches was undertaken, motivated by concerns about the visibility of... more

This paper reports on an investigation into the online visibility of work undertaken in South Africa in the field of poverty alleviation. An experiment with
Google searches was undertaken, motivated by concerns about the visibility of South African research and development work, particularly in a context where social
inequality is extreme and poverty such a critical issue. Aware that much attention – through research and the practice of development work – is being paid to
poverty alleviation1
, the authors set out to examine whether that work could be found easily, and what the nature of the search results would be. Significant sums
of public money are invested in research, which should result in the production and dissemination of locally generated knowledge as a public good grounded in
local realities. A great deal of national and international funding is also spent. Thus, research published online should inform and reflect on national and regional
development practice, while contributing perspectives from the South to the global corpus of poverty research. Research to understand poverty and inform the design
and targeting of poverty alleviation programmes needs to be freely available and actively shared in order for it to accumulate value. In this regard it is argued that
there are exponentially beneficial linkages between research, scholarly publication and social development, which originate with local knowledge production and
are amplified by the availability and discoverability of that research. Availability and discoverability add breadth and depth to the potential use, value and impact
of the knowledge produced

Introduzione Nonostante in Italia il tema non sia ancora pienamente emerso, nel dibattito biblio-teconomico internazionale si parla da tempo di internet of things (IoT), l'internet delle cose, di blockchain e intelligenza artificiale, e... more

Introduzione Nonostante in Italia il tema non sia ancora pienamente emerso, nel dibattito biblio-teconomico internazionale si parla da tempo di internet of things (IoT), l'internet delle cose, di blockchain e intelligenza artificiale, e del loro potenziale uso nelle biblioteche. Questo non significa che nel nostro paese non ci siano già realizzazioni di IoT anche nelle biblioteche ma più semplicemente è un segnale di come il livello di diffusione, di conoscenza e di maturità delle realizzazioni non sia ancora sufficientemente este-so e le enormi potenzialità non ancora recepite dalla comunità bibliotecaria. Non succede solo in Italia e non c'è affatto da stupirsi se consideriamo che siamo nel bel mezzo della rivoluzione digitale e ancora non l'abbiamo metabolizzata con i suoi tempi di evoluzione rapidissimi. La rivoluzione digitale è una rivoluzione alta-mente impattante poiché presenta le caratteristiche di una rivoluzione tecnologi-ca, al pari della rivoluzione industriale, che introdusse un'importante nuova tec-nologia come la macchina a vapore, ma anche le caratteristiche di una rivoluzione culturale e, in questo senso, è assimilabile all'invenzione della stampa a caratteri mobili con le sue molteplici implicazioni sociali e culturali, prima fra tutte la diffu-sione del libro e della conoscenza, poiché rendendo possibile l'immissione sul mercato di un gran numero di copie iden-tiche di uno stesso testo in qualsiasi momento prestabilito, Gutenberg previ-de la possibilità di aumentare sempre di più il numero di copie riducendo con-temporaneamente il tempo necessario a produrle 1 e riducendo anche il costo in modo da rendere il libro un oggetto più accessibile. La democratizzazione del sapere introdotta da Gutenberg con la sua invenzione ha molte similitudini con la democratizzazione avviata con internet qualche secolo dopo da Tim Berners-Lee, grazie alla quale il numero di copie identiche di uno stesso testo che si possono immettere sul mercato è divenuto potenzialmente infinito e il tempo neces-temi e analisi Blockchain, intelligenza artificiale e internet delle cose in biblioteca di Rossana Morriello ROSSANA MORRIELLO, Politecnico di Torino, Servizio programmazione, sviluppo e qualità, e-mail Ultima consultazione siti web: 5 settembre 2019.

We all play games. Whether it’s the mainstream digital formats offered by video and handheld consoles; board games such as chess or monopoly; the challenges of the crossword puzzle; or the more abstract games that form our lives, such as... more

We all play games. Whether it’s the mainstream digital formats offered by video and handheld consoles; board games such as chess or monopoly; the challenges of the crossword puzzle; or the more abstract games that form our lives, such as beating the traffic light before it turns red, finding the best bargain in a store, trying to ‘win’ the argument for keeping libraries open against those who wish to close them, or climbing the career ladder by fair means or foul.

Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük... more

Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük etmektedir. "Öğrenme Psikolojisi" adlı bu kitap, alandaki en temel ve güncel araştırma bulgularını da kapsayarak eğitim, edebiyat ve tıp fakülteleri gibi değişik alanların birçok programında lisans ve lisansüstü düzeyde kullanılabilecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır.
Okuyucu merkezli olarak hazırlanan bu kitap, tüm yaşlardaki öğrenicilerin bilgi ve becerileri nasıl edindiklerini ve öğrenme sürecinde etkili olabilen inanç, motivasyon, tutum ve tavır gibi faktörleri kapsamaktadır.
Öğrenme konusunda bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen okuyucunun, temel bir psikoloji bilgisine sahip olması ön koşulu yoktur. Kitapta öğrenme kuramlarının tarihsel temellerinden başlayarak güncel öğrenme yaklaşımlarına rahatlıkla geçiş yapılabilir. Alandaki bir profesör, öğrenme ile ilgili en son araştırma bulgularına bu kitapta ulaşabilirken; üniversite eğitimine yeni başlamış bir öğrenci de öğrenme ile ilgili en temel konulara rahatlıkla erişebilir.

Az előadás angol nyelvű szakirodalmi források alapján készült elméleti és módszertani összefoglaló, hogyan kommunikáljunk sikeresen nehéz olvasóinkkal. A stresszkezelés egyszerű, könyvtárban használható módszereire is kitér.... more

Az előadás angol nyelvű szakirodalmi források alapján készült elméleti és módszertani összefoglaló, hogyan kommunikáljunk sikeresen nehéz olvasóinkkal. A stresszkezelés egyszerű, könyvtárban használható módszereire is kitér. Pszichológusok folyamatosan nehéz páciensekkel dolgoznak, érdemes lehet tehát néhány elméleti megfontolást és szakmai fogást átemelni a könyvtáros-olvasó kommunikáció gyakorlatába.

Using a 30-item multiple choice type test, this investigation dwelt on the ability of college students to recognize terms and concepts used by librarians. A total of 447 respondents representing the fields of education, nutrition, food... more

Using a 30-item multiple choice type test, this investigation dwelt on the ability of college students to recognize terms and concepts used by librarians. A total of 447 respondents representing the fields of education, nutrition, food technology, tourism and hotel and restaurant management took part in this investigation. Data were gathered through robotfotos and an inventory of commonly used library

At May 27th 2013 the second new library build-ing (Hörsaal und Medienzentrum) of the Technical University of Darmstadt was opened after a two years construction period only. Nearly exact half a year after theo pening of the new central... more

At May 27th 2013 the second new library build-ing (Hörsaal und Medienzentrum) of the Technical University of Darmstadt was opened after a two years construction period only. Nearly exact half a year after theo pening of the new central library in the inner part of the city the comprehensive reconstruction of the universities library system came to an end. After a planning and construction period of in total 10 years central units were established at both campuses of the university, which offer multidisciplinary functions and the relationship with the city in different ways.

Academic libraries are increasingly becoming affected by rapid changes in information technology, competition from the private information sector and fear of losing the monopoly position. Academic libraries' dilemma is evident, based on... more

Academic libraries are increasingly becoming affected by rapid changes in information technology, competition from the private information sector and fear of losing the monopoly position. Academic libraries' dilemma is evident, based on the declining support from parent institutions and declining use trends. In the face of stiff competition, their reaction has to be quick to preserve their place. Academic librarians cannot efficiently prepare for the future or position themselves until they create a balance between exploitation and exploration. To remain relevant, librarians must re-strategize by building ambidexterity into the library through competitive intelligence (CI). The article explores a structural approach to applying CI to build ambidexterity in academic libraries. The article also identifies the effects of competitive intelligence in a library. The article concludes that it is pragmatic for academic libraries to adopt competitive intelligence to bring about ambidexterity to guarantee academic libraries' survival and competitive advantage.