Adult Educators Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The purpose of this paper is to explore the ways in which VET teachers can be supported to successfully integrate game-based learning into vocational education and training. After the presentation of the findings from a systematic... more

The purpose of this paper is to explore the ways in which VET teachers can be supported to successfully integrate game-based learning into vocational education and training. After the presentation of the findings from a systematic analysis of research literature, a unique learning architecture for VET educators is introduced as a conceptual basis for the implementation of the GATE:VET project, representing a practical use case to systematically develop VET teachers' skills and competencies.

The number of the students who are studying at the universities has markedly increases while million students have been taking online courses.The interaction of the data has rapidly improved due to the Internet ecosystems:therefore,big... more

The number of the students who are studying at the universities has markedly increases while million students have been taking online courses.The interaction of the data has rapidly improved due to the Internet ecosystems:therefore,big data mining and management play important and crucial role in the sustainable growth, success, and quality assurance of the universities.By measuring the students’ achievement, knowing the credits and courses taken by the students, assessing the professors’ success and qualifications,and analyzing the attendance lists, the ability to empower and improve the quality of the higher education has significantly become possible and strategic.By knowing the expenses,by studying the investments on research, education, and administration, the strategic planning and the effective and efficient allocation of the financial power can be much better than ever before.The confluence of higher education institutions, mainly those in the best ranking lists, and big data management represents an extraordinary change and transformation in the innovative ecosystem in which students, academics, admins, and entire university network would benefit because of the systematic and strategic revolution.The impacts of big data mining and management on higher education institutions’ sustainable funding, financing, planning, success, research and development,and innovation were critically studied. By studying the perceptions and the experiences of the managers (23), the experienced academics (32) who were responsible about the data mining and management at two state and two private universities, why the higher education institution need critically, crucially, and strategically the big data mining and management is answered.The phenomenological analysis was preferred in this study, in which twenty-eight research questions were answered through the semi-structured interactive interviews.The collected data of this study, which were analyzed in data analysis software-program NVivo 10, showed clearly that a few number of the participants (28%), who were active in planning, funding, investing, and performing according to the big data mining results, had significantly much better results in using their financial investments. However,those (78%), who could not be so successful in using big data mining and management, lose their vision and long-term strategy in making good investments.As the participants (45%) had declared that the best big data management reports had opened new dimension for the administration in developing better classes in which better professors were chosen at the right time and at the right places where the students’ achievements and happiness had markedly improved. In conclusion, the effective and efficient structure had been analyzed in order to improve the efficiency of the students, as well as the faculty and the administrations.According to the participants (76%), since the big data mining and management had clearly and crucially showed the drawbacks and benefits, the higher education administration had significantly found more opportunities to make right investments and improvements. In this way, they could invest in the right research and development projects, which accelerate both their sustainable growth, success, and reputation.However, those, who could not control and give feedbacks by means of big data mining and management, did not have good results and consequences as the other higher institutions had done.

Digital media play an increasingly important role in all areas of society. As a result, media literacy is one of the key qualifications for our information society. It enables social participation and opens up opportunities for... more

Digital media play an increasingly important role in all areas of society. As a result, media literacy is one of the key qualifications for our information society. It enables social participation and opens up opportunities for professional development. Media literacy is not a static construct though – due to technological progress it must be continually developed. For this reason, adult education has a central function in promoting media literacy. At the same time, for education too new opportunities for promoting learning are constantly opening up via digital media. The media education competencies of adult educators are therefore of central significance for assessing and utilising the opportunities and risks of current developments. In light of this, this article discusses the current situation with regards to standards and pathways of professionalization of adult educators in terms of media pedagogic competences in Europe.

Από το We teach to save the world στο We teach to change the world Περίληψη Σκοπός μου είναι να διερευνήσω τον ρόλο του εκπαιδευτή ενηλίκων στο πλαίσιο της ανθρωπιστικής και της κριτικής/ριζοσπαστικής παράδοσης της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων.... more

Από το We teach to save the world στο We teach to change the world Περίληψη Σκοπός μου είναι να διερευνήσω τον ρόλο του εκπαιδευτή ενηλίκων στο πλαίσιο της ανθρωπιστικής και της κριτικής/ριζοσπαστικής παράδοσης της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων. Θεωρώ ότι ο εκπαιδευτής ενηλίκων στο πλαίσιο της ανθρωπιστικής παράδοσης λειτουργεί ως 'καλός άνθρωπος', προσπαθώντας να υποδυθεί μια σειρά ρόλων, οι οποίοι κωδικοποιούν κυρίαρχα δίκτυα εξουσίας. Αντίθετα, στο πλαίσιο της κριτικής/ριζοσπαστικής παράδοσης ο εκπαιδευτής ενηλίκων λειτουργεί απελευθερωτικά, αναπτύσσοντας στους εκπαιδευόμενους το αίσθημα της εμπιστοσύνης στον εαυτό τους και στις δυνατότητές τους, ώστε να δράσουν με σκοπό την κοινωνική αλλαγή. Σε αυτή τη γραμμή, υποστηρίζω ότι ο ρόλος του εκπαιδευτή ενηλίκων είναι ρόλος σκηνοθέτη, ειδικότερα της παράδοσης εκείνης των σκηνοθετών, οι οποίοι αμφισβητούν τον ρόλο του καλλιτέχνη-δημιουργού, προβάλλοντας την έννοια της συλλογικότητας και της ανάληψης ευθύνης κοινής δράσης. Abstract My aim is to explore the role of adult educators in the humanities and critical / radical tradition of adult education. I think that the adult educator, in the framework of humanitarian tradition, functions as a 'good person', trying to simulate a range of roles, which encode dominant networks of power. On the contrary, in the framework of the critical / radical tradition, the adult educator functions in a liberating way, developing learners' sense of confidence in themselves and in their abilities so as to take action towards social change. At that point, I believe that the role of adult educator is that of a director following the tradition of directors who question the role of the artist-creator, highlighting the sense of collegiality and accountability for common action.

The purpose of this study was to examine, how the experience of learning in a blended learning environment affects student engagement and satisfaction. The study considered the learning experience of students who had articulated from a... more

The purpose of this study was to examine, how the experience of learning in a blended learning environment affects student engagement and satisfaction. The study considered the learning experience of students who had articulated from a traditional face to face Higher National Diploma, onto a degree delivered at a distance. Student feedback over recent years had been of some concern and there had been an overall reduction in satisfaction rates between the HND and the degree. Correspondingly, the number of students continuing onto an Honours year had been relatively low.
The study analysed quantitative and qualitative data in the form of a Likert scale questionnaire and staff and student focus groups. These tools provided data about the learning and teaching approaches associated with the degree and whether they were significant in determining the levels of student satisfaction. The study also investigated which approaches had been supportive of the student in their transition between the HND and the degree.
An important finding associated with this study, underlined the critical nature the tutor plays in ensuring student satisfaction and engagement. In addition, the study has highlighted the requirement for tutors to re-engage with the principles of educational theory and gives focus to designing appropriate experiences that reflect the learning objectives, promote engagement and two-way communication. Moreover, the study reveals a significant level of student dissatisfaction with video conferencing.
The results of this study propose a number of practical approaches that may lead to an improvement in the learning experience for students and encourage personal development for staff.

Pedagog we współczesnym świecie to zbiór tekstów ukazujących pedagoga z różnych perspektyw. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest między innymi próba odpowiedzi na pytania: kim jest pedagog we współczesnym świecie? Jak postrzegany jest przez... more

Pedagog we współczesnym świecie to zbiór tekstów ukazujących pedagoga z różnych perspektyw. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest między innymi próba odpowiedzi na pytania: kim jest pedagog we współczesnym świecie? Jak postrzegany jest przez społeczeństwo? Jaka jest rola pedagoga w XXI wieku? Jaka jest misja pedagoga i przed jakimi wyzwaniami cywilizacyjnymi stoi współczesny pedagog? Odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania nie są jednoznaczne, ale mamy nadzieję, że wypowiedzi Autorów wzbudzą w Czytelniku ciekawość i staną się podstawą wielu rozważań na temat pedagogiki i współczesnego pedagoga.

"This edited volume contains a selection of papers presented in the 2nd ESREA|ReNAdET meeting that was jointly organised with the VET & CULTURE Network in the University of Tallinn, Estonia (9-11 November 2011). The theme of the volume is... more

"This edited volume contains a selection of papers presented in the 2nd ESREA|ReNAdET meeting that was jointly organised with the VET & CULTURE Network in the University of Tallinn, Estonia (9-11 November 2011). The theme of the volume is the future (or the futures) of adult educators and the papers that contain look upon issues of developing adult educators' identities and professional status, issues of networking and/or unionizing and collaborating among different "types" of adult educators and related staff in adult education in general, and issues of power and authority in the adult-educator interaction.
A selected number of papers focus on the following themes:
- Perceptions of adult educators: by adults-students, policy makers and in public.
- Theoretical, political and practical discourses on adult educators: the future of adult education as an academic field.
- Context and environment of adult education and different 'types' of adult educators.
- Ownership of the adult educators? profession and professional borders: is there a professional future for adult educators?
- Learning, becoming, being and growing as professional adult educator, including issues of ageing and gender."
Available on ERIC Database (ERIC# ED535098)

This capstone action research study focused on nine electronic medical records (EMR) trainers and subject matter experts with no training in instructional design and e-learning tools as e-learning training developers. The research... more

This capstone action research study focused on nine electronic medical records (EMR) trainers and subject matter experts with no training in instructional design and e-learning tools as e-learning training developers. The research question addressed in this study is: "How did the interventional instructional unit impact participants’ attitudes about the ability to use the ADDIE model and incorporate e-learning into electronic medical records system training sessions?" The study involved an eight hour block of instruction on the ADDIE instructional model and e-learning tools. The instruments used for data collection were identical pre- and post-surveys. Data were analyzed and findings made utilizing quantitative analysis. The study concluded that training in instructional design principles and e-learning tools can improve EMR trainer and subject matter expert knowledge and confidence for developing effective training.

From the Liberation to the begining of the 1980's, jail libraries are managed by the penitentiary administration and are organised according to penal reasoning. Handled by penitentiary staff, social workers, educators or... more

From the Liberation to the begining of the 1980's, jail libraries are managed by the penitentiary administration and are organised according to penal reasoning. Handled by penitentiary staff, social workers, educators or convict-librarians, they receive very few help from public libraries. In spite of that – and particularly thanks to the penitentiary administration's central service for libraries –, they rationalise their organisation and get more and more similar to other libraries' fonctionning.

The first Culture/Justice protocol was co-signed on the 25 th of July 1986 by Jack Lang and Robert Badinter. Following the first international symposium about culture in prison (May-June 1985), this text formalised the interdepartmental... more

The first Culture/Justice protocol was co-signed on the 25 th of July 1986 by Jack Lang and Robert Badinter.
Following the first international symposium about culture in prison (May-June 1985), this text formalised the
interdepartmental cultural policy in prison which had been in place since the beginning of the 1980's.
However, cultural activities have existed in French penal institutions since the Liberation. From choirs to
theatre groups including concerts, these were often categorised as educational, socio-cultural, recreational and
cultural activities. Initially organised by social assistants, they were then mostly led by prison educators. The
latter had been created as part of the Amor reform in 1946. Only a few penal institutions were affected by
these activites which were supposed to educate, observe and reform the prisoners. In the 1970's, because of
the prison crisis, a new reform was implemented which turned the cultural activities into a means of
rehabilitation and reintegration. In the early 1980's, this approach was transformed because of the intervention
of Minister Lang. New initiatives appeared ; for example, audio-visual technology. From then on, these were led
by artists, associations, and institutions from the world of creativity. The perspective of these new operators
was then to guarantee the right to culture for the detained individuals. Prison educators then had to convert
into coordinators. Consequently, activities depended on the local cultural fabric. Therefore, the penitentiary
administration had to reorganise in order to take on board these new operations
activities ; film club ;
reading club ; choir ; music ; drama ; télévision ; radio ; fine arts, audiovisual ; newspaper ; ;

Leggere è sovente considerato un piacere da coltivare, una conquista, punto d'arrivo di un'educazione ricevuta, attitudine della mente a ricercare nutrimento tra le pagine da sfogliare. Il piacere, però, spesso appare subordinato al... more

Leggere è sovente considerato un piacere da coltivare, una conquista, punto d'arrivo di un'educazione ricevuta, attitudine della mente a ricercare nutrimento tra le pagine da sfogliare. Il piacere, però, spesso appare subordinato al dovere a cui viene associata anche la lettura fin dall'età scolare. Si dovrebbe obiettare, perciò, che "il verbo leggere non sopporta l'imperativo, avversione che condivide con il verbo 'amare', il verbo 'sognare'" (Pennac, 2000, p. 11). Se non si può obbligare ad amare o a sognare, lo stesso vale per il diritto ad una lettura che sia libera e volontaria: specie in luoghi dove tale forma d'evasione non è a portata di mano liberamente. Il carcere è tra questi.

Based on a number of relevant research, studies and reports on adult learning professionals in Europe this chapter attempts a modeling approach in constructing a working framework for adult educators that relies on the identification of... more

Based on a number of relevant research, studies and reports on adult learning professionals in Europe this chapter attempts a modeling approach in constructing a working framework for adult educators that relies on the identification of comparable competences needed by adult educators to become professionals based on a capacity building perspective.

This paper presents part of the findings of an empirical research which was designed with mixed methodology. The findings concern the School Counselors' theories of action and theories-in-use upon the motivation, the obstacles and the... more

This paper presents part of the findings of an empirical research which was designed with mixed methodology. The findings concern the School Counselors' theories of action and theories-in-use upon the motivation, the obstacles and the individual differences in the learning of teachers, in the context of continuing education/training as it is conducted in the framework of their institutional role. The research outcome shows that Counselors' espoused theories draw mostly from radical and progressive educational philosophy of adult education, while their theories-in-use are controversial and eclectic, mainly grounded to a humanistic and progressive framework. Their theories-in-use emphasize to meet teachers' needs and instigate their learning providing positive motives and blunt the obstacles that result from their individual differences and the imposed institutional frame of teachers' training.

This project focuses on adult learning professions in the field of Non- Vocational Adult Learning (NVAL). By NVAL is meant adult learning –formal and non-formal– not directly linked to the labour market. This definition also encompasses... more

This project focuses on adult learning professions in the field of Non- Vocational Adult Learning (NVAL). By NVAL is meant adult learning –formal and non-formal– not directly linked to the labour market. This definition also encompasses initiatives that are indirectly related to (or supportive of) vocational development (such as basic skills, languages, ICT and personal competences that contribute to employability).
- Formal NVAL is generally provided in or through the systems of schools, colleges, universities and other formal education institutions, and is attended by adults who often left uninterrupted initial education without mainstream school or other qualifications and who now wish to gain these qualifications in later life. Formal NVAL, particularly at upper secondary levels, is generally publicly funded as a form of continuing or further education or, to use a deficit model, “second chance”, “palliative”, “recovery” or “compensatory” education and training.
- Non-formal NVAL is provided in education and training institutions, but more often takes place outside and alongside mainstream systems of education and training. It can be seen as a social movement and social educational activity without a direct link to the labour market, generally not requiring specific qualifications to enter and engaged in by the learner for personal, social, civic and cultural purposes.
The study aimed to make an inventory of the categories of practitioners at work in this sector of NVAL. Furthermore, it seeks to reveal the factors that promote or affect the quality of the work provided by these practitioners. Within their national contexts, within the context of providing institutions or agencies, the focus is on the actual practitioners doing the work in the field of adult education and learning in Europe. The study covered the 27 EU Member States, the EFTA countries which are member of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein), and the two candidate countries (Turkey and Croatia).

This study examined the role of local government in community development in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. A total of 420 people participated in the study. The study sample of 420 persons comprised 220 community... more

This study examined the role of local government in community development in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. A total of 420 people participated in the study. The study sample of 420 persons comprised 220 community development officers selected from the study area and 200 adult educators randomly selected from Enugu State. The entire population of the study was used due to the size. A 21-item structured questionnaire developed by the researchers was used as the instrument for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. The study revealed that the budget allocation sent by the government to the responsible departments in the local government is not always received as and when due for the effective implementation of community development projects. It was concluded that a higher monitoring authority should be set aside to monitor and supervise the existence of checks and balances between the regulations of the local government areas.

A visit to the St. Sophia of Istanbul is like a visit to the nearly 2000 year old history of the city itself. The church is one the finest & most famous examples of Byzantine architecture in the world. It is located in the heart of old... more

A visit to the St. Sophia of Istanbul is like a visit to the nearly 2000 year old history of the city itself. The church is one the finest & most famous examples of Byzantine architecture in the world. It is located in the heart of old Istanbul, next to the also famous Blue Mosque, in the Sultan Ahmet Square of Istanbul. The above photograph above shows the actual view of the Hagia Sophia Church Museum (Aya Sofya Muzesi) as it appears in Istanbul today. Four minarets have been added to Hagia Sophia, after the Ottomans captured Constantinople at 1453 and converted the building from a church into the mosque. Today, Saint Sophia is neither a Church nor a Mosque, but a museum that is open to the public. The Hagia Sophia was built as a Constantinian Church by the emperor Justinian I, between A.D. 532 and 537 and at the time, it was estimated to be the largest covered space in the world. Its architects were Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles. It was built in only five years. On May 558, the dome of the church collapsed due to a December 557 earthquake, and though a new dome was quickly rebuilt afterwards.Hagia Sophia is a Greek phrase that means 'Holy Wisdom'. This ancient basilica was also called Saint Sophia. The Turks call it 'Aya Sofya Muzesi' (Hagia Sophia Museum) or in short, Ayasofya. After its construction ended, Hagia Sophia served as a Church for the following nine centuries, until Constantinople was invaded and taken over by the Ottomans on the 29th of May, 1453. After this date, the Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque.
Then in 1935, during the first years of the Republic of Turkey, the Mosque was secularized and made into a museum under the direction of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic. It became a national museum, as it remains today.

This collection of essays focuses on the important, but under-discussed, role of higher education institutions in both delivering academic programmes that provide relevant cognitive and professional skills and competences to future adult... more

This collection of essays focuses on the important, but under-discussed, role of higher education institutions in both delivering academic programmes that provide relevant cognitive and professional skills and competences to future adult educators, and in being more actively involved in the current dialogue with regard to the professionalization paths of adult educators and trainers. The topics discussed here vary from the initial education and training of adult educators in higher education environments, to the role of universities as validating agencies of existing psycho-pedagogical competences for in-service adult educators. Particular attention is also drawn to the ways in which adult education policies and initial education and training opportunities for prospective adult educators affect the role of higher education institutions in terms of academic orientation and programme delivery.

This collection of essays focuses on the important, but under-discussed, role of higher education institutions in both delivering academic programmes that provide relevant cognitive and professional skills and competences to future adult... more

This collection of essays focuses on the important, but under-discussed, role of higher education institutions in both delivering academic programmes that provide relevant cognitive and professional skills and competences to future adult educators, and in being more actively involved in the current dialogue with regard to the professionalization paths of adult educators and trainers. The topics discussed here vary from the initial education and training of adult educators in higher education environments, to the role of universities as validating agencies of existing psycho-pedagogical competences for in-service adult educators. Particular attention is also drawn to the ways in which adult education policies and initial education and training opportunities for prospective adult educators affect the role of higher education institutions in terms of academic orientation and programme delivery.

Education is a powerful weapon to change the world. It is a continuous complex, dynamic and lifelong process. Now days Educational Technology occupies a prominent place in the teaching learning processes. The purpose of Educational... more

Education is a powerful weapon to change the world. It is a continuous complex, dynamic and lifelong process. Now days Educational Technology occupies a prominent place in the teaching learning processes. The purpose of Educational Technology is to improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning processes. It will help the teachers to teach well and learners to learn well. E-Education is one of the most sought after modes of delivery of educational institutions in any time any where mode; there is a close relationship between the quality of education and the quality of teachers. The quality of education depends upon the knowledge and attitude of teachers, In this context, every teacher educator should be aware of Educational Technology. Hence the investigators had conducted a study ‘A Study on Attitude towards E-Education among Teachers educators. For the present study the investigators randomly selected Fifty Teacher Educators in Mahabubnagar district. After framing necessary objectives and hypotheses appropriate analysis was carried out on the collected data. From the analysis it was found that there is significant difference in the Mean scores of attitude towards e-Education among the Teacher Educators with respect to their gender, residence, and streams.

The research presented in this paper is an attempt to unveil and throw light into the identity of adult educators in the context of the Open University (OU), as this perceived by the adult educators themselves and their adult students. It... more

The research presented in this paper is an attempt to unveil and throw light into the identity of adult educators in the context of the Open University (OU), as this perceived by the adult educators themselves and their adult students. It is part of a three years research project exploring adult distance teaching and learning processes through the experiences and perceptions of the participants in two Open University contexts: the Open University of Cyprus (OUC) and the Hellenic Open University (HOU).

Quality' is often emphasized to have effective education. But, there are differences of opinion in identifying the benchmark or traits of 'Quality Teacher' and 'Quality Education. This paper not goes into the debate but attempts to... more

Quality' is often emphasized to have effective education. But, there are differences of opinion in identifying the benchmark or traits of 'Quality Teacher' and 'Quality Education. This paper not goes into the debate but attempts to identify the challenges for the present educational system. The paper addresses two of the several elements of the educational system i.e., 'Quality Teacher' and Policymakers of 'Quality education. Here, they are said to have 'quality if they have an attitude of striving towards it. Challenges relevant to the educational system are derived out of the Sociological introspection of the present society. My experience as 'Learner' and 'Educator' so far in the educational system, source from the internet and newspaper, focused group discussion with colleagues and students (learners) of my classes also helps me to do so. Thus, challenges are identified for the present educational system. By referring to the challenges, it is able to open up the ideas to address these challenges. 'Quality' used as a prefix to the words 'Teacher' and policymakers of 'Education' is more meaningful and relevant if they are able to understand and address these challenges.

Nowadays, audiovisual media technologies and audiovisual content (audiovisual media communications) play an important role in our physical/psychological health, education, and lifelong learning, causing the redefinition of the teaching... more

Nowadays, audiovisual media technologies and audiovisual content (audiovisual media communications) play an important role in our physical/psychological health, education, and lifelong learning, causing the redefinition of the teaching methodology. As presented in the literature, the use of audiovisual media communications presuppose a new way of approaching effective teaching, which requires the educators on all educational levels and disciplines to display with competence many advanced skills and abilities. The aim of this research is to provide data that will contribute to the effective teaching utilizing audiovisual media communications in adult education. This research is a secondary research from two researches, which are qualitative and based on a quantitative method of analyzing. The primary data were collected through experiment method from adults (18 years and older), in Cyprus and Greece. The results confirm the current debate of using audiovisual media technologies within the educational process in technology-enhanced learning in education, both from the literature, and from the findings and results of various researches. This research is part of a larger, ongoing research that explores the multidisciplinary field that incorporates media, audiovisual content, and education (MACE), information and communications technologies (ICTs) in adult education (in Greece and Cyprus).

Bu araştırma, sürdürebilir okul kültürü ve ekosistemi için, okul yöneticilerinin ve öğretmenlerinin farkındalık ve üst bilişlerini artırmak üzere yapılmış Empati Projesi ile ilgili görüşleri almak için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma 2015... more

Bu araştırma, sürdürebilir okul kültürü ve ekosistemi için, okul yöneticilerinin ve öğretmenlerinin farkındalık ve üst bilişlerini artırmak üzere yapılmış Empati Projesi ile ilgili görüşleri almak için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma 2015 yılında İstanbul’da yer alan üç lisenin 6 yöneticisi ve 38 öğretmeninin gönüllü katılımı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılar üç hafta boyunca 24 saatlik farkındalık ve üst biliş odaklı empati eğitimi aldıktan sonra Empati Projesinin kendilerine fayda sağlaması amacıyla 5 soruya cevap vermişlerdir. Nitel araştırma prensipleri çerçevesinde katılımcılardan veriler, açık uçlu anketler toplanmıştır. Daha sonra veriler NVivo kullanılarak ayrıştırılmış ve en fazla kullanılan temalar ve ikincil alt temalar çıkartılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerin görüşlerine göre farkındalık ve üst biliş odaklı empati eğitiminin verimli ve etkili olabilmesi için öğrenci ve öğretmen işbirliğinin artırılmasının önemi ortaya konmuştur. Bu paralelde bu konu ile ilgili uygulamaların artırılmasının sağlanmasıdır. Farkındalık arttıkça okul içinde yer alan kişilerin olumlu anlamda değiştiğini göstermektedir. Kazanımlar ile ilgili olarak katılımcıların kişisel gelişimleri, deneyim ve beceri edinme imkanlarının arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca yaşamlarının tamamını kapsayacak şekilde çatışma çözme becerileri, problem çözme becerileri, iletişim ve en önemlisi de farkındalık ve üst biliş odaklı empati becerilerini geliştirmeleridir. Asıl önemli olan bir diğer konu ise önyargılarla baş etme becerilerini artırırlarken yaratıcı düşünme becerilerini de geliştirmeleridir. Bu sayede başarı ve mutluluk getiren alışkanlıklar sağlamaktadır. Bu tür bir durumda sürdürebilir gelişim gösteren bir okul kültürü ve ekosisteminin oluşturulabileceğini mümkün kılmaktadır.

The sketch familiarizes the readers with the conceptual-organizational and popularization work of rev. Antoni Ludwiczak to develop civic education and after- and non-formal educational work in local environments, done by him for four... more

The sketch familiarizes the readers with the conceptual-organizational and popularization work of rev. Antoni Ludwiczak to develop civic education and after- and non-formal educational work in local environments, done by him for four decades of the first half of the 20th century, and his extraordinary – although a bit forgotten today – role in shaping independent Polish adult education in the first years after regaining independence in 1918.
The article pays special attention to that educator connected with the Catholic Church and Folk Reading Rooms Society in terms of propagating in the Polish territory the Scandinavian idea and concept of work of boarding folk high schools, and to the successful attempt of its adaptation and implementation in Wielkopolska (Polish) rural communities (Dalki n. Gniezno, 1921).
The final part of the papers shows the impact of educational experiments of rev. A. Ludwiczak in the Folk High School in Dalki on popularization and development of the entire Polish folk high schools movement in the twenty year period between the two World Wars, and on formation of civic and patriotic attitudes of Polish residents of rural areas.

The views expressed are not necessarily those of DFI Research team External researcher CarolineKerfoot Research convenor Jonathan Geidt (CACE) CACE staff Lucy Alexander Nomvuyo Dayile Zelda Groener Natheem Hendriks Shirley Walters... more

The views expressed are not necessarily those of DFI Research team External researcher CarolineKerfoot Research convenor Jonathan Geidt (CACE) CACE staff Lucy Alexander Nomvuyo Dayile Zelda Groener Natheem Hendriks Shirley Walters Assistant researchers and ...

This paper presents the findings of an empirical research concerning the effect of transformational leadership of the educators in the Second Chance School (SCS) in Ioannina on the perspective transformation of the 'dysfunctional'... more

This paper presents the findings of an empirical research concerning the effect of transformational leadership of the educators in the Second Chance School (SCS) in Ioannina on the perspective transformation of the 'dysfunctional' assumptions of the graduates. Second Chance Schools as an institution in Greece, (Law 2525/97) came to realize stated goals of lifelong learning (White Bible, 1995), which were basic principles of educational policy developed within the context of institutions and agencies of the European Union's strategy of further education and training, as well as the strategy to combat social exclusion through education (at least initially) and socio-cultural development. They are alternative public schools where their philosophy, structure and function are dictated by the needs, interests, capabilities and motivations of adult learners who are over eighteen years old, and they haven't completed compulsory education. The Schools aim for a comprehensive approach to their needs (Κόκκος, 1999). The SCS seek through leveraging diversity and the experiences of the trainees to encourage them to new learning experiences in order to lead them to the strengthening of critical reflection and self-reflection and to the "holistic reconsideration of the way they perceive, think, feel and act" (Kokkos, 2007, p.11), i.e. transformative learning. Adult learners attending the SCS carry a wide stock of experiences, which are a crucial factor in their learning, especially when many of those experiences are the product of an uncritical acceptance of the influences of socio-cultural environment that restrict how they think, act and feel and inhibit new ways of learning, perception and behavior. Therefore, the primary role of each adult educator is the personal empowerment and emancipation of the learners, and the enhancement of the framework of their problematic interpretations and beliefs. Instructors, undertake a leader role, which facilitates and strengthens the learning in order to contribute to the transformation of dysfunctional beliefs and assumptions, while transferring the power to the trainee group/class to help adult learners realize their potential to make, critically thinking, more informed choices (Mezirow, 2007, p.68). In recent years, there exists a significant amount of research on transformative learning in adults. Mezirow & ass. (2007) in their study illustrates the most advanced research paradigms that were conducted internationally as well as their contribution to the progress of the theory and practice of the transformative learning in diverse educational contexts. Additionally, in a recent study Taylor (2007) presents published research papers, and 45 unpublished research papers, mostly, doctoral dissertations, from the period of 1982 to 1998, while the study is complemented by subsequent investigations by Wilhelmson (2002), all of which are investigating the relationship of transformative learning and the lifestyle of adults and/or changes in their careers. These research papers cover a wide range of empirical data and focus on critical thinking, while they investigate the role of context in adult learning and other ways to learn, up to how transformative learning can be supported in an educational environment (D'Amato & Krasny, 2011; Kreber, 2006; Franz, 2005). There is also an increasing level of research concerning transformative learning of adults in Greece, mostly master

Perhaps no one else has had a greater influence in coordinating HIV education efforts on a global scale than Peter K. Piot. Born in 1949 in Leuven, Belgium, Piot grew up in Keerbergen, a small farm town about 24 km from Brussels, where he... more

Perhaps no one else has had a greater influence in coordinating HIV education efforts on a global scale than Peter K. Piot. Born in 1949 in Leuven, Belgium, Piot grew up in Keerbergen, a small farm town about 24 km from Brussels, where he received an excellent educational foundation in science, as is common in the Belgian education system. He left home at age 18 to pursue a medical degree at Ghent University. Piot’s family background was quite unique, since at home he was exposed to people from many cultures and countries. He is fluent in English, French and Dutch. Soon after he received his doctorate in Medicine from Ghent University in 1974, Piot accepted a position at the Institute for Tropical Medicine in Antwerp. He continued his studies in microbiology and during this period a simple event changed his career path forever. His team was asked to examine liver and blood samples from a nun who had recently died from what was diagnosed as yellow fever in what was then Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo). After examining the tissue, Piot and his colleagues realized that this was not yellow fever at all but an undocumented virus that causes a hemorrhagic fever (Pattyn et al. 1977). Piot was 27 years old when he co-discovered the Ebola virus with his colleagues at the Institute for Tropical Medicine in 1976. After their findings were confirmed by experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Piot was asked by the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to join an international team to study the deadly outbreak; he immediately traveled to the epidemic area near the Ebola River in northern Zaire, as part of an international research team that included members of the US National Institutes of Health and CDC. The team concluded that contact with body fluids was the main mode of transmission of the Ebola virus, not sex, which accounted for a minority of cases; this pointed Piot’s research in a new direction from then on. In Africa, Piot worked first on hemorrhagic fever and dangerous epidemics, and then on women’s health issues. He is known to fight for what he believes to be right and has always been engaged in political activism. For example, as a student at Ghent University, Piot started a community health centre with some of his friends to assist immigrants from North Africa and Turkey.

This research was undertaken as the reconnaissance phase of an ongoing action research project with adult literacy facilitators (ALFs) working for a municipal adult literacy programme in Guatemala. UNESCO estimates the literacy rate in... more

Quantitative research: A transforming profession: The professional identity of adult educators in Flemish Folkhighschools, an explorative research (2005) International literature research on the topic Inventory qualitative research (semi... more

Quantitative research: A transforming profession: The professional identity of adult
educators in Flemish Folkhighschools, an explorative research (2005)
International literature research on the topic
Inventory qualitative research (semi structured interviews, analysed with QSR NUD.IST)
Development of measurement instrument
Fully covered anonymous quantitative questionnaire
Data-analysis with SPSS and writing a report

The Z are the first digital native people gaining access to university. It is a generation that registers high rates of social media consumption, but their digital competence is not as outstanding as one might expect due to the training'... more

The Z are the first digital native people gaining access to university. It is a generation that registers high rates of social media consumption, but their digital competence is not as outstanding as one might expect due to the training' deficiency they have acquired in previous educational levels caused, among other reasons, by the primary and secondary teachers' low digital competence. The current research aims to identify the demand for using social networks and messaging apps 2.0 in university teaching. A quantitative methodology was employed in order to know the technological prospects of the university Z in the Euroregion Galicia-North of Portugal, in the context of an Erasmus mobility. The results confirm the necessity to continue using social media, but only those within the students' technological comfort zone; thus, it is necessary to combine transmedia storytelling with the insertion of technological proposals in environments initially not conceived for learning. It is concluded that the Z are starting to claim the use of state-of-the-art resources such as self-destructive content, which requires an immediate improvement in the university educators' digital competence by means of continuing training programmes, since only the pioneer educators with a C2 level can detect and pay attention to this type of demands.

In the changing environment of the 21st century, universities should develop very innovative ecosystems by doing right investments on human capital, research and development, buildings, laboratories, dorms, and other facilities on the... more

In the changing environment of the 21st century, universities should develop very innovative ecosystems by doing right investments on human capital, research and development, buildings, laboratories, dorms, and other facilities on the campus while decreasing their costs and expenses in order to increase scientific and technological oriented innovations and outputs. For that reason, most of them are looking toward Big Data Management (BDM), which is a very new and dynamic subject to conduct properly and to make right decisions at the universities.Data analytics and data mining have increased and attracted the attention of most of the leaders, managers, administrators, researchers, and even educators who try to make massive data-related investments and decisions. More importantly, since the funding of higher education has become important issues for most of the governments and higher education management, the importance of BDM will increase in higher education much more than ever before. However, not all the universities are so successful in managing their small or medium-sized data.In this research, how universities are investing by improving their data was analyzed in three different universities in Istanbul.More strategically, how data analytics and mining can make changes and transformation higher education institutions by investing right resources under the promise of Big Data Management was critically studied. In this study, the impacts of big data mining and management on higher education institutions’ sustainable funding, financing, planning, success, research and development, and innovation were critically studied. By taking into account the perceptions and the experiences of the experienced experts (6), faculty members (12), managers (4), and technical people (12), who were charged in using data analytics and mining at two state and one private universities, the investment of the universities had analyzed in order to understand critically the effects of the BDM. In the study, the phenomenological analysis was used by asking thirty-one research questions in the semi-structured interviews. While taking into account the observations of the researchers, the collected data of this study were systematically studied in data analysis software-program NVivo 10. The results showed that a few number of the investments had correctly done by using data mining and data analysis. As the participants had mentioned that the data would not have done anything if the higher education management had not taken into account and applied.So, according to the participants (75%), the university management understanding and policies should be changed in order to take in consideration the results of the big data.Even though a great amount of data had produced through the systems of the universities, the analysis, the segmentation, and the selected attention of the data had become dependent on the higher education management.The participants (28%), who were active in planning, funding, and investing, agreed that the investments done according to the results of the big data had better educational, financial, socio-economic, cultural, technological,environmental, and even individual benefits and outcomes. In conclusion, although a little data mining and analysis has properly used in making right investments, the universities are highly convinced on the positive effects of the BDM in their short-term and long-term investments in order to increase their impacts.

, the authors implemented Success for All (SFA)-ALASH, an innovative pedagogical program to facilitate students' advancement in literacy, and School Family Partnership program (SFP) among first and second graders in two neighboring,... more

, the authors implemented Success for All (SFA)-ALASH, an innovative pedagogical program to facilitate students' advancement in literacy, and School Family Partnership program (SFP) among first and second graders in two neighboring, rural, and low-SES Arab villages. The teachers implemented SFA-ALASH, combining bi-weekly workshops for the mothers to enhance their role as facilitators of literacy at home, according to Epstein's six-folded model (1995, 2001, 2006). Mothers' perceptions in creating a home environment which inspires their children to become successful learners in the school were evaluated using: 1. Participant observations of SFP activities 2. Semi-structured interviews with 47 SFP mothers. The teacher's evaluation of each child's academic performance in reading, writing and math as well as the mothers' familiarity and her participation in the programs. Findings indicate that the SFA-ALASH programs elevated the student's achievements. The teachers' evaluations of their students' academic achievements correspond with the mothers' involvement in the SFP and their active academic and social interactions with their children at home. The paper will discuss the cultural and social empowerment and transformations of the rural lower SES Muslim women via school partnership.

Teachers are not being trained correctly. Yes, there are all those methods courses that are so important. But if you can't communicate, or connect, with your students, all the methods in the world will leave you out in the cold. Many... more

Teachers are not being trained correctly. Yes, there are all those methods courses that are so important. But if you can't communicate, or connect, with your students, all the methods in the world will leave you out in the cold. Many beginning and neophyte teachers leave teaching within a few years for a multitude of reasons. In my opinion, they just can't handle and deal with diverse population. The article you're about to read presents ideas on how to make effective/affective educators. In the same light that you want to educate the "whole" child, you need to do the same for teachers.

German translation of "God is not Nice"

Het doel van deze studie was om de percepties te onderzoeken van directeurs van centra voor volwassenenonderwijs met betrekking tot de specifieke didactische aanpak in het volwassenenonderwijs, de verwachte specifieke vaardigheden en... more

Het doel van deze studie was om de percepties te onderzoeken van directeurs van centra voor volwassenenonderwijs met betrekking tot de specifieke didactische aanpak in het volwassenenonderwijs, de verwachte specifieke vaardigheden en kerncompetenties van leerkrachten in het volwassenenonderwijs en de mate waarin startende leerkrachten voldoende voorbereid zijn om sterk te kunnen starten in het volwassenenonderwijs. De resultaten van deze studie kunnen directies helpen bij het vastleggen van acties die er voor kunnen zorgen dat startende leerkrachten sterk kunnen starten in het volwassenenonderwijs. De data werden in twee verschillende fasen verzameld: een exploratieve online survey gevolgd door diepte-interviews met directeurs en adjunct-directeurs. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat naast de typische didactische aanpak in het volwassenenonderwijs, directeurs vooral e-expertise, kennisdelen, samenwerken en klasmanagement als de meeste belangrijke kerncompetenties van een leerkracht in het volwassenenonderwijs beschouwen. Een opvallende bevinding is dat alhoewel directies de specifieke didactische aanpak in het volwassenenonderwijs als heel erg belangrijk en tegelijk ook als één van de grootste tekortkomingen bij startende leerkrachten beschouwen, het onderzoek geen duidelijke omschrijving van deze specifieke didactische aanpak heeft opgeleverd. De resultaten van dit onderzoek wijzen uit dat directies naast deze specifieke didactische aanpak, de ontwikkeling van e-expertise als één van de belangrijkste uitdagingen in het volwassenenonderwijs zien, waarbij niet alleen het technische maar ook het didactische component en de evaluatie meer structureel zou moeten aangepakt worden. Naast bijkomende opleiding, suggereren we directies om klein te starten met een e-coach die leerkrachten in een gezamenlijk leerproces begeleid. De resultaten van dit onderzoek tonen vier verschillende profielen van startende leerkrachten in het volwassenenonderwijs; de expert, de leerkracht, de toerist en twenty-something, waarbij elk profiel tijdens de opstartfase specifieke noden heeft. Directeurs worstelen het meest met de ondersteuning van startende leerkrachten met het profiel van de toerist, zeker wanneer deze leerkracht ook een expert is. We stellen daarom een meer gedifferentieerde aanpak van aanvangsbegeleiding voor, meer aangepast aan elk van de vier profielen én waarbij de specifieke didactische aanpak van het volwassenenonderwijs het centrale en verbindende gegeven vormt. Daarom zouden mentoren eerder expert moeten zijn in de specifieke didactische aanpak van het volwassenenonderwijs dan expert in het vakgebied. Om ook leerkrachten met het toerist-profiel de kans te geven om zich professioneel te ontwikkelen stellen we een online tutor-training voor. Tenslotte, met de tendens naar het meer beroepsgerichte (vocationalism) zouden directies meer aandacht moeten schenken aan de startende leerkrachten met het expert-profiel.

The subject assessment of knowledge of educators Children's House Nursery and Municipal School of Basic Education painter Leonardo da Vinci - Manaus-AM on dental avulsion aims to verify if teachers have adequate knowledge about... more

The subject assessment of knowledge of educators Children's House Nursery and Municipal School of
Basic Education painter Leonardo da Vinci - Manaus-AM on dental avulsion aims to verify if teachers
have adequate knowledge about dentoalveolar trauma, as well as the most appropriate conduct before one
tooth avulsion frame. The dental trauma is one of the most important oral health problems in childhood,
may cause distress and pain as well as physical, psychological distress and other implications such as a
tendency to avoid smile, that may affect social relationships. The emergency care for traumatized teeth is
recognized as critical to the success of the final treatment. Therefore, before an avulsed tooth in the school
environment, the participation of teachers in emergencies can help in providing good care to the injured
child, because the quality of the emergency procedures will directly affect the long-term prognosis of
avulsed tooth.
Keywords —Knowledge of educators, Tooth avulsion,Dentoalveolar trauma.

It is important to ensure and extend that education has modern, rational, scientific and democratic attributes at every level. An education programme has been developed in order to support personal, social and academic development of... more

It is important to ensure and extend that education has modern, rational, scientific and democratic attributes at every level. An education programme has been developed in order to support personal, social and academic development of teachers and students in high schools. The programme had been carried out in Ümraniye and Gaziosmanpaşa districts of Istanbul by the Ministry of Education during 2011-2012 education term. The programme consists of series of education, seminar, workshop, culture and art activities for supporting personal, social and academic development of teachers. This study reveals if the programme caused any change on teachers. The aim of the study is to measure the effectiveness of the programme that has been carried on the teachers of two different districts and to assess the social, emotional and intellectual changes in teachers caused by the programme. According to the results of the study, emotional intelligence of teachers increased from 47% to 56% in Ümraniye and from 50% to 54% in Gaziosmanpaşa and leadership skills increased from 53% to 57% in Ümraniye and from 53% to 54% in Gaziosmanpaşa.

What can one education administrator or policy-maker do about homophobia or transphobia directed toward educators in scholastic settings? As editors of this special collection of the Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and... more

What can one education administrator or policy-maker do about homophobia or transphobia directed toward educators in scholastic settings? As editors of this special collection of the Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, we have opened this introductory essay with the words of Margaret Mead in order to underscore an important message contained in all of the essays of this collection: education administrators and policy makers are paramount to creating learning environments that are respectful of sexual and gender diversity for all staff and students. This holds true for a variety of educational settings ranging from publicly-funded Catholic and non-Catholic kindergarten to Grade 12 schools (K–12) to higher learning settings such as colleges, universities, transnational teaching abroad programs, and adult and community education spaces.

This study examined the role of local government in community development in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. A total of 420 people participated in the study. The study sample of 420 persons comprised 220 community... more

This study examined the role of local government in community development in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. A total of 420 people participated in the study. The study sample of 420 persons comprised 220 community development officers selected from the study area and 200 adult educators randomly selected from Enugu State. The entire population of the study was used due to the size. A 21-item structured questionnaire developed by the researchers was used as the instrument for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. The study revealed that the budget allocation sent by the government to the responsible departments in the local government is not always received as and when due for the effective implementation of community development projects. It was concluded that a higher monitoring authority should be set aside to monitor and supervise the existence of checks and balances between the regulations of the local gove...