Archaeology of Architecture Research Papers (original) (raw)

In early 17th-century Virginia, three people constructed houses unlike anything built in the Chesapeake before or since. These earthfast structures, owned by men of the "better sort" and framed at the bottom of cellar holes, have thus far... more

In early 17th-century Virginia, three people constructed houses unlike anything built in the Chesapeake before or since. These earthfast structures, owned by men of the "better sort" and framed at the bottom of cellar holes, have thus far defied explanation because of interpretive constraints inherent in the positivist underpinnings of archaeological analysis. This article challenges these constraints by engaging the rich contexts highlighted in recent work by "storytelling" archaeologists through poststructural semiotics. Rather than search for a single driving factor that explains these houses, it is argued that it is only when one grapples with the complexity of the context that one can understand how these houses were constituted by/constitutive of their context. Historical Archaeology, 2000, 34(4):3245. Permission to reprint required.

The 'Past Sense' Project (PSP) brings together contemporary and historical archaeology, and psychotherapy, to consider the significance of material culture within contexts of domestic and sexual abuse, past and present. PSP will pilot a... more

The 'Past Sense' Project (PSP) brings together contemporary and historical archaeology, and psychotherapy, to consider the significance of material culture within contexts of domestic and sexual abuse, past and present. PSP will pilot a range of approaches to explore how collaborative community encounters with historic landscapes and buildings, artefacts, and other historical sources might enhance the process of identity (re-)construction and trauma management, for survivors of childhood and adulthood violence and abuse.
Methods include experimental auto- and co-archaeologies that integrate personal narratives and reflections within analyses of data obtained from archaeological surface- and building surveys, and auto-archive material. This will involve considering the (re)construction of meanings for material culture in relation to memory and identity, through studies of artefact biographies, and attending to the production and appropriation of transitional objects, through autobiographical studies.
We will also test the incorporation of recording, analysis, and interpretation of archaeological and other historical material (including written evidence, oral histories, photography, and artistic images) from earlier periods (particularly the 19th - mid 20th centuries) within community work – potentially involving creative elements (such as storytelling and artwork). In doing so, we will explore how engagement with material relating to domestic life in the more distant past (where appropriate, integrating historical material relating to domestic and sexual violence) might enable traumatised individuals and groups to confront experiences of violence in the more recent past. By examining diachronically continuous and changing abusive practices, and socio-political responses to abuse, we aim to foster recognition of dominant ideologies, and the practical, detrimental, effects of structural gender inequality. Emphasising acts of resistance to violence in and around the home, we endeavour to highlight personal and collective achievements that might reinforce and augment both a sense of self, and of community, for survivors of abuse.

Alle origini dell'opera cementizia. Economia della costruzione, scelte tecnologiche ed aspetti culturali nei cantieri di Roma e dell'Italia tardorepubblicana, II-I secolo a.C. Marcello Mogetta (University of Missouri-Columbia -Stati... more

Alle origini dell'opera cementizia. Economia della costruzione, scelte tecnologiche ed aspetti culturali nei cantieri di Roma e dell'Italia tardorepubblicana, II-I secolo a.C. Marcello Mogetta (University of Missouri-Columbia -Stati Uniti) 15:40-16:00 Appunti sul cantiere romano di età imperiale (I-III sec. d.C.): laterizi, pietre e trasferimenti tecnologici Stefano Camporeale (Università di Siena) 16:00-16:20 Archeologia del cantiere edilizio nella tarda antichità. Materiali, maestranze e committenti nella documentazione archeologica ed epigrafica (Italia e Mediterraneo orientale) Giulia Marsili (Università di Bologna) 16:20-16:40 Verso una mappatura degli indicatori del cantiere altomedievale: casi emblematici di edilizia religiosa tra V e X secolo in Italia settentrionale Paola Greppi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano) 16:40-17:00 Il cantiere edilizio in Italia centro-settentrionale tra XI e XV secolo: temi ed esempi Andrea Fiorini (Università di Bologna) 17:00-17:20 Archeologia del cantiere bassomedievale in Italia meridionale: problemi, prospettive, casi di studio Roberta Giuliani (Università di Bari) Abstract Introduzione Andrea Fiorini (Università di Bologna)

The archaeological intervention carried out in the building known as «Láriz Tower», located in Durango’s historic quarter, was a preventative measure taken in light of the imminent restoration of the tower. The study encompassed both the... more

The archaeological intervention carried out in the building known as «Láriz Tower», located in Durango’s historic quarter, was a preventative measure taken in light of the imminent restoration of the tower. The study encompassed both the excavation of the ground floor of the building and the archaeological study of its walls. Among the main results obtained, we should highlight the discovery of the foundations of a house dating from the period in which the villa of Durango was founded. This house was later abandoned at the end of the Middle Ages as the result of the construction of the current stone palace. Similarly, the archaeological analysis enabled us to observe the drastic alterations suffered by the building during the modern and contemporary eras, as the result of the different uses to which it was put.

In this article the view is advocated that archaeologists should focus less on a three-dimensional reconstruction of architecture. Instead, we ought to think more about the reasons why buildings are shaped and organized the way they are.... more

In this article the view is advocated that archaeologists should focus less on a three-dimensional reconstruction of architecture. Instead, we ought to think more about the reasons why buildings are shaped and organized the way they are. To achieve this, we should move beyond a mere functionalistic explanation, and incorporate behavioral studies and environment psychology, as suggested by Amos Rapoport. These reflections are taken into consideration in a case study of Greek Bronze Age house. The two-dimensional data of house plans are turned into reconstructions, but not only of the way in which people shaped their house. A reconstruction is also given of how people used their built environment to communicate and construct their identity. The data suggest that during Early Helladic III and the early Middle Helladic (ca. 2200-1800 B.C.) people identified primarily with their household but also with the community at large. Architectural changes towards the later Middle Helladic (ca. 1800-1700 B.C.) suggest that some households started to distance themselves from the collective identity. It seems they started to construct a new identity (possibly based on a larger social group), which led to competition between households.

Se presenta el reconocimiento preliminar de los restos arquitectónicos de un tramo de 4 km del Qhapaq Ñan existente en el cerro Indio Muerto, El Salvador, Región de Atacama. Asimismo, se expone ampliamente el marco teórico que se está... more

Se presenta el reconocimiento preliminar de los restos arquitectónicos de un tramo de 4 km del Qhapaq Ñan existente en el cerro Indio Muerto, El Salvador, Región de Atacama. Asimismo, se expone ampliamente el marco teórico que se está utilizando para estudiar las manifestaciones arquitectónicas del camino, comenzado por las distinciones sintácticas y algunas consideraciones semánticas iniciales. Se procuran distinguir aportes vernáculos y del Inka *** , como las posibles significaciones sociales y culturales durante el domino del Tawantinsuyu en la localidad. Palabras claves: Qhapaq Ñan, arqueoarquitectura, restos arquitectónicos vernáculos y del Inka, El Salvador.

N el 2003 è iniziata una collaborazione, ancora in corso, tra la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio e l'Università degli Studi di Perugia per indagini archeologiche nel santuario di Diana nemorense, sotto la direzione... more

N el 2003 è iniziata una collaborazione, ancora in corso, tra la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio e l'Università degli Studi di Perugia per indagini archeologiche nel santuario di Diana nemorense, sotto la direzione scientifica di Giuseppina Ghini, Filippo Coarelli e Paolo Braconi e il coordinamento della scrivente. L'indagine nei primi anni si è concentrata nel settore delle terrazze superiori. Qui, infatti, i risultati delle prospezioni geomagnetiche, effettuate da Salvatore Piro (Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche), avevano rilevato la presenza di strutture in un'area a monte e a ovest rispetto alla vasta piazza fino ad allora nota, con-fermando la ricostruzione settecentesca di Pietro Rosa di un santuario a terrazze, basata, questa, su evidenze ancora all'epoca abbastanza ben individuabili. Tale visibilità degli alzati antichi ha stimolato, purtroppo, tra Ottocento e Novecento, sterri e scavi più o meno clandestini nel settore, che hanno pregiudicato la conservazione delle strutture e la loro stabilità (per non parlare dello sconvolgimento di buona parte della stratigrafia), dopo che spoliazioni, terremoti e frane le avevano danneggiate già a partire da epoca tardoantica. Infine, anche le coltivazioni agricole moderne hanno, per loro parte, compromesso la situazione delle terrazze superiori; per problemi di conservazione, esse restano ancora oggi non visitabili né accessibili. Nonostante il difficile quadro finora delineato, gli scavi nelle terrazze superiori hanno permesso di iniziare a capire come l'ampiezza del santuario fosse assai mag-

Alessandro Peinetti L'utilisation du torchis ne laisse que peu de traces au niveau archéologique. En même temps, cette technique est largement employée dans nos interprétations, parfois sans justification. Cela rend donc nécessaire une... more

Alessandro Peinetti L'utilisation du torchis ne laisse que peu de traces au niveau archéologique. En même temps, cette technique est largement employée dans nos interprétations, parfois sans justification. Cela rend donc nécessaire une meilleure caractérisation de ces «empreintes» et des dynamiques qui participent à leur effacement, afin d'acquérir une meilleure connaissance des typologies architecturales, de la fréquentation et du soin apporté aux espaces internes et externes des structures d'habitat. Dans le département de la Somme (Picardie, France) et dans les zones voisines, l'architecture rurale est riche d'exemples de fermes et de granges en torchis. Malgré la présence de certains éléments modernes dont il faut tenir compte lors de la création d'analogies avec le passé, il a été possible d'effectuer certaines observations de base, qu'on peut synthétiser dans le schéma suivant.

Great differences exist in the composition and quality between the ancient mortars of the classical antiquity and those of Middle Ages, not only due to the different usage of the mortars, but also because of the progressive lost of... more

Great differences exist in the composition and quality between the ancient mortars of the classical antiquity and those of Middle Ages, not only due to the different usage of the mortars, but also because of the progressive lost of knowledge about mortars' production techniques, from the time when Cato, in the 2nd Century BC, and Vitruvius, in the 1st Century BC, clearly stated how a good mortar should be prepared. These differences have been found also in the ancient mortars of the Medio Volturno River area, analyzed by several different mineralogical, chemical and microscopic (SEM/EDX, XRPD with Rietveld analysis, TGA, FT-IR, thin sections analyses) techniques. We characterized several ancient mortar samples, showing that, during the classical Roman period, the Vitruvius' suggestion of using "pure carbonate rock" was the standard practice, not only for the binder, but also for the aggregate part of mortars, in particular for public buildings, such as bridges and city walls. On the contrary, during the Middle Ages it was common to use other raw materials with lower percentage of carbonate rocks, such as feldspars and other volcanic minerals, typical of the region Campania areas, rich in volcanic sediments, and also some amorphous materials, such as ground bricks, and glassy volcanic stones. It is also frequent to find poor quality medieval mortars, because of the low quality of the raw materials from one side, and because of the often hurried binder preparation process, resulting in more friable mortars and, consequently, in less durable walls.

"La maison est l’expression conjointe de l’ordre social et de la cellule familiale, de l'interaction entre l’homme, ses compétences techniques et son milieu. La diversité des variables fait de l’architecture domestique un outil de choix... more

"La maison est l’expression conjointe de l’ordre social et de la cellule familiale, de l'interaction entre l’homme, ses compétences techniques et son milieu. La diversité des variables fait de l’architecture domestique un outil de choix dans l’approche des sociétés passées.
Cet ouvrage propose une synthèse des connaissances actuelles sur l’architecture domestique de l’Anatolie au IIIe millénaire (Bronze Ancien), période charnière du processus d’urbanisation. La maison est abordée sous tous ses aspects : morphologiques, techniques, fonctionnels et idéologiques. La réalisation d’un catalogue raisonné de plus de trois cents maisons issues de quarante sites a permis de distinguer onze types d’habitat. Une attention particulière a été portée à l’analyse diachronique de ces types et à leur diffusion spatiale.
Au-delà de son intérêt architectural, l’habitat de l’Anatolie au Bronze Ancien s’est révélé être un outil de compréhension remarquable de l’égalité sociale, de la cohabitation de plusieurs modes de subsistance, de la forte régionalisation du territoire anatolien et des contacts interrégionaux. Ainsi, cette étude qui combine des regards croisés sur l’architecture, la société et l’espace a permis d’éclairer le contexte socioculturel de l’époque."

Durante la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983), los detenidosdesaparecidos fueron luego de secuestrados, desplazados a lo largo y ancho del país. La junta militar organizó en todo el territorio nacional una red de circuitos... more

Durante la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983), los detenidosdesaparecidos fueron luego de secuestrados, desplazados a lo largo y ancho del país. La
junta militar organizó en todo el territorio nacional una red de circuitos de Centros
Clandestinos de Detención por donde circulaban los detenidos-desaparecidos. Esta red de
centros, organizado desde el estado y llevado a cabo por los grupos de tareas, tenía el fin de
eliminar físicamente a los opositores políticos. Los Centros Clandestinos de Detención como
parte de plan sistemático de exterminio constituyeron una herramienta indispensable para
cumplir tal fin.
El objetivo general de este artículo consiste en reconstruir la historia de la ex Alcaidía de
Roque Sáenz Peña y avanzar en indagar el rol que cumplió durante la década de 1970 como
dispositivo represivo clandestino a la vez que parte del circuito represivo de la provincia de
Chaco y del Noreste Argentino. Esto se logrará a través del análisis de diferentes fuentes de
información primarias -entrevistas a vecinos y sobrevivientes- y secundarias, y la
integración de estas con el análisis de la espacialidad del sitio. El estudio de la espacialidad y
materialidad de los Centros Clandestinos de Detención Tortura y Exterminio (CCDTyE)
constituyen un aporte importante a la hora de reconstruir este período histórico marcando
por la clandestinidad y las practicas de ocultamiento posteriores.

This work makes part of the Marie Curie CIG EMCHAHE project: Early Medieval Churches: History, Archaeology and Heritage (2013-2017), lead by José Carlos Sánchez-Pardo at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The research area... more

This work makes part of the Marie Curie CIG EMCHAHE project: Early Medieval Churches: History, Archaeology and Heritage (2013-2017), lead by José Carlos Sánchez-Pardo at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The research area of this project is the archaeology and history of the early medieval rural churches and their value for cultural management in Galicia (Northwest Spain). EMCHAHE is a project with several methodological challenges that we must face with limited resources. One of these challenges is the territorial scale, which involves the analysis of a large number of sites scattered through three rural areas of Galicia. This dispersion increases the problems and the cost of the access and the study of each church. Another one is the difficulty of identifying and analysing evidence of early medieval phases in the churches due to the frequent existence of several reforms and reconstructions. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a church documentation method as agile in field as accurate enough, which allows recording the graphic and geometric information necessary for a detailed study (stratigraphic analysis of the walls, identification of architectural elements, etc.) with the lowest cost. The poster will summarize the workflow and results of this quick and low-cost record of scattered churches proposal.

Recent fieldwork in the main excavation area at Göbekli Tepe has focused on the excavation of deep soundingsto reach the natural bedrock in preparation for the construction of a shelter, urgently required for the protection of the exposed... more

Recent fieldwork in the main excavation area at Göbekli Tepe has focused on the excavation of deep soundingsto reach the natural bedrock in preparation for the construction of a shelter, urgently required for the protection of the exposed Neolithic architecture. Eleven deep soundings have been excavated to the bedrock. At several locations, considerable amounts of carbonized botanical material were discovered, so far unique for excavations at Göbekli. A series of more than 150 samples has been produced either on site or by flotation of the relevant soil units. To test the quality of the material for radiocarbon dating, five samples from the area of the large enclosures from Layer III were submitted for AMS-radiocarbon dating. These new data, together with a further age made on collagen from an animal tooth, are presented and discussed in context with previously available absolute chronological evidence.

Just a generation ago, only 200 roundhouses were known to archaeology. Today, it is more like 4,000. Rachel Pope, who has made a special study of them, tells us what has been learned about the design, use and landscape setting of British... more

Just a generation ago, only 200 roundhouses were known to archaeology. Today, it is more like 4,000. Rachel Pope, who has made a special study of them, tells us what has been learned about the design, use and landscape setting of British prehistory's standard 'family home'.

"Göbekli Tepe is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of modern times, pushing back the origins of monumentality beyond the emergence of agriculture. We are pleased to present a summary of work in progress by the... more

"Göbekli Tepe is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of modern times, pushing back the origins of monumentality beyond the emergence of agriculture. We are pleased to present a summary of work in progress by the excavators of this remarkable site and their latest thoughts
about its role and meaning. At the dawn of the Neolithic, hunter-gatherers congregating at Göbekli Tepe created social and ideological cohesion through the carving of decorated pillars, dancing, feasting—and, almost certainly, the drinking of beer made from fermented wild crops."

From his foundation to his desertion the medieval city of Leopoli-Cencelle has always been characterized by the presence of city walls. This preliminary study aims to be the first step into the description and archaeological analysis of... more

From his foundation to his desertion the medieval city of Leopoli-Cencelle has always been characterized
by the presence of city walls. This preliminary study aims to be the first step into the description
and archaeological analysis of the walls, currently the subject of a bigger research project. An analysis of
the wall’s main construction phases is provided along with a preliminary chronological framework and
the description of other noteworthy elements, such as gates, battlements and loopholes.

Locus 2 at 42Ka6164 is a residential site located along a ridge above Jackson Flat Reservoir in Kane County, Utah, with components that date to prior to the introduction of ceramics in Late Basketmaker III (ca. A.D. 600) to Pueblo I (A.D.... more

Locus 2 at 42Ka6164 is a residential site located along a ridge above Jackson Flat Reservoir in Kane County, Utah, with components that date to prior to the introduction of ceramics in Late Basketmaker III (ca. A.D. 600) to Pueblo I (A.D. 800 – 1000). Numerous structures and other features were identified during 2012 excavations, including seven total pithouses in four locations, four slab-lined storage pits, three other pit structures, and numerous hearths and other small features. This paper presents the preliminary results of data recovery, focusing on architecture and remodeling through time. Two locations showed evidence for multiple floors. One location with three superimposed pithouses showed evidence for major remodeling.

The Langford Tradition of northern Illinois is an important, yet understudied, Upper Mississippian manifestation. Detailed reports of excavated examples of Langford wooden architecture are exceedingly rare in comparison to other... more

The Langford Tradition of northern Illinois is an important, yet understudied, Upper Mississippian manifestation. Detailed reports of excavated examples of Langford wooden architecture are exceedingly rare in comparison to other Mississippian groups, hindering attempts to analyze many related aspects of Langford lifeways. In this paper, we provide a detailed report of a wall-trench structure (Feature 9) from the Langford Tradition village of Noble-Wieting in central Illinois. This structure provides an unparalleled view into Langford Tradition domestic architecture, albeit from a multi-ethnic, frontier settlement
about 100 km south of other known Langford villages. Here we present an overview of this wall-trench structure using a multi-instrument geophysical survey, excavations, AMS radiocarbon dates, and preliminary artifact analysis. Based on these findings, Feature 9
provides insight into unique aspects of Langford Tradition architecture at this fourteenth century, multi-ethnic, frontier village.

– Le but de cet article est double : tout d'abord présenter et analyser deux bains omeyyades en Jordanie, consolidés et restaurés sous la direction de l'auteur, qui illustrent des approches différentes dans leur plan et leur conception,... more

– Le but de cet article est double : tout d'abord présenter et analyser deux bains omeyyades en Jordanie, consolidés et restaurés sous la direction de l'auteur, qui illustrent des approches différentes dans leur plan et leur conception, selon leurs contextes urbains et suburbains respectifs ; ensuite, analyser leur valeur sociale, déduite de leur utilisation présumée, en fonction de leur environnement naturel et des contextes socio-culturels ainsi que de certains aspects techniques, et la façon dont ils ont été mis en service et utilisés. Abstract – The aim of this paper is two-folded: Firstly to present and review two relevant case-studies of Umayyad bath-houses from Jordan consolidated and restored under the direction of the author, which illustrate different approaches in design and conception according to their respective urban and suburban contexts; Secondly, to analyze their social and political value, elicited from the supposed use given to them, according to their natural environs and socio-cultural contexts, as well as some relevant technical aspects of the way they were put into service and used.

Summary of archaeological and ethnographic research conducted by Herbert Dick and others at Picuris Pueblo, New Mexico, from 1961-1999

This book brings together a collection of chapters reflecting the scholarship of Tom Beaumont James, Emeritus Professor at the University of Winchester, in advancing the study of medieval and early modern artefacts, buildings, gardens,... more

This book brings together a collection of chapters reflecting the scholarship of Tom Beaumont James, Emeritus Professor at the University of Winchester, in advancing the study of medieval and early modern artefacts, buildings, gardens, and towns. The seventeen essays represent substantive contributions on specific topics and many of the authors started out as Tom’s students. Some focus on buildings, others on people, some on documentary evidence and some on material culture. The chapters range chronologically from early medieval Southampton through sixteenth-century Winchester to an analysis of that city’s nineteenth-century censuses. Although the work coheres around central Southern England there are also papers on Edward I’s Tower of London, the medieval and early modern gardens of two Oxford colleges, and the English occupation of Normandy in the fifteenth century.

West African societies underwent dramatic social and political changes during the era of the Atlantic slave hade While many polities in the region coll"psed"", , result ofsustained European contact from the seventeenth through nineteenth... more

West African societies underwent dramatic social and political changes during the era of the Atlantic slave hade While many polities in the region coll"psed"", , result ofsustained European contact from the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, some expanded their spheres of influence over hunrì¡eds ofthousands ofsublecb. It has long been argued that this transfo¡mation was the oroducl ofqrowing irìleraction with European haders and lhe new economic ånd milita.f oppottunities resultìng from their presence (

Trabajos planimétricos y reconstrucciones virtuales del urbanismo existente y de las hipótesis planteadas.

na Młocinach -wyniki badań archeologicznych z 2010 r.

I cinque volumi del Corpus basilicarum Christianarum Romae sono stati pubblicati tra il  e il , ma nella prefazione al secondo volume, firmata nel , Richard Krautheimer racconta che in realtà la pubblicazione del primo volume... more

I cinque volumi del Corpus basilicarum Christianarum Romae sono stati pubblicati tra il  e il , ma nella prefazione al secondo volume, firmata nel , Richard Krautheimer racconta che in realtà la pubblicazione del primo volume "trascinò dal  al " 1 . Questo spiega perché si possono trovare citazioni bibliografiche fino all'inizio degli anni Cinquanta in un volume il cui frontespizio porta come anno di stampa il .

Redazione: Maurizio Caperna (coordinatore), Flavia Colonna, Andreina Palombi GraJca e impaginazione: Roberto steve Gobesso Per la corrispondenza: Dipartimento di Storia dell'hchitettura e Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici, piazza... more

Redazione: Maurizio Caperna (coordinatore), Flavia Colonna, Andreina Palombi GraJca e impaginazione: Roberto steve Gobesso Per la corrispondenza: Dipartimento di Storia dell'hchitettura e Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici, piazza Borghese, 9 -00186 Romatel. 06 49918825fax 06 6878169 Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Roma n. 131187 del 06/03/1987 I1 presente volume è stampato con il parziale contributo dell'università di Roma "La Sapienza" Informazioni su abbonamenti e distribu,' 710ne: Bonsignori Editore, viale dei Quattro Venti, 47 -Romatel. 06 5882839fax 06 5881496 Finito di stampare nel mese di gennaio 2002

In 2006 the three Major Communities o the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem requested a technical report on the stability of the building, inviting a research team from Florence University. The results of the technical and historical... more

In 2006 the three Major Communities o the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem requested a technical report on the stability of the building, inviting a research team from Florence University. The results of the technical and historical studies, with a complete survey of the monument were summarized in the book edited by Grazia Tucci.

La presa de La Albuera es una obra proyectada por J. García Tripa y edificada en 1577 por mandato de Felipe II al suroeste de Trujillo. En 1571 Trujillo necesitaba abastecer a la población asentada en los alrededores del casco urbano, por... more

La presa de La Albuera es una obra proyectada por J. García Tripa y edificada en 1577 por mandato de Felipe II al suroeste de Trujillo. En 1571 Trujillo necesitaba abastecer a la población asentada en los alrededores del casco urbano, por lo que se decide aprovechar la caída del río Albuera en el paraje de la Dehesa de las Yeguas. Su uso se prolonga hasta que, en 1856 Trujillo pierde tanto la presa como los molinos que abastecía por la Desamortización, pasando a manos privadas. A partir de 1900 se construye el alcantarillado urbano, en cuyas atarjeas se acumula la mayor cantidad de caudal del río Albuera y, por tanto, parte del caudal de la presa, que queda prácticamente inutilizada. La metodología utilizada para este trabajo está basada en la lectura vertical de paramentos, que consiste en el estudio pormenorizado de los materiales y técnicas constructivas. Desde hace diez años viene aplicándose en proyectos de restauración y documentación de elementos patrimoniales protegidos, como la presente presa. Abstract: The Albuera de San Jorge Dam is a hydraulic work designed by J. García Tripa and built in 1577 by order of Felipe II in the Southwestern area of the municipality of Trujillo. In 1571 this city needed to cater to the people who had settled in the vicinity of the town, so it was decided to take advantage of the decline in the water level of the Albuera River at the site called La Dehesa de las Yeguas. Its use is extended until, in 1856, Trujillo lost both the dam and the three mills that supplied it to The Confiscation, passing them into private hands. From 1900 the urban drainage was built, whose drains accumulate the greatest amount of flow from the Albuera River and, so, part of the flow from the dam, which is otherwise virtually unused. The methodology used for this paper is based on interpreting vertical walls, which consists of a detailed study of the materials and construction techniques. For ten years it has been applied to projects of restoration and documentation of Heritage elements, like the present dam.

Colle Rotondo is a Latin nucleated village which lies on an 8-hectare plateau about 45 kilometres south of Rome and 7 km north of the Latin city of Antium. Since 2009 this area has been investigated by the joint research project of the... more

Colle Rotondo is a Latin nucleated village which lies on an 8-hectare plateau about 45 kilometres south of Rome and 7 km north of the Latin city of Antium.
Since 2009 this area has been investigated by the joint research project of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Roma La Sapienza and University of Roma Tre.
The site was settled since the Mid Bronze Age, but for the Final Bronze Age - Early Iron Age there is evidence of a complex defensive system composed of a ditch and an earthwork reinforced by a framework of wood, which delimits an area of about 8 hectares.
Between the end of the 7th and the beginning of the 6th century the settlement had a further inner fortification, which reinforced the military value of the site, but the whole village was abandoned by the end of the 4th century BC when the Romanization of the area, after the Latin war, led to the dismantling of the previous boundary fortress.

New chronological, astronomical, geophysical and archaeological data on the abbey church of San Salvatore at Fucecchio

On the occasion of the renovation taking place at the Shrine of Our Lady of la Cabeza in Benizalón, located on the hill of Montahur, generate an archaeological intervention consisting of a surface survey, whereby medieval remains have... more

On the occasion of the renovation taking place at the Shrine of Our Lady of la Cabeza in Benizalón, located on the hill of Montahur, generate an archaeological intervention consisting of a surface survey, whereby medieval remains have been documented that allows to assert the existence of a castle, a walled grounds and a hillside settlement. Ceramic materials
and analyzed emerging remains conclude that this relatively complex fortress (hisn) could actually set from the XII centurie