Artificial Inteligence Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A discussion is carried out with regard to the satellite that is orbiting the Earth. Guided by a series of historical accounts narrated by some of the ancient civilizations of the Earth with regard to the moon being a 'mysterious object,'... more

A discussion is carried out with regard to the satellite that is orbiting the Earth. Guided by a series of historical accounts narrated by some of the ancient civilizations of the Earth with regard to the moon being a 'mysterious object,' an individual may be confronted with a notion that conjures up many questions. Accordingly, a list of such questions invoked by also the close observations of the moon has been elucidated, which have led to some interesting answers, as follows. Accordingly, these findings and observations suggest that (1) Contrary to the idea of a natural satellite being composed of a solid irons core, in contrast, the moon is a hollow object. (2) It appears that not only the moon is an artificial satellite, it is driven by a propulsion system that is energized by a fusion reactor at its core that acts as a spaceship engine. (3) The moon is not from this part of the Universe, as it is by far older, and composed of different elements, than anything seen in our Solar System. (4) It seems clear that the moon was dragged in space and brought here for a particular purpose(s) that include artificially distorting the magnetic field of the Earth via an AI machinery that manages to change or distort the magnetic to electric quantum spin velocity ratio of the fundamental particles of the Earth, thereby stealing the magnetic energies of the Earth that are directed to a black hole Moloch energetic storage tank, which are used by the negative aliens to feed up themselves as well as supply the much needed energies for the operation of their AI machinery. And this, of course, manifests as distorting the angle of the quantum spin axis (staff) of the Earth about which Earth spins around itself, offsetting it by an aggregate of 23.5 degrees. (5) There are a slew of other nefarious reasons as to why the moon was ever brought here that include mind controlling the population of Earth via various means, while they are artificially manipulated to engage in a series of self-destructive behaviors leading to relinquishing their precious energetic ‘loosh,’ while preventing the process of humanity’s consciousness expansion and evolution, also causing a host of bioenergetic and morphogenetic problems via the introduction of various frequency fences and genetic implants causing gender confusion, and gender splitting that negates the possibility of Scared Marriage and Ascension ever taking place, eventually giving rise to progressive genetic mutations (in addition to alien hybridization) while accumulating black goo in the human DNA-RNA system, as well as the created miasma by the negative alien AI machinery giving rise to myriad of diseases, and causing aging, eventually culminating in physical death. (6) It is further explicated that there are negative aliens, as well as their subservient humans, present on the dark side of the moon, who are engaged in operating sophisticated AI machinery such as the Gravitron, and in this respect, utilize the moon as a military and a technological base. (7) Finally, it is explicated that the sophisticated AI machinery of the moon that has been working in conjunction with the negative aliens infrastructure and technology on Saturn and the Earth have been partially dismantled and soon will be totally inoperative, with it evicting the negative aliens, condemning the lunar forces and dark energies, dark entities, negative and shadow forms to the Solar Fire of Transfiguration afforded or facilitated by the Guardian Founders and their higher dimensional cohorts who are sworn to free up humanity from the bondage of unconsciousness enslavement concocted by the negative aliens, leading to their total eviction from our Universe, thereby conforming to the provisions of the Law of One, restoring humanity’s Right of Sovereignty and Free Will, and once again, bringing our realm back to the Light, joining the rest of the God’s Worlds.